Пример #1
        public void MakeTagAnnotation_CompleteWith3Wfics()
            // Provide hvoTagPoss and SelectedWfics, create a markup tag and examine it.

            // Setup the SelectedWfics property
            List <int> tempList = new List <int> ();

            m_tagChild.SelectedWfics = tempList;

            // SUT
            ICmIndirectAnnotation tagAnn = m_tagChild.CallMakeTextTagAnnotation(m_possTagHvos[0]);

            // Verification
            Assert.IsNotNull(tagAnn, "Should have made a Tag.");
            Assert.AreEqual(s_kTextTagAnnType, tagAnn.AnnotationTypeRAHvo,
                            "TextTag has wrong AnnotationType.");
            Assert.AreEqual(m_possTagHvos[0], tagAnn.InstanceOfRAHvo, "Text Tag has wrong possibility Hvo.");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, tagAnn.AppliesToRS.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(tempList[i], tagAnn.AppliesToRS[i].Hvo, "Something wrong in TextTag AppliesTo[" + i + "].");
Пример #2
        public void MakeTagAnnot_ExistTag_CompleteOverlap()
            // This test will need changing when we allow multiple lines of tagging.

            // Setup the SelectedWfics property for first tag
            List <int> tempList = new List <int> ();

            m_tagChild.SelectedWfics = tempList;

            int hvoInitialTag = m_tagChild.CallMakeTextTagAnnotation(m_possTagHvos[0]).Hvo;

            // Make sure SelectedWfics property is still set to the same Wfics
            m_tagChild.SelectedWfics = tempList;

            // SUT
            // Make a second tag annotation with a different possibility pointing to the same Wfics
            ICmIndirectAnnotation sUTTag = m_tagChild.CallMakeTextTagAnnotation(m_possTagHvos[1]);

            // Verification
            Assert.IsNotNull(sUTTag, "Should have made a Tag.");
            // The first tag should no longer exist in the Cache
            AssertTagDeleted(hvoInitialTag, "Should have deleted the initial tag.");
Пример #3
 internal void VerifyDeleteCcasEvent(ICmIndirectAnnotation row, int ihvo, int chvo)
     object[] event1 = VerifyEventExists("delete ccas", 3);
     Assert.AreEqual(row.Hvo, (event1[1] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
     Assert.AreEqual(ihvo, (int)event1[2]);
     Assert.AreEqual(chvo, (int)event1[3]);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Figure out what columns should be available, given a selected row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal int[] GetColumnChoices(ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
            if (row.Hvo != SentElem.GetOriginRow.Hvo)
            int ccols   = SentElem.AllChartCols.Length;
            int icurCol = SentElem.GetOriginColumnIndex;

            if (Prepose)
                //   Collect columns following clicked one
                ccols = ccols - icurCol - 1;
                //   Collect columns preceding clicked one
                ccols   = icurCol;
                icurCol = 0;
            int[] result = new int[Math.Max(0, ccols)];
            for (int i = 0; i < ccols; i++)
                result[i] = SentElem.AllChartCols[i + icurCol];
Пример #5
        internal ICmBaseAnnotation MakeMarkerAnnotation(int icol, ICmIndirectAnnotation row, ICmPossibility marker)
            CmBaseAnnotation cba = MakeBaseAnnotation();

            cba.BeginObjectRA = marker;
            InitializeCca(cba, icol, row);
Пример #6
        internal void CallMergeCellContents(int icolSrc, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowSrc,
                                            int icolDst, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowDst, bool forward)
            ChartLocation srcCell = new ChartLocation(icolSrc, rowSrc);
            ChartLocation dstCell = new ChartLocation(icolDst, rowDst);

            MergeCellContents(srcCell, dstCell, forward);
Пример #7
 internal void VerifyChangeParentEvent(int[] wficsToMove, ICmIndirectAnnotation ccaSrc, ICmIndirectAnnotation ccaDst,
                                       int srcIndex, int dstIndex)
     object[] event1 = VerifyEventExists("change parent", 5);
     Assert.AreEqual(wficsToMove, event1[1] as int[]);
     Assert.AreEqual(ccaSrc.Hvo, (event1[2] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
     Assert.AreEqual(ccaDst.Hvo, (event1[3] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
     Assert.AreEqual(srcIndex, (int)event1[4]);
     Assert.AreEqual(dstIndex, (int)event1[5]);
Пример #8
 internal void VerifyChangeRowEvent(int[] ccasToMove, ICmIndirectAnnotation RowSrc, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowDst,
                                    int srcIndex, int dstIndex)
     object[] event1 = VerifyEventExists("change row", 5);
     Assert.AreEqual(ccasToMove, event1[1] as int[]);
     Assert.AreEqual(RowSrc.Hvo, (event1[2] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
     Assert.AreEqual(rowDst.Hvo, (event1[3] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
     Assert.AreEqual(srcIndex, (int)event1[4]);
     Assert.AreEqual(dstIndex, (int)event1[5]);
Пример #9
        // Make a column annotation for the specified column that groups the specified words
        // and append to the specified row.
        internal CmIndirectAnnotation MakeColumnAnnotation(int icol, int[] words, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
            CmIndirectAnnotation cca = MakeIndirectAnnotation();

