Пример #1
        private static IDataLoader LoadStopwords(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, string dataFile,
                                                 IComponentFactory <IMultiStreamSource, IDataLoader> loader, ref string stopwordsCol)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));

            MultiFileSource fileSource = new MultiFileSource(dataFile);
            IDataLoader     dataLoader;

            // First column using the file.
            if (loader == null)
                // Determine the default loader from the extension.
                var  ext         = Path.GetExtension(dataFile);
                bool isBinary    = string.Equals(ext, ".idv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                bool isTranspose = string.Equals(ext, ".tdv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                if (isBinary || isTranspose)
                    ch.Assert(isBinary != isTranspose);
                    ch.CheckUserArg(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stopwordsCol), nameof(Arguments.StopwordsColumn),
                                    "stopwordsColumn should be specified");
                    if (isBinary)
                        dataLoader = new BinaryLoader(env, new BinaryLoader.Arguments(), fileSource);
                        dataLoader = new TransposeLoader(env, new TransposeLoader.Arguments(), fileSource);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stopwordsCol))
                        ch.Warning("{0} should not be specified when default loader is TextLoader. Ignoring stopwordsColumn={0}",
                    dataLoader = TextLoader.Create(
                        new TextLoader.Arguments()
                        Separator = "tab",
                        Column    = new[]
                            new TextLoader.Column("Stopwords", DataKind.TX, 0)
                    stopwordsCol = "Stopwords";
                dataLoader = loader.CreateComponent(env, fileSource);

Пример #2
        protected override void CheckArgs(IChannel ch)


            ch.CheckUserArg((Args.EarlyStoppingRule == null && !Args.EnablePruning) || (Args.EarlyStoppingMetrics >= 1 && Args.EarlyStoppingMetrics <= 2), nameof(Args.EarlyStoppingMetrics),
                            "earlyStoppingMetrics should be 1 or 2. (1: L1, 2: L2)");
Пример #3
        private protected override void CheckOptions(IChannel ch)


            ch.CheckUserArg((FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingRule == null && !FastTreeTrainerOptions.EnablePruning) || (FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics >= 1 && FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics <= 2), nameof(FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics),
                            "earlyStoppingMetrics should be 1 or 2. (1: L1, 2: L2)");
Пример #4
        // Returns true if a normalizer was added.
        public static bool AddNormalizerIfNeeded(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, ITrainer trainer, ref IDataView view, string featureColumn, NormalizeOption autoNorm)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
            ch.CheckValue(trainer, nameof(trainer));
            ch.CheckValue(view, nameof(view));
            ch.CheckUserArg(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(NormalizeOption), autoNorm), nameof(TrainCommand.Arguments.NormalizeFeatures),
                            "Normalize option is invalid. Specify one of 'norm=No', 'norm=Warn', 'norm=Auto', or 'norm=Yes'.");

            if (autoNorm == NormalizeOption.No)
                ch.Info("Not adding a normalizer.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(featureColumn))

            int featCol;
            var schema = view.Schema;

            if (schema.TryGetColumnIndex(featureColumn, out featCol))
                if (autoNorm != NormalizeOption.Yes)
                    DvBool isNormalized = DvBool.False;
                    if (!trainer.Info.NeedNormalization || schema.IsNormalized(featCol))
                        ch.Info("Not adding a normalizer.");
                    if (autoNorm == NormalizeOption.Warn)
                        ch.Warning("A normalizer is needed for this trainer. Either add a normalizing transform or use the 'norm=Auto', 'norm=Yes' or 'norm=No' options.");
                ch.Info("Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.");
                IDataView ApplyNormalizer(IHostEnvironment innerEnv, IDataView input)
                => NormalizeTransform.CreateMinMaxNormalizer(innerEnv, input, featureColumn);

                if (view is IDataLoader loader)
                    view = CompositeDataLoader.ApplyTransform(env, loader, tag: null, creationArgs: null, ApplyNormalizer);
                    view = ApplyNormalizer(env, view);
        private protected override void CheckOptions(IChannel ch)


            bool doEarlyStop = FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingRuleFactory != null ||

