public void RunFrame(InputState input) { _input = input; while (_cycles < 16666) { _cycles += _i8080.ExecuteInstruction(); } _i8080.RequestInterrupt(1); _cycles -= 16666; while (_cycles < 16667) { _cycles += _i8080.ExecuteInstruction(); } _i8080.RequestInterrupt(2); _cycles -= 16667; }
static void RunTest(string filename) { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); ulong instructionCount = 0; // load rom byte[] rom = File.ReadAllBytes(filename); Bus bus = new Bus(); bus.Load(0x0100, rom); // patch memory location 5 as a ret instruction // call 5 is a call into BDOS, intercepted below bus.WriteByte(0x0005, 0xC9); // patch in ram size bus.WriteByte(0x0006, 0x00); bus.WriteByte(0x0007, 0x17); I8080 cpu = new I8080(bus) { PC = 0x100 }; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("***** Running rom {0} *****", Path.GetFileName(filename)); Console.WriteLine(); while (true) { ushort pc = cpu.PC; // trap any HLT instructions if (bus.ReadByte(pc) == 0x76) { Console.WriteLine("HLT at 0x{0:X4}", pc); Environment.Exit(0); } // intercept BDOS calls, if (pc == 0x0005) { switch (cpu.R.C) { case 2: // BDOS function 2 (C_WRITE) - Console output { // Entered with C=2, E=ASCII character. Console.Write((char)cpu.R.E); } break; case 9: // BDOS function 9 (C_WRITESTR) - Output string { // Entered with C=9, DE=address of string. // Display a string of ASCII characters, terminated with the $ character. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); char output; ushort i = cpu.R.DE; while ((output = (char)bus.ReadByte(i++)) != '$') { sb.Append(output); } Console.Write(sb.ToString()); } break; } } instructionCount++; cpu.ExecuteInstruction(); // if we jumped to 0 then end this test if (cpu.PC == 0x0000) { sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Jump to 0x0000 from 0x{pc:X4}, {instructionCount} instructions executed, {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms elapsed, {(double)instructionCount / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} instructions/ms"); return; } } }