private static void exampleThreadLoop() { try { Console.WriteLine(" >>> Thread test >>> "); Console.WriteLine(" * get BTC price from various Stock Exchanges simultaneously (*10)"); var binance = new Binance(String.Empty, String.Empty); var kucoin = new Kucoin(String.Empty, String.Empty); var huobi = new Huobi(String.Empty, String.Empty); var gate = new Gate(String.Empty, String.Empty); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Get OrderBooks binance.sendReq("GET /api/v1/depth !symbol=BTCUSDT&limit=50"); kucoin.sendReq("GET /v1/open/orders symbol=BTC-USDT"); huobi.sendReq("GET /market/depth symbol=btcusdt&type=step1"); gate.sendReq("GET 1/orderBook/btc_usdt"); while (isSomeStockWaiting(new dynamic[] { binance, kucoin, huobi, gate })) { Thread.Sleep(1); } // Get best Purchase price for BTC from OrderBooks string result = $"{i}. "; result += $"Binance:{binance.responseData.getJsonValueAfterKeys(new string[] { "asks" }).getInnerFloat().ToString(" 0.00 ")} "; result += $"Kucoin:{kucoin.responseData.getJsonValueAfterKeys(new string[] { "data", "SELL" }).getInnerFloat().ToString(" 0.00 ")} "; result += $"Huobi:{huobi.responseData.getJsonValueAfterKeys(new string[] { "asks" }).getInnerFloat().ToString(" 0.00 ")} "; result += $"Gate:{gate.responseData.getJsonValueAfterKeys(new string[] { "asks" }).getInnerFloat(", ", helpers.way.reverse).ToString(" 0.00 ")} "; Console.WriteLine(result); } Console.WriteLine($" >>> End >>> "); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}"); } finally { exampleThread = null; } }
static void Main() { // attach graph renderer Rendering renderer = new Rendering(800, 400); long lastTradeId = -1; var marketAccesses = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MarketAccess> >(File.ReadAllText("accessKeys.txt")); var huobiAccess = marketAccesses.First(e => e.Name == "Huobi"); var btceAccess = marketAccesses.First(e => e.Name == "BTCE"); IMarket huobi = new Huobi(huobiAccess.AccessKey, huobiAccess.SecretKey); //huobi = new BTCeMarket(btceAccess.AccessKey, btceAccess.SecretKey); AlgoBase alogo = new NaiveMarketMaker(huobi, HuobiMarket.btc, renderer); BcwTrade lastTrade = null; TimeSpan timeOffset = new TimeSpan(); DateTime lastTime = new DateTime(); while (true) { try { List <BcwTrade> newTrades = huobi.GetPublicTrades(BcwMarket.huobibtccny, lastTradeId); newTrades.Reverse(); HuobiMarketSummary depth = huobi.GetMarketSummary(HuobiMarket.btc); BcwTicker ticker = huobi.GetTicker(BcwMarket.huobibtccny); DateTime now = UnixTime.ConvertToDateTime( + timeOffset; if (newTrades.Count > 0) { if (timeOffset.TotalSeconds == 0) { DateTime firstTradeDate = UnixTime.ConvertToDateTime(newTrades[0].date); if (firstTradeDate < lastTime) { timeOffset = firstTradeDate - lastTime; } } foreach (BcwTrade t in newTrades) { if (t.trade_type == BcwOrderType.ask) { // this condition means that a BUY ORDER was filled } else { // this condition means that a SELL ORDER was filled } renderer.AddDataPoint(depth.GetBidPrice(0), depth.GetAskPrice(0), t.price, UnixTime.ConvertToDateTime(; } lastTrade = newTrades.Last(); lastTradeId = newTrades.Last().tid; now = UnixTime.ConvertToDateTime(; } else { renderer.AddDataPoint(depth.GetBidPrice(0), depth.GetAskPrice(0), lastTrade.price, now); } // // update the algorithm // alogo.Update(now); } catch (HuobiApi.RetryCountExceededException) { } catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.SetBufferSize(200, 1000); #region Console Text Console.WriteLine(" >>> Crypto Stock Exchanges console >>> "); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Set current Api-Key: \"key key-string\""); Console.WriteLine("Set current Api-Secret: \"secret secret-string\""); Console.WriteLine("Format of api-request: \"apiName method endpoint parameters\""); Console.WriteLine("Launch thread example: \"cycle\""); Console.WriteLine("Set nonce amendment: \"amendment IntValue\""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" Examples: "); Console.WriteLine("binance GET /api/v3/ticker/price !symbol=BTCUSDT"); Console.WriteLine("binance DELETE /api/v3/order symbol=ETHUSDT&orderId=1"); Console.WriteLine("binance GET /api/v1/depth !symbol=ETHUSDT&limit=50"); Console.WriteLine("binance POST /api/v3/order symbol=ETHUSDT&timeInForce=GTC&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&quantity=1&price=1"); Console.WriteLine("gate GET 