            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
            InitializeCca(cca, icol, row);
Пример #10
 public override void DeleteCcas(ICmIndirectAnnotation row, int ihvo, int chvo)
     if (m_fRecordBasicEdits)
         m_events.Add(new object[] { "delete ccas", row, ihvo, chvo });
         base.DeleteCcas(row, ihvo, chvo);
Пример #11
        public void MakeTagAnnotation_WithNoWfic()
            // Provide hvoTagPoss and SelectedWfics, create a markup tag and examine it.
            // Setup the SelectedWfics property
            m_tagChild.SelectedWfics = null;

            // SUT
            ICmIndirectAnnotation tagAnn = m_tagChild.CallMakeTextTagAnnotation(m_possTagHvos[m_cposs - 1]);

            Assert.IsNull(tagAnn, "MakeTextTagAnn must return null if no Wfics are selected.");
Пример #12
 public override void ChangeColumn(ICmAnnotation[] ccasToMove, int hvoNewCol, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
     if (m_fRecordBasicEdits)
         m_events.Add(new object[] { "change column", ccasToMove, hvoNewCol, row });
         base.ChangeColumn(ccasToMove, hvoNewCol, row);
Пример #13
 public override void ChangeRow(int[] ccasToMove, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowSrc, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowDst,
                                int srcIndex, int dstIndex)
     if (m_fRecordBasicEdits)
         m_events.Add(new object[] { "change row", ccasToMove, rowSrc, rowDst, srcIndex, dstIndex });
         base.ChangeRow(ccasToMove, rowSrc, rowDst, srcIndex, dstIndex);
Пример #14
 public override void ChangeCca(int[] wficsToMove, ICmIndirectAnnotation ccaSrc, ICmIndirectAnnotation ccaDst,
                                int srcIndex, int dstIndex)
     if (m_fRecordBasicEdits)
         m_events.Add(new object[] { "change parent", wficsToMove, ccaSrc, ccaDst, srcIndex, dstIndex });
         base.ChangeCca(wficsToMove, ccaSrc, ccaDst, srcIndex, dstIndex);
Пример #15
		public void FindCcaInNextColWithThreeInCol0()
			int[] allParaWfics = m_helper.MakeAnnotationsUsedN(4);
			CmIndirectAnnotation row0 = m_helper.MakeFirstRow();
			ICmIndirectAnnotation cca0_0 = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(0, new int[] { allParaWfics[0] }, row0);
			ICmIndirectAnnotation cca0_0b = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(0, new int[] { allParaWfics[1] }, row0);
			ICmIndirectAnnotation cca0_0c = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(0, new int[] { allParaWfics[2] }, row0);
			ICmIndirectAnnotation cca0_3 = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(3, new int[] { allParaWfics[4] }, row0);
			ChartLocation cell = MakeLocObj(row0, 2);

			int ihvoResult = m_logic.CallFindIndexOfCcaInLaterColumn(cell);
			Assert.AreEqual(3, ihvoResult);
Пример #16
        // Make a segment and its free translation. Append to or set up the segments property
        // of the para and set up the FT property of the segment.
        ICmIndirectAnnotation MakeFt(IStTxtPara para, string text, int beginOffset, int length)
            ICmBaseAnnotation seg = MakeSegment(para, beginOffset, length);

            ICmIndirectAnnotation ft = CmIndirectAnnotation.CreateUnownedIndirectAnnotation(Cache);

            ft.Comment.SetAlternative(text, m_wsTrans);
            ft.AnnotationTypeRAHvo = m_hvoFtDefn;

            // Backref links
            para.Cache.VwCacheDaAccessor.CacheObjProp(seg.Hvo, kflidFT, ft.Hvo);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that there is a row with the specified index that has a cell with the specified
        /// index which belongs to the specified column (instanceOf) and appliesTo the specified words
        /// and has the specified marker (if any).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="cellIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="hvoColumn"></param>
        /// <param name="words"></param>
        /// <param name="marker"></param>
        internal void VerifyCca(int rowIndex, int ccaIndex, int hvoColumn, int[] words, string marker)
            ICmIndirectAnnotation cca = VerifyCcaBasic(rowIndex, ccaIndex, hvoColumn) as ICmIndirectAnnotation;

            Assert.IsNotNull(cca, "Cca should be indirect annotation");
            Assert.AreEqual(words, cca.AppliesToRS.HvoArray);
            string comment = cca.Comment.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem.Text;

            if (comment == null)
                comment = "";
            Assert.AreEqual(marker, comment);
            Assert.AreEqual(CmAnnotationDefn.ConstituentChartAnnotation(Cache), cca.AnnotationTypeRA);
Пример #18
        public void MakeTagAnnot_MultipleExistTags_Overlap()
            // This test will need changing when we allow multiple lines of tagging.

