Пример #1
        public double GetRMSD(IList <int> atomidxs, IList <Vector> atomcoords)
            List <Vector> coords = new List <Vector>();

            foreach (int atomidx in atomidxs)

            Trans3 trans = ICP3.OptimalTransform(coords, atomcoords);

            List <double> SDs = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < coords.Count; i++)
                Vector moved = trans.DoTransform(coords[i]);
                Vector to    = atomcoords[i];
                double SD    = (moved - to).Dist2;

            double RMSD = Math.Sqrt(SDs.Average());

Пример #2
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1
                                          , IList <Vector> C2 // ref
                                                              //, Pack<List<Vector>> C2new = null
                HDebug.Assert(C1.Count == C2.Count);
                Trans3 trans = ICP3.OptimalTransform(C2, C1);

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    Vector[] C2updated = trans.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();
                    double   RMSD0     = 0;
                    double   RMSD1     = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < C1.Count; i++)
                        RMSD0 += (C1[i] - C2[i]).Dist2;
                        RMSD1 += (C1[i] - C2updated[i]).Dist2;
                    RMSD0 /= C1.Count;
                    RMSD1 /= C1.Count;
                    //HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, Math.Abs(RMSD1 - RMSD0));
Пример #3
            public int QuasiNewton(List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds
                                   , double threshold
                                   , double?k = null
                                   , double max_atom_movement = 0.01
                                   , int?max_iteration        = null
                                   , IMinimizeLogger logger   = null                  // logger = new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(logpath);

                                   , HPack <double> optOutEnergy        = null        // optional output for final energy
                                   , List <Vector> optOutForces         = null        // optional output for final force vectors
                                   , HPack <double> optOutForcesNorm1   = null        // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                                   , HPack <double> optOutForcesNorm2   = null        // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                                   , HPack <double> optOutForcesNormInf = null        // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                if (k == null)
                    k = double.MaxValue;
                    foreach (ForceField.IForceField frcfld in frcflds)
                        double?kk = frcfld.GetDefaultMinimizeStep();
                        if (kk.HasValue)
                            k = Math.Min(k.Value, kk.Value);

                Graph <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Bond> univ_flexgraph = univ.BuildFlexibilityGraph();
                List <Universe.RotableInfo>            univ_rotinfos  = univ.GetRotableInfo(univ_flexgraph);
                // double k = 0.0001;
                int iter = 0;

                // 0. Initial configuration of atoms
                Vector[] coords       = univ.GetCoords();
                Vector[] coords0      = univ.GetCoords();
                bool[]   atomsMovable = null;
                    atomsMovable = new bool[size];
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        atomsMovable[i] = true;

                Dictionary <string, object> cache = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                Vector[]    forces = null;
                MatrixByArr hessian;
                double      energy = 0;

                double[] dtor;
                double   forces_NormInf;
                double   forces_Norm1;
                double   forces_Norm2;

                    if (logger != null)
                        if (forces != null)
                            logger.log(iter, coords, energy, forces, atomsMovable);
                            Vector[] coordsx = coords.HClone <Vector>();
                            Trans3   trans   = ICP3.OptimalTransform(coordsx, coords0);
                            logger.logTrajectory(univ, iter, coordsx);

                    //GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords
                    //                       , out energy, out forces, out hessian, out dtor
                    //                       , cache);
                        MatrixByArr J = Paper.TNM.GetJ(univ, coords, univ_rotinfos);

                        Vector[] forces0 = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                        hessian = new double[size * 3, size *3];
                        energy  = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords, ref forces0, ref hessian, cache);
                        forces  = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                        dtor    = Paper.TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords, hessian, forces0, J: J, forceProjectedByTorsional: forces);