            if (doEarlyStop)
                ch.CheckUserArg(FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics >= 1 && FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics <= 2,
                                nameof(FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics), "earlyStoppingMetrics should be 1 or 2. (1: L1, 2: L2)");
Пример #6
        private IEnumerable <int> CreateSparse(IChannel ch, Random rgen)
            ch.CheckUserArg(0 <= _param && _param < 1, nameof(Arguments.Parameter), "For sparse ararys");
            // The parameter is the level of sparsity. Use the geometric distribution to determine the number of
            // Geometric distribution (with 0 support) would be Math.
            double denom = Math.Log(1 - _param);

            if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(denom))
                // The parameter is so high, it's effectively dense.
                foreach (int v in CreateDense(ch, rgen))
                    yield return(0);
                yield break;
            if (denom == 0)
                // The parameter must have been so small that we effectively will never have an "on" entry.
                for (int i = 0; i < _len; ++i)
                    yield return(0);
                yield break;
            ch.Assert(FloatUtils.IsFinite(denom) && denom < 0);
            int remaining = _len;

            while (remaining > 0)
                // A value being sparse or not we view as a Bernoulli trial, so, we can more efficiently
                // model the number of sparse values as being a geometric distribution. This reduces the
                // number of calls to the random number generator considerable vs. the naive sampling.
                double r        = 1 - rgen.NextDouble(); // Has support in [0,1). We subtract 1-r to make support in (0,1].
                int    numZeros = (int)Math.Min(Math.Floor(Math.Log(r) / denom), remaining);
                for (int i = 0; i < numZeros; ++i)
                    yield return(0);
                if ((remaining -= numZeros) > 0)
                    yield return(rgen.Next(_bins));
            ch.Assert(remaining == 0);
        protected override void CheckArgs(IChannel ch)


            // REVIEW: In order to properly support early stopping, the early stopping metric should be a subcomponent, not just
            // a simple integer, because the metric that we might want is parameterized by this floating point "index" parameter. For now
            // we just leave the existing regression checks, though with a warning.

            if (Args.EarlyStoppingMetrics > 0)
                ch.Warning("For Tweedie regression, early stopping does not yet use the Tweedie distribution.");

            ch.CheckUserArg((Args.EarlyStoppingRule == null && !Args.EnablePruning) || (Args.EarlyStoppingMetrics >= 1 && Args.EarlyStoppingMetrics <= 2), nameof(Args.EarlyStoppingMetrics),
                            "earlyStoppingMetrics should be 1 or 2. (1: L1, 2: L2)");
Пример #8
        private static IDataLoader LoadStopwords(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, string dataFile,
                                                 SubComponent <IDataLoader, SignatureDataLoader> loader, ref string stopwordsCol)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
            // First column using the file.
            if (!loader.IsGood())
                // Determine the default loader from the extension.
                var  ext         = Path.GetExtension(dataFile);
                bool isBinary    = string.Equals(ext, ".idv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                bool isTranspose = string.Equals(ext, ".tdv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                if (isBinary || isTranspose)
                    ch.Assert(isBinary != isTranspose);
                    ch.CheckUserArg(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stopwordsCol), nameof(Arguments.StopwordsColumn),
                                    "stopwordsColumn should be specified");
                    if (isBinary)
                        loader = new SubComponent <IDataLoader, SignatureDataLoader>("BinaryLoader");
                        loader = new SubComponent <IDataLoader, SignatureDataLoader>("TransposeLoader");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stopwordsCol))
                        ch.Warning("{0} should not be specified when default loader is TextLoader. Ignoring stopwordsColumn={0}",
                    loader       = new SubComponent <IDataLoader, SignatureDataLoader>("TextLoader", "sep=tab col=Stopwords:TX:0");
                    stopwordsCol = "Stopwords";

            return(loader.CreateInstance(env, new MultiFileSource(dataFile)));
Пример #9
        private protected override void CheckOptions(IChannel ch)


            // REVIEW: In order to properly support early stopping, the early stopping metric should be a subcomponent, not just
            // a simple integer, because the metric that we might want is parameterized by this floating point "index" parameter. For now
            // we just leave the existing regression checks, though with a warning.
            if (FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics > 0)
                ch.Warning("For Tweedie regression, early stopping does not yet use the Tweedie distribution.");

            bool doEarlyStop = FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingRuleFactory != null ||

