private void BindCtrl(IBindableUI ui, FieldInfo fi) { int itemIdx = GetCtrlIndex(fi.Name); if (itemIdx == -1) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("can not find binding control of var [{0}]", fi.Name); return; } var objs = ctrlItemDatas[itemIdx]; Type fieldType = fi.FieldType; if (fieldType.IsArray) { Array arrObj = Array.CreateInstance(fieldType.GetElementType(), objs.targets.Length); // 给数组元素设置数据 for (int j = 0, jmax = objs.targets.Length; j < jmax; j++) { arrObj.SetValue(objs.targets[j], j); } fi.SetValue(ui, arrObj); } else { UnityEngine.Object component = GetComponent(itemIdx); fi.SetValue(ui, component); } }
public void BindDataToLua(IBindableUI ui, LuaTable luaTable) { if (luaTable == null) { return; } foreach (var itemData in ctrlItemDatas) { var targets = itemData.targets; if (targets.Length == 0) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("control {0} is null",; continue; } if (targets.Length == 1) { if (targets[0] != null) { luaTable.Set(, itemData.targets[0]); } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Component {0} is null",; } } else { LuaTable tmpTbl = luaTable.env.NewTable(); for (int i = 0, imax = targets.Length; i < imax; i++) { if (targets[i] != null) { tmpTbl.Set(i + 1, targets[i]); } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Component {0}[{1}] is null",, i); } } luaTable.Set(, tmpTbl); } } foreach (var subUI in subUIItemDatas) { luaTable.Set(, subUI.subUIData); } if (bindUIRefs == null) { bindUIRefs = new List <WeakReference <IBindableUI> >(); } bindUIRefs.Add(new WeakReference <IBindableUI>(ui)); }
private void BindCtrl(IBindableUI ui, FieldInfo fi) { int itemIdx = GetCtrlIndex(fi.Name); if (itemIdx == -1) { if (!_ignoreNotFindBindingControlErrorTips) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("can not find binding control of var [{0}]", fi.Name); } return; } var objs = ctrlItemDatas[itemIdx]; Type fieldType = fi.FieldType; if (fieldType.IsArray) { Array arrObj = Array.CreateInstance(fieldType.GetElementType(), objs.targets.Length); // 给数组元素设置数据 for (int j = 0, jmax = objs.targets.Length; j < jmax; j++) { if (objs.targets[j] != null) { arrObj.SetValue(objs.targets[j], j); } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("componet {0} [{1}] is null",, j); } } fi.SetValue(ui, arrObj); } else { UnityEngine.Object component = GetComponent(itemIdx); try { if (component != null) { fi.SetValue(ui, component); } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat("componet {0} is null",; } } catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogErrorFormat("Bind componet to Fied {0} fail!,msg:{1}",, e.StackTrace); } } }
private void BindSubUI(IBindableUI ui, FieldInfo fi) { int subUIIdx = GetSubUIIndex(fi.Name); if (subUIIdx == -1) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("can not find binding subUI of var [{0}]", fi.Name); return; } fi.SetValue(ui, subUIItemDatas[subUIIdx].subUIData); }
void Start() { // TODO get config from xml IBindableUI uiA = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("UIA")) as IBindableUI; GameObject prefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("UI/UIA"); GameObject go = Instantiate(prefab); UIControlData ctrlData = go.GetComponent <UIControlData>(); if (ctrlData != null) { ctrlData.BindDataTo(uiA); } (uiA as UIA).CheckBinding(); }
/// <summary> /// 将当前数据绑定到某窗口类实例的字段,UI 加载后必须被执行 /// </summary> /// <param name="ui">需要绑定数据的 UI</param> public void BindDataTo(IBindableUI ui) { if (ui == null) { return; } #if DEBUG_LOG float time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; Profiler.BeginSample("BindDataTo"); #endif UIFieldsInfo fieldInfos = GetUIFieldsInfo(ui.GetType()); var controls = fieldInfos.controls; for (int i = 0, imax = controls.Count; i < imax; i++) { BindCtrl(ui, controls[i]); } var subUIs = fieldInfos.subUIs; for (int i = 0, imax = subUIs.Count; i < imax; i++) { BindSubUI(ui, subUIs[i]); } if (bindUIRefs == null) { bindUIRefs = new List <WeakReference <IBindableUI> >(); } bindUIRefs.Add(new WeakReference <IBindableUI>(ui)); #if DEBUG_LOG Profiler.EndSample(); float span = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - time; if (span > 0.002f) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("BindDataTo {0} 耗时{1}ms", ui.GetType().Name, span * 1000f); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// 将当前数据绑定到某窗口类实例的字段,UI 加载后必须被执行 /// </summary> /// <param name="ui">需要绑定数据的 UI</param> public void BindDataTo(IBindableUI ui) { if (ui == null) { return; } FieldInfo[] fis = ui.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); for (int i = 0, imax = fis.Length; i < imax; i++) { FieldInfo fi = fis[i]; if (fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ControlBindingAttribute), false).Length != 0) { BindCtrl(ui, fi); } else if (fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SubUIBindingAttribute), false).Length != 0) { BindSubUI(ui, fi); } } }