            // Setup the SelectedWfics property for first (existing) tag
            List <int> tempList = new List <int> ();

            m_tagChild.SelectedWfics = tempList;

            int hvoOldTag1 = m_tagChild.CallMakeTextTagAnnotation(m_possTagHvos[0]).Hvo;

            // Setup the SelectedWfics property for second (existing) tag
            List <int> tempList1 = new List <int> ();

            m_tagChild.SelectedWfics = tempList1;

            int hvoOldTag2 = m_tagChild.CallMakeTextTagAnnotation(m_possTagHvos[1]).Hvo;

            // Setup the SelectedWfics property for SUT tag
            // These overlap with both existing tags
            List <int> tempList2 = new List <int> ();

            m_tagChild.SelectedWfics = tempList2;

            // SUT
            // Make a third tag annotation with a different possibility pointing to the new Wfics
            ICmIndirectAnnotation tagSUT = m_tagChild.CallMakeTextTagAnnotation(m_possTagHvos[2]);

            // Verification

            // Verify new tag
            Assert.IsNotNull(tagSUT, "Should have made a Tag.");
            Assert.AreEqual(m_possTagHvos[2], tagSUT.InstanceOfRAHvo, "Text Tag has wrong possibility Hvo.");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, tagSUT.AppliesToRS.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(m_hvoWfics[2], tagSUT.AppliesToRS[0].Hvo, "Something wrong in new TextTag AppliesTo[0].");
            Assert.AreEqual(m_hvoWfics[3], tagSUT.AppliesToRS[1].Hvo, "Something wrong in new TextTag AppliesTo[1].");

            // The old tags (2) should no longer exist in the Cache
            AssertTagDeleted(hvoOldTag1, "Should have deleted the first pre-existing tag.");
            AssertTagDeleted(hvoOldTag2, "Should have deleted the second pre-existing tag.");
Пример #19
        public void MakeTagAnnotation_With1Wfic()
            // Provide hvoTagPoss and SelectedWfics, create a markup tag and examine it.

            // Setup the SelectedWfics property
            List <int> tempList = new List <int> ();

            m_tagChild.SelectedWfics = tempList;

            // SUT
            // Use the last possibility tag in the first list of tags
            ICmIndirectAnnotation tagAnn = m_tagChild.CallMakeTextTagAnnotation(m_possTagHvos[m_cposs - 1]);

            // Verification
            Assert.IsNotNull(tagAnn, "Should have made a Tag.");
            Assert.AreEqual(m_possTagHvos[m_cposs - 1], tagAnn.InstanceOfRAHvo, "Text Tag has wrong possibility Hvo.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, tagAnn.AppliesToRS.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(m_hvoWfics[1], tagAnn.AppliesToRS[0].Hvo, "Something wrong in TextTag AppliesTo[0].");
Пример #20
        public void CreateAndUpdateSingleFt()
            string paraContents = "Das buch ist rot";
            string trans        = "The book is red";

            m_para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = m_tsf.MakeString(paraContents, m_wsVern);
            ICmIndirectAnnotation ft      = MakeFt(m_para, trans, 0, paraContents.Length);
            FreeTransEditMonitor  monitor = new FreeTransEditMonitor(Cache, m_wsTrans);            // BEFORE propChanged!

            Cache.PropChanged(ft.Hvo, (int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidComment, 0, 0, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, m_para.TranslationsOC.Count, "monitor should have made a CmTranslation");
            Assert.AreEqual(trans, m_para.TranslationsOC.ToList()[0].Translation.GetAlternative(m_wsTrans).Text);
            string trans2 = "The book is green";

            ft.Comment.SetAlternative(trans2, m_wsTrans);
            monitor.Dispose();             // should trigger update.
            Assert.AreEqual(1, m_para.TranslationsOC.Count, "monitor should not have made another translation");
            Assert.AreEqual(trans2, m_para.TranslationsOC.ToList()[0].Translation.GetAlternative(m_wsTrans).Text);
Пример #21
        public void MakeTagAnnot_ExistTag_NoOverlap()
            // Setup the SelectedWfics property for first tag
            List <int> tempList = new List <int> ();

            m_tagChild.SelectedWfics = tempList;

            int hvoInitialTag = m_tagChild.CallMakeTextTagAnnotation(m_possTagHvos[0]).Hvo;

            // Setup the SelectedWfics property for second tag
            List <int> tempList1 = new List <int> ();

            m_tagChild.SelectedWfics = tempList1;

            // SUT
            // Make a second tag annotation with a different possibility pointing to the new Wfics
            ICmIndirectAnnotation tagSUT = m_tagChild.CallMakeTextTagAnnotation(m_possTagHvos[2]);

            // Verification

            // Verify new tag
            Assert.IsNotNull(tagSUT, "Should have made a Tag.");
            Assert.AreEqual(m_possTagHvos[2], tagSUT.InstanceOfRAHvo, "Text Tag has wrong possibility Hvo.");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, tagSUT.AppliesToRS.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(m_hvoWfics[2], tagSUT.AppliesToRS[0].Hvo, "Something wrong in new TextTag AppliesTo[0].");
            Assert.AreEqual(m_hvoWfics[3], tagSUT.AppliesToRS[1].Hvo, "Something wrong in new TextTag AppliesTo[1].");
            Assert.AreEqual(m_hvoWfics[4], tagSUT.AppliesToRS[2].Hvo, "Something wrong in new TextTag AppliesTo[2].");

            // The old tag should still exist in the Cache
            ICmIndirectAnnotation oldtag = AssertTagExists(hvoInitialTag, "Shouldn't have deleted the initial tag.");