            // Please do not remove it! See comment above.
            if (doEarlyStop)
                ch.CheckUserArg(FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics == 1 || FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics == 2,
                                nameof(FastTreeTrainerOptions.EarlyStoppingMetrics), "should be 1 (L1-norm) or 2 (L2-norm).");
        private TPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data, LinearModelParameters predictor, int weightSetCount)
            int numFeatures   = data.Schema.Feature.Value.Type.GetVectorSize();
            var cursorFactory = new FloatLabelCursor.Factory(data, CursOpt.Label | CursOpt.Features);
            int numThreads    = 1;

            ch.CheckUserArg(numThreads > 0, nameof(_options.NumberOfThreads),
                            "The number of threads must be either null or a positive integer.");

            var             positiveInstanceWeight = _options.PositiveInstanceWeight;
            VBuffer <float> weights = default;
            float           bias    = 0.0f;

            if (predictor != null)
                predictor.GetFeatureWeights(ref weights);
                VBufferUtils.Densify(ref weights);
                bias = predictor.Bias;
                weights = VBufferUtils.CreateDense <float>(numFeatures);

            var weightsEditor = VBufferEditor.CreateFromBuffer(ref weights);

            // Reference: Parasail. SymSGD.
            bool tuneLR = _options.LearningRate == null;
            var  lr     = _options.LearningRate ?? 1.0f;

            bool tuneNumLocIter = (_options.UpdateFrequency == null);
            var  numLocIter     = _options.UpdateFrequency ?? 1;

            var l2Const = _options.L2Regularization;
            var piw     = _options.PositiveInstanceWeight;

            // This is state of the learner that is shared with the native code.
            State    state         = new State();
            GCHandle stateGCHandle = default;

                stateGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(state, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                state.TotalInstancesProcessed = 0;
                using (InputDataManager inputDataManager = new InputDataManager(this, cursorFactory, ch))
                    bool shouldInitialize = true;
                    using (var pch = Host.StartProgressChannel("Preprocessing"))

                    int iter = 0;
                    if (inputDataManager.IsFullyLoaded)
                        ch.Info("Data fully loaded into memory.");
                    using (var pch = Host.StartProgressChannel("Training"))
                        if (inputDataManager.IsFullyLoaded)
                            pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(new[] { "iterations" }),
                                          entry => entry.SetProgress(0, state.PassIteration, _options.NumberOfIterations));
                            // If fully loaded, call the SymSGDNative and do not come back until learned for all iterations.
                            Native.LearnAll(inputDataManager, tuneLR, ref lr, l2Const, piw, weightsEditor.Values, ref bias, numFeatures,
                                            _options.NumberOfIterations, numThreads, tuneNumLocIter, ref numLocIter, _options.Tolerance, _options.Shuffle, shouldInitialize,
                                            stateGCHandle, ch.Info);
                            shouldInitialize = false;
                            pch.SetHeader(new ProgressHeader(new[] { "iterations" }),
                                          entry => entry.SetProgress(0, iter, _options.NumberOfIterations));

                            // Since we loaded data in batch sizes, multiple passes over the loaded data is feasible.
                            int numPassesForABatch = inputDataManager.Count / 10000;
                            while (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)
                                // We want to train on the final passes thoroughly (without learning on the same batch multiple times)
                                // This is for fine tuning the AUC. Experimentally, we found that 1 or 2 passes is enough
                                int numFinalPassesToTrainThoroughly = 2;
                                // We also do not want to learn for more passes than what the user asked
                                int numPassesForThisBatch = Math.Min(numPassesForABatch, _options.NumberOfIterations - iter - numFinalPassesToTrainThoroughly);
                                // If all of this leaves us with 0 passes, then set numPassesForThisBatch to 1
                                numPassesForThisBatch = Math.Max(1, numPassesForThisBatch);
                                state.PassIteration   = iter;
                                Native.LearnAll(inputDataManager, tuneLR, ref lr, l2Const, piw, weightsEditor.Values, ref bias, numFeatures,
                                                numPassesForThisBatch, numThreads, tuneNumLocIter, ref numLocIter, _options.Tolerance, _options.Shuffle, shouldInitialize,
                                                stateGCHandle, ch.Info);
                                shouldInitialize = false;

