Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ADetour" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The target delegate.</param>
        /// <param name="hook">The hook delegate.</param>
        /// <param name="identifier"></param>
        /// <param name="memory">The <see cref="MemoryPlus" /> instance.</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreRules"></param>
        public ADetour(Delegate target, Delegate hook, string identifier, IAMemory memory,
                       bool ignoreRules = false)
            ProcessMemory = memory;
            Identifier    = identifier;
            IgnoreRules   = ignoreRules;

            TargetDelegate = target;
            Target         = target.ToFunctionPtr();

            _hookDelegate = hook;
            HookPointer   = hook.ToFunctionPtr(); //target

            //Store the original bytes
            Original = new List <byte>();
            Original.AddRange(memory.Read(Target, 6));

            //Setup the detour bytes
            New = new List <byte> {

            var bytes = IntPtr.Size == 4 ? BitConverter.GetBytes(HookPointer.ToInt32()) : BitConverter.GetBytes(HookPointer.ToInt64());

Пример #2
        private unsafe static byte[] Read1Bpp(IAMemory Memory, TextureInfo Texture)
            int Width  = Texture.Width;
            int Height = Texture.Height;

            byte[] Output = new byte[Width * Height];

            ISwizzle Swizzle = TextureHelper.GetSwizzle(Texture, 1, 1);

            (AMemory CpuMem, long Position) = TextureHelper.GetMemoryAndPosition(

            fixed(byte *BuffPtr = Output)
                long OutOffs = 0;

                for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++)
                    for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++)
                        long Offset = (uint)Swizzle.GetSwizzleOffset(X, Y);

                        byte Pixel = CpuMem.ReadByteUnchecked(Position + Offset);

                        *(BuffPtr + OutOffs) = Pixel;


Пример #3
        public unsafe static void Write(IAMemory Memory, TextureInfo Texture, byte[] Data)
            ISwizzle Swizzle = TextureHelper.GetSwizzle(Texture, 1, 4);

            (AMemory CpuMem, long Position) = TextureHelper.GetMemoryAndPosition(

            fixed(byte *BuffPtr = Data)
                long InOffs = 0;

                for (int Y = 0; Y < Texture.Height; Y++)
                    for (int X = 0; X < Texture.Width; X++)
                        long Offset = (uint)Swizzle.GetSwizzleOffset(X, Y);

                        int Pixel = *(int *)(BuffPtr + InOffs);

                        CpuMem.WriteInt32(Position + Offset, Pixel);

                        InOffs += 4;
Пример #4
        public static byte[] Read(IAMemory Memory, Texture Texture)
            switch (Texture.Format)
            case GalTextureFormat.R32G32B32A32: return(Read16Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.R16G16B16A16: return(Read8Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.A8B8G8R8:     return(Read4Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.R32:          return(Read4Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.A1B5G5R5:     return(Read5551(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.B5G6R5:       return(Read565(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.G8R8:         return(Read2Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.R8:           return(Read1Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC1:          return(Read8Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC2:          return(Read16Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC3:          return(Read16Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC4:          return(Read8Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC5:          return(Read16Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D4x4:    return(Read16Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            throw new NotImplementedException(Texture.Format.ToString());
Пример #5
        private unsafe static byte[] Read8Bpt4x4(IAMemory Memory, TextureInfo Texture)
            int Width  = (Texture.Width + 3) / 4;
            int Height = (Texture.Height + 3) / 4;

            byte[] Output = new byte[Width * Height * 8];

            ISwizzle Swizzle = TextureHelper.GetSwizzle(Texture, 4, 8);

            (AMemory CpuMem, long Position) = TextureHelper.GetMemoryAndPosition(

            fixed(byte *BuffPtr = Output)
                long OutOffs = 0;

                for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++)
                    for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++)
                        long Offset = (uint)Swizzle.GetSwizzleOffset(X, Y);

                        long Tile = CpuMem.ReadInt64Unchecked(Position + Offset);

                        *(long *)(BuffPtr + OutOffs) = Tile;

                        OutOffs += 8;

Пример #6
        private unsafe static void Write4Bpp(
            IAMemory Memory,
            Texture Texture,
            byte[]   Data,
            int Width,
            int Height)
            ISwizzle Swizzle = TextureHelper.GetSwizzle(Texture, Width, 4);

            (AMemory CpuMem, long Position) = TextureHelper.GetMemoryAndPosition(

            fixed(byte *BuffPtr = Data)
                long InOffs = 0;

                for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++)
                    for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++)
                        long Offset = (uint)Swizzle.GetSwizzleOffset(X, Y);