            Assert.AreEqual(m_possTagHvos[0], oldtag.InstanceOfRAHvo, "Text Tag has wrong possibility Hvo.");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, oldtag.AppliesToRS.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(m_hvoWfics[0], oldtag.AppliesToRS[0].Hvo, "Something wrong in old TextTag AppliesTo[0].");
            Assert.AreEqual(m_hvoWfics[1], oldtag.AppliesToRS[1].Hvo, "Something wrong in old TextTag AppliesTo[1].");
Пример #22
        public void NonScriptureText()
            IText text = new Text();

            StText sttext = new StText();

            text.ContentsOA = sttext;
            m_para          = new StTxtPara();
            string paraContents = "Das buch ist rot";
            string trans        = "The book is red";

            m_para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = m_tsf.MakeString(paraContents, m_wsVern);
            ICmIndirectAnnotation ft      = MakeFt(m_para, trans, 0, paraContents.Length);
            FreeTransEditMonitor  monitor = new FreeTransEditMonitor(Cache, m_wsTrans);            // BEFORE propChanged!

            Cache.PropChanged(ft.Hvo, (int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidComment, 0, 0, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, m_para.TranslationsOC.Count, "monitor should not make CmTranslation for non-Scripture");
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a dependent clause marker at the end of the specified row in the specified column
        /// for the specified clauses (rows) of the specified type. Caller supplies a marker.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowSrc"></param>
        /// <param name="colSrc"></param>
        /// <param name="depClauses"></param>
        /// <param name="depType"></param>
        /// <param name="marker"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal ICmIndirectAnnotation MakeDependentClauseMarker(ICmIndirectAnnotation rowSrc, int colSrc,
                                                                 int[] depClauses, string depType, string marker)
            foreach (int rowDst in depClauses)
                string insert = "";
                if (rowDst == depClauses[0])
                    insert += " firstDep=\"true\"";
                if (rowDst == depClauses[depClauses.Length - 1])
                    insert += " endDep=\"true\"";

                Cache.SetUnicodeProperty(rowDst, (int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidCompDetails,
                                         "<ccinfo " + depType + "=\"true\"" + insert + "/>");
            ICmIndirectAnnotation result = MakeColumnAnnotation(colSrc, depClauses, rowSrc);

Пример #24
        public void CreateAndUpdateOneOfTwoFts()
            string pc1    = "Das buch ist rot. ";
            string pc2    = "Das Madchen ist shon.";
            string verse1 = "9";

            m_para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = m_tsf.MakeString(pc1 + verse1 + pc2, m_wsVern);
            string trans1                  = "The book is red.";
            string trans2                  = "The girl is beautiful";
            ICmIndirectAnnotation ft       = MakeFt(m_para, trans1, 0, pc1.Length);
            ICmBaseAnnotation     verseSeg = MakeVerseSegment(m_para, pc1.Length, verse1.Length);
            ICmIndirectAnnotation ft2      = MakeFt(m_para, trans2, pc1.Length + verse1.Length, pc2.Length);
            FreeTransEditMonitor  monitor  = new FreeTransEditMonitor(Cache, m_wsTrans);           // BEFORE propChanged!

            Cache.PropChanged(ft.Hvo, (int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidComment, 0, 0, 0);
            Cache.PropChanged(ft.Hvo, (int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidComment, 0, 0, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, m_para.TranslationsOC.Count, "monitor should not have updated for change to same ft.");

            Cache.PropChanged(ft2.Hvo, (int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidComment, 0, 0, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, m_para.TranslationsOC.Count, "monitor should have updated on changing another property");
            Assert.AreEqual(trans1 + " " + verse1 + trans2,
                            "translation should be correct after changing prop2");

            string trans2b = "The girl is pretty.";

            ft2.Comment.SetAlternative(trans2b, m_wsTrans);             // should generate propChanged for same prop.
            Assert.AreEqual(trans1 + " " + verse1 + trans2,
                            "Another change to same prop should not produce yet another update");
            Assert.AreEqual(trans1 + " " + verse1 + trans2b,
                            "Should get final update on Dispose");
Пример #25
		internal void CallRemoveMovedFrom(int icolActual, int icolMovedFrom, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
			RemoveMovedFrom(new ChartLocation(icolActual, row), new ChartLocation(icolMovedFrom, row));
Пример #26
 internal void CallRemoveMovedFrom(int icolActual, int icolMovedFrom, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
     RemoveMovedFrom(new ChartLocation(icolActual, row), new ChartLocation(icolMovedFrom, row));
Пример #27
		int[] m_allColumns; // The complete array of columns in the chart