1/orderBook/eth_usdt"); Console.WriteLine("gate POST 1/private/buy currencyPair=eth_usdt&amount=1&rate=1"); Console.WriteLine("gate POST 1/private/balances"); Console.WriteLine("huobi GET /market/trade symbol=btcusdt"); Console.WriteLine("huobi GET /v1/order/orders symbol=ethusdt&states=filled"); Console.WriteLine("kucoin GET /v1/open/currencies"); Console.WriteLine("kucoin GET /v1/account/USDT/balance"); Console.WriteLine("kucoin POST /v1/order?symbol=ETH-USDT amount=1&price=1&type=BUY"); Console.WriteLine("hitbtc GET /api/2/public/orderbook/BTCUSD?limit=5"); Console.WriteLine("hitbtc AUTH-GET /api/2/trading/balance"); Console.WriteLine("hitbtc AUTH-POST /api/2/order {\"symbol\":\"ethbtc\",\"side\":\"sell\",\"quantity\":0.063,\"price\":0.046016}"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Enter empty string for exit"); #endregion string line; // Set your api-key & api-secret here (for signature-type requests) or use console string key = String.Empty; string secret = String.Empty; string response = String.Empty; Int64 noncAm = 0; do { line = Console.ReadLine(); var parts = line.Trim(new char[] { '\t', ' ' }).Split(' '); parts[0] = parts[0].ToLower(); string content = parts.buildString(" ", 1); switch (parts[0]) { case "amendment": noncAm = Convert.ToInt64(content); break; case "cycle": exampleThread = new Thread(exampleThreadLoop); exampleThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; exampleThread.Start(); break; case "key": key = content; break; case "secret": secret = content; break; case "binance": using (var binance = new Binance(key, secret)) { binance.OnResponseReceived += Api_OnResponseReceived; binance.nonceAmendment = noncAm; binance.sendReq(content); } break; case "gate": using (var gate = new Gate(key, secret)) { gate.OnResponseReceived += Api_OnResponseReceived; gate.sendReq(content); } break; case "huobi": using (var huobi = new Huobi(key, secret)) { huobi.OnResponseReceived += Api_OnResponseReceived; huobi.sendReq(content); } break; case "kucoin": using (var kucoin = new Kucoin(key, secret)) { kucoin.OnResponseReceived += Api_OnResponseReceived; kucoin.nonceAmendment = noncAm; kucoin.sendReq(content); } break; case "hitbtc": using (var hitbtc = new Hitbtc(key, secret)) { hitbtc.OnResponseReceived += Api_OnResponseReceived; hitbtc.sendReq(content); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Wrong command"); break; } } while (line.Length > 0); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); Console.ReadLine(); } }
static void Main() { // attach graph renderer Rendering renderer = new Rendering(800, 400); long lastTradeId = -1; var marketAccesses = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MarketAccess>>(File.ReadAllText("accessKeys.txt")); var huobiAccess = marketAccesses.First(e => e.Name == "Huobi"); var btceAccess = marketAccesses.First(e => e.Name == "BTCE"); IMarket huobi = new Huobi(huobiAccess.AccessKey, huobiAccess.SecretKey); //huobi = new BTCeMarket(btceAccess.AccessKey, btceAccess.SecretKey); AlgoBase alogo = new NaiveMarketMaker(huobi, HuobiMarket.btc, renderer); BcwTrade lastTrade = null; TimeSpan timeOffset = new TimeSpan(); DateTime lastTime = new DateTime(); while (true) { try { List<BcwTrade> newTrades = huobi.GetPublicTrades(BcwMarket.huobibtccny, lastTradeId); newTrades.Reverse(); HuobiMarketSummary depth = huobi.GetMarketSummary(HuobiMarket.btc); BcwTicker ticker = huobi.GetTicker(BcwMarket.huobibtccny); DateTime now = UnixTime.ConvertToDateTime( + timeOffset; if (newTrades.Count > 0) { if (timeOffset.TotalSeconds == 0) { DateTime firstTradeDate = UnixTime.ConvertToDateTime(newTrades[0].date); if (firstTradeDate < lastTime) { timeOffset = firstTradeDate - lastTime; } } foreach (BcwTrade t in newTrades) { if (t.trade_type == BcwOrderType.ask) { // this condition means that a BUY ORDER was filled } else { // this condition means that a SELL ORDER was filled } renderer.AddDataPoint(depth.GetBidPrice(0), depth.GetAskPrice(0), t.price, UnixTime.ConvertToDateTime(; } lastTrade = newTrades.Last(); lastTradeId = newTrades.Last().tid; now = UnixTime.ConvertToDateTime(; } else { renderer.AddDataPoint(depth.GetBidPrice(0), depth.GetAskPrice(0), lastTrade.price, now); } // // update the algorithm // alogo.Update(now); } catch (HuobiApi.RetryCountExceededException) { } catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } }