public void Init() { if (widget_ == null) { widget_ = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(new StringBuilder(), Origin: location_, Blend: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP); } }
internal void InitHudMesages(bool bForce = false) { if (TextAPI == null) { ModLog.Error("Text HUD API not loaded"); return; } if (TextAPI.Heartbeat) { // ModLog.Info("Have Heartbeat"); if (hackInterruptedV2 == null || bForce) { // ModLog.Info("Creating Interrupted HUD"); sbInterruptedMessage = new StringBuilder(SeTextColor + "CONNECTION LOST"); hackInterruptedV2 = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(sbInterruptedMessage, new Vector2D(-0.5, 0.5)); if (hackInterruptedV2 != null) { hackInterruptedV2.Message = sbInterruptedMessage; hackInterruptedV2.Scale = 2; hackInterruptedV2.Options = HudAPIv2.Options.Shadowing; hackInterruptedV2.Options |= HudAPIv2.Options.HideHud; // hackInterruptedV2.TimeToLive = 45; hackInterruptedV2.Visible = false; } else { ModLog.Info("Could not create Interrupted HUD"); } } if (hackBarV2 == null || bForce) { // ModLog.Info("Creating Hacking HUD"); if (sbHackBarMessage == null) { sbHackBarMessage = new StringBuilder("Initial Research Bar"); } hackBarV2 = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(sbHackBarMessage, new Vector2D(-0.5, 0.5)); if (hackBarV2 != null) { hackBarV2.Message = sbHackBarMessage; hackBarV2.Scale = 2; hackBarV2.Options = HudAPIv2.Options.Shadowing; hackBarV2.Options |= HudAPIv2.Options.HideHud; hackBarV2.Visible = false; // hackBarV2.TimeToLive = 45; } else { ModLog.Info("Could not create Research HUD"); } } } else { ModLog.Info("NO TextHud HEARTBEAT"); } }
void DrawSkinNameText(SkinInfo selectedSkin) { if (!Main.TextAPI.IsEnabled) { return; } PlayerInfo localInfo = Main.Palette.LocalInfo; float scale = Main.Settings.paletteScale; Vector2D labelPos = Main.Settings.paletteScreenPos + new Vector2D(0, 0.06 * 2 * scale); // TODO FIX: needs to move relatively with the scale of the elements below it, but it doesn't... if (localInfo.ApplyColor) { labelPos += new Vector2D(0, 0.08); // this needs fixing too } const double TextScaleOffset = 1.8; if (skinLabel == null) { skinLabelSB = new StringBuilder(64).Append(selectedSkin.Name); skinLabelShadow = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(skinLabelSB, labelPos, Scale: TextScaleOffset, HideHud: true, Blend: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP); skinLabel = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(skinLabelSB, labelPos, Scale: TextScaleOffset, HideHud: true, Blend: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP); skinLabelShadow.InitialColor = Color.Black; skinLabel.InitialColor = Color.White; skinLabelUpdate = true; } if (skinLabelUpdate) { skinLabelUpdate = false; skinLabelSB.Clear().Append(selectedSkin.Name); skinLabel.Origin = labelPos; skinLabelShadow.Origin = labelPos; skinLabel.Scale = scale * TextScaleOffset; skinLabelShadow.Scale = scale * TextScaleOffset; Vector2D textLen = skinLabel.GetTextLength(); skinLabel.Offset = new Vector2D(textLen.X * -0.5, 0); // centered skinLabelShadow.Offset = skinLabel.Offset + new Vector2D(0.0015, -0.0015); // centered + small offset } if (!skinLabelVisible) { skinLabelVisible = true; skinLabel.Visible = true; skinLabelShadow.Visible = true; } drawSkinLabel = true; }
void textHudCallback() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(SeTextColor + "CONNECTION LOST"); hackInterruptedV2 = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(sb, new Vector2D(-0.5, 0.5)); sb.Clear(); hackBarV2 = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(sb, new Vector2D(-0.5, 0.5)); }
