internal static CoordinateSystemBase Create(ICoordinateSystem coordSys)
            CoordinateSystemBase csb = null;

                //This fails because the XY-M projection is not supported
                csb = new ActualCoordinateSystem(coordSys);
            catch { }

            if (csb == null && coordSys != null)
                IUnit unit = coordSys.GetUnits(0);
                var   au   = unit as IAngularUnit;
                var   lu   = unit as ILinearUnit;
                if (au != null)
                    double radians = au.RadiansPerUnit;
                    csb = new DegreeBasedCoordinateSystem();
                else if (lu != null)
                    csb = new MeterBasedCoordinateSystem(lu.MetersPerUnit, lu.MetersPerUnit);

            if (csb == null)
                csb = new MeterBasedCoordinateSystem();

 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the units for the dimension within coordinate system.
 /// Each dimension in the coordinate system has corresponding units.
 /// </summary>
 public override IUnit GetUnits(int dimension)
Пример #3
        internal static CoordinateSystemBase Create(ICoordinateSystem coordSys)
            CoordinateSystemBase csb = null;
                //This fails because the XY-M projection is not supported
                csb = new ActualCoordinateSystem(coordSys);
            catch { }

            if (csb == null && coordSys != null)
                IUnit unit = coordSys.GetUnits(0);
                if (unit is IAngularUnit)
                    double radians = (unit as IAngularUnit).RadiansPerUnit;
                    csb = new DegreeBasedCoordinateSystem();
                else if (unit is ILinearUnit)
                    csb = new MeterBasedCoordinateSystem(((ILinearUnit)unit).MetersPerUnit, ((ILinearUnit)unit).MetersPerUnit);

            if (csb == null)
                csb = new MeterBasedCoordinateSystem();

            return csb;
Пример #4
 public IUnit GetUnits(int dimension)