public ActionResult Report(int id) { var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); var process = new Process { Name = "Report" }; var part = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(id).As <PipelineConfigurationPart>(); if (part == null) { process.Name = "Not Found"; } else { var user = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser == null ? "Anonymous" : _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser.UserName ?? "Anonymous"; if (_orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ViewContent, part)) { process = _processService.Resolve(part); var parameters = Common.GetParameters(Request, _secureFileService, _orchardServices); if (part.NeedsInputFile && Convert.ToInt32(parameters[Common.InputFileIdName]) == 0) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Error, T("This transformalize expects a file.")); process.Name = "File Not Found"; } process.Load(part.Configuration, parameters); process.Buffer = false; // no buffering for reports process.ReadOnly = true; // force reporting to omit system fields // secure actions var actions = process.Actions.Where(a => !a.Before && !a.After && !a.Description.StartsWith("Batch", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); foreach (var action in actions) { var p = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(action.Id); if (!_orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ViewContent, p)) { action.Description = "BatchUnauthorized"; } } var output = process.Output(); if (_reportOutputs.Contains(output.Provider)) { Common.TranslatePageParametersToEntities(process, parameters, "page"); // change process for export and batch purposes var reportType = Request["output"] ?? "page"; if (!_renderedOutputs.Contains(reportType)) { if (reportType == "batch" && Request.HttpMethod.Equals("POST") && parameters.ContainsKey("action")) { var action = process.Actions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Description == parameters["action"]); if (action != null) { // check security var actionPart = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(action.Id); if (actionPart != null && _orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ViewContent, actionPart)) { // security okay parameters["entity"] = process.Entities.First().Alias; var batchParameters = _batchCreateService.Create(process, parameters); Common.AddOrchardVariables(batchParameters, _orchardServices, Request); batchParameters["count"] = parameters.ContainsKey("count") ? parameters["count"] : "0"; var count = _batchWriteService.Write(Request, process, batchParameters); if (count > 0) { if (_batchRunService.Run(action, batchParameters)) { if (action.Url == string.Empty) { if (batchParameters.ContainsKey("BatchId")) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Information(T(string.Format("Processed {0} records in batch {1}.", count, batchParameters["BatchId"]))); } else { _orchardServices.Notifier.Information(T(string.Format("Processed {0} records.", count))); } var referrer = HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer == null?Url.Action("Report", new { Id = id }) : HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); return(_batchRedirectService.Redirect(referrer, batchParameters)); } return(_batchRedirectService.Redirect(action.Url, batchParameters)); } var message = batchParameters.ContainsKey("BatchId") ? string.Format("Batch {0} failed.", batchParameters["BatchId"]) : "Batch failed."; Logger.Error(message); _orchardServices.Notifier.Error(T(message)); foreach (var key in batchParameters.Keys) { Logger.Error("Batch Parameter {0} = {1}.", key, batchParameters[key]); } return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, message)); } } else { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult("You do not have access to this bulk action.")); } } } else // export { ConvertToExport(user, process, part, reportType, parameters); process.Load(process.Serialize(), parameters); } } if (Request["sort"] != null) { _sortService.AddSortToEntity(process.Entities.First(), Request["sort"]); } if (process.Errors().Any()) { foreach (var error in process.Errors()) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Error, T(error)); } } else { if (process.Entities.Any(e => !e.Fields.Any(f => f.Input))) { _orchardServices.WorkContext.Resolve <ISchemaHelper>().Help(process); } if (!process.Errors().Any()) { var runner = _orchardServices.WorkContext.Resolve <IRunTimeExecute>(); try { runner.Execute(process); process.Request = "Run"; process.Time = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (process.Errors().Any()) { foreach (var error in process.Errors()) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Error, T(error)); } process.Status = 500; process.Message = "There are errors in the pipeline. See log."; } else { process.Status = 200; process.Message = "Ok"; } var o = process.Output(); switch (o.Provider) { case "kml": case "geojson": case "file": Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + o.File); switch (o.Provider) { case "kml": Response.ContentType = "application/"; break; case "geojson": Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.geo+json"; break; default: Response.ContentType = "application/csv"; break; } Response.Flush(); Response.End(); return(new EmptyResult()); case "excel": return(new FilePathResult(o.File, Common.ExcelContentType) { FileDownloadName = _slugService.Slugify(part.Title()) + ".xlsx" }); default: // page and map are rendered to page break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, ex.Message); _orchardServices.Notifier.Error(T(ex.Message)); } } } } } else { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(user == "Anonymous" ? T("Sorry. Anonymous users do not have permission to view this report. You may need to login.") : T("Sorry {0}. You do not have permission to view this report.", user)); } } return(View(new ReportViewModel(process, part))); }
