Пример #1
        void IAuthenticationManager.LogIn(HttpContextBase context, IRegisteredUser user, AuthenticationStatus status)
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("user");

            // Do the HTTP stuff.

            _cookieManager.CreateAuthenticationCookie(context, user);

            // Do the ASP.NET stuff.

            var identity = new RegisteredUserIdentity(user.Id, user.UserType, user.IsActivated)
                FullName   = user.FullName,
                NeedsReset = false,
                User       = user

            // Record it.

            _userSessionsCommand.CreateUserLogin(new UserLogin
                UserId               = user.Id,
                SessionId            = GetSessionId(user.Id, context.Request.UserHostAddress, context.Session),
                IpAddress            = context.Request.UserHostAddress,
                AuthenticationStatus = status
            context.User = new RegisteredUserPrincipal(identity);