public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { const int bufferSize = 1024; Span <byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[bufferSize]; foreach (var path in args.Skip(1)) { if (!File.Exists(path)) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"cat: {path}: No such file or directory"); continue; } if (Directory.Exists(path)) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"cat: {path}: Is a directory"); continue; } using var stream = File.OpenRead(path); for (; ;) { var cbRead = stream.Read(buffer); if (cbRead == 0) { break; } var decodedText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer.Slice(0, cbRead)); consoleHost.Write(decodedText); if (cbRead < bufferSize) { break; } } } }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { var commandName = args[0]; try { var options = CommandLineSwitch.Parse <Options>(ref args); if (args.Skip(1).Any() == false || options.Help) { Usage(consoleHost, commandName); return; } var found = _Fonts.Value.TryGetValue(options.Font.ToLower(), out var getFont); if (!found) { throw new FontNotFoundException(options.Font); } var bannerText = getFont().Render(string.Join(' ', args.Skip(1))); consoleHost.WriteLine(bannerText); } catch (FontNotFoundException e) { consoleHost.WriteLine(Yellow(e.Message)); } catch (InvalidCommandLineSwitchException e) { consoleHost.WriteLine(Yellow(e.Message)); Usage(consoleHost, commandName); } }
private async Task Run(Options options, string userAgent) { var file = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ScriptFile) ? LoadScriptFile(options.ScriptFile) : null; ConsoleHost = CreateSystemConsoleHost(options, file); var verbose = file == null || options.VerboseMode; var baseUrl = GetBaseUrl(options); if (verbose) { ConsoleHost.Write($"Loading from swagger endpoint '{options.SwaggerEndpoint}'..."); } var commandParser = new CommandParser(); var variables = new InMemoryVariables(); var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); using var client = CreateHttpClient(baseUrl, userAgent); var classes = await CreateSwaggerClasses(client, options); if (verbose) { ConsoleHost.WriteLine($" Done ({watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds:N0}ms)."); } ConsoleHost.WriteLine(); var commandProcessor = new CommandProcessor(commandParser, variables, classes, client); if (file != null) { if (verbose) { ConsoleHost.Write("Running script... "); } var consoleHost = options.PrintScriptResponses ? ConsoleHost : new NullConsoleHost(); await new ScriptedShell(consoleHost, commandParser, variables, commandProcessor, file).Run(); if (verbose) { ConsoleHost.WriteLine(" Done."); } ConsoleHost.WriteLine(); } if (!options.RunInteractiveShell) { await new InteractiveShell(ConsoleHost, commandParser, variables, commandProcessor).Run(); } }
private void Usage(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string commandName) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"Usage: {commandName} [-f <font name>] [-h] <message>"); consoleHost.WriteLine(" Available font names:"); foreach (var fontName in _Fonts.Value.Keys.OrderBy(name => name)) { consoleHost.WriteLine($" - {fontName}"); } }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { var pathCollection = args.Skip(1).Where(p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p)); if (!pathCollection.Any()) { pathCollection = pathCollection.Append(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "*.*")); } var multiEntries = pathCollection.Count() > 1; var firstEntry = true; foreach (var path in pathCollection) { var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(path); if (Directory.Exists(fullPath)) { fullPath = Path.Combine(fullPath, "*.*"); } var targetDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath); var wildCard = Path.GetFileName(fullPath); var dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(targetDir, wildCard) .Select(path => (IsDir: true, Name: Path.GetRelativePath(targetDir, path))); var files = Directory.GetFiles(targetDir, wildCard) .Select(path => (IsDir: false, Name: Path.GetRelativePath(targetDir, path))); var entries = dirs.Concat(files) .OrderBy(e => e.Name, StringComparer.Ordinal) .Select(e => e.IsDir ? Blue(e.Name) : e.Name) .ToArray(); if (!firstEntry) { consoleHost.WriteLine(); } if (multiEntries) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"{path}:"); } if (!entries.Any() && !wildCard.Contains('*') && !wildCard.Contains('?')) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"ls: cannot access '{path}': No such file or directory"); } else { consoleHost.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", entries)); } firstEntry = false; } }
public override async Task Run() { while (true) { var line = consoleHost.ReadLine("$ ").Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { continue; } try { if (Exit(line)) { break; } await Handle(line); } catch (ParserException ex) { consoleHost.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }
