Пример #1
        private static void PopulateCache(ICacheClient <int, Organization> cache)
            cache.Put(1, new Organization(
                          new Address("1065 East Hillsdale Blvd, Foster City, CA", 94404),

            cache.Put(2, new Organization("Microsoft",
                                          new Address("1096 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA", 94109),
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes account balance.
        /// </summary>
        private static void InitAccounts(ICacheClient <int, Account> cache)
            // Clean up caches on all nodes before run.

            // Initialize.
            cache.Put(1, new Account(1, 100));
            cache.Put(2, new Account(2, 200));

            Console.WriteLine(">>> Accounts before transfer: ");
            Console.WriteLine(">>>     " + cache.Get(1));
            Console.WriteLine(">>>     " + cache.Get(2));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute individual Put and Get, getting value in binary format, without de-serializing it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ignite">Ignite instance.</param>
        private static void PutGetBinary(IIgniteClient ignite)
            ICacheClient <int, Organization> cache = ignite.GetCache <int, Organization>(CacheName);

            // Create new Organization to store in cache.
            Organization org = new Organization(
                new Address("1096 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA", 94109),

            // Put created data entry to cache.
            cache.Put(1, org);

            // Create projection that will get values as binary objects.
            var binaryCache = cache.WithKeepBinary <int, IBinaryObject>();

            // Get recently created organization as a binary object.
            var binaryOrg = binaryCache.Get(1);

            // Get organization's name from binary object (note that  object doesn't need to be fully deserialized).
            string name = binaryOrg.GetField <string>("name");

            Console.WriteLine(">>> Retrieved organization name from binary object: " + name);
Пример #4
        public void PopulateEmployees()
            List <Employee> messages = new List <Employee>
                new Employee {
                    Name = "abc", Salary = 100, EmpId = "1"
                new Employee {
                    Name = "abc-1", Salary = 200, EmpId = "2"
                new Employee {
                    Name = "abc-2", Salary = 400, EmpId = "3"
                new Employee {
                    Name = "abc-3", Salary = 300, EmpId = "4"
                new Employee {
                    Name = "abc-4", Salary = 200, EmpId = "5"
            ICacheClient <string, Employee> cache = null;

            foreach (var mess in messages)
                using (IIgniteClient client = Ignition.StartClient(this._igniteClientConfiguration))
                    //get cache configuraation
                    cache = client.GetOrCreateCache <string, Employee>(GetOrCreateEmployeeCacheConfig("Employees"));

                    cache.Put(mess.EmpId, mess);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the cache with employee data.
        /// </summary>
        public static void PopulateCache(ICacheClient <int, Employee> cache)
            var id = 0;

            foreach (var employee in GetSampleEmployees())
                cache.Put(id++, employee);
Пример #6
        /** <inheritDoc /> */
        protected override void OnStarted()

            _cache = GetClient().GetCache <int, Employee>(CacheName);

            for (int i = 0; i < Emps.Length; i++)
                _cache.Put(i, Emps[i]);
Пример #7
        public void Put()
            var idxA = _random.Next(0, _max);
            var idxB = _random.Next(0, _max);
            var idxC = _random.Next(0, _max);
            var idxD = _random.Next(0, _max);
            var idxE = _random.Next(0, _max);

            _cacheA.Put(idxA, _modelsA[idxA]);
            _cacheB.Put(idxB, _modelsB[idxB]);
            _cacheC.Put(idxC, _modelsC[idxC]);
            _cacheD.Put(idxD, _modelsD[idxD]);
            _cacheE.Put(idxE, _modelsE[idxE]);
Пример #8
        /** <inheritDoc /> */
        protected override void OnStarted()
            Dataset = 1000;


            Cache = GetClient().GetOrCreateCache <int, Doubles>(CacheName);

            var array = Doubles.GetInstances(Dataset);