		public CChartSentenceElements(ChartLocation cellClicked, ICmIndirectAnnotation[] eligRows, int[] hvoEligColumns)
			m_clickedCell = cellClicked;
			m_affectedCcas = new List<int>();
			m_eligibleRows = eligRows;
			m_eligibleColumns = hvoEligColumns;
			m_allColumns = m_eligibleColumns;
			m_rows = null;
			m_cols = null;
Пример #28
 public ChartLocation(int icol, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
     m_cellColumnIndex = icol;
     m_cellRow         = row;
Пример #29
 /// <summary>
 /// The test version doesn't want anything to do with views (which the superclass version does).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tagAnn"></param>
 protected override Set <int> CacheTagString(ICmIndirectAnnotation tagAnn)
Пример #30
		private void VerifyMakeMovedWithCollidingMarker(ICmIndirectAnnotation row0, int[] allParaWfics,
			NotifyChangeSpy spy, int cExpectCSelect)
			VerifyRow(0, "1a", 3);
			VerifyCca(0, 0, m_allColumns[1], new int[] { allParaWfics[0] }, "");
			ICmIndirectAnnotation cca0_3 = m_chart.RowsRS[0].AppliesToRS[2] as ICmIndirectAnnotation;
			VerifyCca(0, 1, m_allColumns[1], new int[] { cca0_3.Hvo }, ConstituentChartLogic.FTO_MovedTextAfter);
			VerifyCca(0, 2, m_allColumns[3], new int[] { allParaWfics[1] }, "");
			Assert.AreEqual(cExpectCSelect, m_mockRibbon.CSelectFirstCalls);
			AssertUsedAnnotations(allParaWfics, 2);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, m_chart.RowsRS.Count, "should not add rows");
			// Verify various PropChanged calls.
			VerifyAnnotationListChange(allParaWfics, spy, 2, 1);
Пример #31
		internal void VerifyDeleteCcasEvent(ICmIndirectAnnotation row, int ihvo, int chvo)
			object[] event1 = VerifyEventExists("delete ccas", 3);
			Assert.AreEqual(row.Hvo, (event1[1] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
			Assert.AreEqual(ihvo, (int)event1[2]);
			Assert.AreEqual(chvo, (int)event1[3]);
Пример #32
		private void InitializeCca(ICmAnnotation cca, int icol, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
			cca.InstanceOfRAHvo = m_allColumns[icol];
			cca.AnnotationTypeRA = CmAnnotationDefn.ConstituentChartAnnotation(Cache);
Пример #33
		/// <summary>
		/// Caches a possibility label for each Wfic that a tag appliesTo.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tagAnn"></param>
		/// <returns>set of xfics for which a tag was cached.</returns>
		internal Set<int> CacheTagString(ICmIndirectAnnotation tagAnn)
			Set<int> xficsTagged = new Set<int>();
			ICmPossibility tagPossibility = tagAnn.InstanceOfRA as ICmPossibility;
			ITsString label;
			if (tagPossibility == null)
				label = TsStrFactoryClass.Create().MakeString("", Cache.LangProject.DefaultAnalysisWritingSystem);
				label = tagPossibility.Abbreviation.BestAnalysisAlternative;
			int chvoArray = tagAnn.AppliesToRS.Count;
			// use 'for' loop because we need to know when we're at the beginning
			// and end of the loop
			for(int i=0; i < chvoArray; i++)
				int hvoXfic = tagAnn.AppliesToRS[i].Hvo;
				int clen = label.Length;
				ITsStrBldr strBldr = label.GetBldr();
				if (i == 0) // First wfic for this tag.
					clen = StartTagSetup(clen, strBldr);
					// Until someone has a better idea, only show the label on the first wfic.
					clen = 0;
				if (i == chvoArray - 1) // Last wfic for this tag.
					clen = EndTagSetup(clen, strBldr);
				Cache.VwCacheDaAccessor.CacheStringProp(hvoXfic, TextTagAnnotFlid, strBldr.GetString());
			return xficsTagged;
Пример #34
        internal void Run(bool fMakeSelectionInNewFreeformAnnotation)
            IVwSelection sel = null;

            if (m_site is InterlinDocChild)
                sel = (m_site as InterlinDocChild).MakeSandboxSel();
            // If there's no sandbox selection, there may be one in the site itself, perhaps in another
            // free translation.
            if (sel == null)
                sel = m_site.RootBox.Selection;
            if (sel == null)
                return;                 // Enhance JohnT: give an error, or disable the command.
            int cvsli = sel.CLevels(false);

            cvsli--;             // CLevels includes the string property itself, but AllTextSelInfo doesn't need it.

            // Out variables for AllTextSelInfo.
            int          ihvoRoot;
            int          tagTextProp;
            int          cpropPrevious;
            int          ichAnchor;
            int          ichEnd;
            int          ws;
            bool         fAssocPrev;
            int          ihvoEnd;
            ITsTextProps ttpBogus;

            // Main array of information retrived from sel that made combo.
            SelLevInfo[] rgvsli = SelLevInfo.AllTextSelInfo(sel, cvsli,
                                                            out ihvoRoot, out tagTextProp, out cpropPrevious, out ichAnchor, out ichEnd,
                                                            out ws, out fAssocPrev, out ihvoEnd, out ttpBogus);

            // Identify the segment.
            // This is important because although we are currently displaying just an StTxtPara,
            // eventually it might be part of a higher level structure. We want this to work
            // no matter how much higher level structure there is.
            int itagSegments = -1;

            for (int i = rgvsli.Length; --i >= 0;)
                if (rgvsli[i].tag == m_vc.ktagParaSegments)
                    itagSegments = i;
            if (itagSegments == -1)
                return;                 // Enhance JohnT: throw? disable command? Give an error?
            int hvoSeg = rgvsli[itagSegments].hvo;

            if (m_fdoCache.IsDummyObject(hvoSeg))
                // we need to convert this into a real segment before proceeding.
                ICmBaseAnnotation cbaReal = CmBaseAnnotation.ConvertBaseAnnotationToReal(m_fdoCache, hvoSeg);
                hvoSeg = cbaReal != null ? cbaReal.Hvo : 0;
                rgvsli[itagSegments].hvo = hvoSeg;
            ICmIndirectAnnotation ann = AddFreeformAnnotation(hvoSeg, m_hvoType);