                        for (int i = 0; i < forces0.Length; i++)
                            forces0[i] = forces0[i] * 0.001;
                        dtor = Paper.TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords, hessian, forces0, J: J);

                    forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable); // NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable); // Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable); // Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);

                    if (forces_NormInf < 0.0001)

                    coords = Paper.TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dtor, univ_rotinfos);

                while (true)
//                    if(forces.IsComputable == false)
//                    {
//                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("non-computable components while doing steepest-descent");
//                        Environment.Exit(0);
//                    }
                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.log(iter, coords, energy, forces, atomsMovable);
                        logger.logTrajectory(univ, iter, coords);
                        //if(iter %10 == 0)
                        //    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("output");
                        //    string pdbname = string.Format("mini.conju.{0:D5}.pdb", iter);
                        //    pdb.ToFile("output\\"+pdbname, coords.ToArray());
                        //    System.IO.File.AppendAllLines("output\\mini.conju.[animation].pml", new string[] { "load "+pdbname+", 1A6G" });
                    // 1. Save the position of atoms
                    // 2. Calculate the potential energy of system and the net forces on atoms
                    // 3. Check if every force reaches to zero,
                    //    , and END if yes
                    bool stopIteration = false;
                    if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                        stopIteration = true;
                    if ((max_iteration != null) && (iter >= max_iteration.Value))
                        stopIteration = true;
                    if (stopIteration)
                        // double check
                        cache = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // reset cache
                        //energy = GetPotential(frcflds, coords, out forces, cache);
//                        energy = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords, ref forces._vecs, ref hessian, cache);
                        forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable);
                        forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable);
                        forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable);

                        if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                            if (iter != 1)
                            //    string pdbname = string.Format("mini.conju.{0:D5}.pdb", iter);
                            //    pdb.ToFile("output\\"+pdbname, coords.ToArray());
                            //    System.IO.File.AppendAllLines("output\\mini.conju.[animation].pml", new string[] { "load "+pdbname+", 1A6G" });
                                if (optOutEnergy != null)
                                    optOutEnergy.value = energy;
                                if (optOutForces != null)
                                    optOutForces.Clear(); optOutForces.AddRange(forces.ToArray());
                                if (optOutForcesNorm1 != null)
                                    optOutForcesNorm1.value = forces_Norm1;
                                if (optOutForcesNorm2 != null)
                                    optOutForcesNorm2.value = forces_Norm2;
                                if (optOutForcesNormInf != null)
                                    optOutForcesNormInf.value = forces_NormInf;
                    // 4. Move atoms with conjugated gradient
                    //Vectors coords_prd;
                        if ((iter > 0) && (iter % 100 == 0))
                            cache = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // reset cache
                        if (iter > 1)
//                            Debug.Assert(forces0 != null);
//                            double r = Vectors.VtV(forces, forces).Sum() / Vectors.VtV(forces0, forces0).Sum();
//                            h          = forces + r * h;
//                            double kk      = k.Value;
//                            double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
//                            if(kk*hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
//                                // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
//                                kk = max_atom_movement/(hNormInf);
//                            //double kk = (k*h.NormsInf().NormInf() < max_atom_movement) ? k : (max_atom_movement/h.NormsInf().NormInf());
//                            //double   kk = (k.Value*NormInf(h,atomsMovable) < max_atom_movement)? k.Value : (max_atom_movement/NormInf(h,atomsMovable));
//                            double[] dangles = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords._vecs, hessian, (kk * h)._vecs);
//                            coords_prd = TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
//                            // same to the steepest descent for the first iteration
//                            h          = forces;
//                            double kk      = k.Value;
//                            double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
//                            if(kk*hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
//                                // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
//                                kk = max_atom_movement/(hNormInf);
//                            //double kk = (k*h.NormsInf().NormInf() < max_atom_movement) ? k : (max_atom_movement/h.NormsInf().NormInf());
//                            //double   kk = (k.Value*NormInf(h,atomsMovable) < max_atom_movement)? k.Value : (max_atom_movement/NormInf(h, atomsMovable));
//                            //double[] dangles = TNM.GetRotAngles(this, coords, kk * h, 1);
//                            double[] dangles = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords._vecs, hessian, (kk * h)._vecs);
//                            coords_prd = TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
//    //                        coords_prd = AddConditional(coords, kk * h, atomsMovable);
                    // 5. Predict energy or forces on atoms
                    //double energy_prd;
                    Vectors     forces_prd  = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                    MatrixByArr hessian_prd = new double[size * 3, size *3];
                    //double energy_prd = GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, out forces_prd, cache); iter++;