            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                Cache.Put(i, array[i]);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate cache with data for this example.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">Cache.</param>
        private static void PopulateCache(ICacheClient <int, Employee> cache)
            cache.Put(1, new Employee(
                          "James Wilson",
                          new Address("1096 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA", 94109),
                          new[] { "Human Resources", "Customer Service" },

            cache.Put(2, new Employee(
                          "Daniel Adams",
                          new Address("184 Fidler Drive, San Antonio, TX", 78130),
                          new[] { "Development", "QA" },

            cache.Put(3, new Employee(
                          "Cristian Moss",
                          new Address("667 Jerry Dove Drive, Florence, SC", 29501),
                          new[] { "Logistics" },

            cache.Put(4, new Employee(
                          "Allison Mathis",
                          new Address("2702 Freedom Lane, San Francisco, CA", 94109),
                          new[] { "Development" },

            cache.Put(5, new Employee(
                          "Breana Robbin",
                          new Address("3960 Sundown Lane, Austin, TX", 78130),
                          new[] { "Sales" },

            cache.Put(6, new Employee(
                          "Philip Horsley",
                          new Address("2803 Elsie Drive, Sioux Falls, SD", 57104),
                          new[] { "Sales" },

            cache.Put(7, new Employee(
                          "Brian Peters",
                          new Address("1407 Pearlman Avenue, Boston, MA", 12110),
                          new[] { "Development", "QA" },
Пример #10
        public void PutWithAffinity()
            var idxA = _random.Next(0, _max);
            var idxB = _random.Next(0, _max);
            var idxC = _random.Next(0, _max);
            var idxD = _random.Next(0, _max);
            var idxE = _random.Next(0, _max);
            var aff  = _random.Next(0, _max);

            _cacheF.Put(new AffinityKey(idxA, aff), _modelsA[idxA]);
            _cacheG.Put(new AffinityKey(idxB, aff), _modelsB[idxB]);
            _cacheH.Put(new AffinityKey(idxC, aff), _modelsC[idxC]);
            _cacheI.Put(new AffinityKey(idxD, aff), _modelsD[idxD]);
            _cacheJ.Put(new AffinityKey(idxE, aff), _modelsE[idxE]);
Пример #11
        public static void Main()

            var cfg = new IgniteClientConfiguration
                Host = ""

            using (IIgniteClient client = Ignition.StartClient(cfg))
                ICacheClient <int, string> cache = client.GetCache <int, string>("cache");
                cache.Put(1, "Hello, World!");
Пример #12
        public void AllKeyBasedOperations_PrimitiveKeyType_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(int key, int gridIdx)
            int unused;

            TestOperation(() => _cache.Get(key), gridIdx);
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.GetAsync(key), gridIdx);

            TestOperation(() => _cache.TryGet(key, out unused), gridIdx);
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.TryGetAsync(key), gridIdx);

            TestOperation(() => _cache.Put(key, key), gridIdx, "Put");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.PutAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "Put");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.PutIfAbsent(key, key), gridIdx, "PutIfAbsent");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.PutIfAbsentAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "PutIfAbsent");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.GetAndPutIfAbsent(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndPutIfAbsent");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.GetAndPutIfAbsentAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndPutIfAbsent");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.Clear(key), gridIdx, "ClearKey");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.ClearAsync(key), gridIdx, "ClearKey");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.ContainsKey(key), gridIdx, "ContainsKey");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.ContainsKeyAsync(key), gridIdx, "ContainsKey");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.GetAndPut(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndPut");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.GetAndPutAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndPut");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.GetAndReplace(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndReplace");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.GetAndReplaceAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndReplace");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.GetAndRemove(key), gridIdx, "GetAndRemove");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.GetAndRemoveAsync(key), gridIdx, "GetAndRemove");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.Replace(key, key), gridIdx, "Replace");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.ReplaceAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "Replace");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.Replace(key, key, key + 1), gridIdx, "ReplaceIfEquals");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.ReplaceAsync(key, key, key + 1), gridIdx, "ReplaceIfEquals");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.Remove(key), gridIdx, "RemoveKey");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.RemoveAsync(key), gridIdx, "RemoveKey");

