Пример #1
        ///// <summary>
        ///// I think this method is initially where I intended to perform the cuts.
        ///// However, at this point, it is not really necessary.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="vertexToProcess"></param>
        ///// <param name="orphanedElements"></param>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //[Obsolete("Warning: May not be necessary. Use the methods/properties on VertexNode instead.")]
        //private List<IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> ProcessOrphanedElements(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertexToProcess,
        //    List<IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> orphanedElements)
        //    if (orphanedElements.Any()) // i.e. if at least one vertex was orphaned,
        //    {
        //        if (orphanedElements.Count > 1)
        //        {
        //            throw new OrphanedVertexException("Too many orphaned vertices! (Not sure what to do.)");
        //        }
        //        var firstOrphan = orphanedElements.FirstOrDefault();
        //        // If there was one orphan, then we need to take this vertex as the next step.

        //        // We still need to check though if taking this vertex will orphan another. In that case,
        //        // we have an impossible situation.
        //        var doesFirstOrphanCutOrphanAnotherVertex = this.DoesCutOrphanVertex(vertex1: vertexToProcess,
        //            vertex2: firstOrphan);
        //        if (doesFirstOrphanCutOrphanAnotherVertex)
        //        {
        //            throw new OrphanedVertexException("Impossible situation. Too many orphans! ");
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            return orphanedElements;
        //            //this.Visit(firstOrphan); // Otherwise, visit that orphan.
        //            //DetermineWhichVertexToChoose(firstOrphan); // Then process it.
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return orphanedElements;

        //public void AlternateProcessing(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable firstVertex,
        //    IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable secondVertex,
        //    int counter)

        ///// <summary>
        ///// This is for the first (external) call to this method. (It calls the other overload with default starting values.)
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="firstVertex"></param>
        ///// <param name="secondVertex"></param>
        //public void AlternateProcessing(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable firstVertex,
        //    IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable secondVertex)
        //    AlternateProcessing(firstVertex, secondVertex, new Dictionary<int, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable>(), 0 );
        //public void AlternateProcessing(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable firstVertex,
        //    IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable secondVertex,
        //    Dictionary<int, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> chosenVertices,
        //    int counter)
        //    if (chosenVertices == null)
        //    {
        //        chosenVertices = new Dictionary<int, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable>();
        //    }

        //    if (firstVertex != null && secondVertex != null)
        //    {
        //        var pendingVerticesToProcess = new List<IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable>();
        //        counter++;
        //        if (counter % 2 == 0)
        //        {
        //            //if (chosenVertices.Count >= 1)
        //            //{
        //            //    var mostRecentVertex = chosenVertices.Last();
        //            //    if (chosenVertices.Count >= 2)
        //            //    {
        //            //        mostRecentVertex = chosenVertices.Reverse().Skip(1).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
        //            //    }
        //            //    if (chosenVertices.Count >= 3)
        //            //    {
        //            //        mostRecentVertex = chosenVertices.Reverse().Skip(1).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
        //            //    }

        //            //    // use this position AND the mostRecentVertexPosition to get the corresponding edge. IT SHOULD EXIST.
        //            //    //      (But what if it was cut?)
        //            //    // We must get the edge and choose it.

        //            //    var visitedEdge = firstVertex.AdjacencyDirector.GetEdgeIncidentToBothVertices(firstVertex.Position, mostRecentVertex.Key);
        //            //    visitedEdge.Choose();
        //            //}
        //            if (!chosenVertices.ContainsKey(firstVertex.Position))
        //            {
        //                chosenVertices.Add(firstVertex.Position, firstVertex);
        //            }
        //            var oddChosenVertices = chosenVertices.ToList().Where((c, i) => i % 2 != 0).ToList();
        //            //var evenChosenVertices = chosenVertices.ToList().Where((c, i) => i % 2 == 0);
        //            // firstVertex IS PART OF oddChosenVertices
        //            if (oddChosenVertices.Count > 1)
        //            {
        //                var mostRecentVertex = oddChosenVertices[oddChosenVertices.Count - 2];