                                // Check if we are done with going through the data
                                if (inputDataManager.FinishedTheLoad)
                                    iter += numPassesForThisBatch;
                                    // Check if more passes are left
                                    if (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)
                                        inputDataManager.RestartLoading(_options.Shuffle, Host);

                                // If more passes are left, load as much as possible
                                if (iter < _options.NumberOfIterations)

                        // Maps back the dense features that are mislocated
                        if (numThreads > 1)
                            Native.MapBackWeightVector(weightsEditor.Values, stateGCHandle);
                if (stateGCHandle.IsAllocated)
            return(CreatePredictor(weights, bias));
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This builds the <see cref="TermMap"/> instances per column.
        /// </summary>
        private static TermMap[] Train(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, ColInfo[] infos,
                                       ArgumentsBase args, ColumnBase[] column, IDataView trainingData)

            if ((args.Term != null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Terms)) &&
                (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args.DataFile) || args.Loader.IsGood() ||
                ch.Warning("Explicit term list specified. Data file arguments will be ignored");

            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SortOrder), args.Sort))
                throw ch.ExceptUserArg(nameof(args.Sort), "Undefined sorting criteria '{0}' detected", args.Sort);

            TermMap termsFromFile = null;
            var     termMap       = new TermMap[infos.Length];

            int[]         lims         = new int[infos.Length];
            int           trainsNeeded = 0;
            HashSet <int> toTrain      = null;

            for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < infos.Length; iinfo++)
                // First check whether we have a terms argument, and handle it appropriately.
                var terms      = new DvText(column[iinfo].Terms);
                var termsArray = column[iinfo].Term;
                if (!terms.HasChars && termsArray == null)
                    terms      = new DvText(args.Terms);
                    termsArray = args.Term;

                terms = terms.Trim();
                if (terms.HasChars || (termsArray != null && termsArray.Length > 0))
                    // We have terms! Pass it in.
                    var sortOrder = column[iinfo].Sort ?? args.Sort;
                    if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SortOrder), sortOrder))
                        throw ch.ExceptUserArg(nameof(args.Sort), "Undefined sorting criteria '{0}' detected for column '{1}'", sortOrder, infos[iinfo].Name);

                    var bldr = Builder.Create(infos[iinfo].TypeSrc, sortOrder);
                    if (terms.HasChars)
                        bldr.ParseAddTermArg(ref terms, ch);
                        bldr.ParseAddTermArg(termsArray, ch);
                    termMap[iinfo] = bldr.Finish();
                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args.DataFile))
                    // First column using this file.
                    if (termsFromFile == null)
                        var bldr = Builder.Create(infos[iinfo].TypeSrc, column[iinfo].Sort ?? args.Sort);
                        termsFromFile = CreateFileTermMap(env, ch, args, bldr);
                    if (!termsFromFile.ItemType.Equals(infos[iinfo].TypeSrc.ItemType))
                        // We have no current plans to support re-interpretation based on different column
                        // type, not only because it's unclear what realistic customer use-cases for such
                        // a complicated feature would be, and also because it's difficult to see how we
                        // can logically reconcile "reinterpretation" for different types with the resulting
                        // data view having an actual type.
                        throw ch.ExceptUserArg(nameof(args.DataFile), "Data file terms loaded as type '{0}' but mismatches column '{1}' item type '{2}'",
                                               termsFromFile.ItemType, infos[iinfo].Name, infos[iinfo].TypeSrc.ItemType);
                    termMap[iinfo] = termsFromFile;
                    // Auto train this column. Leave the term map null for now, but set the lim appropriately.
                    lims[iinfo] = column[iinfo].MaxNumTerms ?? args.MaxNumTerms;
                    ch.CheckUserArg(lims[iinfo] > 0, nameof(Column.MaxNumTerms), "Must be positive");
                    Utils.Add(ref toTrain, infos[iinfo].Source);