//                    GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords_prd
//                           , out energy_prd, out forces_prd._vecs, out hessian_prd
//                           , cache);
//    //                double energy_prd = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, ref forces_prd._vecs, ref hessian_prd, cache);
//    //                Vector[] dcoord_prd = univ.GetVectorsZero();
//    //                double[] dangles_prd = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords_prd, forces_prd, 1, dcoordsRotated: dcoord_prd);
//    //                         dangles_prd = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords_prd, hessian_prd, forces_prd, forceProjectedByTorsional: dcoord_prd);
//                    //Vectors coords_prd2 = coords_prd.Clone();
//                    //TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords_prd2, dangles_prd, univ_rotinfos);
//                    double forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable); // NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    double forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable); // Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    double forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable); // Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    // 6. Check if the predicted forces or energy will exceed over the limit
//                    //    , and goto 1 if no
//    //                doSteepDeescent = true;
//                    //if((doSteepDeescent == false) || ((energy_prd <= energy) && (forces_prd_NormInf < forces_NormInf+1.0))
//                    if((energy_prd < energy+0.1) && (forces_prd_NormInf < forces_NormInf+0.0001))
//                    {
//                        energy0 = energy;
//                        forces0 = forces;
//                        coords = coords_prd;
//                        forces = forces_prd;
//                        hessian = hessian_prd;
//                        energy = energy_prd;
//                        forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
//                        forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
//                        forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
//                        continue;
//                    }
//                    if(logger != null)
//                        logger.log(iter, coords_prd, energy_prd, forces_prd, atomsMovable, "will do steepest");
//                    // 7. Back to saved configuration
//                    // 8. Move atoms with simple gradient
//                    {
//                        // same to the steepest descent
//                        h          = forces;
//                        double kk      = k.Value;
//                        double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
//                        if(kk*hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
//                            // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
//                            kk = max_atom_movement/(hNormInf);
//                        double[] dangles = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords._vecs, hessian, (kk * h)._vecs);
//                        coords_prd = TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
//                    }
//                    forces_prd = univ.GetVectorsZero();
//                    hessian_prd = new double[size*3, size*3];
//                    //energy_prd = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, ref forces_prd._vecs, ref hessian_prd, cache);
//                    GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords_prd
//                           , out energy_prd, out forces_prd._vecs, out hessian_prd
//                           , cache);
//                    forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    energy0 = energy;
//                    forces0 = forces;
//                    coords = coords_prd;
//                    forces = forces_prd;
//                    energy = energy_prd;
//                    forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
//                    forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
//                    forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
//                    // 9. goto 1
            public int ConjugateGradient(List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds
                                         , double threshold
                                         , double?k = null
                                         , double max_atom_movement = 0.01
                                         , int?max_iteration        = null
                                         , IMinimizeLogger logger   = null            // logger = new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(logpath);

                                         , HPack <double> optOutEnergy        = null  // optional output for final energy
                                         , List <Vector> optOutForces         = null  // optional output for final force vectors
                                         , HPack <double> optOutForcesNorm1   = null  // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                                         , HPack <double> optOutForcesNorm2   = null  // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                                         , HPack <double> optOutForcesNormInf = null  // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                if (k == null)
                    k = double.MaxValue;
                    foreach (ForceField.IForceField frcfld in frcflds)
                        double?kk = frcfld.GetDefaultMinimizeStep();
                        if (kk.HasValue)
                            k = Math.Min(k.Value, kk.Value);

                Graph <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Bond> univ_flexgraph = univ.BuildFlexibilityGraph();
                List <Universe.RotableInfo>            univ_rotinfos  = univ.GetRotableInfo(univ_flexgraph);
                // double k = 0.0001;
                int iter = 0;

                // 0. Initial configuration of atoms
                Vector[] coords0 = univ.GetCoords();
                Vectors  coords  = univ.GetCoords();

                bool[] atomsMovable = null;
                if (atomsMovable == null)
                    atomsMovable = new bool[size];
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        atomsMovable[i] = true;