        //                // use this position AND the mostRecentVertexPosition to get the corresponding edge. IT SHOULD EXIST.
        //                //      (But what if it was cut?)
        //                // We must get the edge and choose it.
        //                if (mostRecentVertex.Key != firstVertex.Position)
        //                {
        //                    var visitedEdge = firstVertex.AdjacencyDirector.GetEdgeIncidentToBothVertices(firstVertex.Position, mostRecentVertex.Key);
        //                    visitedEdge.Choose();
        //                }
        //            }
        //            this.Visit(firstVertex);
        //            //nodes = this.DetermineWhichVertexToChoose(firstVertex, chosenVertices).Except(chosenVertices.Select(t => t.Value)).ToList();
        //            // The Except doesn't work yet.
        //            var elementsToProcess = firstVertex.DecideNext.Values;
        //            foreach (var adjacencyDirectableVisitable in elementsToProcess)
        //            {
        //                if (!chosenVertices.ContainsKey(adjacencyDirectableVisitable.Position))
        //                {
        //                    pendingVerticesToProcess.Add(adjacencyDirectableVisitable);
        //                }
        //            }
        //            // How would I run this foreach node in nodes? I would need to snapshot the chosenVertices and pass
        //            //      them in a queue to this method.
        //            foreach (var orphan in pendingVerticesToProcess)
        //            {
        //                AlternateProcessing(orphan, secondVertex, chosenVertices.DeepClone(), counter);
        //            }
        //        }
        //        if (counter % 2 == 1)
        //        {

        //            if (!chosenVertices.ContainsKey(secondVertex.Position)) // Could be replaced with LINQ expression.
        //            {
        //                chosenVertices.Add(secondVertex.Position, secondVertex);
        //            }
        //            //var oddChosenVertices = chosenVertices.ToList().Where((c, i) => i % 2 != 0);
        //            var evenChosenVertices = chosenVertices.ToList().Where((c, i) => i % 2 == 0).ToList();
        //            // secondVertex IS PART OF evenChosenVertices.
        //            if (evenChosenVertices.Count > 1)
        //            {
        //                var mostRecentVertex = evenChosenVertices[evenChosenVertices.Count - 2];
        //                // use this position AND the mostRecentVertexPosition to get the corresponding edge. IT SHOULD EXIST.
        //                //      (But what if it was cut?)
        //                // We must get the edge and choose it.
        //                if (mostRecentVertex.Key != secondVertex.Position)
        //                {
        //                    var visitedEdge = secondVertex.AdjacencyDirector.GetEdgeIncidentToBothVertices(secondVertex.Position, mostRecentVertex.Key);
        //                    visitedEdge.Choose();
        //                }

        //            }
        //            this.Visit(secondVertex);
        //            var orphanedElements = secondVertex.DecideNext.Values;
        //            //if (orphanedElements.Any())
        //            //{
        //            //    ProcessOrphanedElements(secondVertex, orphanedElements.ToList());
        //            //}
        //            //else
        //            //{
        //            //    var firstUnvisitedGroupList = GroupElementsByWeight(secondVertex);
        //            //    //vertexList = firstUnvisitedGroupList.Select(t => t.Value).ToList();
        //            //}

        //            foreach (var adjacencyDirectableVisitable in orphanedElements) // Could be replaced with LINQ Except expression.
        //            {
        //                if (!chosenVertices.ContainsKey(adjacencyDirectableVisitable.Position))
        //                {
        //                    pendingVerticesToProcess.Add(adjacencyDirectableVisitable);
        //                }
        //            }
        //            foreach (var nextVertex in pendingVerticesToProcess)
        //            {
        //                AlternateProcessing(firstVertex, nextVertex, chosenVertices.DeepClone(), counter);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    if (firstVertex != null)
        //    {
        //        if (firstVertex.Position == 3)
        //        {
        //            Console.Write("?");
        //        }
        //    }

        //    foreach (var adjacencyDirectableVisitable in chosenVertices)
        //    {
        //        Console.Write(adjacencyDirectableVisitable.Key + ", ");
        //    }
        //    Console.WriteLine();

        public void Walk(
            IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable originVertex)
            var manTrail   = new List <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable>();
            var womanTrail = new List <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable>();