private void init() { if (inited || !HudAPI.Heartbeat) { return; } HUDPanel = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(Display, DefaultOrigin, Blend: BlendTypeEnum.SDR); //HUDPanelBackground = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(MATERIAL_VANILLA_SQUARE, DefaultOrigin, VRageMath.Color.DeepSkyBlue); HUDPanel.Scale = 1.4; inited = true; }
// private void SendToHud(HUDTextAPI.HUDMessage hudMessage) private void SendToHud(HudAPIv2.HUDMessage hudMessage) { if (TextAPI.Heartbeat) // V1 if (hudTextApi.Heartbeat) { // hudTextApi.Send(hudMessage); } else { MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification("Error: You need to install the Text HUD API Mod!", 300, MyFontEnum.Red); } }
private BillboardInfo InitHUDFatigue() { StringBuilder fatigueStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var fatigueHudMessage = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(fatigueStringBuilder, new Vector2D(-0.766f, -0.505f), Scale: 1.2d); var fatigueIconBillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.FatigueIcon, new Vector2D(-0.941, -0.515), Color.White) { Height = 1.55f, Scale = 0.02d, Rotation = 0f }; var fatigueBar25BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.TwentyFivePercentHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.906f, -0.52), Color.White) { Height = 2.0f, Rotation = 0f, Scale = 0.07f }; var fatigueBar50BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.FiftyPercentHudIconHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.868f, -0.52), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Scale = 0.07f, Rotation = 0f }; var fatigueBar75BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.SeventyFivePercentHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.8295f, -0.52), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Scale = 0.07f, Rotation = 0f }; var fatigueBar100BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.OneHundredPercentHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.791f, -0.52), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Rotation = 0f, Scale = 0.07f }; return(new BillboardInfo { Message = fatigueHudMessage, StringBuilder = fatigueStringBuilder, Icon = fatigueIconBillboardMessage, TwentyFive = fatigueBar25BillboardMessage, Fifty = fatigueBar50BillboardMessage, SeventyFive = fatigueBar75BillboardMessage, OneHundred = fatigueBar100BillboardMessage }); }
private BillboardInfo InitHUDHunger() { StringBuilder hungerStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var hungerHudMessage = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(hungerStringBuilder, new Vector2D(-0.766f, -0.4f), Scale: 1.2d); var hungerIconBillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.HungerIcon, new Vector2D(-0.941, -0.405), Color.White) { Height = 1.65f, Scale = 0.02d, Rotation = 0f }; var hungerBar25BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.TwentyFivePercentHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.906f, -0.41), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Scale = 0.07f, Rotation = 0f }; var hungerBar50BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.FiftyPercentHudIconHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.868f, -0.41), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Scale = 0.07f, Rotation = 0f }; var hungerBar75BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.SeventyFivePercentHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.8295f, -0.41), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Scale = 0.07f, Rotation = 0f }; var hungerBar100BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.OneHundredPercentHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.791f, -0.41), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Scale = 0.07f, Rotation = 0f }; return(new BillboardInfo { Message = hungerHudMessage, StringBuilder = hungerStringBuilder, Icon = hungerIconBillboardMessage, TwentyFive = hungerBar25BillboardMessage, Fifty = hungerBar50BillboardMessage, SeventyFive = hungerBar75BillboardMessage, OneHundred = hungerBar100BillboardMessage }); }
