Пример #1
        public async Task <CompanyDto> UpdateCompany(long id, CompanyDto dto)
            var entity = await _companyManager.Find(id);

            if (entity == null)
            var newEntity = _mapper.Map(dto, entity);

            entity = await _companyManager.Update(newEntity);

            return(_mapper.Map <CompanyDto>(entity));
Пример #2
        public async Task <AgingReportResultDto> GetAgingReport(long companyId, DateTime dateTo, int daysPerPeriod, int numberOfPeriods, bool includeAllCustomers = true)
            var company = await _companyManager.Find(companyId);

            if (company == null)

            var allCustomers = await _customerManager.FindByCompanyId(companyId, dateTo);

            var customers = allCustomers.Where(x => x.Activities.IsActive(dateTo)).ToList();

            var invoices = await _reportManager.GetAgingInvoices(companyId, dateTo, daysPerPeriod, numberOfPeriods);

            //invoices = invoices.Where(x => x.Customer?.Activities.IsActive(dateTo)).ToList(); //check invoices for Inactive customers

            if (includeAllCustomers)
                //Добавить всех недостающих Customers
                var exceptedCustomers = customers.Where(x => !invoices.Any(y => y.CustomerId == x.Id)).ToList();
                var expectedInvoices  = exceptedCustomers.Select(x => new InvoiceEntity()
                    Customer   = x,
                    CustomerId = x.Id,
                    Company    = company,
                    CompanyId  = company.Id
                invoices.OrderBy(x => x.CustomerAccountNumber);

            #region CREATE HEADERS
            var _col = new List <AgingReportColsDto>()

            for (int i = -1; i < numberOfPeriods; i++)
                var from = (i < 0 ? -1 : 1) + i * daysPerPeriod;
                var to   = (i + 1) * daysPerPeriod;

                _col.Add(new AgingReportColsDto()
                    From = from,
                    To   = to,
                    Name = $"{from}-{to}"

            _col.Add(new AgingReportColsDto()
                To   = 10000,
                From = 1 + numberOfPeriods * daysPerPeriod,
                Name = $"{1 + numberOfPeriods * daysPerPeriod}+"

            _col.Add(new AgingReportColsDto()
                Name = "Total Late"

            _col.Add(new AgingReportColsDto()
                Name = "Total"

            var report = new Dictionary <long, AgingReportRowDto>();

            foreach (var invoice in invoices)
                var recordKey = invoice.CustomerId ?? 0;

                var invoiceAmount = invoice.Subtotal * (1 + invoice.TaxRate / 100); //get total amount
                var diffPay       = invoiceAmount - (invoice.Payments?.Sum(x => x.Amount) ?? 0);

                if (diffPay > 0 || includeAllCustomers)
                    if (!report.ContainsKey(recordKey))
                        report.Add(recordKey, new AgingReportRowDto()
                            Customer     = _mapper.Map <CustomerDto>(invoice.Customer),
                            CustomerName = invoice.Customer.Name,
                            AccountNo    = invoice.Customer.No,
                            Data         = new Dictionary <string, decimal>()

                    var summary = report[recordKey].Data;

                    foreach (var c in _col)
                        if (!summary.ContainsKey(c.Name))
                            summary.Add(c.Name, 0);

                    if (diffPay > 0)
                        var diffDays = (dateTo - invoice.DueDate).Days;

                        foreach (var col in _col)
                            if (diffDays <= 0)
                                summary[col.Name] += diffPay;
                            else if (diffDays >= col.From && diffDays <= col.To)
                                summary[col.Name] += diffPay;
                    Console.WriteLine($"{invoice.CustomerId} Pay more that should {diffPay}");

            foreach (var d in report)
                d.Value.Data["Total"] = d.Value.Data.Sum(x => x.Value);

            #region BALANCE
            var balanceTotal = new Dictionary <string, AgingReportBalanceDto>();
            foreach (var c in _col)
                if (c.Name.Equals("Total"))
                    balanceTotal.Add("Total", new AgingReportBalanceDto {
                        Count = balanceTotal.Values.Sum(x => x.Count),
                        Sum   = report.Values.Sum(x => x.Data["Total"])
                else if (c.Name.Equals("Total Late"))
                    balanceTotal.Add(c.Name, new AgingReportBalanceDto {
                        Count = report.Values.Count(x => x.Data[c.Name] != 0),
                        Sum   = report.Values.Sum(x => x.Data[c.Name])

            balanceTotal.Add("Total Late", new AgingReportBalanceDto {
                Count = balanceTotal["Total"].Count - balanceTotal["-31-0"].Count,
                Sum   = balanceTotal["Total"].Sum - balanceTotal["-31-0"].Sum

            #region DEBT - DOUBLE INVOICE
            var doubleDebt = new Dictionary <string, decimal>();

            foreach (var data in report.Values)
                var debt = data.Data.Where(x => !x.Key.Equals("Total") && x.Value > 0).ToList();
                if (debt.Count > 1)
                    var keyName   = string.Join(',', debt.Select(x => x.Key));
                    var debtCount = debt.Count(x => x.Value > 0);
                    if (!doubleDebt.ContainsKey(keyName))
                        doubleDebt.Add(keyName, 0);
                    doubleDebt[keyName] += 1;

            #region CUSTOMER TYPES
            var customerTypes = customers.GroupBy(x => x.Type == null ? "No types" : x.Type.Name).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Count());

            #region TOTAL CUSTOMERS
            var balanceCustomer = report.Count(x => x.Value.Data["Total"] != 0);
            var customerTotal   = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            customerTotal.Add("Total Customers", customers.Count);
            customerTotal.Add("Balance", balanceCustomer);
            customerTotal.Add("No Balance", customers.Count - balanceCustomer);

            return(new AgingReportResultDto()
                CompanyId = companyId,
                CompanyName = company.Name,
                Date = dateTo,
                NumberOfPeriods = numberOfPeriods,

                Cols = _col,
                Rows = report.Select(x => x.Value).ToList(),
                CustomerTotal = customerTotal,
                CustomerTypes = customerTypes,
                BalanceTotal = balanceTotal,
                DoubleDebt = doubleDebt