                Vectors h      = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                Vectors forces = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                Dictionary <string, object> cache;
                double energy;

                cache = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords
                                        , out energy, out forces._vecs
                                        , cache);

                double  forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable);
                double  forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable);
                double  forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable);
                Vectors forces0        = forces;
                double  energy0        = energy;

                while (true)
                    if (forces.IsComputable == false)
                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("non-computable components while doing steepest-descent");
                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.log(iter, coords, energy, forces, atomsMovable);
                        {   // logger.logTrajectory(univ, iter, coords);
                            Vector[] coordsx = coords._vecs.HClone <Vector>();
                            Trans3   trans   = ICP3.OptimalTransform(coordsx, coords0);
                            logger.logTrajectory(univ, iter, coordsx);
                    // 1. Save the position of atoms
                    // 2. Calculate the potential energy of system and the net forces on atoms
                    // 3. Check if every force reaches to zero,
                    //    , and END if yes
                    bool stopIteration = false;
                    if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                        stopIteration = true;
                    if ((max_iteration != null) && (iter >= max_iteration.Value))
                        stopIteration = true;
                    if (stopIteration)
                        // double check
                        cache = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // reset cache
                        GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords
                                                , out energy, out forces._vecs
                                                , cache);
                        forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable);
                        forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable);
                        forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable);

                        if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                            if (iter != 1)
                                if (optOutEnergy != null)
                                    optOutEnergy.value = energy;
                                if (optOutForces != null)
                                    optOutForces.Clear(); optOutForces.AddRange(forces.ToArray());
                                if (optOutForcesNorm1 != null)
                                    optOutForcesNorm1.value = forces_Norm1;
                                if (optOutForcesNorm2 != null)
                                    optOutForcesNorm2.value = forces_Norm2;
                                if (optOutForcesNormInf != null)
                                    optOutForcesNormInf.value = forces_NormInf;
                    // 4. Move atoms with conjugated gradient
                    Vectors coords_prd;
                        if ((iter > 0) && (iter % 100 == 0))
                            cache = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // reset cache
                        if (iter >= 1)
                            HDebug.Assert(forces0 != null);
                            double r = Vectors.VtV(forces, forces).Sum() / Vectors.VtV(forces0, forces0).Sum();
                            h = forces + r * h;
                            double kk       = k.Value;
                            double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                            if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                                // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                                kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);

                            Vector dangles = Paper.TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords, kk * h, 1);
                            //dangles *= -1;
                            coords_prd = Paper.TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
                            // same to the steepest descent for the first iteration
                            h = forces;
                            double kk       = k.Value;
                            double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                            if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                                // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                                kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);

                            Vector dangles = Paper.TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords, kk * h, 1);
                            //dangles *= -1;
                            coords_prd = Paper.TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
                    // 5. Predict energy or forces on atoms
                    double  energy_prd;
                    Vectors forces_prd = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                    GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords_prd
                                            , out energy_prd, out forces_prd._vecs
                                            , cache);

                    //                double energy_prd = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, ref forces_prd._vecs, ref hessian_prd, cache);
                    //                Vector[] dcoord_prd = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                    //                double[] dangles_prd = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords_prd, forces_prd, 1, dcoordsRotated: dcoord_prd);
                    //                         dangles_prd = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords_prd, hessian_prd, forces_prd, forceProjectedByTorsional: dcoord_prd);
                    //Vectors coords_prd2 = coords_prd.Clone();
                    //TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords_prd2, dangles_prd, univ_rotinfos);

                    double forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable); // NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    double forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable); // Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    double forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable); // Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    // 6. Check if the predicted forces or energy will exceed over the limit
                    //    , and goto 1 if no
                    if ((energy_prd < energy + 0.1) && (forces_prd_NormInf < forces_NormInf + 0.0001))
                        energy0        = energy;
                        forces0        = forces;
                        coords         = coords_prd;
                        forces         = forces_prd;
                        energy         = energy_prd;
                        forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
                        forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
                        forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.log(iter, coords_prd, energy_prd, forces_prd, atomsMovable, "will do steepest");
                    // 7. Back to saved configuration
                    // 8. Move atoms with simple gradient
                        // same to the steepest descent
                        h = forces;
                        double kk       = k.Value;
                        double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                        if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                            // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                            kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);
                        Vector dangles = Paper.TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords, kk * h, 1);
                        //dangles *= -1;
                        coords_prd = Paper.TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
                    forces_prd = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                    //energy_prd = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, ref forces_prd._vecs, ref hessian_prd, cache);
                    GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords_prd
                                            , out energy_prd, out forces_prd._vecs
                                            , cache);
                    forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);

                    energy0        = energy;
                    forces0        = forces;
                    coords         = coords_prd;
                    forces         = forces_prd;
                    energy         = energy_prd;
                    forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
                    forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
                    forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
                    // 9. goto 1