public PopulatedTemplate(IBlogPost blogPost, HtmlDocument populatedDocument, NavigationButtons buttonsNeeded, string outputDirectory)
     BlogPost = blogPost;
     PopulatedDocument = populatedDocument;
     ButtonsNeeded = buttonsNeeded;
     _outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
Пример #2
        public IActionResult BlogPost(string slug)
            IBlogPost blogPost = _blogPostService.GetBlogPostForSlug(slug);

            if (blogPost == null)

            string currentUri = Request.GetDisplayUrl();

            if (currentUri.StartsWith(Uri.UriSchemeHttp))
                currentUri = Uri.UriSchemeHttps + currentUri.Substring(Uri.UriSchemeHttp.Length);

            return(View(new BlogPostViewModel
                Title = blogPost.Title,
                Slug = blogPost.Slug,
                Description = blogPost.Description,
                ImageUrl = _blogPostService.ToAbsoluteUrl(blogPost.ImageUrl),
                ImageDescriptionAlt = blogPost.ImageDescriptionAlt,
                Url = _blogPostService.ToAbsoluteUrl(blogPost.RelativeUrl),
                Author = blogPost.Author,
                CurrentUrl = currentUri,
        private static void replaceAllTitles(HtmlDocument template, IBlogPost blogPost)
            HtmlNodeCollection titles = template.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(TitleXPath);

            foreach (HtmlNode title in titles)
                title.InnerHtml = blogPost.Metadata.Title;
        public void Setup()
            mockery = new MockRepository();
            blogPostMapper = mockery.DynamicMock<IBlogPostMapper>();
            post = mockery.DynamicMock<IBlogPost>();
            blogPostRepository = mockery.DynamicMock<IBlogPostRepository>();

            service = new BlogPostService(blogPostMapper, blogPostRepository);
 public void ApplyChanges(IBlogPost obj)
     obj.Content   = Content;
     obj.IsDeleted = false;
     obj.Summary   = Summary;
     obj.Tags      = Tags;
     obj.Title     = Title;
     obj.IsDeleted = IsDeleted;
        private static void replaceAllDates(HtmlDocument template, IBlogPost blogPost)
            HtmlNodeCollection dates = template.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(DateXPath);

            string dateString = blogPost.Metadata.Date.ToString();
            foreach (HtmlNode date in dates)
                date.InnerHtml = dateString;
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the posts matching the passed criteria.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="post">The post containing search criteria.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// IEnumerable of IBlogPost containing results.
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="NotImplementedException"></exception>
 public IEnumerable <IBlogPost> GetPosts(IBlogPost post)
     if (post == null)
         return(mockPosts.Where(x => x.ID == post.ID));
Пример #8
        public BlogPostDrop(IPortalLiquidContext portalLiquidContext, IBlogPost post)
            : base(portalLiquidContext, post.Entity)
            if (post == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("post");

            Post   = post;
            Author = Post.Author != null ? new AuthorDrop(portalLiquidContext, Post.Author) : null;
 public BlogPostViewModel(IBlogPost mdl)
     ID        = mdl.ID;
     Content   = mdl.Content;
     CreatedBy = new UserViewModel(mdl.CreatedBy);
     CreatedOn = mdl.CreatedOn;
     Summary   = mdl.Summary;
     Tags      = mdl.Tags;
     Title     = mdl.Title;
     IsDeleted = mdl.IsDeleted;
Пример #10
        public MSE.SWE.Interfaces.IBlogPost GetPost(int id)
            IBlogPost post = _dal.GetPostList().SingleOrDefault(i => i.ID == id);

            if (post.IsDeleted == false || IsAdminUser() == true)
                throw new SecurityException();
        private void addBlogCSS(HtmlDocument template, IBlogPost blogPost, LayoutType layoutType = LayoutType.Post)
            string cssLink = "../../css".AppendPath(OptionsContext.Current.Options.BlogCSSFile);

            // If we're doing the main page, we don't need to go up any directories
            if (layoutType == LayoutType.MainPage)
                cssLink = "css".AppendPath(OptionsContext.Current.Options.BlogCSSFile);

            string linkNodeString = Invariant($"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{cssLink}\" />");
            HtmlNode headNode = template.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(HeadXPath);
            headNode.InnerHtml = (headNode.InnerHtml + linkNodeString);
        public static TType CopyTo <TType>(this IBlogPost source, TType destination) where TType : IBlogPost
            if (destination == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destination));

            destination.BlogPostId  = source.BlogPostId;
            destination.Title       = source.Title;
            destination.Content     = source.Content;
            destination.Created     = source.Created;
            destination.LastUpdated = source.LastUpdated;
            destination.AuthorId    = source.AuthorId;

        private PopulatedTemplate createRootIndexPopulatedTemplate(IBlogPost blogPost, int posts)
                HtmlDocument template = CopyOfTemplate;

                addBlogCSS(template, blogPost, LayoutType.MainPage);
                replaceBlogDiv(template, blogPost);
                replaceAllTitles(template, blogPost);
                replaceAllDates(template, blogPost);
                replaceAllFragments(template, LayoutType.MainPage);

                NavigationButtons buttonsNeeded;

                // Only two possible cases:
                //      1. There is only one blog post
                //      2. This is the first blog post of many
                // The first blog post should not need next or both navigation buttons.
                if (posts == 1)
                    buttonsNeeded = NavigationButtons.None;
                    buttonsNeeded = NavigationButtons.PreviousOnly;

                return new PopulatedTemplate(blogPost, template, buttonsNeeded, OptionsContext.Current.Options.OutputDirectory);
            catch (Exception e)
                ErrorWriterContext.Current.WriteLine(Invariant($"Error creating blog post with title {blogPost.Metadata.Title}."));
                throw e;
Пример #14
 public void Save(IBlogPost post)
Пример #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets one or more Blog Posts from the mock layer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="post">Optional Param to specify a single blog post or null for many</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Collection of blog posts matching criteria
 /// </returns>
 public IEnumerable <IBlogPost> GetPosts(IBlogPost post = null) =>
Пример #16
 public BlogPostController(IBlogPost repository)
     _repository = repository;
Пример #17
 public BlogCommentPolicyReader(IBlogPost blogPost)
     _blogPost = blogPost;
Пример #18
 public void AddPost(IBlogPost blogPost)
Пример #19
 public void DeletePost(IBlogPost blogPost)
     blogPost.IsDeleted = true;
 private static void replaceBlogDiv(HtmlDocument template, IBlogPost blogPost)
     HtmlNode blogDiv = template.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(BlogXPath);
     blogDiv.InnerHtml = blogPost.HTML;