            Walk(originVertex, originVertex, originVertex, manTrail, womanTrail, FirstStepTaken.No, 0);
Пример #2
 public WalkPath(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable originVertex, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable manCurrentVertex, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable womanCurrentVertex, List <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> manTrail, List <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> womanTrail)
     this.originVertex       = originVertex;
     this.manCurrentVertex   = manCurrentVertex;
     this.womanCurrentVertex = womanCurrentVertex;
     this.manTrail           = manTrail;
     this.womanTrail         = womanTrail;
Пример #3
 public void Cut(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable adjacentVertexToCut)
     adjacentVertexToCut.Weight -= this.Weight;
     if (adjacentVertexToCut.Weight < 0)
         throw new AdjacencyException("The weight calculation is not valid! (Weight cannot be negative.)");
     this.AdjacencyDirector.Cut(this.Position, adjacentVertexToCut.Position);
 public void Register(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable directableVisitable)
     if (directableVisitable == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException("Directable cannot be null when registering it with the AdjacencyMatrixDictionaryDirector!");
     this.VertexDataProvider.Add(directableVisitable.Position, directableVisitable);
Пример #5
        ///// <summary>
        ///// This overloaded method determines which path to take. It also determines if there are any orphans.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="vertexToProcess"></param>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //public List<IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> DetermineWhichVertexToChoose(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertexToProcess)
        //    return DetermineWhichVertexToChoose(vertexToProcess, null);
        ///// <summary>
        ///// This method determines which path to take. It also determines if there are any orphans.
        ///// This is the weighting system that only should choose an element if it does not orphan any other vertex.
        ///// So, I need a method that checks if choosing a given vertex will orphan any other vertex (due to the cuts involved).
        ///// This task would be best performed from the vertex, not the visitor!
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="vertexToProcess"></param>
        ///// <param name="chosenVertices"></param>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //[Obsolete("Warning: Needs to be fixed.")]
        //public List<IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> DetermineWhichVertexToChoose(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertexToProcess,
        //    IDictionary<int, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> chosenVertices)
        //    if (chosenVertices == null)
        //    {
        //        chosenVertices = new Dictionary<int, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable>();
        //    }
        //    var groupedElements = GroupElementsByWeight(vertexToProcess);
        //    //into g
        //    //orderby g.Key ascending

        //    var firstGroup = groupedElements.OrderBy(t => t.Key).FirstOrDefault();
        //    if (firstGroup == null)// We should only need to process the first one if our weights are perfect.
        //    { // We need to cut the appropriate elements and update the weights.
        //        throw new NullReferenceException("firstGroup cannot be null.");
        //    }
        //    var firstUnvisitedGroupList = firstGroup.Except(chosenVertices).ToList();
        //    // We need to inspect the chosenVertices. If we take the list of chosenVertices, we can slice it into two lists of consecutive elements.
        //    // Then, it is clear which vertices need to be cut.
        //    //if (chosenVertices.Count > 1)
        //    //{
        //    //    ?
        //    //    ;
        //    //    // We need a method that takes the chosenVertices, checks for sequences, and cuts unneeded adjacencent vertices.
        //    //}

        //    //from p in persons
        //    //  group p.car by p.PersonId into g
        //    //  select new { PersonID = g.Key, Cars = g.ToList() };
        //    var orphanedElements = new List<IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable>();
        //    var nonOrphanedElements = new List<IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable>();
        //    foreach (var adjacentElement in firstUnvisitedGroupList)
        //    {
        //        var doesCutOrphanVertex = this.DoesCutOrphanVertex(vertex1: vertexToProcess, vertex2: adjacentElement.Value);
        //        if (doesCutOrphanVertex)
        //        {
        //            orphanedElements.Add(adjacentElement.Value);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            nonOrphanedElements.Add(adjacentElement.Value);
        //        }
        //        // If not true, then we can add this pair to the set of items we can cut: vertexToProcess, adjacentElement.Value
        //    }

        //    return vertexToProcess.DecideNext.Values.ToList();


        private static IEnumerable <IGrouping <int, KeyValuePair <int, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> > > GroupElementsByWeight(
            IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertexToProcess)
            var director         = vertexToProcess.AdjacencyDirector;
            var adjacentElements = vertexToProcess.DirectableList;
            // Filter adjacentElements to only those with equally lowest weight.
            var groupedElements = from e in adjacentElements
                                  group e by e.Value.Weight;

Пример #6
        // public abstract void Visit(Node<T> node, Action<T> action);
        // Should we have an actionableNodeVisitor and a functionalNodeVisitor as subtypes? Or will they all be actionable?
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the other overload. This visits the nodes to compute the weight.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visitable">This is the node we wish to visit.</param>
        /// <param name="depth">The depth is intended to prevent infinite recursion.</param>
        /// <param name="positionQueue"></param>
        public void Visit(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable visitable, int depth, Queue <int> positionQueue)
            if (positionQueue == null || !positionQueue.Any()) // Indicates if this is the first visitation in the stack.
                if (positionQueue == null)
                    positionQueue = new Queue <int>();

