public override void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            //ensure the default options are configured

            // facebook

            // google

            // microsoft

             * Configure external logins for the back office:
             * Depending on the authentication sources you would like to enable, you will need to install
             * certain Nuget packages.
             * For Google auth:					Install-Package UmbracoCms.IdentityExtensions.Google
             * For Facebook auth:					Install-Package UmbracoCms.IdentityExtensions.Facebook
             * For Microsoft auth:					Install-Package UmbracoCms.IdentityExtensions.Microsoft
             * For Azure ActiveDirectory auth:		Install-Package UmbracoCms.IdentityExtensions.AzureActiveDirectory
             * There are many more providers such as Twitter, Yahoo, ActiveDirectory, etc... most information can
             * be found here:
             * For sample code on using external providers with the Umbraco back office, install one of the
             * packages listed above to review it's code samples

             * To configure a simple auth token server for the back office:
             * By default the CORS policy is to allow all requests
             *      app.UseUmbracoBackOfficeTokenAuth(new BackOfficeAuthServerProviderOptions());
             * If you want to have a custom CORS policy for the token server you can provide
             * a custom CORS policy, example:
             *      app.UseUmbracoBackOfficeTokenAuth(
             *          new BackOfficeAuthServerProviderOptions()
             *              {
             *             		//Modify the CorsPolicy as required
             *                  CorsPolicy = new CorsPolicy()
             *                  {
             *                      AllowAnyHeader = true,
             *                      AllowAnyMethod = true,
             *                      Origins = { "" }
             *                  }
             *              });