public static void UnBindUI(GameObject uiGo) { if (uiGo == null) { return; } #if DEBUG_LOG float time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; Profiler.BeginSample("UnBindUI"); #endif uiGo.GetComponentsInChildren(true, s_tmpControlDataForUnbind); for (int i = 0, imax = s_tmpControlDataForUnbind.Count; i < imax; i++) { UIControlData controlData = s_tmpControlDataForUnbind[i]; if (controlData.bindUIRefs == null) { continue; } List <WeakReference> bindUIRefs = controlData.bindUIRefs; for (int j = 0, jmax = bindUIRefs.Count; j < jmax; j++) { WeakReference bindUIRef = bindUIRefs[j]; IBindableUI bindUI = bindUIRef.Target as IBindableUI; if (bindUI == null) { continue; } LuaViewRunner luaViewRunner = bindUI as LuaViewRunner; if (luaViewRunner == null) { UIFieldsInfo fieldInfos = GetUIFieldsInfo(bindUI.GetType()); var controls = fieldInfos.controls; for (int k = 0, kmax = controls.Count; k < kmax; k++) { controls[k].SetValue(bindUI, null); } var subUIs = fieldInfos.subUIs; for (int k = 0, kmax = subUIs.Count; k < kmax; k++) { subUIs[k].SetValue(bindUI, null); } } else { LuaTable luaTable = luaViewRunner.luaUI; if (luaTable == null) { continue; } List <CtrlItemData> ctrlItemDatas = controlData.ctrlItemDatas; for (int k = 0, kmax = ctrlItemDatas.Count; k < kmax; k++) { CtrlItemData itemData = ctrlItemDatas[k]; luaTable.Set <string, object>(, null); } List <SubUIItemData> subUIItemDatas = controlData.subUIItemDatas; for (int k = 0, kmax = subUIItemDatas.Count; k < kmax; k++) { SubUIItemData subUIItemData = subUIItemDatas[k]; luaTable.Set <string, object>(, null); } } } controlData.bindUIRefs = null; } s_tmpControlDataForUnbind.Clear(); #if DEBUG_LOG Profiler.EndSample(); float span = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - time; if (span > 0.002f) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("BindDataTo {0} 耗时{1}ms", ui.GetType().Name, span * 1000f); } #endif }
/// <summary> /// 加载指定名称的“UI窗体” /// 功能: /// 1:根据“UI窗体名称”,加载预设克隆体。 /// 2:根据不同预设克隆体中带的脚本中不同的“位置信息”,加载到“根窗体”下不同的节点。 /// 3:隐藏刚创建的UI克隆体。 /// 4:把克隆体,加入到“所有UI窗体”(缓存)集合中。 /// /// </summary> /// <param name="uiFormName">UI窗体名称</param> private BaseUIForm LoadUIForm(string uiFormName) { string strUIFormPaths = uiFormName; //UI窗体路径 GameObject goCloneUIPrefabs = null; //创建的UI克隆体预设 BaseUIForm baseUiForm = null; //窗体基类 //根据UI窗体名称,得到对应的加载路径 //_DicFormsPaths.TryGetValue(uiFormName, out strUIFormPaths); //根据“UI窗体名称”,加载“预设克隆体” if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUIFormPaths)) { goCloneUIPrefabs = OpenUIPanel(strUIFormPaths); } UIControlData ctrlData = goCloneUIPrefabs.GetComponent <UIControlData>(); CBLuaPanel luaPanel = GetLuaPanel(uiFormName, ctrlData); if (luaPanel == null) { //C# 脚本逻辑 IBindableUI uiA = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(uiFormName)) as IBindableUI; baseUiForm = uiA as BaseUIForm; } else { //Lua 逻辑 baseUiForm = luaPanel as BaseUIForm; } baseUiForm.Source = goCloneUIPrefabs; if (ctrlData != null) { ctrlData.BindDataTo(baseUiForm); } //设置“UI克隆体”的父节点(根据克隆体中带的脚本中不同的“位置信息”) if (_TraCanvasTransfrom != null && goCloneUIPrefabs != null) { //baseUiForm = goCloneUIPrefabs.GetComponent<BaseUIForm>(); if (baseUiForm == null) { Debug.Log("baseUiForm==null! ,请先确认窗体预设对象上是否加载了baseUIForm的子类脚本! 参数 uiFormName=" + uiFormName); return(null); } baseUiForm.OnReady(); switch (baseUiForm.CurrentUIType.UIForms_Type) { case UIFormType.Normal: //普通窗体节点 goCloneUIPrefabs.transform.SetParent(_TraNormal, false); break; case UIFormType.Fixed: //固定窗体节点 goCloneUIPrefabs.transform.SetParent(_TraFixed, false); break; case UIFormType.PopUp: //弹出窗体节点 goCloneUIPrefabs.transform.SetParent(_TraPopUp, false); break; default: break; } //设置隐藏 goCloneUIPrefabs.SetActive(false); //把克隆体,加入到“所有UI窗体”(缓存)集合中。 _DicALLUIForms.Add(uiFormName, baseUiForm); return(baseUiForm); } else { Debug.Log("_TraCanvasTransfrom==null Or goCloneUIPrefabs==null!! ,Plese Check!, 参数uiFormName=" + uiFormName); } Debug.Log("出现不可以预估的错误,请检查,参数 uiFormName=" + uiFormName); return(null); }//Mehtod_end