public ActionResult Index(int id) { var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); var process = new Process { Name = "Report" }; var part = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(id).As <PipelineConfigurationPart>(); if (part == null) { process.Name = "Not Found"; } else { var user = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser == null ? "Anonymous" : _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser.UserName ?? "Anonymous"; if (_orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ViewContent, part)) { process = _processService.Resolve(part); var parameters = Common.GetParameters(Request, _orchardServices, _secureFileService); if (part.NeedsInputFile && Convert.ToInt32(parameters[Common.InputFileIdName]) == 0) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Error, T("This transformalize expects a file.")); process.Name = "File Not Found"; } process.Load(part.Configuration, parameters); process.Mode = "report"; process.Buffer = false; // no buffering for reports process.ReadOnly = true; // force reporting to omit system fields // secure actions var actions = process.Actions.Where(a => !a.Before && !a.After && !a.Description.StartsWith("Batch", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); foreach (var action in actions) { var p = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(action.Id); if (!_orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ViewContent, p)) { action.Description = "BatchUnauthorized"; } } Common.TranslatePageParametersToEntities(process, parameters, "page"); if (Request.HttpMethod.Equals("POST") && parameters.ContainsKey("action")) { var action = process.Actions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Description == parameters["action"]); if (action != null) { // check security var actionPart = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(action.Id); if (actionPart == null) { return(new HttpNotFoundResult(string.Format("The action id {0} does not refer to a content item id.", action.Id))); } if (_orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ViewContent, actionPart)) { // security okay parameters["entity"] = process.Entities.First().Alias; var batchParameters = _batchCreateService.Create(process, parameters); Common.AddOrchardVariables(batchParameters, _orchardServices, Request); batchParameters["count"] = parameters.ContainsKey("count") ? parameters["count"] : "0"; var count = _batchWriteService.Write(Request, process, batchParameters); if (count > 0) { if (_batchRunService.Run(action, batchParameters)) { if (action.Url == string.Empty) { if (batchParameters.ContainsKey("BatchId")) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Information(T(string.Format("Processed {0} records in batch {1}.", count, batchParameters["BatchId"]))); } else { _orchardServices.Notifier.Information(T(string.Format("Processed {0} records.", count))); } var referrer = HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer == null?Url.Action("Index", new { Id = id }) : HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); return(_batchRedirectService.Redirect(referrer, batchParameters)); } return(_batchRedirectService.Redirect(action.Url, batchParameters)); } var message = batchParameters.ContainsKey("BatchId") ? string.Format("Batch {0} failed.", batchParameters["BatchId"]) : "Batch failed."; Logger.Error(message); _orchardServices.Notifier.Error(T(message)); foreach (var key in batchParameters.Keys) { Logger.Error("Batch Parameter {0} = {1}.", key, batchParameters[key]); } return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, message)); } } else { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult("You do not have access to this bulk action.")); } } } if (Request["sort"] != null) { _sortService.AddSortToEntity(process.Entities.First(), Request["sort"]); } if (process.Errors().Any()) { foreach (var error in process.Errors()) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Error, T(error)); } } else { if (process.Entities.Any(e => !e.Fields.Any(f => f.Input))) { _orchardServices.WorkContext.Resolve <ISchemaHelper>().Help(process); } if (!process.Errors().Any()) { var runner = _orchardServices.WorkContext.Resolve <IRunTimeExecute>(); try { runner.Execute(process); process.Request = "Run"; process.Time = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (process.Errors().Any()) { foreach (var error in process.Errors()) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Error, T(error)); } process.Status = 500; process.Message = "There are errors in the pipeline. See log."; } else { process.Status = 200; process.Message = "Ok"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, ex.Message); _orchardServices.Notifier.Error(T(ex.Message)); } } } } else { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(user == "Anonymous" ? T("Sorry. Anonymous users do not have permission to view this report. You may need to login.") : T("Sorry {0}. You do not have permission to view this report.", user)); } } return(View(new ReportViewModel(process, part))); }