            // If necessary (e.g., we just added a previously invisible FF annotation),
            // Reconstruct the root box. Otherwise, a simple PropChanged will do.
            if (m_fNeedReconstruct)
//				m_site.Invalidate();
//				m_site.Update(); // necessary to get a lazy

            if (!fMakeSelectionInNewFreeformAnnotation)
            // Now try to make a new selection in the FF we just made.
            // The elements of rgvsli from itagSegments onwards form a path to the segment.
            // In the segment we want the freeform propery, specifically the new one we just made.
            // We want to select at the start of it.
            SelLevInfo[] rgvsliNew = new SelLevInfo[rgvsli.Length - itagSegments + 1];
            for (int i = 1; i < rgvsliNew.Length; i++)
                rgvsliNew[i] = rgvsli[i + itagSegments - 1];
            // Work out how many freeforms are DISPLAYED before the (first occurrence of the) one we want to select.
            int ihvo = 0;
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > dict = m_vc.OrganizeFfAnnotations(hvoSeg);

            for (int i = m_choices.FirstFreeformIndex; i < m_choices.Count;)
                int        hvoAnnType  = m_vc.SegDefnFromFfFlid(m_choices[i].Flid);
                List <int> annotations = null;
                if (dict.ContainsKey(hvoAnnType))
                    annotations = dict[hvoAnnType];
                if (hvoAnnType == m_hvoType)
                    ihvo += annotations.IndexOf(ann.Hvo);
                    break;                     // And that's where we want our selection!!
                // Adjacent WSS of the same annotation count as only ONE object in the display.
                // So we advance i over as many items in m_choices as there are adjacent Wss
                // of the same flid.
                i += m_choices.AdjacentWssAtIndex(i).Length;
                // But each time we display this flid, we display ALL the objects,
                // so advance ihvo by the number of annotations of the type.
                int chvoAnn = annotations == null ? 0 : annotations.Count;
                ihvo += chvoAnn;
            rgvsliNew[0].ihvo          = ihvo;
            rgvsliNew[0].tag           = m_vc.ktagSegFF;
            rgvsliNew[0].cpropPrevious = 0;
            m_site.RootBox.MakeTextSelInObj(0, rgvsliNew.Length, rgvsliNew, 0, null, true, true, false, false, true);
Пример #35
		/// <summary>
		/// The test version doesn't want anything to do with views (which the superclass version does).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tagAnn"></param>
		protected override Set<int> CacheTagString(ICmIndirectAnnotation tagAnn)
			return null;
Пример #36
		internal void SetRows(ICmIndirectAnnotation[] items)
			// Convert ICmIndirectAnnotations to RowMenuItems
			RowMenuItem[] rows = new RowMenuItem[items.Length];
			for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
				rows[i] = new RowMenuItem(items[i]);
Пример #37
		internal void CallRemoveMovedFromDiffRow(int icolActual, int icolMovedFrom, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowActual,
			ICmIndirectAnnotation rowMovedFrom)
			RemoveMovedFrom(new ChartLocation(icolActual, rowActual), new ChartLocation(icolMovedFrom, rowMovedFrom));
Пример #38
		internal void CallMergeCellContents(int icolSrc, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowSrc,
			int icolDst, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowDst, bool forward)
			ChartLocation srcCell = new ChartLocation(icolSrc, rowSrc);
			ChartLocation dstCell = new ChartLocation(icolDst, rowDst);
			MergeCellContents(srcCell, dstCell, forward);
Пример #39
		internal void VerifyChangeColumnEvent(ICmAnnotation[] ccasToMove, int hvoNewCol, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
			object[] event1 = VerifyEventExists("change column", 3);
			Assert.AreEqual(ccasToMove, event1[1] as ICmAnnotation[]);
			Assert.AreEqual(hvoNewCol, event1[2]);
			Assert.AreEqual(row.Hvo, (event1[3] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
Пример #40
		protected ChartLocation MakeLocObj(ICmIndirectAnnotation row, int icol)
			return new ChartLocation(icol, row);
Пример #41
		internal ICmBaseAnnotation MakeMarkerAnnotation(int icol, ICmIndirectAnnotation row, ICmPossibility marker)
			CmBaseAnnotation cba = MakeBaseAnnotation();
			cba.BeginObjectRA = marker;
			InitializeCca(cba, icol, row);
			return cba;
Пример #42
		public ChartLocation(int icol, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
			m_cellColumnIndex = icol;
			m_cellRow = row;
Пример #43
		private IVwSelection MakeRowSelection(ICmIndirectAnnotation row, bool fInstall)
			SelLevInfo[] rgvsli = new SelLevInfo[1];
			rgvsli[0].ihvo = m_logic.IndexOfRow(row.Hvo); // specifies which row.
			rgvsli[0].tag = (int)DsConstChart.DsConstChartTags.kflidRows;
			IVwSelection sel = null;
				sel = RootBox.MakeTextSelInObj(0, 1, rgvsli, 0, null, false, false, false, true, fInstall);
			catch (Exception e)
				return null;
			return sel;
Пример #44
		public ChartLocation MakeLocObj(int icol, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
			return new ChartLocation(icol, row);
Пример #45
		/// <summary>
		/// Figure out what columns should be available, given a selected row.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		internal int[] GetColumnChoices(ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
			if (row.Hvo != SentElem.GetOriginRow.Hvo)
				return SentElem.AllChartCols;
			int ccols = SentElem.AllChartCols.Length;
			int icurCol = SentElem.GetOriginColumnIndex;
			if (Prepose)
				//   Collect columns following clicked one
				ccols = ccols - icurCol - 1;
				//   Collect columns preceding clicked one
				ccols = icurCol;
				icurCol = 0;
			int[] result = new int[Math.Max(0, ccols)];
			for (int i = 0; i < ccols; i++)
				result[i] = SentElem.AllChartCols[i + icurCol];
			return result;
Пример #46
		public override void ChangeRow(int[] ccasToMove, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowSrc, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowDst,
			int srcIndex, int dstIndex)
			if (m_fRecordBasicEdits)
				m_events.Add(new object[] { "change row", ccasToMove, rowSrc, rowDst, srcIndex, dstIndex });
				base.ChangeRow(ccasToMove, rowSrc, rowDst, srcIndex, dstIndex);
Пример #47
		public override void ChangeColumn(ICmAnnotation[] ccasToMove, int hvoNewCol, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
			if (m_fRecordBasicEdits)
				m_events.Add(new object[] { "change column", ccasToMove, hvoNewCol, row });
				base.ChangeColumn(ccasToMove, hvoNewCol, row);
Пример #48
		// Make a column annotation for the specified column that groups the specified words
		// and append to the specified row.
		internal CmIndirectAnnotation MakeColumnAnnotation(int icol, int[] words, ICmIndirectAnnotation row)
			CmIndirectAnnotation cca = MakeIndirectAnnotation();
			for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
			InitializeCca(cca, icol, row);
			return cca;
Пример #49
		public override void DeleteCcas(ICmIndirectAnnotation row, int ihvo, int chvo)
			if (m_fRecordBasicEdits)
				m_events.Add(new object[] { "delete ccas", row, ihvo, chvo });
				base.DeleteCcas(row, ihvo, chvo);
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the member variable for the clicked cell's RowColMenuItem.
		/// Call SetupParameterObject() to install it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rowLabel"></param>
		/// <param name="row"></param>
		/// <param name="icolSrc"></param>
		void SetClickedCell(ICmIndirectAnnotation row, int icolSrc)
			m_origCell = new ChartLocation(icolSrc, row);
Пример #51
		public override void ChangeCca(int[] wficsToMove, ICmIndirectAnnotation ccaSrc, ICmIndirectAnnotation ccaDst,
			int srcIndex, int dstIndex)
			if (m_fRecordBasicEdits)
				m_events.Add(new object[] { "change parent", wficsToMove, ccaSrc, ccaDst, srcIndex, dstIndex });
				base.ChangeCca(wficsToMove, ccaSrc, ccaDst, srcIndex, dstIndex);
Пример #52
        public void Export()
            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                //Set up some cells.
                int[] allParaWfics = m_helper.MakeAnnotationsUsedN(5);