            ch.Assert((Utils.Size(toTrain) == 0) == (trainsNeeded == 0));
            ch.Assert(Utils.Size(toTrain) <= trainsNeeded);
            if (trainsNeeded > 0)
                Trainer[] trainer     = new Trainer[trainsNeeded];
                int[]     trainerInfo = new int[trainsNeeded];
                // Open the cursor, then instantiate the trainers.
                int itrainer;
                using (var cursor = trainingData.GetRowCursor(toTrain.Contains))
                    using (var pch = env.StartProgressChannel("Building term dictionary"))
                        long   rowCur   = 0;
                        double rowCount = trainingData.GetRowCount(true) ?? double.NaN;
                        var    header   = new ProgressHeader(new[] { "Total Terms" }, new[] { "examples" });

                        itrainer = 0;
                        for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < infos.Length; ++iinfo)
                            if (termMap[iinfo] != null)
                            var bldr = Builder.Create(infos[iinfo].TypeSrc, column[iinfo].Sort ?? args.Sort);
                            trainerInfo[itrainer] = iinfo;
                            trainer[itrainer++]   = Trainer.Create(cursor, infos[iinfo].Source, false, lims[iinfo], bldr);
                        ch.Assert(itrainer == trainer.Length);
                                      e =>
                            e.SetProgress(0, rowCur, rowCount);
                            // Purely feedback for the user. That the other thread might be
                            // working in the background is not a problem.
                            e.SetMetric(0, trainer.Sum(t => t.Count));

                        // The [0,tmin) trainers are finished.
                        int tmin = 0;
                        // We might exit early if all trainers reach their maximum.
                        while (tmin < trainer.Length && cursor.MoveNext())
                            for (int t = tmin; t < trainer.Length; ++t)
                                if (!trainer[t].ProcessRow())
                                    Utils.Swap(ref trainerInfo[t], ref trainerInfo[tmin]);
                                    Utils.Swap(ref trainer[t], ref trainer[tmin++]);

                        pch.Checkpoint(trainer.Sum(t => t.Count), rowCur);
                for (itrainer = 0; itrainer < trainer.Length; ++itrainer)
                    int iinfo = trainerInfo[itrainer];
                    ch.Assert(termMap[iinfo] == null);
                    if (trainer[itrainer].Count == 0)
                        ch.Warning("Term map for output column '{0}' contains no entries.", infos[iinfo].Name);
                    termMap[iinfo] = trainer[itrainer].Finish();
                    // Allow the intermediate structures in the trainer and builder to be released as we iterate
                    // over the columns, as the Finish operation can potentially result in the allocation of
                    // additional structures.
                    trainer[itrainer] = null;
                ch.Assert(termMap.All(tm => tm != null));
                ch.Assert(termMap.Zip(infos, (tm, info) => tm.ItemType.Equals(info.TypeSrc.ItemType)).All(x => x));

Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility method to create the file-based <see cref="TermMap"/> if the <see cref="ArgumentsBase.DataFile"/>
        /// argument of <paramref name="args"/> was present.
        /// </summary>
        private static TermMap CreateFileTermMap(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, ArgumentsBase args, Builder bldr)

            string file = args.DataFile;
            // First column using the file.
            string src = args.TermsColumn;
            var    sub = args.Loader;
            // If the user manually specifies a loader, or this is already a pre-processed binary
            // file, then we assume the user knows what they're doing and do not attempt to convert
            // to the desired type ourselves.
            bool autoConvert = false;

            if (!sub.IsGood())
                // Determine the default loader from the extension.
                var  ext         = Path.GetExtension(file);
                bool isBinary    = string.Equals(ext, ".idv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                bool isTranspose = string.Equals(ext, ".tdv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                if (isBinary || isTranspose)
                    ch.Assert(isBinary != isTranspose);
                    ch.CheckUserArg(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(src), nameof(args.TermsColumn),
                                    "Must be specified");
                    if (isBinary)
                        sub = new SubComponent <IDataLoader, SignatureDataLoader>("BinaryLoader");
                        sub = new SubComponent <IDataLoader, SignatureDataLoader>("TransposeLoader");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(src))
                            "{0} should not be specified when default loader is TextLoader. Ignoring {0}={1}",
                            nameof(Arguments.TermsColumn), src);
                    sub         = new SubComponent <IDataLoader, SignatureDataLoader>("TextLoader", "sep=tab col=Term:TX:0");
                    src         = "Term";
                    autoConvert = true;

