Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a TvBroadcastListing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importTag"></param>
        /// <param name="channelSource"></param>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TvProgramBroadCastListing AddBroadcastListing(TvProgramBroadCastListingImport importTag, TvChannelListingSource channelSource, IAddTvBroadCastListingInfo info)
            // check if this import's going to violate the PK by trying to import duplicate Listings (on the same ImportId)
            if (CheckForViolatedPK(importTag, channelSource, info) != null)
                throw new TvBroadCastListingAlreadyExistsException(
                        "An item with that PK (import, channel, startat) {{{0}, {1}, {2}}} already exists",
                        importTag.TvProgramBroadCastListingImportId, channelSource.TvChannelId, info.StartAt

            // clean up any whitespace on the text fields and replace as nulls where possible
            info.ProgramTitle = info.ProgramTitle.Trim();
            info.EpisodeTitle = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.EpisodeTitle) ? null : info.EpisodeTitle.Trim();
            info.EpisodeDescription = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(info.EpisodeDescription) ? null : info.EpisodeDescription.Trim();

            // try and find or generate program information from this listing
            TvProgram program = GetOrCreateTvProgramFromListingInfo(info);

            // try and find or generate episode information from this listing
            TvProgramEpisode episode = GetOrCreateTvProgramEpisodeFromListingInfo(program, info);

            // if we don't have an EndDate we can't create a listing
            if (info.EndAt == null || info.StartAt == info.EndAt) return null;

            // see if there's an existing listing for this channel with these exact times
            var existing = FindExistingListing(channelSource, info.StartAt, info.EndAt.Value);
            if (existing != null) {
                // check if it's the same in every way except the importer
                    // TvChannelId, StartAt, EndAt, Superceded==false are done by the DB
                    existing.ProgramTitle == info.ProgramTitle
                    && existing.EpisodeTitle == info.EpisodeTitle
                    && existing.EpisodeDescription == info.EpisodeDescription
                    && existing.TvProgramId == program.TvProgramId
                    && existing.TvProgramEpisodeId == episode?.TvProgramEpisodeId
                    && existing.Attributes == info.Attributes
                ) {
                    // already an exact match, return that instead
                    return existing;

            // create and add the new listing
            var newItem = new TvProgramBroadCastListing {
                TvProgramBroadCastListingImportId = importTag.TvProgramBroadCastListingImportId,
                TvChannelId = channelSource.TvChannelId,
                StartAt = info.StartAt,
                EndAt = info.EndAt,
                ProgramTitle = info.ProgramTitle,
                EpisodeTitle = info.EpisodeTitle,
                EpisodeDescription = info.EpisodeDescription,
                TvProgramId = program?.TvProgramId,
                TvProgramEpisodeId = episode?.TvProgramEpisodeId,
                Attributes = info.Attributes,
                Superceded = false

            // if we had an existing item that wasn't an exact match we mark it as superceded since we've just added a new one
            if (existing != null) {
                existing.Superceded = true;

            // return the new item we just made
            return newItem;
Пример #2
        protected TvProgramEpisode GetOrCreateTvProgramEpisodeFromListingInfo(TvProgram program, IAddTvBroadCastListingInfo info)
            TvProgramEpisode episode;

            // first check if our new info has both series and episode number
            if (info.SeriesNumber.HasValue && info.EpisodeNumber.HasValue) {

                // check in the database for matching ProgramId, SeriesNumber, EpisodeNumber - that's a definitive link
                episode = FindExistingEpisodeByNumber(program, info.SeriesNumber, info.EpisodeNumber);
                if (
                    episode == null // nothing found at all
                    || episode.EpisodeTitle != info.EpisodeTitle // an in-exact match which we'll duplicate
                    || episode.EpisodeDescription != info.EpisodeDescription
                ) {

                    // create one with this info and save it
                    episode = new TvProgramEpisode {
                        TvProgram = program,
                        EpisodeTitle = info.EpisodeTitle,
                        EpisodeDescription = info.EpisodeDescription,
                        SeriesNumber = info.SeriesNumber,
                        EpisodeNumber = info.EpisodeNumber


            // If the series and episode aren't both set check if the episodetitle is set
            else {

                // if it is, check for an exact match on episodetitle and episodedescription
                episode = FindExistingEpisodeByDescription(program, info.EpisodeTitle, info.EpisodeDescription);
                if (
                    episode == null // nothing found at all
                    || episode.SeriesNumber != info.SeriesNumber // an in-exact match which we'll duplicate
                    || episode.EpisodeNumber != info.EpisodeNumber // an in-exact match which we'll duplicate
                ) {

                    // create a new one and save it
                    episode = new TvProgramEpisode {
                        TvProgram = program,
                        EpisodeTitle = info.EpisodeTitle,
                        EpisodeDescription = info.EpisodeDescription,
                        SeriesNumber = info.SeriesNumber,
                        EpisodeNumber = info.EpisodeNumber



            return episode;
Пример #3
        protected TvProgram GetOrCreateTvProgramFromListingInfo(IAddTvBroadCastListingInfo info)
            // find or create a TvProgram with the same Title.
            // This is overly eager to match and should be comparing previous broadcasts on this channel or from this source maybe.
            var program = FindExistingProgramByTitle(info.ProgramTitle);
            if (program == null) {

                // no program found - create a new one
                program = new TvProgram {
                    ProgramTitle = info.ProgramTitle


            return program;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for an exact PK match on local changes only
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importTag"></param>
        /// <param name="channelSource"></param>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected TvProgramBroadCastListing CheckForViolatedPK(TvProgramBroadCastListingImport importTag, TvChannelListingSource channelSource, IAddTvBroadCastListingInfo info)
            // in-memory dupe detection to stop duplicate PKs generated by broken feed / import processes
            var local =
                .SingleOrDefault(x =>
                    x.Property(y => y.TvProgramBroadCastListingImportId).CurrentValue == importTag.TvProgramBroadCastListingImportId
                    && x.Property(y => y.TvChannelId).CurrentValue == channelSource.TvChannelId
                    && x.Property(y => y.StartAt).CurrentValue == info.StartAt
            if (local != null) return local.Entity;

            // we don't need to check the database here because this TvProgramBroadCastListingImportId has been created by this thread
            return null;