                // This block makes the first row, puts CCAs in cells 1 and 2, and list refs in cells 1 and 2
                CmIndirectAnnotation row0    = m_helper.MakeFirstRow();
                int[] movedItems             = new int[] { allParaWfics[1] };
                CmIndirectAnnotation cca0_1  = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(1, new int[] { allParaWfics[0] }, row0);
                ICmPossibility       marker  = m_helper.GetAMarker();
                ICmBaseAnnotation    cca0_1b = m_helper.MakeMarkerAnnotation(1, row0, marker);
                CmIndirectAnnotation cca0_2  = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(2, movedItems, row0);
                ICmPossibility       marker2 = m_helper.GetAnotherMarker();
                ICmBaseAnnotation    cca0_2b = m_helper.MakeMarkerAnnotation(2, row0, marker2);
                ICmBaseAnnotation    cca0_2c = m_helper.MakeMarkerAnnotation(2, row0, marker);

                // Now another row, and cell 4 on the first has a ref to it. The new row has a CCA with two wfics in cell 1. The cell is
                // two columns wide, being merged with the previous cell.
                CmIndirectAnnotation  row1   = m_helper.MakeSecondRow();
                ICmIndirectAnnotation cca0_4 = m_helper.MakeDependentClauseMarker(row0, 4, new int[] { row1.Hvo }, "song", "2");
                CmIndirectAnnotation  cca1_1 = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(1, new int[] { allParaWfics[2], allParaWfics[3] }, row1);
                ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, cca1_1.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.mergeBeforeTag, true);

                // Let's have some notes on row 0.
                StText notesText = new StText();
                row0.TextOA = notesText;
                StTxtPara notesPara = new StTxtPara();
                notesPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString = Cache.MakeAnalysisTss("This is a test note");