public ActionResult Index(int id) { var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); var referrer = HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer == null?Url.Action("Index", "Report", new { Id = id }) : HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); var process = new Process { Name = "Action" }; var part = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(id).As <PipelineConfigurationPart>(); if (part == null) { process.Name = "Not Found"; _orchardServices.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Error, T("Could not find pipeline id {0}", id)); return(_batchRedirectService.Redirect(referrer, null)); } var user = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser == null ? "Anonymous" : _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser.UserName ?? "Anonymous"; if (_orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ViewContent, part)) { process = _processService.Resolve(part); var parameters = Common.GetParameters(Request, _orchardServices, _secureFileService); if (part.NeedsInputFile && Convert.ToInt32(parameters[Common.InputFileIdName]) == 0) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Error, T("This transformalize expects a file.")); process.Name = "File Not Found"; } process.Load(part.Configuration, parameters); process.ReadOnly = true; // force actions to omit system fields if (parameters.ContainsKey("action")) { var action = process.Actions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Description == parameters["action"]); var system = process.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.Equals("System", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (system == null) { Logger.Error("The {0} requires a System parameter in order to run bulk actions.", part.Title()); _orchardServices.Notifier.Error(T("The {0} requires a System parameter in order to run bulk actions.", part.Title())); } else { if (system.Value == "*") { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("The {0} must be selected in order to run an action.", system.Label)); system = null; } } if (action != null && system != null) { // check security var actionPart = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(action.Id); if (actionPart == null) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Error, T("Could not find orchard content id {0} referenced in the {1}:{2} action.", id, action.Type, action.Description)); return(_batchRedirectService.Redirect(referrer, null)); } if (_orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.ViewContent, actionPart)) { parameters["entity"] = process.Entities.First().Alias; var batchParameters = _batchCreateService.Create(process, parameters); batchParameters["Orchard.User"] = parameters["Orchard.User"]; batchParameters["count"] = parameters.ContainsKey("count") ? parameters["count"] : "0"; var count = _batchWriteService.Write(Request, process, batchParameters); if (count > 0) { // get default parameters from process foreach (var p in process.Parameters.Where(pr => pr.Value != "*")) { if (!batchParameters.ContainsKey(p.Name)) { batchParameters[p.Name] = p.Value; } } // get parameters from action foreach (var p in action.Parameters.Where(pr => pr.Value != "*")) { if (batchParameters.ContainsKey(p.Name)) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Add(NotifyType.Warning, T("The action parameter {0} is hiding another parameter", p.Name)); } batchParameters[p.Name] = p.Value; } if (_batchRunService.Run(action, batchParameters)) { if (action.Url == string.Empty) { if (batchParameters.ContainsKey("BatchId")) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Information(T(string.Format("Processed {0} records in batch {1}.", count, batchParameters["BatchId"]))); } else { _orchardServices.Notifier.Information(T(string.Format("Processed {0} records.", count))); } return(_batchRedirectService.Redirect(referrer, null)); } return(_batchRedirectService.Redirect(action.Url, batchParameters)); } var message = batchParameters.ContainsKey("BatchId") ? string.Format("Batch {0} failed.", batchParameters["BatchId"]) : "Batch failed."; Logger.Error(message); _orchardServices.Notifier.Error(T(message)); foreach (var key in batchParameters.Keys) { Logger.Error("Batch Parameter {0} = {1}.", key, batchParameters[key]); } return(_batchRedirectService.Redirect(referrer, null)); } } else { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult("You do not have access to this bulk action.")); } } } else { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("An action must be specified.")); } } else { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(user == "Anonymous" ? T("Sorry. Anonymous users do not have permission to view this report. You may need to login.") : T("Sorry {0}. You do not have permission to view this report.", user)); } return(_batchRedirectService.Redirect(referrer, null)); }