Пример #1
        private void sendCommunications(string ids)
            List <int> listofID = new List <int>();

            string[] splitList;
            splitList = ids.Split(new char[] { ',' });

            foreach (string i in splitList)
                int theID = Convert.ToInt32(i);

                //Query patient record
                PatientLog pat = db.PatientLogs.Find(theID);

                //Determine fax type from table
                string faxType = (from f in db.FaxServiceTypes
                                  where f.Service == pat.ServiceType
                                  select f.FaxType).Single() + "Notice";

                //Break apart PCP name
                string[] splitName;
                splitName = pat.PCP_Practice.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                string pcpName   = splitName[1] + " " + splitName[0];
                string firstname = splitName[1].Trim(); //LINQ doesn't like arrays, throws error
                string lastname  = splitName[0].Trim();
                string pcpID     = (from u in db.Users where u.FirstName == firstname && u.LastName == lastname select u.UserID).Single();

                //Get practice info of PCP, default to AIMS otherwise
                ReferringPractice prac = new ReferringPractice();
                    prac = (from p in db.ReferringPractices
                            join r in db.RefPracUsers on p.PracID equals r.PracID
                            where r.UserID == pcpID
                            select p).Single();
                    prac.Fax             = "248-354-4807";
                    prac.FaxNotification = true;

                //Create new reportviewer object and set parameters
                ReportViewer report = new ReportViewer();
                report.ProcessingMode         = ProcessingMode.Local;
                report.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("~") + "AdDisNotice\\" + faxType + pat.Hospital + ".rdlc";

                //Cannot perform ToShortDateString on pat.ServiceDate because of DateTime? type
                DateTime thed = new DateTime();
                thed = Convert.ToDateTime(pat.ServiceDate);
                DateTime birth = new DateTime();

                //Null values will cause the reportviewer control to error out
                    birth = Convert.ToDateTime(pat.DOB);
                    birth = DateTime.Parse("1/1/1900");
                if (pat.PatientName == null)
                    pat.PatientName = "";
                if (pat.Comments == null)
                    pat.Comments = "";
                if (pat.MRN_FIN == null)
                    pat.MRN_FIN = "";

                ReportParameter dateparam      = new ReportParameter("Date", thed.ToShortDateString());
                ReportParameter faxparam       = new ReportParameter("Fax", prac.Fax);
                ReportParameter faxtoparam     = new ReportParameter("FaxTo", pcpName);
                ReportParameter dischargeparam = new ReportParameter("DischargeDate", thed.ToShortDateString());
                ReportParameter patientparam   = new ReportParameter("Patient", pat.PatientName);
                ReportParameter treatmentparam = new ReportParameter("Treatment", pat.Comments);
                ReportParameter mrnparam       = new ReportParameter("MRN", pat.MRN_FIN);
                ReportParameter physicianparam = new ReportParameter("Physician", HubSecurity.getLoggedInDisplayName());
                ReportParameter dobparam       = new ReportParameter("DOB", birth.ToShortDateString());

                ReportParameterCollection theparams = new ReportParameterCollection()
                    dateparam, faxparam, faxtoparam, dischargeparam, patientparam, treatmentparam, mrnparam, physicianparam, dobparam

                string notificationTypes = "";
                if (prac.FaxNotification == true)
                    notificationTypes += "Fax;";
                if (prac.EmailNotification == true)
                    notificationTypes += "Email;";

                GenerateComms gcomm = new GenerateComms();
                gcomm.SendFax(faxType, report, FAX_FOLDER, prac.Fax, pat.Hospital, HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID(), pcpID, pcpName,
                              pat.ID, pat.PatientName, pat.Comments, "", notificationTypes, birth.ToShortDateString(),
                              prac.PDFPassword, pat.Hospital + faxType, prac.Email, "");
Пример #2
        protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsPostBack)
                string faxType = drpFaxTypes.SelectedValue;
                drpFaxTypes.Visible = false;
                string std = Request.QueryString["patid"];
                int    id  = Convert.ToInt32(std);
                AimsHub.Models.PatientLog pat = new AimsHub.Models.PatientLog();
                pat = db.PatientLogs.Find(id);

                ReportViewer1.Visible = true;
                ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local;
                btnEdit.Visible    = true;
                btnSend.Visible    = true;
                lblMessage.Visible = false;
                if (faxType.Contains("Notice"))
                    ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = "AdDisNotice/" + faxType + pat.Hospital + ".rdlc";
                else if (faxType == "DischargeSummary")
                    ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = "AdDisNotice/DischargeSummary.rdlc";
                else if (faxType == "GeneralCommunication")
                    ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = "AdDisNotice/GeneralCommunication.rdlc";
                    ReportViewer1.Visible = false;
                    btnEdit.Visible       = false;
                    btnSend.Visible       = false;
                    lblMessage.Visible    = true;

                //Break apart PCP name
                string[] splitName;
                splitName = pat.PCP_Practice.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                string pcpName   = splitName[1] + " " + splitName[0];
                string firstname = splitName[1].Trim();
                string lastname  = splitName[0].Trim();
                string pcpID     = (from u in db.Users where (u.FirstName == firstname && u.LastName == lastname) select u.UserID).Single();

                //Get practice info of PCP
                //ReferringPractice prac = new ReferringPractice();
                //prac = (from p in db.ReferringPractices
                //        join r in db.RefPracUsers on p.PracID equals r.PracID
                //        where r.UserID == pcpID
                //        select p).Single();

                //Cannot perform ToShortDateString on pat.ServiceDate because of DateTime? type
                DateTime thed = new DateTime();
                thed = Convert.ToDateTime(pat.ServiceDate);
                DateTime birth = new DateTime();
                birth = Convert.ToDateTime(pat.DOB);

                ReportParameter dateparam = new ReportParameter("Date", thed.ToShortDateString());
                //ReportParameter faxparam = new ReportParameter("Fax", prac.Fax);
                ReportParameter faxparam       = new ReportParameter("Fax", "313-867-5309");
                ReportParameter faxtoparam     = new ReportParameter("FaxTo", pcpName);
                ReportParameter dischargeparam = new ReportParameter("DischargeDate", thed.ToShortDateString());
                ReportParameter patientparam   = new ReportParameter("Fax", pat.PatientName);
                ReportParameter treatmentparam = new ReportParameter("Treatment", pat.Comments);
                ReportParameter mrnparam       = new ReportParameter("MRN", pat.MRN_FIN);
                ReportParameter physicianparam = new ReportParameter("Physician", HubSecurity.getLoggedInDisplayName());
                ReportParameter dobparam       = new ReportParameter("DOB", birth.ToShortDateString());

                ReportParameterCollection theparams = new ReportParameterCollection()
                    dateparam, faxparam, faxtoparam, dischargeparam, patientparam, treatmentparam, mrnparam, physicianparam, dobparam