                // And some moved text in row 1
                CmIndirectAnnotation cca1_2 = m_helper.MakeColumnAnnotation(2, new int[] { allParaWfics[4] }, row1);
                ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, cca1_2.Hvo,
                                                 ConstituentChartLogic.MovedTextFeatureName, true);
                CmIndirectAnnotation cca2_3 = m_helper.MakeMovedTextAnnotation(3, cca1_2, row1, "Preposed");

                // We need four rows to properly test the variations on endPara/endSent
                CmIndirectAnnotation row2 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "2");
                ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, row2.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.EndSentFeatureName, true);
                CmIndirectAnnotation row3 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "3");
                ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, row3.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.EndParaFeatureName, true);
                ConstituentChartLogic.SetFeature(Cache.MainCacheAccessor, row3.Hvo, ConstituentChartLogic.EndSentFeatureName, true);
                CmIndirectAnnotation row4 = m_helper.MakeRow(m_chart, "4");

                XmlWriter    writer = new XmlTextWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
                ConstChartVc vc     = new ConstChartVc(m_chartBody);
                vc.LineChoices = m_chartBody.LineChoices;
                DiscourseExporter exporter = new DiscourseExporter(m_inMemoryCache.Cache, writer, m_chart.Hvo,
                                                                   vc, m_inMemoryCache.Cache.DefaultAnalWs);
                writer.Flush();                 // Close makes it unuseable
                stream.Position = 0;
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
                string       result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                XmlDocument  doc    = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNode docNode = doc.DocumentElement;
                Assert.AreEqual("document", docNode.Name);
                XmlNode chartNode = VerifyNode("chart", docNode, 0, "chart", 7, 0);
                XmlNode thirdRow = VerifyNode("row", chartNode, 4, "row", 8, 3);
                AssertAttr(thirdRow, "endSent", "true");
                XmlNode fourthRow = VerifyNode("row", chartNode, 5, "row", 8, 3);
                AssertAttr(fourthRow, "endPara", "true");

                XmlNode langNode = VerifyNode("languages", docNode, 1, "languages", 2, 0);
                XmlNode enNode   = VerifyNode("english lang node", langNode, 0, "language", 0, 2);
                AssertAttr(enNode, "lang", "en");
                AssertAttr(enNode, "font", null);                 // don't verify exact font, may depend on installation.
Пример #53
		/// <summary>
		/// Make a dependent clause marker at the end of the specified row in the specified column
		/// for the specified clauses (rows) of the specified type. Caller supplies a marker.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rowSrc"></param>
		/// <param name="colSrc"></param>
		/// <param name="depClauses"></param>
		/// <param name="depType"></param>
		/// <param name="marker"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		internal ICmIndirectAnnotation MakeDependentClauseMarker(ICmIndirectAnnotation rowSrc, int colSrc,
			int[] depClauses, string depType, string marker)
			foreach (int rowDst in depClauses)
				string insert = "";
				if (rowDst == depClauses[0])
					insert += " firstDep=\"true\"";
				if (rowDst == depClauses[depClauses.Length - 1])
					insert += " endDep=\"true\"";

				Cache.SetUnicodeProperty(rowDst, (int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidCompDetails,
					"<ccinfo " + depType + "=\"true\"" + insert + "/>");
			ICmIndirectAnnotation result = MakeColumnAnnotation(colSrc, depClauses, rowSrc);
			return result;
Пример #54
 protected ChartLocation MakeLocObj(ICmIndirectAnnotation row, int icol)
     return(new ChartLocation(icol, row));
Пример #55
		internal void VerifyChangeParentEvent(int[] wficsToMove, ICmIndirectAnnotation ccaSrc, ICmIndirectAnnotation ccaDst,
			int srcIndex, int dstIndex)
			object[] event1 = VerifyEventExists("change parent", 5);
			Assert.AreEqual(wficsToMove, event1[1] as int[]);
			Assert.AreEqual(ccaSrc.Hvo, (event1[2] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
			Assert.AreEqual(ccaDst.Hvo, (event1[3] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
			Assert.AreEqual(srcIndex, (int)event1[4]);
			Assert.AreEqual(dstIndex, (int)event1[5]);
Пример #56
		/// <summary>
		/// Protected virtual so the testing subclass doesn't have to know about Views.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tagAnn"></param>
		protected virtual Set<int> CacheTagString(ICmIndirectAnnotation tagAnn)
			// Cache the new tagging string in our dummy virtual property (TagAnnotListId)
			// and call PropChanged
			return (m_vc as InterlinTaggingVc).CacheTagString(tagAnn);
Пример #57
		internal void VerifyChangeRowEvent(int[] ccasToMove, ICmIndirectAnnotation RowSrc, ICmIndirectAnnotation rowDst,
			int srcIndex, int dstIndex)
			object[] event1 = VerifyEventExists("change row", 5);
			Assert.AreEqual(ccasToMove, event1[1] as int[]);
			Assert.AreEqual(RowSrc.Hvo, (event1[2] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
			Assert.AreEqual(rowDst.Hvo, (event1[3] as ICmIndirectAnnotation).Hvo);
			Assert.AreEqual(srcIndex, (int)event1[4]);
			Assert.AreEqual(dstIndex, (int)event1[5]);