protected void Render(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string text) { var lines = FiggleFonts.Slant.Render(text).Split('\n').Select(s => s.TrimEnd('\r')).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { consoleHost.WriteLine(_Colors[i].Invoke(lines[i])); } }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { if (args.Skip(1).Any()) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"Usage: {args[0]}"); } else { consoleHost.Clear(); } }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { if (args.Skip(1).Any()) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"Usage: {args[0]}"); } else { var commands = _ServiceProvider.GetServices <ICommand>() .OrderBy(cmd => cmd.Names.First()) .Select(cmd => (Names: string.Join(", ", cmd.Names), cmd.Description)) .ToArray(); var maxWidthCmdNames = commands.Max(maxWidthCmdNames => maxWidthCmdNames.Names.Length); foreach (var command in commands) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan(command.Names.PadRight(maxWidthCmdNames))} {DarkGray("...")} {command.Description}"); } } }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("Framework Description")} - {RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("Process Architecture")} - {RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("OS Architecture")} - {RuntimeInformation.OSArchitecture}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("OS Description")} - {RuntimeInformation.OSDescription}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("OS Platform")} - {Environment.OSVersion.Platform}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("OS Version")} - {Environment.OSVersion.Version}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("OS Version ServicePack")} - {Environment.OSVersion.ServicePack}"); }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { consoleHost.WriteLine("mkdir: missing operand"); return; } foreach (var path in args.Skip(1)) { var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(path); if (Directory.Exists(fullPath)) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"mkdir: cannot create directory ‘{path}’: File exists"); continue; } if (File.Exists(fullPath)) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"mkdir: cannot create directory ‘{path}’: File exists"); continue; } Directory.CreateDirectory(fullPath); } }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { var envVals = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables(); if (args.Length == 1) { foreach (DictionaryEntry envVal in envVals) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"{envVal.Key}={envVal.Value}"); } } else { foreach (var arg in args.Skip(1)) { if (!envVals.Contains(arg)) { continue; } consoleHost.WriteLine(envVals[arg].ToString()); } } }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { return; } var path = args[1]; var fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(path); if (!Directory.Exists(fullPath)) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"cd: {path}: No such file or directory"); return; } Environment.CurrentDirectory = fullPath; }
private byte[] Compile(string code) { try { return(compiler.Compile(code)); } catch (CompilationErrorException ex) { foreach (var d in ex.Diagnostics) { consoleHost.WriteLine(d.ToString()); } throw; } }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { var assembly = this.GetType().Assembly; var version = assembly.GetName().Version; var productName = assembly.GetCustomAttribute <AssemblyProductAttribute>().Product; var copyright = assembly.GetCustomAttribute <AssemblyCopyrightAttribute>().Copyright; consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Yellow(productName)}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("Version")} - {version}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("Copyright")} - {copyright}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("3rd party notice")} - {DarkCyan("[follow this link](")}"); consoleHost.WriteLine(); consoleHost.WriteLine(Cyan("Special Thanks to") + " -"); consoleHost.Write("This project has been started after being inspired by [@AtriaSoft]('s "); consoleHost.WriteLine("[\"CUIPortfolio\"]( project."); }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { if (args.Skip(1).Any()) { consoleHost.WriteLine($"Usage: {args[0]}"); return; } consoleHost.WriteLine(Cyan("Name") + " - J.Sakamoto"); consoleHost.WriteLine(Cyan("Location") + " - Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan"); consoleHost.WriteLine(); consoleHost.WriteLine(Cyan("Biography") + " -"); consoleHost.WriteLine("I'm a programmer since before 30 years over."); consoleHost.WriteLine("My most favorite technical area is building a Web application built on .NET technology."); consoleHost.WriteLine("I have been used C# (with Blazor, ASP.NET Core, EFCore) and TypeScript (with Angular) on Visual Studio and Windows OS for creating my products."); consoleHost.WriteLine("I also publish numerous NuGet packages on the as an open-source."); consoleHost.WriteLine(); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("Twitter")} - {DarkCyan("[@jsakamoto](")}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("GitHub ")} - {DarkCyan("[](")}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("NuGet ")} - {DarkCyan("[](")}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($"{Cyan("Blogs ")} -"); consoleHost.WriteLine($" - - {DarkCyan("[](")} {DarkGray(" (English contents)")}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($" - Qiita - {DarkCyan("[](")} {DarkGray(" (Japanese contents)")}"); consoleHost.WriteLine($" - excite blog - {DarkCyan("[](")} {DarkGray(" (Japanese contents)")}"); }
public void Invoke(IConsoleHost consoleHost, string[] args) { consoleHost.WriteLine(Environment.CurrentDirectory); }
public void HandleError(string message, Exception innerException) { consoleHost.WriteLine(message); }