            TestOperation(() => _cache.Remove(key, key), gridIdx, "RemoveIfEquals");
            TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.RemoveAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "RemoveIfEquals");
        /// <summary>
        /// Puts the invocation response in the specified cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invocation"></param>
        /// <param name="cacheClient"></param>
        /// <param name="cacheKey"></param>
        /// <param name="region"></param>
        /// <param name="directive"></param>
        protected static void PutResponseInCache(IInvocation invocation, ICacheClient cacheClient, string cacheKey, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
            // bail if the directive does not tell us to cache anything
            if (directive == null || !directive.EnableCaching || directive.TimeToLive == TimeSpan.Zero)

            // if we don't have a cache key, this is an error
            if (cacheKey == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          string.Format("{0} is cacheable but the request class does not implement IDefinesCacheKey.", invocation.GetType().FullName));

            // put response in cache
            cacheClient.Put(cacheKey, invocation.ReturnValue, new CachePutOptions(region, directive.TimeToLive, false));
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute individual Put and Get.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">Cache instance.</param>
        private static void PutGet(ICacheClient <int, Organization> cache)
            // Create new Organization to store in cache.
            Organization org = new Organization(
                new Address("1096 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA", 94109),

            // Put created data entry to cache.
            cache.Put(1, org);

            // Get recently created employee as a strongly-typed fully de-serialized instance.
            Organization orgFromCache = cache.Get(1);

            Console.WriteLine(">>> Retrieved organization instance from cache: " + orgFromCache);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Start new node, create new user with given credentials and try to authenticate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">Username</param>
        /// <param name="pass">Password</param>
        private void CreateNewUserAndAuthenticate(string user, string pass)
            using (var srv = Ignition.Start(SecureServerConfig()))

                using (var cli = Ignition.StartClient(GetSecureClientConfig()))
                    CacheClientConfiguration ccfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                        Name          = "TestCache",
                        QueryEntities = new[]
                            new QueryEntity
                                KeyType   = typeof(string),
                                ValueType = typeof(string),

                    ICacheClient <string, string> cache = cli.GetOrCreateCache <string, string>(ccfg);

                    cache.Put("key1", "val1");

                    cache.Query(new SqlFieldsQuery("CREATE USER \"" + user + "\" WITH PASSWORD '" + pass + "'")).GetAll();

                var cliCfg = GetSecureClientConfig();

                cliCfg.UserName = user;
                cliCfg.Password = pass;

                using (var cli = Ignition.StartClient(cliCfg))
                    ICacheClient <string, string> cache = cli.GetCache <string, string>("TestCache");

                    string val = cache.Get("key1");

                    Assert.True(val == "val1");
Пример #16
        public void TestAuthentication()
            using (var srv = Ignition.Start(SecureServerConfig()))

                using (var cli = Ignition.StartClient(SecureClientConfig()))
                    CacheClientConfiguration ccfg = new CacheClientConfiguration()
                        Name          = "TestCache",
                        QueryEntities = new[]
                            new QueryEntity
                                KeyType   = typeof(string),
                                ValueType = typeof(string),

                    ICacheClient <string, string> cache = cli.GetOrCreateCache <string, string>(ccfg);

                    cache.Put("key1", "val1");

                    cache.Query(new SqlFieldsQuery("CREATE USER \"my_User\" WITH PASSWORD 'my_Password'")).GetAll();

                var cliCfg = SecureClientConfig();

                cliCfg.UserName = "******";
                cliCfg.Password = "******";

                using (var cli = Ignition.StartClient(cliCfg))
                    ICacheClient <string, string> cache = cli.GetCache <string, string>("TestCache");

                    string val = cache.Get("key1");