            if (depth < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("depth", "Visitor recursion depth cannot be negative!");
            // How do we check if this is the first execution?
            //positionQueue.Enqueue(new Tuple<int, int>(visitable.Position, visitable.Weight));
            // compute weights and get adjacent children.
            // for number of steps of counter, recursively get sum of childrens' weights.
            //_weight += visitable.Weight;
            //visitable.Weight = _counter - depth;
            //Console.WriteLine("Depth = {0}", depth);
            // Get current weight
            if (depth <= this._counter) // When depth > _counter, we have completed processing the adjacency tree for a given vertex.
                var visitableItem = visitable.DecideNext;
                //var visitableItem = visitable.AdjacentDirectables
                //    .Where(t => t.Key != visitable.Position); // This filter prevents containing the identity elements.
                foreach (var adjacentVertex in visitableItem)
                    //visitable.AdjacencyDirector.VertexDataProvider.Elements[adjacentVertex.Key].Weight += _counter - depth;
                    var weight = _counter - depth;
                    if (weight > 0) // i.e. There's no point to adding weight unless the weight is above 0
                        adjacentVertex.Value.Weight += weight;

                    //Console.WriteLine("adjacentVertex.Key = {0}, weight = {1}, depth = {2}, counter = {3}, visitable.Position = {4}",
                    //    adjacentVertex.Key, adjacentVertex.Value.Weight, depth, _counter, visitable.Position);
                    //foreach (var i in positionQueue)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("Position: {0}",i);
                    var clone = positionQueue.DeepClone();
                    adjacentVertex.Value.Accept(this, depth, clone);
Пример #7
        public bool IsEdgeChosen(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertex1, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertex2)
            var incidentEdgeResult = IsEdgeChosen(vertex1.Position, vertex2.Position);

            if (incidentEdgeResult)
                //if (!vertex1.Chosen || !vertex2.Chosen)
                //    throw new ChosenException(vertex1.Position, vertex2.Position, "Check VertexNode's IsEdgeChosen(..) method.");
Пример #8
 private static void PerformCuts(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable visitable)
     foreach (var adjacencyDirectableVisitable in visitable.AdjacentChosenElements) // These are elements on the trail.
         if (adjacencyDirectableVisitable.Value.ChosenEdges.Count == 2)             // if the element has two edges that are on the trail.
             foreach (var adjacentUnchosenElement in adjacencyDirectableVisitable.Value.UnchosenEdgesThatDontOrphanTargetVertex)
                 adjacencyDirectableVisitable.Value.Cut(adjacentUnchosenElement.Value); // Then cut any unused vertex.
Пример #9
        //private static string ConstructPathID(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable originVertex,
        //    List<IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> manTrail, List<IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> womanTrail,
        //    IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable man)
        //    var womanTrailPositions = womanTrail.Select(t => t.Position);
        //    var womanTrailReverse = womanTrailPositions.Reverse();
        //    var allPositions = new List<int>((manTrail.Count + womanTrail.Count) * 3);
        //    allPositions.Add(originVertex.Position);
        //    foreach (var manItem in manTrail)
        //    {
        //        allPositions.Add(manItem.Position);
        //    }
        //    allPositions.Add(man.Position);
        //    foreach (var womanPosition in womanTrailReverse) // skip the first because it should be the same as the last man.
        //    {
        //        allPositions.Add(womanPosition);
        //    }

        //    var sb = new StringBuilder((manTrail.Count + womanTrail.Count) * 3);
        //    foreach (var item in allPositions)
        //    {
        //        sb.Append(item + ", ");
        //    }
        //    sb.Append(originVertex);
        private static void WritePathIDToConsoleFaster(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable originVertex, List <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> manTrail, List <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> womanTrail,
                                                       IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable man)
            var womanTrailPositions = womanTrail.Select(t => t.Position);
            var womanTrailReverse   = womanTrailPositions.Reverse();
            var sb = new StringBuilder((manTrail.Count + womanTrail.Count) * 3);

