Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a HttpRequest with oAuthSession (OAuth Token) and gets the response with invalidating user
        /// from QuickBooks for this app
        /// For Authorization: The request header must include the OAuth parameters defined by OAuth Core 1.0 Revision A.
        /// If the disconnect is successful, then the HTTP status code is 200 and
        /// the XML response includes the <ErrorCode> element with a 0 value.
        /// If an HTTP error is detected, then the HTTP status code is not 200.
        /// If an HTTP error is not detected but the disconnect is unsuccessful,
        /// then the HTTP status code is 200 and the response XML includes the <ErrorCode> element with a non-zero value.
        /// For example,  if the OAuth access token expires or is invalid for some other reason, then the value of <ErrorCode> is 270.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sender of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event args.</param>
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OAuthConsumerContext consumerContext = new OAuthConsumerContext
                ConsumerKey     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"].ToString(),
                SignatureMethod = SignatureMethod.HmacSha1,
                ConsumerSecret  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"].ToString()

            OAuthSession oSession = new OAuthSession(consumerContext, Constants.OauthEndPoints.IdFedOAuthBaseUrl + Constants.OauthEndPoints.UrlRequestToken,
                                                     Constants.OauthEndPoints.IdFedOAuthBaseUrl + Constants.OauthEndPoints.UrlAccessToken);

            oSession.ConsumerContext.UseHeaderForOAuthParameters = true;
            if ((Session["accessToken"] + "").Length > 0)
                oSession.AccessToken = new TokenBase
                    Token       = HttpContext.Current.Session["accessToken"].ToString(),
                    ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"].ToString(),
                    TokenSecret = HttpContext.Current.Session["accessTokenSecret"].ToString()

                IConsumerRequest conReq = oSession.Request();
                conReq = conReq.Get();
                conReq = conReq.ForUrl(Constants.IaEndPoints.DisconnectUrl);
                    conReq = conReq.SignWithToken();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

                //Used just see the what header contains
                string header = conReq.Context.GenerateOAuthParametersForHeader();

                //This method will clean up the OAuth Token
                txtServiceResponse = conReq.ReadBody();

                //Reset All the Session Variables

                // Add the invalid access token into session for the display of the Disconnect btn
                HttpContext.Current.Session["InvalidAccessToken"] = HttpContext.Current.Session["accessToken"];

                // Dont remove the access token since this is required for Reconnect btn in the Blue dot menu
                // HttpContext.Current.Session.Remove("accessToken");

                // Dont Remove flag since we need to display the blue dot menu for Reconnect btn in the Blue dot menu
                // HttpContext.Current.Session.Remove("Flag");
                DisconnectFlg = "User is Disconnected from QuickBooks!";
                //Remove the Oauth access token from the OauthAccessTokenStorage.xml
                OauthAccessTokenStorageHelper.RemoveInvalidOauthAccessToken(Session["FriendlyEmail"].ToString(), Page);
        public static string callPlatform(RestProfile profile, string url)
            OAuthConsumerContext consumerContext = new OAuthConsumerContext
                ConsumerKey     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"].ToString(),
                SignatureMethod = SignatureMethod.HmacSha1,
                ConsumerSecret  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"].ToString()

            OAuthSession oSession = new OAuthSession(consumerContext, Constants.OauthEndPoints.IdFedOAuthBaseUrl + Constants.OauthEndPoints.UrlRequestToken,
                                                     Constants.OauthEndPoints.IdFedOAuthBaseUrl + Constants.OauthEndPoints.UrlAccessToken);

            oSession.ConsumerContext.UseHeaderForOAuthParameters = true;
            if (profile.OAuthAccessToken.Length > 0)
                oSession.AccessToken = new TokenBase
                    Token       = profile.OAuthAccessToken,
                    ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"].ToString(),
                    TokenSecret = profile.OAuthAccessTokenSecret

                IConsumerRequest conReq = oSession.Request();
                conReq = conReq.Get();
                conReq = conReq.ForUrl(url);
                    conReq = conReq.SignWithToken();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
Пример #3
        public bool doDisconnect()
            OAuthSession oas = getOAuthSession();

            oas.ConsumerContext.UseHeaderForOAuthParameters = true;
            oas.AccessToken = getAccessToken();

            IConsumerRequest icr = oas.Request();

            icr = icr.Get();
            icr = icr.ForUrl(QB_DISCONNECT);
            icr = icr.SignWithToken();
            var ret = icr.ToWebResponse();

            if (ret.StatusCode.ToInt() == 200)
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Core Logic for Blue Dot Menu
        /// Error Handling: If the OAuth access token has expired or is invalid for some other reason,
        /// then the HTTP status code is 200, and the HTML returned shows the Connect to QuickBooks button within the Intuit "blue dot" menu.
        /// If an internal error is detected, then the HTTP status code returned is not 2xx, and the HTML returned will display the following text in the menu: "We are sorry, but we cannot load the menu right now."
        /// </summary>
        protected void GetBlueDotMenu()
            Session["serviceEndPoint"] = Constants.IaEndPoints.BlueDotAppMenuUrl;
            OAuthConsumerContext consumerContext = new OAuthConsumerContext
                ConsumerKey     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"].ToString(),
                SignatureMethod = SignatureMethod.HmacSha1,
                ConsumerSecret  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"].ToString()

            OAuthSession oSession = new OAuthSession(consumerContext, Constants.OauthEndPoints.IdFedOAuthBaseUrl + Constants.OauthEndPoints.UrlRequestToken,
                                                     Constants.OauthEndPoints.IdFedOAuthBaseUrl + Constants.OauthEndPoints.UrlAccessToken);

            oSession.ConsumerContext.UseHeaderForOAuthParameters = true;

            oSession.AccessToken = new TokenBase
                Token       = Session["accessToken"].ToString(),
                ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"].ToString(),
                TokenSecret = Session["accessTokenSecret"].ToString()

            IConsumerRequest conReq = oSession.Request();

            conReq = conReq.Get();
            conReq = conReq.ForUrl(Session["serviceEndPoint"].ToString());
                conReq = conReq.SignWithToken();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            string header = conReq.Context.GenerateOAuthParametersForHeader();

                txtServiceResponse = conReq.ReadBody();
            catch (WebException we)
                HttpWebResponse rsp = (HttpWebResponse)we.Response;
                if (rsp != null)
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(rsp.GetResponseStream()))
                            txtServiceResponse = txtServiceResponse + rsp.StatusCode + " | " + reader.ReadToEnd();
                    catch (Exception)
                        txtServiceResponse = txtServiceResponse + "Status code: " + rsp.StatusCode;
                    txtServiceResponse = txtServiceResponse + "Error Communicating with Intuit Anywhere" + we.Message;