                        int Pixel = *(int *)(BuffPtr + InOffs);

                        CpuMem.WriteInt32Unchecked(Position + Offset, Pixel);

                        InOffs += 4;
Пример #7
        public static void Write(IAMemory Memory, Texture Texture, byte[] Data)
            switch (Texture.Format)
            case GalTextureFormat.A8B8G8R8: Write4Bpp(Memory, Texture, Data); break;

            default: throw new NotImplementedException(Texture.Format.ToString());
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="APatch" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="address">The address where the patch is located in Memory.</param>
 /// <param name="patchWith">The bytes to be written.</param>
 /// <param name="identifier"></param>
 /// <param name="processPlus"></param>
 /// <param name="ignoreRules"></param>
 public APatch(IntPtr address, byte[] patchWith, string identifier, IAMemory processPlus,
               bool ignoreRules = false)
     Identifier    = identifier;
     ProcessPlus   = processPlus;
     Address       = address;
     PatchBytes    = patchWith;
     OriginalBytes = processPlus.Read(address, patchWith.Length);
     IgnoreRules   = ignoreRules;
Пример #9
        public static (AMemory Memory, long Position) GetMemoryAndPosition(
            IAMemory Memory,
            long Position)
            if (Memory is NvGpuVmm Vmm)
                return(Vmm.Memory, Vmm.GetPhysicalAddress(Position));

            return((AMemory)Memory, Position);
Пример #10
        public static byte[] ReadTexture(IAMemory Memory, GalImage Image, long Position)
            AMemory CpuMemory;

            if (Memory is NvGpuVmm Vmm)
                CpuMemory = Vmm.Memory;
                CpuMemory = (AMemory)Memory;

            ISwizzle Swizzle = TextureHelper.GetSwizzle(Image);

            ImageDescriptor Desc = GetImageDescriptor(Image.Format);

            (int Width, int Height) = GetImageSizeInBlocks(Image);

            int BytesPerPixel = Desc.BytesPerPixel;

            //Note: Each row of the texture needs to be aligned to 4 bytes.
            int Pitch = (Width * BytesPerPixel + 3) & ~3;

            byte[] Data = new byte[Height * Pitch];

            for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++)
                int OutOffs = Y * Pitch;

                for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++)
                    long Offset = (uint)Swizzle.GetSwizzleOffset(X, Y);

                    CpuMemory.ReadBytes(Position + Offset, Data, OutOffs, BytesPerPixel);

                    OutOffs += BytesPerPixel;

Пример #11
        private unsafe static byte[] Read5551(IAMemory Memory, TextureInfo Texture)
            int Width  = Texture.Width;
            int Height = Texture.Height;

            byte[] Output = new byte[Width * Height * 2];

            ISwizzle Swizzle = TextureHelper.GetSwizzle(Texture, 1, 2);

            (AMemory CpuMem, long Position) = TextureHelper.GetMemoryAndPosition(

            fixed(byte *BuffPtr = Output)
                long OutOffs = 0;

                for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++)
                    for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++)
                        long Offset = (uint)Swizzle.GetSwizzleOffset(X, Y);

                        uint Pixel = (uint)CpuMem.ReadInt16Unchecked(Position + Offset);

                        Pixel = (Pixel & 0x001f) << 11 |
                                (Pixel & 0x03e0) << 1 |
                                (Pixel & 0x7c00) >> 9 |
                                (Pixel & 0x8000) >> 15;

                        *(short *)(BuffPtr + OutOffs) = (short)Pixel;

                        OutOffs += 2;

Пример #12
        public static byte[] ReadTexture(IAMemory Memory, GalImage Image, long Position)
            AMemory CpuMemory;

            if (Memory is NvGpuVmm Vmm)
                CpuMemory = Vmm.Memory;
                CpuMemory = (AMemory)Memory;

            ISwizzle Swizzle = TextureHelper.GetSwizzle(Image);

            ImageDescriptor Desc = GetImageDescriptor(Image.Format);

            (int Width, int Height) = GetImageSizeInBlocks(Image);

            int BytesPerPixel = Desc.BytesPerPixel;

            int OutOffs = 0;

            byte[] Data = new byte[Width * Height * BytesPerPixel];

            for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++)
                for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++)
                    long Offset = (uint)Swizzle.GetSwizzleOffset(X, Y);

                    CpuMemory.ReadBytes(Position + Offset, Data, OutOffs, BytesPerPixel);

                    OutOffs += BytesPerPixel;