                    Assert.True(val == "val1");
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Puts the invocation response in the specified cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invocation"></param>
        /// <param name="cacheClient"></param>
        /// <param name="request"> </param>
        /// <param name="region"></param>
        /// <param name="directive"></param>
        protected static void PutResponseInCache(IInvocation invocation, object request, ICacheClient cacheClient, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
            // bail if the directive does not tell us to cache anything
            if (directive == null || !directive.EnableCaching || directive.TimeToLive == TimeSpan.Zero)

            var strategy = ResponseDataCachingStrategy.Get(invocation.Method);
            var data     = strategy.GetCacheDataToPut(request, invocation.ReturnValue);

            if (data == null || data.Length == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          string.Format("{0} is cacheable but the caching strategy didn't return any data to put in the cache.", invocation.GetType().FullName));

            foreach (var item in data)
                cacheClient.Put(item.CacheKey, item.Data, new CachePutOptions(region, directive.TimeToLive, false));
Пример #18
 /// <summary>
 ///     Update or insert an object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 /// <param name="excludedFromEviction">In cache-only mode,if tue the item is never evicted from the cache</param>
 public void Put(T item, bool excludedFromEviction = false)
     _client.Put(item, excludedFromEviction);
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the database of estate agency.
        /// Requires connection to the cluster.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if database was successfully created.</returns>
        public static bool CreateDatabase()
            if (client == null)

            // Cache configuration goes here ----------------------------------

            CacheClientConfiguration credentialCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "credential",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional

                                 * QueryEntities = new[]
                                 * {
                                 *  new QueryEntity
                                 *  {
                                 *      TableName = "Credentials",
                                 *      KeyType = typeof(string),
                                 *      ValueType = typeof(Credential)
                                 *  }
                                 * }

            CacheClientConfiguration personCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "person",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional,
                QueryEntities = new[]
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "Persons",
                        KeyType   = typeof(int),
                        ValueType = typeof(Person)

            CacheClientConfiguration agentCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "agent",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional,
                QueryEntities = new[]
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "Agents",
                        KeyType   = typeof(int),
                        ValueType = typeof(Agent)

            CacheClientConfiguration estateobjectCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "estateobject",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional,
                QueryEntities = new[]
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "EstateObjects",
                        KeyType   = typeof(int),
                        ValueType = typeof(EstateObject)
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "Houses",
                        KeyType   = typeof(int),
                        ValueType = typeof(House)
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "Flats",
                        KeyType   = typeof(int),
                        ValueType = typeof(Flat)
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "Landplots",
                        KeyType   = typeof(int),
                        ValueType = typeof(Landplot)

            CacheClientConfiguration locationCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "location",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional,
                QueryEntities = new[]
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "Locations",
                        KeyType   = typeof(int),
                        ValueType = typeof(Location)

            CacheClientConfiguration clientwishCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "clientwish",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional,
                QueryEntities = new[]
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "ClientWishes",
                        KeyType   = typeof(int),
                        ValueType = typeof(ClientWish)

            CacheClientConfiguration bookmarkCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "bookmark",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional,
                QueryEntities = new[]
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "Bookmarks",
                        KeyType   = typeof(long),
                        ValueType = typeof(Bookmark),
                        Indexes   = new QueryIndex[]
                            new QueryIndex("PersonID"),
                            new QueryIndex("ObjectID")

            CacheClientConfiguration matchCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "match",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional,
                QueryEntities = new[]
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "Matches",
                        KeyType   = typeof(long),
                        ValueType = typeof(Match)

            CacheClientConfiguration orderCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "order",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional,
                QueryEntities = new[]
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "Orders",
                        KeyType   = typeof(long),
                        ValueType = typeof(Match)

            CacheClientConfiguration dealCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "deal",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional,
                QueryEntities = new[]
                    new QueryEntity
                        TableName = "Deals",
                        KeyType   = typeof(int),
                        ValueType = typeof(Deal)

            CacheClientConfiguration lastusedkeyCfg = new CacheClientConfiguration
                GroupName     = "estateagency",
                Name          = "lastusedkey",
                AtomicityMode = CacheAtomicityMode.Transactional