            int colSrc;
            var loader = sub.CreateInstance(env, new MultiFileSource(file));

            if (!loader.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex(src, out colSrc))
                throw ch.ExceptUserArg(nameof(args.TermsColumn), "Unknown column '{0}'", src);
            var typeSrc = loader.Schema.GetColumnType(colSrc);

            if (!autoConvert && !typeSrc.Equals(bldr.ItemType))
                throw ch.ExceptUserArg(nameof(args.TermsColumn), "Must be of type '{0}' but was '{1}'", bldr.ItemType, typeSrc);

            using (var cursor = loader.GetRowCursor(col => col == colSrc))
                using (var pch = env.StartProgressChannel("Building term dictionary from file"))
                    var    header   = new ProgressHeader(new[] { "Total Terms" }, new[] { "examples" });
                    var    trainer  = Trainer.Create(cursor, colSrc, autoConvert, int.MaxValue, bldr);
                    double rowCount = loader.GetRowCount(true) ?? double.NaN;
                    long   rowCur   = 0;
                                  e =>
                        e.SetProgress(0, rowCur, rowCount);
                        // Purely feedback for the user. That the other thread might be
                        // working in the background is not a problem.
                        e.SetMetric(0, trainer.Count);
                    while (cursor.MoveNext() && trainer.ProcessRow())
                    if (trainer.Count == 0)
                        ch.Warning("Term map loaded from file resulted in an empty map.");
                    pch.Checkpoint(trainer.Count, rowCur);
Пример #13
        private TPredictor TrainCore(IChannel ch, RoleMappedData data)

            // 1. Subset Selection
            var stackingTrainer = Combiner as IStackingTrainer <TOutput>;

            //REVIEW: Implement stacking for Batch mode.
            ch.CheckUserArg(stackingTrainer == null || Args.BatchSize <= 0, nameof(Args.BatchSize), "Stacking works only with Non-batch mode");

            var validationDataSetProportion = SubModelSelector.ValidationDatasetProportion;

            if (stackingTrainer != null)
                validationDataSetProportion = Math.Max(validationDataSetProportion, stackingTrainer.ValidationDatasetProportion);

            var needMetrics = Args.ShowMetrics || Combiner is IWeightedAverager;
            var models      = new List <FeatureSubsetModel <IPredictorProducing <TOutput> > >();

            _subsetSelector.Initialize(data, NumModels, Args.BatchSize, validationDataSetProportion);
            int batchNumber = 1;

            foreach (var batch in _subsetSelector.GetBatches(Host.Rand))
                // 2. Core train
                ch.Info("Training {0} learners for the batch {1}", Trainers.Length, batchNumber++);
                var batchModels = new FeatureSubsetModel <IPredictorProducing <TOutput> > [Trainers.Length];

                Parallel.ForEach(_subsetSelector.GetSubsets(batch, Host.Rand),
                                 new ParallelOptions()
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Args.TrainParallel ? -1 : 1
                                 (subset, state, index) =>
                    ch.Info("Beginning training model {0} of {1}", index + 1, Trainers.Length);
                    Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        if (EnsureMinimumFeaturesSelected(subset))
                            var model = new FeatureSubsetModel <IPredictorProducing <TOutput> >(
                            SubModelSelector.CalculateMetrics(model, _subsetSelector, subset, batch, needMetrics);
                            batchModels[(int)index] = model;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ch.Assert(batchModels[(int)index] == null);
                        ch.Warning(ex.Sensitivity(), "Trainer {0} of {1} was not learned properly due to the exception '{2}' and will not be added to models.",
                                   index + 1, Trainers.Length, ex.Message);
                    ch.Info("Trainer {0} of {1} finished in {2}", index + 1, Trainers.Length, sw.Elapsed);

                var modelsList = batchModels.Where(m => m != null).ToList();
                if (Args.ShowMetrics)
                    PrintMetrics(ch, modelsList);