Пример #13
        public static byte[] Read(IAMemory Memory, Texture Texture)
            switch (Texture.Format)
            case GalTextureFormat.A8B8G8R8: return(Read4Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.A1B5G5R5: return(Read2Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.B5G6R5:   return(Read2Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC1:      return(Read8Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC2:      return(Read16Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC3:      return(Read16Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC4:      return(Read8Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC5:      return(Read16Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            throw new NotImplementedException(Texture.Format.ToString());
Пример #14
        private unsafe static byte[] Read16BptCompressedTexture(IAMemory Memory, TextureInfo Texture, int BlockWidth, int BlockHeight)
            int Width  = (Texture.Width + (BlockWidth - 1)) / BlockWidth;
            int Height = (Texture.Height + (BlockHeight - 1)) / BlockHeight;

            byte[] Output = new byte[Width * Height * 16];

            ISwizzle Swizzle = TextureHelper.GetSwizzle(Texture, BlockWidth, 16);

            (AMemory CpuMem, long Position) = TextureHelper.GetMemoryAndPosition(

            fixed(byte *BuffPtr = Output)
                long OutOffs = 0;

                for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++)
                    for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++)
                        long Offset = (uint)Swizzle.GetSwizzleOffset(X, Y);

                        long Tile0 = CpuMem.ReadInt64Unchecked(Position + Offset + 0);
                        long Tile1 = CpuMem.ReadInt64Unchecked(Position + Offset + 8);

                        *(long *)(BuffPtr + OutOffs + 0) = Tile0;
                        *(long *)(BuffPtr + OutOffs + 8) = Tile1;

                        OutOffs += 16;

Пример #15
        private unsafe static byte[] Read16Bpp(IAMemory Memory, TextureInfo Texture)
            int Width  = Texture.Width;
            int Height = Texture.Height;

            byte[] Output = new byte[Width * Height * 16];

            ISwizzle Swizzle = TextureHelper.GetSwizzle(Texture, 1, 16);

            (AMemory CpuMem, long Position) = TextureHelper.GetMemoryAndPosition(

            fixed(byte *BuffPtr = Output)
                long OutOffs = 0;

                for (int Y = 0; Y < Height; Y++)
                    for (int X = 0; X < Width; X++)
                        long Offset = (uint)Swizzle.GetSwizzleOffset(X, Y);

                        long PxLow  = CpuMem.ReadInt64Unchecked(Position + Offset + 0);
                        long PxHigh = CpuMem.ReadInt64Unchecked(Position + Offset + 8);

                        *(long *)(BuffPtr + OutOffs + 0) = PxLow;
                        *(long *)(BuffPtr + OutOffs + 8) = PxHigh;

                        OutOffs += 16;

Пример #16
    public void OnSceneGUI()
        IAMemory memory = ((IAMemory)target);

Пример #17
        public static byte[] Read(IAMemory Memory, TextureInfo Texture)
            switch (Texture.Format)
            case GalTextureFormat.R32G32B32A32: return(Read16Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.R16G16B16A16: return(Read8Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.A8B8G8R8:     return(Read4Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.R32:          return(Read4Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BF10GF11RF11: return(Read4Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.Z24S8:        return(Read4Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.A1B5G5R5:     return(Read5551(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.B5G6R5:       return(Read565(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.G8R8:         return(Read2Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.R16:          return(Read2Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.R8:           return(Read1Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC6H_SF16:    return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 4, 4));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC6H_UF16:    return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 4, 4));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC7U:         return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 4, 4));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC1:          return(Read8Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC2:          return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 4, 4));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC3:          return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 4, 4));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC4:          return(Read8Bpt4x4(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.BC5:          return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 4, 4));

            case GalTextureFormat.ZF32:         return(Read4Bpp(Memory, Texture));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D4x4:    return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 4, 4));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D5x5:    return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 5, 5));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D6x6:    return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 6, 6));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D8x8:    return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 8, 8));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D10x10:  return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 10, 10));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D12x12:  return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 12, 12));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D5x4:    return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 5, 4));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D6x5:    return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 6, 5));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D8x6:    return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 8, 6));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D10x8:   return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 10, 8));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D12x10:  return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 12, 10));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D8x5:    return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 8, 5));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D10x5:   return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 10, 5));

            case GalTextureFormat.Astc2D10x6:   return(Read16BptCompressedTexture(Memory, Texture, 10, 6));

            throw new NotImplementedException(Texture.Format.ToString());
Пример #18
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="APatchManager" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="processMemory">The process memory.</param>
 public APatchManager(IAMemory processMemory)
     MemoryBase = processMemory;
Пример #19
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ADetourManager" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 public ADetourManager(IAMemory processPlus)
     ProcessPlus = processPlus;