private BillboardInfo InitHUDThirst() { StringBuilder thirstStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var thirstHudMessage = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(thirstStringBuilder, new Vector2D(-0.766f, -0.445f), Scale: 1.2d); var thirstIconBillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.ThirstIcon, new Vector2D(-0.941, -0.460), Color.White) { Height = 1.55f, Rotation = 0f, Scale = 0.02d }; var thirstBar25BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.TwentyFivePercentHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.906f, -0.465), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Scale = 0.07f, Rotation = 0f }; var thirstBar50BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.FiftyPercentHudIconHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.868f, -0.465), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Scale = 0.07f, Rotation = 0f }; var thirstBar75BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.SeventyFivePercentHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.8295f, -0.465), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Scale = 0.07f, Rotation = 0f }; var thirstBar100BillboardMessage = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( IconStringRefs.OneHundredPercentHudIconFull, new Vector2D(-0.791f, -0.465), Color.White) { Height = 1.85f, Scale = 0.07f, Rotation = 0f }; return(new BillboardInfo { Message = thirstHudMessage, StringBuilder = thirstStringBuilder, Icon = thirstIconBillboardMessage, TwentyFive = thirstBar25BillboardMessage, Fifty = thirstBar50BillboardMessage, SeventyFive = thirstBar75BillboardMessage, OneHundred = thirstBar100BillboardMessage }); }
void HideText(bool permanent = false) { if (text != null) { text.Visible = false; if (permanent) { text.DeleteMessage(); text = null; } } SetUpdateMethods(UpdateFlags.UPDATE_INPUT, false); }
private void CleanupHUD() { if (Background != null) { Background.TimeToLive = 0; Background = null; } if (Message != null) { text.Clear(); Message.TimeToLive = 0; Message = null; } textCache = defaultTextCache; needsUpdate = false; }
void SetUIOption(HudAPIv2.Options flag, bool set) { if (uiTitle == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < ui.Length; ++i) { HudAPIv2.MessageBase msgBase = ui[i]; // just in case this issue comes back I wanna know if it's it specifically if (msgBase.BackingObject == null) { Log.Error($"{msgBase.GetType().Name} (ui{i}) has BackingObject = null!!!"); continue; } HudAPIv2.HUDMessage hudMessage = msgBase as HudAPIv2.HUDMessage; if (hudMessage != null) { if (set) { hudMessage.Options |= flag; } else { hudMessage.Options &= ~flag; } continue; } HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage hudBillboard = msgBase as HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage; if (hudBillboard != null) { if (set) { hudBillboard.Options |= flag; } else { hudBillboard.Options &= ~flag; } continue; } } }
void DrawText() { if (hidden || !Main.TextAPI.IsEnabled) { return; } if (text == null) { text = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(new StringBuilder(MyTexts.GetString(Text)), TextPosition, Scale: TextScale, Shadowing: true, Blend: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP); Vector2D textSize = text.GetTextLength(); text.Offset = new Vector2D(-textSize.X, textSize.Y); // pivot top-right } text.Visible = true; // enable input reading for hiding the text SetUpdateMethods(UpdateFlags.UPDATE_INPUT, true); }