                modelsList = SubModelSelector.Prune(modelsList).ToList();

                if (stackingTrainer != null)
                    stackingTrainer.Train(modelsList, _subsetSelector.GetTestData(null, batch), Host);

                int modelSize = Utils.Size(models);
                if (modelSize < Utils.Size(Trainers))
                    ch.Warning("{0} of {1} trainings failed.", Utils.Size(Trainers) - modelSize, Utils.Size(Trainers));
                ch.Check(modelSize > 0, "Ensemble training resulted in no valid models.");
Пример #14
        private void LoadStopWords(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, ArgumentsBase loaderArgs, out NormStr.Pool stopWordsMap)

            if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loaderArgs.Stopwords) || Utils.Size(loaderArgs.Stopword) > 0) &&
                (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loaderArgs.DataFile) || loaderArgs.Loader != null ||
                ch.Warning("Explicit stopwords list specified. Data file arguments will be ignored");

            var src = default(ReadOnlyMemory <char>);

            stopWordsMap = new NormStr.Pool();
            var buffer = new StringBuilder();

            var stopwords = loaderArgs.Stopwords.AsMemory();

            stopwords = ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.TrimSpaces(stopwords);
            if (!stopwords.IsEmpty)
                bool warnEmpty = true;
                for (bool more = true; more;)
                    ReadOnlyMemory <char> stopword;
                    more     = ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.SplitOne(stopwords, ',', out stopword, out stopwords);
                    stopword = ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.TrimSpaces(stopword);
                    if (!stopword.IsEmpty)
                        ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.AddLowerCaseToStringBuilder(stopword.Span, buffer);
                    else if (warnEmpty)
                        ch.Warning("Empty strings ignored in 'stopwords' specification");
                        warnEmpty = false;
                ch.CheckUserArg(stopWordsMap.Count > 0, nameof(Arguments.Stopwords), "stopwords is empty");
            else if (Utils.Size(loaderArgs.Stopword) > 0)
                bool warnEmpty = true;
                foreach (string word in loaderArgs.Stopword)
                    var stopword = word.AsSpan();
                    stopword = stopword.Trim(' ');
                    if (!stopword.IsEmpty)
                        ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.AddLowerCaseToStringBuilder(stopword, buffer);
                    else if (warnEmpty)
                        ch.Warning("Empty strings ignored in 'stopword' specification");
                        warnEmpty = false;
                string srcCol = loaderArgs.StopwordsColumn;
                var    loader = LoadStopwords(env, ch, loaderArgs.DataFile, loaderArgs.Loader, ref srcCol);
                int    colSrc;
                if (!loader.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex(srcCol, out colSrc))
                    throw ch.ExceptUserArg(nameof(Arguments.StopwordsColumn), "Unknown column '{0}'", srcCol);
                var typeSrc = loader.Schema[colSrc].Type;
                ch.CheckUserArg(typeSrc.IsText, nameof(Arguments.StopwordsColumn), "Must be a scalar text column");

                // Accumulate the stopwords.
                using (var cursor = loader.GetRowCursor(col => col == colSrc))
                    bool warnEmpty = true;
                    var  getter    = cursor.GetGetter <ReadOnlyMemory <char> >(colSrc);
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        getter(ref src);
                        if (!src.IsEmpty)
                            ReadOnlyMemoryUtils.AddLowerCaseToStringBuilder(src.Span, buffer);
                        else if (warnEmpty)
                            ch.Warning("Empty rows ignored in data file");
                            warnEmpty = false;
                ch.CheckUserArg(stopWordsMap.Count > 0, nameof(Arguments.DataFile), "dataFile is empty");
Пример #15
        // Returns true if a normalizer was added.
        public static bool AddNormalizerIfNeeded(IHostEnvironment env, IChannel ch, ITrainer trainer, ref IDataView view, string featureColumn, NormalizeOption autoNorm)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(ch, nameof(ch));
            ch.CheckValue(trainer, nameof(trainer));
            ch.CheckValue(view, nameof(view));
            ch.CheckUserArg(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(NormalizeOption), autoNorm), nameof(TrainCommand.Arguments.NormalizeFeatures),
                            "Normalize option is invalid. Specify one of 'norm=No', 'norm=Warn', 'norm=Auto', or 'norm=Yes'.");

