public async Task Create(TransactionCreateModel newT, int user_id)
            AccountsUserModel acc = new AccountsUserModel()
                IdARS = _unitOfWork.Accounts.GetAccountId(user_id, "ARS")

            if (acc.IdARS == null || acc.IdARS <= 0 || user_id <= 0)
                throw new CustomException(404, "No se pudo obtener alguno de los datos del usuario");

            var saldo = _accountBusiness.GetAccountBalance(user_id, "ARS");

            if ((newT.Type.ToLower() == "payment") && (saldo - newT.Amount < 0))
                throw new CustomException(400, "No hay saldo suficiente para realizar la transacción");

            Transactions transaction = _mapper.Map <Transactions>(newT);

            transaction.AccountId = (int)acc.IdARS;

            await _unitOfWork.Complete();
Пример #2
        public async Task CreateFixedTermDeposit(FixedTermDepositCreateModel fixedTermDeposit, int userId)
            if (userId <= 0)
                throw new CustomException(400, "Id inválido");

            // Must determine if there is enough balance in the account to afford the fixed term deposit opening

            // We need first the currency to call the stored procedure which calculates the balance
            var account = _unitOfWork.Accounts.GetById(fixedTermDeposit.AccountId);

            if (account == null)
                throw new CustomException(404, "Cuenta inexistente");

            // Check if the account id belongs to the current user
            if (account.UserId != userId)
                throw new CustomException(403, "La cuenta no le pertenece");

            string currency = account.Currency;

            // Execute the respective stored procedure to get the balance
            var balance = _accountBusiness.GetAccountBalance(userId, currency);

            if (balance - fixedTermDeposit.Amount < 0)
                // If there isn't enough balance in the account, we cannot continue
                //throw new CustomException(400, "No hay suficiente dinero para realizar la operación.");
                throw new BusinessException(ErrorMessages.Not_Enough_Balance);

            // We have enough balance. Lets create the fixed term deposit

            // First make a payment transaction
            Transactions newTransaction = new Transactions
                AccountId  = fixedTermDeposit.AccountId,
                Amount     = fixedTermDeposit.Amount,
                Concept    = "Plazo Fijo (Apertura)",
                Type       = "Payment",
                CategoryId = 3


            // Having the transaction placed, it's time to make the fixed term deposit

            // Mapping the model received to entity model
            FixedTermDeposits newFixedTermDeposit = _mapper.Map <FixedTermDeposits>(fixedTermDeposit);

            // Insert the new fixed term deposit to unit of work

            // Save changes to database
            await _unitOfWork.Complete();
Пример #3
        public async Task Accept(int userId, int refundRequestId)
            //Check if request exists and is pending
            RefundRequest refundRequest = _unitOfWork.RefundRequest.GetByIdExtended(refundRequestId, m => m.SourceAccount.User, m => m.TargetAccount.User);

            if (refundRequest == null)
                throw new CustomException(404, "Solicitud de reembolso no existente");
            if (refundRequest.Status != "Pending")
                throw new CustomException(400, "Esta solicitud ya ha sido procesada");
            //Check if the target account is owned by the current user
            if (refundRequest.TargetAccount.UserId != userId)
                throw new CustomException(403, "Solo puede aceptar reembolsos de transacciones realizadas a una cuenta propia");
            //Check if the account has enough money to accept the refund
            var transaction = _unitOfWork.Transactions.GetById(refundRequest.TransactionId);
            var balance     = _accountBusiness.GetAccountBalance(refundRequest.TargetAccount.UserId, refundRequest.TargetAccount.Currency);

            if (balance < transaction.Amount)
                throw new CustomException(400, "No posee saldo suficiente para aceptar el reembolso");
            //Accept the refund
            //Change the status to accepted
            refundRequest.Status = "Accepted";
            //Create inverse transactions
            Transactions transferTopup = new Transactions
                Amount     = transaction.Amount,
                Concept    = "Reembolso de una transacción",
                Type       = "Topup",
                AccountId  = refundRequest.SourceAccountId,
                CategoryId = 4
            Transactions transferPayment = new Transactions
                Amount     = transaction.Amount,
                Concept    = "Reembolso de una transacción",
                Type       = "Payment",
                AccountId  = refundRequest.TargetAccountId,
                CategoryId = 4

            await _unitOfWork.Complete();

            //Add to transfers table
            Transfers transfer = new Transfers()
                OriginTransactionId      = transferPayment.Id,
                DestinationTransactionId = transferTopup.AccountId

            //Save all changes
            await _unitOfWork.Complete();

            //Send email
            await EmailStatusChange(refundRequest.TargetAccount.User, "aceptado", refundRequest.TransactionId, refundRequest.SourceAccount.User);