/// <summary> /// Updates settings of underlying Text HUD API type. /// </summary> protected override void Draw() { if (hudMessage == null) { hudMessage = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage { Blend = BlendTypeEnum.LDR, Scale = Scale, Options = HudAPIv2.Options.Fixed, Visible = false, }; UpdateMessage(); } if (Visible) { hudMessage.Origin = Instance.GetScaledPos(Origin + Offset + alignmentOffset); hudMessage.Draw(); } }
public void Close(bool deregister = true) { active = false; text.Clear(); textCache = defaultTextCache; if (Message != null) { Message.TimeToLive = 0; Message = null; } if (Background != null) { Background.TimeToLive = 0; Background = null; } if (deregister) { HudRenderer.Instance.UnregisterSurface(this); } }
private void UpdateLCD() { if (Background == null) { Background = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( MyStringId.GetOrCompute("SquareIgnoreDepth"), Position, BackgroundColorObject, Scale: 1.05, // .05 is for padding HideHud: !NoHideHud, Blend: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP); } if (Message == null) { Message = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage( text, Position, Scale: Scale, HideHud: !NoHideHud, Blend: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP, Font: Font); } needsUpdate = false; textCache = surface.GetText(); text.Clear(); text.Append(ColorObject); text.Append(textCache); Background.Visible = HasBackground; if (HasBackground) { var ln = Message.GetTextLength(); Background.Offset = ln / 2d; Background.Width = (float)ln.X; Background.Height = (float)ln.Y; } }
void UpdateGUI() { if (!Main.TextAPI.IsEnabled || !Main.CheckPlayerField.Ready) { return; } if (uiTitle == null) { const int MAX_EXPECTED_CHARACTERS_TITLE = 64; const int MAX_EXPECTED_CHARACTERS_TEXT = 512; // NOTE: this creation order is needed to have background elements stay in background when everything uses PostPP (or SDR) at once. int i = 0; ui[i++] = uiTextBg = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(Main.PaletteHUD.MATERIAL_PALETTE_BACKGROUND, uiPosition, UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR, Width: UI_BOX_WIDTH, Height: UI_TEXT_BG_HEIGHT, Blend: UI_BG_BLENDTYPE); ui[i++] = uiTitleBg = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(Main.PaletteHUD.MATERIAL_PALETTE_BACKGROUND, uiPosition, UI_TITLE_BG_COLOR, Width: UI_BOX_WIDTH, Height: UI_TITLE_BG_HEIGHT, Blend: UI_BG_BLENDTYPE); ui[i++] = uiTitle = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(new StringBuilder(MAX_EXPECTED_CHARACTERS_TITLE), uiPosition, Scale: UI_TITLE_SCALE, Blend: UI_FG_BLENDTYPE); ui[i++] = uiText = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(new StringBuilder(MAX_EXPECTED_CHARACTERS_TEXT), uiPosition, Scale: UI_TEXT_SCALE, Blend: UI_FG_BLENDTYPE); ui[i++] = uiTargetColor = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(MATERIAL_ICON_GENERIC_BLOCK, uiPosition, Color.White, Width: UI_COLORBOX_WIDTH, Height: UI_COLORBOX_HEIGHT, Blend: UI_FG_BLENDTYPE); ui[i++] = uiPaintColor = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(MATERIAL_ICON_PAINT_AMMO, uiPosition, Color.White, Width: UI_COLORBOX_WIDTH, Height: UI_COLORBOX_HEIGHT, Blend: UI_FG_BLENDTYPE); ui[i++] = uiProgressBarBg = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(Main.PaletteHUD.MATERIAL_PALETTE_BACKGROUND, uiPosition, UI_PROGRESSBAR_BG_COLOR, Width: UI_PROGRESSBAR_WIDTH, Height: UI_PROGRESSBAR_HEIGHT, Blend: UI_BG_BLENDTYPE); ui[i++] = uiProgressBar = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(Main.PaletteHUD.MATERIAL_PALETTE_BACKGROUND, uiPosition, UI_PROGRESSBAR_COLOR, Width: UI_PROGRESSBAR_WIDTH, Height: UI_PROGRESSBAR_HEIGHT, Blend: UI_FG_BLENDTYPE); UpdateUISettings(); } bool targetCharacter = (Main.Palette.ColorPickMode && Main.LocalToolHandler.AimedPlayer != null); bool visible = (!MyAPIGateway.Gui.IsCursorVisible && Main.Palette.LocalInfo != null && (targetCharacter || Main.LocalToolHandler.AimedBlock != null)); SetGUIVisible(visible); if (!visible) { return; } PaintMaterial targetMaterial; PaintMaterial paint = Main.Palette.GetLocalPaintMaterial(); int ammo = (Main.LocalToolHandler.LocalTool != null ? Main.LocalToolHandler.LocalTool.Ammo : 0); StringBuilder title = uiTitle.Message.Clear().Append("<color=220,244,252>"); float progress = 0f; if (targetCharacter) { uiTargetColor.Material = MATERIAL_ICON_GENERIC_CHARACTER; targetMaterial = Main.LocalToolHandler.AimedPlayersPaint; uiTargetColor.BillBoardColor = (targetMaterial.ColorMask.HasValue ? Utils.ColorMaskToRGB(targetMaterial.ColorMask.Value) : Color.Gray); title.AppendLimitedChars(Main.LocalToolHandler.AimedPlayer.DisplayName, GUI_TITLE_MAX_CHARS); } else { uiTargetColor.Material = MATERIAL_ICON_GENERIC_BLOCK; IMySlimBlock block = Main.LocalToolHandler.AimedBlock; targetMaterial = new PaintMaterial(block.ColorMaskHSV, block.SkinSubtypeId); uiTargetColor.BillBoardColor = Utils.ColorMaskToRGB(targetMaterial.ColorMask.Value); if (paint.ColorMask.HasValue) { progress = Utils.ColorScalar(targetMaterial.ColorMask.Value, paint.ColorMask.Value); } else { progress = 1f; } progress *= 0.75f; if (paint.Skin.HasValue && targetMaterial.Skin == paint.Skin.Value) { progress += 0.25f; } progress = MathHelper.Clamp(progress, 0, 1f); MyCubeBlockDefinition selectedDef = (MyCubeBlockDefinition)block.BlockDefinition; title.AppendLimitedChars(selectedDef.DisplayNameText, GUI_TITLE_MAX_CHARS); } uiPaintColor.BillBoardColor = (paint.ColorMask.HasValue ? Utils.ColorMaskToRGB(paint.ColorMask.Value) : Color.Gray); float height = UI_PROGRESSBAR_HEIGHT * progress; uiProgressBar.Height = height; uiProgressBar.Offset = new Vector2D(uiProgressBar.Width * 0.5, -UI_PROGRESSBAR_HEIGHT + uiProgressBar.Height * 0.5) + uiProgressBarPosition; StringBuilder text = uiText.Message; text.Clear().Append(blockInfoStatus[0]); text.Append('\n'); text.Append('\n'); { text.Append("<color=220,244,252>"); if (Main.Palette.ColorPickMode && Main.LocalToolHandler.AimedPlayer != null) { text.Append("Engineer's selected paint:"); } else { text.Append("Block's material:"); } text.Append('\n').Append(" HSV: "); if (targetMaterial.ColorMask.HasValue) { if (Main.Palette.IsColorMaskInPalette(targetMaterial.ColorMask.Value)) { text.Append("<color=55,255,55>"); } else { text.Append("<color=255,200,25>"); } text.Append(Utils.ColorMaskToString(targetMaterial.ColorMask.Value)); } else { text.Append("(N/A)"); } text.Append('\n'); text.Append("<color=white> Skin: "); if (targetMaterial.Skin.HasValue) { SkinInfo targetSkin = Main.Palette.GetSkinInfo(targetMaterial.Skin.Value); if (targetSkin != null) { if (!targetSkin.LocallyOwned) { text.Append("<color=red>"); } else if (targetSkin.SubtypeId == MyStringHash.NullOrEmpty) { text.Append("<color=gray>"); } text.Append(targetSkin.Name); } else { text.Append("<color=gray>").Append(targetMaterial.Skin.Value.ToString()).Append(" <color=red>(uninstalled)"); } } else { text.Append("(N/A)"); } text.Append('\n'); } text.Append('\n'); { text.Append("<color=220,244,252>"); if (Main.Palette.ColorPickMode) { text.Append("Replace slot: ").Append(Main.Palette.LocalInfo.SelectedColorSlot + 1); } else { text.Append("Paint: "); if (Main.IgnoreAmmoConsumption) { text.Append("Inf."); } else { text.Append(ammo); } } text.Append('\n'); } { text.Append(" "); if (paint.ColorMask.HasValue) { text.Append("<color=white>HSV: ").Append(Utils.ColorMaskToString(paint.ColorMask.Value)).Append('\n'); } else { text.Append('\n'); } } { if (paint.Skin.HasValue) { text.Append(" <color=white>Skin: "); SkinInfo skin = Main.Palette.GetSkinInfo(paint.Skin.Value); if (skin != null) { if (skin.SubtypeId == MyStringHash.NullOrEmpty) { text.Append("<color=gray>"); } text.Append(skin.Name); } else { text.Append("<color=gray>").Append(paint.Skin.Value.ToString()).Append(" <color=red>(uninstalled)"); } } text.Append('\n'); } text.Append("<color=white>"); if (blockInfoStatus[1] != null) { text.Append('\n').Append(blockInfoStatus[1]); } if (blockInfoStatus[2] != null) { text.Append('\n').Append(blockInfoStatus[2]); } }
/// <summary> /// Refresh the stats display using latest data. /// </summary> public void Refresh() { // quality quarantined if (!HudApi.Heartbeat) { return; } // Check if HUD elements have been initialised. If not, do. // TODO: Init once, don't check. if (hudStaminaReadout == null) { hudStaminaReadout = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage( Message: new StringBuilder(COLOR_STRING_Y.Length + "100".Length), Origin: new Vector2D(-0.925d, 0.95d), Blend: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP ); } if (hudStaminaIcon == null) { // TODO: Refresh on "exit from any menu", like Digi does in PaintGun (or better!). var viewportSize = MyAPIGateway.Session.Camera.ViewportSize; float aspectRatio = viewportSize.X / viewportSize.Y; hudStaminaIcon = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( Material: MyStringId.GetOrCompute("StaminaIconMale"), Origin: new Vector2D(-0.95d, 0.935d), BillBoardColor: Color.White, Width: 0.0325f / aspectRatio, Height: 0.0325f, Blend: BlendTypeEnum.PostPP ); } if (hudStaminaLowOverlay == null) { hudStaminaLowOverlay = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage( Material: MyStringId.GetOrCompute("StaminaLowOverlay"), Origin: new Vector2D(0.0d, 0.0d), BillBoardColor: noColor, Width: 2.0f, Height: 2.0f, Blend: BlendTypeEnum.Standard ); } if (stamina < 0.25f) { // Sigmoid - so it reaches near-full saturation earlier than stamina gets to zero. // See WolframAlpha: 1 - 1/(1+e^(-50x + 6.25)) from -0.25 to 0.25 // float alpha = 1.0f - 1.0f / (1.0f + (float)Math.Exp(-50.0f * stamina + 6.25f)); // Clamp to below 1 so it's never fully opaque. alpha = Math.Min(0.95f, Math.Max(0.0f, alpha)); hudStaminaLowOverlay.BillBoardColor = new Color(new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha)); } else { hudStaminaLowOverlay.BillBoardColor = noColor; } hudStaminaReadout.Message.Clear(); if (stamina > 0.75f) { colorString = COLOR_STRING_W; } else if (stamina < 0.25f) { colorString = COLOR_STRING_R; } else { colorString = COLOR_STRING_Y; } hudStaminaReadout.Message.AppendFormat($"{colorString}{Convert.ToInt32(stamina * 100.0f)}"); refreshNeeded = false; }
public void UpdateUISettings() { if (uiTitle == null) { return; } SetUIOption(HudAPIv2.Options.HideHud, Main.Settings.hidePaletteWithHUD); float alpha = (Main.Settings.aimInfoBackgroundOpacity < 0 ? Main.GameConfig.HudBackgroundOpacity : Main.Settings.aimInfoBackgroundOpacity); uiTitleBg.BillBoardColor = Utils.HUDColorAlpha(UI_TITLE_BG_COLOR, alpha); uiTextBg.BillBoardColor = Utils.HUDColorAlpha(UI_TEXT_BG_COLOR, alpha); uiProgressBarBg.BillBoardColor = Utils.HUDColorAlpha(UI_PROGRESSBAR_BG_COLOR, MathHelper.Clamp(alpha * 2, 0.1f, 0.9f)); float aspectRatioMod = (float)(1d / Main.GameConfig.AspectRatio); float boxBgWidth = UI_BOX_WIDTH * aspectRatioMod; float colorWidth = UI_COLORBOX_WIDTH * aspectRatioMod; float progressBarWidth = UI_PROGRESSBAR_WIDTH * aspectRatioMod; for (int i = 0; i < ui.Length; ++i) { HudAPIv2.MessageBase msgBase = ui[i]; if (msgBase is HudAPIv2.HUDMessage) { HudAPIv2.HUDMessage obj = (HudAPIv2.HUDMessage)msgBase; obj.Origin = uiPosition; } else if (msgBase is HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage) { HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage obj = (HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage)msgBase; obj.Origin = uiPosition; } } //float scale = settings.aimInfoScale; const float scale = 1f; // TODO: make it scaleable? uiTitleBg.Width = boxBgWidth * scale; uiTextBg.Width = boxBgWidth * scale; uiPaintColor.Width = colorWidth * scale; uiTargetColor.Width = colorWidth * scale; uiProgressBar.Width = progressBarWidth * scale; uiProgressBarBg.Width = progressBarWidth * scale; uiTitle.Offset = new Vector2D(0.012, -0.018) * scale; uiTitleBg.Offset = new Vector2D(uiTitleBg.Width * 0.5, uiTitleBg.Height * -0.5); uiText.Offset = new Vector2D(0.07 * aspectRatioMod, -0.09) * scale; uiTextBg.Offset = new Vector2D(uiTextBg.Width * 0.5, uiTextBg.Height * -0.5) + (uiTextBgPosition * scale); uiTargetColor.Offset = new Vector2D(0.09 * aspectRatioMod, -0.195) * scale; uiPaintColor.Offset = new Vector2D(0.09 * aspectRatioMod, -0.295) * scale; uiProgressBar.Offset = new Vector2D(uiProgressBar.Width * 0.5, uiProgressBar.Height * -0.5) + (uiProgressBarPosition * scale); uiProgressBarBg.Offset = new Vector2D(uiProgressBarBg.Width * 0.5, uiProgressBarBg.Height * -0.5) + (uiProgressBarPosition * scale); uiTitle.Scale = UI_TITLE_SCALE * scale; uiTitleBg.Scale = scale; uiText.Scale = UI_TEXT_SCALE * scale; uiTextBg.Scale = scale; uiTargetColor.Scale = scale; uiPaintColor.Scale = scale; uiProgressBar.Scale = scale; uiProgressBarBg.Scale = scale; }
private void InitHudElements() { if (TextAPI == null) { return; } if (!TextAPI.Heartbeat) { return; } if (HudInit) { return; } if (Instructions == null) { Instructions = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(); Instructions.Scale = 1.5d; Instructions.Visible = false; } if (Notification == null) { Notification = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(); Notification.Visible = false; Notification.Scale = 1.5d; Notification.Origin = new Vector2D(-0.2, 1.0); Notification.Message = CanActivateHud; V_CanActivateHud = Notification.GetTextLength(); Notification.Message = HudActivated; V_HudActivated = Notification.GetTextLength(); Instructions.Origin = Notification.Origin; Instructions.Offset = new Vector2D(0, V_CanActivateHud.Y); } if (Distance == null) { Distance = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(); Distance.Visible = false; } if (CenterDot == null) { CenterDot = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(WHITEDOT, Vector2D.Zero, Color.Blue); CenterDot.Options |= HudAPIv2.Options.Shadowing | HudAPIv2.Options.Fixed; CenterDot.Scale = 0.0012d; CenterDot.Visible = false; } if (TargetDot == null) { TargetDot = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(WHITEDOT, Vector2D.Zero, Color.Orange); TargetDot.Options |= HudAPIv2.Options.Shadowing | HudAPIv2.Options.Fixed; TargetDot.Scale = 0.0012d; TargetDot.Visible = false; } if (TrackingDot == null) { TrackingDot = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(WHITEDOT, Vector2D.Zero, Color.White); TrackingDot.Options |= HudAPIv2.Options.Shadowing | HudAPIv2.Options.Fixed; TrackingDot.Scale = 0.0008d; TrackingDot.Visible = false; } if (AlignmentDot == null) { AlignmentDot = new HudAPIv2.BillBoardHUDMessage(WHITEDOT, Vector2D.Zero, Color.Red); AlignmentDot.Options |= HudAPIv2.Options.Shadowing | HudAPIv2.Options.Fixed; AlignmentDot.Scale = 0.0012d; AlignmentDot.Visible = false; } HudInit = true; }
public void Init() { lbl_ = new HudAPIv2.HUDMessage(Message: lbl_txt_, Origin: DRAW_POS); }