            sb.Append(originVertex.Position + ", ");
            foreach (var manItem in manTrail)
                sb.Append(manItem.Position + ", ");
            sb.Append(man.Position + ", ");
            foreach (var womanPosition in womanTrailReverse) // skip the first because it should be the same as the last man.
                sb.Append(womanPosition + ", ");
 /// <summary>
 /// This method could throw an error if the element already exists.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position"></param>
 /// <param name="element"></param>
 public void Add(int position, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable element)
     this.Dictionary.Add(position, element);
Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Use the other overload.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="visitable"></param>
 /// <param name="depth"></param>
 public void Visit(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable visitable, int depth)
     // This overload will not be called recursively, so it should have an accurate list of visited vertices.
     Visit(visitable, depth, null);
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Use this one.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="visitable"></param>
 public void Visit(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable visitable)
     Visit(visitable, 2, null);
Пример #13
        public void Walk(
            IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable originVertex,
            IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable manCurrentVertex,
            IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable womanCurrentVertex,
            List <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> manTrail,
            List <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> womanTrail,
            FirstStepTaken firstStepTaken,
            int depth)
            if (firstStepTaken == FirstStepTaken.No)
                // Then take first step.
                var firstStepVertices = originVertex.DecideNext.ToList();
                var marriageList      = new List <Tuple <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> >();
                for (int i = 0; i < firstStepVertices.Count - 1; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        var man   = firstStepVertices[i].Value;
                        var woman = firstStepVertices[j].Value;
                        if (man.Position != woman.Position)
                            var marriage = new Tuple <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable,
                        foreach (var marriage in marriageList)
                            var manCopy          = marriage.Item1.DeepClone();
                            var womanCopy        = marriage.Item2.DeepClone();
                            var originVertexCopy = originVertex.DeepClone();
                            manCopy.Deregister(); // will this line screw everything up for the other objects? Not if we use a clone.
                            // create a method that allows me to

                            var manEdge = originVertexCopy.AdjacencyDirector.GetEdgeIncidentToBothVertices(manCopy.Position,

                            var womanEdge = originVertexCopy.AdjacencyDirector.GetEdgeIncidentToBothVertices(womanCopy.Position,

                            Walk(originVertexCopy, manCopy, womanCopy, manTrail, womanTrail, FirstStepTaken.Yes, depth);
                // marriageList should contain all unique pairs.
            if (firstStepTaken == FirstStepTaken.Yes)
                if (manTrail.Count >= 9)
                // Here is where we perform any cuts.
                var manAdjacentVertices   = manCurrentVertex.UnchosenEdgesThatDontOrphanTargetVertex.ToList();
                var womanAdjacentVertices = womanCurrentVertex.UnchosenEdgesThatDontOrphanTargetVertex.ToList();
                var marriageList          = new List <Tuple <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> >();
                for (int i = 0; i < manAdjacentVertices.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < womanAdjacentVertices.Count; j++)
                        var man   = manAdjacentVertices[i].Value;
                        var woman = womanAdjacentVertices[j].Value;
                        if (man.Position != woman.Position)
                            var manTrailContainsMan     = manTrail.Any(t => t.Position == man.Position);
                            var womanTrailContainsWoman = womanTrail.Any(t => t.Position == woman.Position);
                            var manTrailContainsWoman   = manTrail.Any(t => t.Position == woman.Position);
                            var womanTrailContainsMan   = womanTrail.Any(t => t.Position == man.Position);
                            if (!manTrailContainsMan && !womanTrailContainsWoman && !manTrailContainsWoman && !womanTrailContainsMan)
                                var marriage = new Tuple <IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable,
                        else // In this case, because both man and woman have reached the same vertex, we have the closure of a cycle.
                            Console.WriteLine("Closure on vertex {0}", man.Position); // note: man.Position == woman.Position in this case.
                            // Then we should write the members of the two trails to the console, like this:
                            // womanTrailReverse = womanTrail.Reverse();
                            // originVertex, manTrail[0], manTrail[1], ..., manTrail[n], man.Position, womanTrailReverse[0], womanTrailReverse[1], ...,
                            // womanTrailReverse[m].
                            //WritePathIDToConsole(originVertex, manTrail, womanTrail, man);
                            WritePathIDToConsoleFaster(originVertex, manTrail, womanTrail, man);
                //foreach (var marriage in marriageList)

                Parallel.ForEach(marriageList, marriage =>
                    var manTrailCopy = manTrail.DeepClone();
                    // We must clone the trail here in the foreach loop to ensure we operate on the correct values.
                    var womanTrailCopy          = womanTrail.DeepClone();
                    var man                     = marriage.Item1;
                    var woman                   = marriage.Item2;
                    var manTrailContainsMan     = manTrailCopy.Any(t => t.Position == man.Position);
                    var womanTrailContainsWoman = womanTrailCopy.Any(t => t.Position == woman.Position);
                    var manTrailContainsWoman   = manTrailCopy.Any(t => t.Position == woman.Position);
                    var womanTrailContainsMan   = womanTrailCopy.Any(t => t.Position == man.Position);
                    if (!manTrailContainsMan && !womanTrailContainsWoman && !manTrailContainsWoman &&
                        var manCopy          = marriage.Item1.DeepClone();
                        var womanCopy        = marriage.Item2.DeepClone();
                        var originVertexCopy = originVertex.DeepClone();
                        // will this line screw everything up for the other objects? Not if we use a clone.
                        // create a method that allows me to
                        // Using the director on originVertexCopy, I need to get the edge between
                        //      manCopy and the most recent item in manTrail
                        // I need to either cut or choose.
                        var previousMan   = manTrailCopy[manTrailCopy.Count - 2];
                        var previousWoman = womanTrailCopy[womanTrailCopy.Count - 2];