            // Cache creation goes here ---------------------------------------
            LocationCache   = client.CreateCache <int, Location> (locationCfg);
            CredentialCache = client.CreateCache <string, Credential> (credentialCfg);
            PersonCache     = client.CreateCache <int, Person> (personCfg);
            AgentCache      = client.CreateCache <int, Agent> (agentCfg);
            ObjectCache     = client.CreateCache <int, EstateObject> (estateobjectCfg);
            HouseCache      = client.GetCache <int, House> ("estateobject");
            FlatCache       = client.GetCache <int, Flat> ("estateobject");
            LandplotCache   = client.GetCache <int, Landplot> ("estateobject");
            ClientWishCache = client.CreateCache <int, ClientWish> (clientwishCfg);
            MatchCache      = client.CreateCache <long, Match> (matchCfg);
            BookmarkCache   = client.CreateCache <long, Bookmark> (bookmarkCfg);
            OrderCache      = client.CreateCache <long, Order> (orderCfg);
            DealCache       = client.CreateCache <int, Deal> (dealCfg);

            LastUsedKeys = Client.CreateCache <string, int> (lastusedkeyCfg);
            foreach (string i in CacheIndependentIntKeyNames)
                LastUsedKeys.Put(i, 0);

Пример #20
        public void PutBinary()
            var idx = Random.Next(0, Params.Instance.Value.TotalObjects);

            _binaryCache.Put(idx, _binaryModels[idx]);
Пример #21
 public void PutPrimitive()
     _cache.Put(1, 1);
Пример #22
 public void Put(string key, object value, CachePutOptions options)
     _cacheClient.Put(key, value, options);
     LogPut(key, value, options);
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Cache put.
        /// </summary>
        private void Put(BenchmarkState state)
            int idx = BenchmarkUtils.GetRandomInt(Dataset);

            _cache.Put(idx, Emps[idx]);
    	/// <summary>
    	/// Puts the invocation response in the specified cache.
    	/// </summary>
    	/// <param name="invocation"></param>
    	/// <param name="cacheClient"></param>
    	/// <param name="request"> </param>
    	/// <param name="region"></param>
    	/// <param name="directive"></param>
    	protected static void PutResponseInCache(IInvocation invocation, object request, ICacheClient cacheClient, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
			// bail if the directive does not tell us to cache anything
			if (directive == null || !directive.EnableCaching || directive.TimeToLive == TimeSpan.Zero)

			var strategy = ResponseDataCachingStrategy.Get(invocation.Method);
			var data = strategy.GetCacheDataToPut(request, invocation.ReturnValue);
			if (data == null || data.Length == 0)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(
					string.Format("{0} is cacheable but the caching strategy didn't return any data to put in the cache.", invocation.GetType().FullName));

    		foreach (var item in data)
				cacheClient.Put(item.CacheKey, item.Data, new CachePutOptions(region, directive.TimeToLive, false));
Пример #25
 /// <summary>
 ///     Update or insert an object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 public void Put(T item)
		/// <summary>
		/// Puts the invocation response in the specified cache.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="invocation"></param>
		/// <param name="cacheClient"></param>
		/// <param name="cacheKey"></param>
		/// <param name="region"></param>
		/// <param name="directive"></param>
		protected static void PutResponseInCache(IInvocation invocation, ICacheClient cacheClient, string cacheKey, string region, ResponseCachingDirective directive)
			// bail if the directive does not tell us to cache anything
			if (directive == null || !directive.EnableCaching || directive.TimeToLive == TimeSpan.Zero)

			// if we don't have a cache key, this is an error
			if (cacheKey == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(
					string.Format("{0} is cacheable but the request class does not implement IDefinesCacheKey.", invocation.GetType().FullName));

			// put response in cache
			cacheClient.Put(cacheKey, invocation.ReturnValue, new CachePutOptions(region, directive.TimeToLive, false));