            if (autoNorm == NormalizeOption.No)
                ch.Info("Not adding a normalizer.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(featureColumn))

            int featCol;
            var schema = view.Schema;

            if (schema.TryGetColumnIndex(featureColumn, out featCol))
                if (autoNorm != NormalizeOption.Yes)
                    var    nn           = trainer as ITrainerEx;
                    DvBool isNormalized = DvBool.False;
                    if (nn == null || !nn.NeedNormalization ||
                        (schema.TryGetMetadata(BoolType.Instance, MetadataUtils.Kinds.IsNormalized, featCol, ref isNormalized) &&
                        ch.Info("Not adding a normalizer.");
                    if (autoNorm == NormalizeOption.Warn)
                        ch.Warning("A normalizer is needed for this trainer. Either add a normalizing transform or use the 'norm=Auto', 'norm=Yes' or 'norm=No' options.");
                ch.Info("Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.");
                // Quote the feature column name
                string        quotedFeatureColumnName = featureColumn;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (CmdQuoter.QuoteValue(quotedFeatureColumnName, sb))
                    quotedFeatureColumnName = sb.ToString();
                var component = new SubComponent <IDataTransform, SignatureDataTransform>("MinMax", string.Format("col={{ name={0} source={0} }}", quotedFeatureColumnName));
                var loader    = view as IDataLoader;
                if (loader != null)
                    view = CompositeDataLoader.Create(env, loader,
                                                      new KeyValuePair <string, SubComponent <IDataTransform, SignatureDataTransform> >(null, component));
                    view = component.CreateInstance(env, view);
            public static Bindings Create(Arguments args, ISchema input, IChannel ch, bool exceptUser = true)
                ch.CheckUserArg(Utils.Size(args.Column) > 0, nameof(args.Column), "Column is missing");
                ch.CheckUserArg(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Language), args.Language),
                    nameof(args.Language), "'lang' has invalid value");

                int namesLen = 0;
                foreach (var col in args.Column)
                    ch.CheckUserArg(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(col.Source), nameof(col.Source), "Cannot be empty");
                    ch.CheckUserArg(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(col.TokensColumn), nameof(col.TokensColumn), "Cannot be empty");
                    ch.CheckUserArg(!col.Language.HasValue || Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Language), col.Language),
                        nameof(col.Language), "Value is invalid");

                    namesLen += string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(col.TypesColumn) && !args.CreateTypesColumn ? 1 : 2;

                int index = 0;
                var names = new string[namesLen];
                var infos = new ColInfo[names.Length];
                var groups = new ColGroupInfo[args.Column.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Column.Length; i++)
                    var col = args.Column[i];
                    int srcIdx;
                    ColumnType srcType;
                    Bind(input, col.Source, t => t.ItemType.IsText, SrcTypeName, out srcIdx, out srcType, exceptUser);
                    ch.Assert(srcIdx >= 0);

                    int langsColIdx;
                    string langsCol = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(col.LanguagesColumn)
                        ? col.LanguagesColumn
                        : args.LanguagesColumn;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(langsCol))
                        ColumnType langsColType;
                        Bind(input, langsCol, t => t.IsText, LangTypeName, out langsColIdx, out langsColType, exceptUser);
                        ch.Assert(langsColIdx >= 0);
                        langsCol = null;
                        langsColIdx = -1;

                    var lang = col.Language ?? args.Language;
                    bool requireTypes = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(col.TypesColumn) || args.CreateTypesColumn;

                    groups[i] = new ColGroupInfo(lang, srcIdx, col.Source, srcType, langsColIdx, langsCol, requireTypes);
                    names[index] = col.TokensColumn;
                    infos[index++] = new ColInfo(i);
                    if (requireTypes)
                        names[index] = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(col.TypesColumn) ? col.TypesColumn
                            : string.Format("{0}_Tokens", col.Source);
                        infos[index++] = new ColInfo(i, isTypes: true);
                ch.Assert(index == namesLen);

                return new Bindings(groups, infos.ToArray(), input, exceptUser, names.ToArray());