private static void WalkTheDungeon(Game gameInstance)
            Logger.Info("Walking the dungeon...");

            var pathFinder      = new AStarPathFinding();
            var movementProfile = new HumanoidMovement();
            var visibilityMap   = new VisibilityMap(gameInstance.Terrain.Width, gameInstance.Terrain.Height, null, null);

            var walkableLocations = gameInstance.Terrain.WalkableLocations(movementProfile).ToList();

            FloodFill.Fill(gameInstance.Terrain, visibilityMap, movementProfile, walkableLocations[Rng.Next(walkableLocations.Count - 1)]);

            var walkableUnseenLocations = GetWalkableUnseenLocations(gameInstance.Terrain, visibilityMap, movementProfile).ToList();

            while (walkableUnseenLocations.Count > 0)
                var closestExploredLocation   = GetClosestExploredLocation(gameInstance.Terrain, visibilityMap, movementProfile, walkableUnseenLocations[Rng.Next(walkableUnseenLocations.Count - 1)]);
                var closestUnexploredLocation = GetClosestUnexploredLocation(gameInstance.Terrain, visibilityMap, movementProfile, closestExploredLocation.Value);

                var movementPath = pathFinder.FindPath(gameInstance.Terrain, new List <IActor>(), new DiggerMovement(), closestExploredLocation.Value, closestUnexploredLocation.Value);
                foreach (var node in movementPath)
                    gameInstance.Terrain[node.Location]  = new Floor();
                    visibilityMap[node.Location].WasSeen = true;

                visibilityMap[closestUnexploredLocation.Value].WasSeen = false;
                FloodFill.Fill(gameInstance.Terrain, visibilityMap, movementProfile, closestUnexploredLocation.Value);

                walkableUnseenLocations = GetWalkableUnseenLocations(gameInstance.Terrain, visibilityMap, movementProfile).ToList();

            //digger.VisibilityMap.UpdateVisibilityMap(gameInstance.Terrain, gameInstance.LightMap, digger.Location.Coordinate);
            //var command = digger.Intellect.GetNextAction();
            //while (command is MoveCommand)
            //    var result = command.Execute();
            //    if ((!result.Success) && (command is MoveCommand))
            //    {
            //        // The move action failed
            //        // Ask the actor for a default action on bump
            //        var defaultBumpAction = digger.Intellect.GetDefaultBumpAction((MoveCommand)command);
            //        if (defaultBumpAction != null)
            //           defaultBumpAction.Execute();
            //    }

            //    digger.VisibilityMap.UpdateVisibilityMap(gameInstance.Terrain, gameInstance.LightMap, digger.Location.Coordinate);
            //    command = digger.Intellect.GetNextAction();

            Logger.Info("Dungeon walk complete.");
Пример #2
        private static Game CreateGame()
            Logger.Info("Creating new game...");
            var game             = new Game();
            var humanoidMovement = new HumanoidMovement();

            Logger.Info("Creating races...");
            var human = new Race
                Symbol          = 'H',
                Material        = new Flesh(),
                MovementProfile = humanoidMovement,
                FovProfile      = new HumanoidFov()
            var dps = new Race
                Symbol          = 'D',
                Material        = new Flesh(),
                MovementProfile = humanoidMovement,
                FovProfile      = new NightVisionFov()
            var tank = new Race
                Symbol          = 'T',
                Material        = new Flesh(),
                MovementProfile = humanoidMovement,
                FovProfile      = new NightVisionFov()

            var dungeonGenerator = new DungeonGenerator
                MaxSize           = new Size(78, 78),
                MinSize           = new Size(78, 78),
                CorridorGenerator =
                    new CorridorGenerator
                    ChangeDirectionModifier = 30,
                    DeadEndRemovalModifier  = 50,
                    SparsenessModifier      = 70
                RoomGenerator = new RoomGenerator
                    MaxNoOfRooms = 15,
                    MinNoOfRooms = 10,
                    MaxRoomSize  = new Size(15, 15),
                    MinRoomSize  = new Size(10, 10)
                DoorGenerator =
                    new DoorGenerator
                    MinDoorsPerRoom = 1,
                    MaxDoorsPerRoom = 4,
                    MaxDoorsPerWall = 1,
                    MinDoorsPerWall = 1


            List <Point> walkableLocations = game.Terrain.WalkableLocations(humanoidMovement).ToList();

            Logger.Info("Creating player...");
            var player = new Actor
                Name        = "Player",
                Damage      = 5,
                Health      = 10,
                Speed       = 10,
                Race        = human,
                LightSource = new LightSource
                    Attenuation =
                        new AttenuationFunction
                        Constant = 1, Linear = 0.15f, Quadratic = 0
                    Colour     = System.Drawing.Color.Gold,
                    FovProfile = new TorchFov(),
                    Location   = new Location()

            player.SetLocation(walkableLocations[Rng.Next(walkableLocations.Count - 1)]);
            var commandFactory = new CommandFactory(game);

            player.SetIntellect(new PlayerAI(commandFactory));

            game.AddActor(player, true);

            Logger.Info("Creating monsters...");
            var monsters = new List <IActor>
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Gary",
                    Damage    = 1,
                    Health    = 10,
                    MaxHealth = 10,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = tank
                new Actor
                    Name      = "William",
                    Damage    = 10,
                    Health    = 1,
                    MaxHealth = 1,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = dps
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Byron",
                    Damage    = 1,
                    Health    = 10,
                    MaxHealth = 10,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = tank
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Calvin",
                    Damage    = 10,
                    Health    = 1,
                    MaxHealth = 1,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = dps
                new Actor
                    Name      = "John",
                    Damage    = 1,
                    Health    = 10,
                    MaxHealth = 10,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = tank
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Eugene",
                    Damage    = 10,
                    Health    = 1,
                    MaxHealth = 1,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = dps
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Andreas",
                    Damage    = 1,
                    Health    = 10,
                    MaxHealth = 10,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = tank
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Fred",
                    Damage    = 10,
                    Health    = 1,
                    MaxHealth = 1,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = dps
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Katrina",
                    Damage    = 5,
                    Health    = 5,
                    MaxHealth = 5,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = dps
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Melissa",
                    Damage    = 5,
                    Health    = 5,
                    MaxHealth = 5,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = tank
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Isabel",
                    Damage    = 5,
                    Health    = 5,
                    MaxHealth = 5,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = dps
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Angela",
                    Damage    = 5,
                    Health    = 5,
                    MaxHealth = 5,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = tank
                new Actor
                    Name      = "Janet",
                    Damage    = 5,
                    Health    = 5,
                    MaxHealth = 5,
                    Speed     = 10,
                    Race      = dps

            foreach (IActor monster in monsters)
                monster.SetLocation(walkableLocations[Rng.Next(walkableLocations.Count - 1)]);
                monster.SetIntellect(new HunterBrain());

            Logger.Info("Game created.");