                        var manEdge = originVertexCopy.AdjacencyDirector.GetEdgeIncidentToBothVertices(manCopy.Position,
                        var womanEdge =

                        // I must reregister previousMan and previousWoman to use the originVertexCopy.AdjacencyDirector
                        //      to ensure that queries/cuts performed by previousMan/previousWoman affect the correct data.

                        // I need to determine which edges to cut.
                        // I can get the vertices that previousMan is adjacent to, filter them to the ones that do not have a chosen edge,
                        // At this moment, the visitor's Visit(..) method is responsible for performing cuts.
                        //    previousMan.UnchosenEdgesThatDontOrphanTargetVertex

                        // Once a vertex is incident to two chosen edges, then any remaining unchosen edges may be cut.
                        var previousManElementsToCut = previousMan.UnchosenEdgesWithUnchosenVertices;

                        // and cut those edges. (This works

                        //var finalPositionsAreAdjacent = originVertexCopy.AdjacencyDirector.AdjacencyProvider.AreVerticesBothAdjacent(
                        //      manCopy.Position, womanCopy.Position);
                        //if (finalPositionsAreAdjacent)
                        //    Console.Write("Yay!");
                        ////Console.WriteLine("Control returned, counts are: {0} and {1}", manTrailCopy.Count,
                        //// womanTrailCopy.Count);
                        //var sb = new StringBuilder();
                        //sb.AppendLine("Men are: ");
                        //foreach (var manElement in manTrailCopy)
                        //    sb.Append(manElement.Position + ", ");
                        //sb.Append(" Women are: ");
                        //foreach (var womanElement in womanTrailCopy)
                        //    sb.Append(womanElement.Position + ", ");
                        //if (manTrailCopy.Count >= 9)
                        //    var finalPositionsAreAdjacent = originVertexCopy.AdjacencyDirector.AdjacencyProvider.AreVerticesBothAdjacent(
                        //       manCopy.Position, womanCopy.Position);
                        //    if (finalPositionsAreAdjacent)
                        //    {
                        //        Console.Write("Yay!");
                        //    }
                        //    //Console.WriteLine("Control returned, counts are: {0} and {1}", manTrailCopy.Count,
                        //    // womanTrailCopy.Count);
                        //    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                        //    sb.AppendLine("Men are: ");
                        //    foreach (var manElement in manTrailCopy)
                        //    {
                        //        sb.Append(manElement.Position + ", ");
                        //    }
                        //    sb.Append(" Women are: ");
                        //    foreach (var womanElement in womanTrailCopy)
                        //    {
                        //        sb.Append(womanElement.Position + ", ");
                        //    }
                        //    Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString());
                        //    // It would be good to check which of these have the last two vertices as adjacent.
                        Walk(originVertexCopy, manCopy, womanCopy, manTrailCopy, womanTrailCopy, FirstStepTaken.Yes,

                        //Console.WriteLine("Control returned, counts are: {0} and {1}", manTrailCopy.Count,
                        //    womanTrailCopy.Count);
Пример #14
 public bool WasVertexVisited(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertex, IDictionary <int, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable> visitedVertices)
 public void Cut(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertex1, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertex2)
     Cut(vertex1.Position, vertex2.Position);
 public void Deregister(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable directableVisitable)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #17
 public bool DoesCutOrphanVertex(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertex1, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertex2)
     return(vertex1.AdjacencyDirector.DoesCutOrphanVertex(vertex1.Position, vertex2.Position));
 /// <summary>
 /// This method could throw an error if the element doesn't exist yet.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position"></param>
 /// <param name="element"></param>
 public void Update(int position, IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable element)
     this.Dictionary[position] = element;
Пример #19
 public bool DoesCutOrphanVertex(IAdjacencyDirectableVisitable vertexTarget)
     return(this.AdjacencyDirector.DoesCutOrphanVertex(this.Position, vertexTarget.Position));