public void GetParametersString_AnonymousData_CorrectString(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> parameters, HttpUtils sut) { var expectedValue = string.Concat(parameters.OrderBy(a => a.Key).Select(a => $"{a.Key}={a.Value}")); var result = sut.GetParametersString(parameters); result.Should().Be(expectedValue); }
public void GenerateTimeStamp_ValidTimeStamp(HttpUtils sut) { var currentTime = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); var timestamp = sut.GenerateTimeStamp(); var value = long.Parse(timestamp); value.Should().BeInRange(Convert.ToInt64(currentTime.TotalSeconds), Convert.ToInt64(currentTime.TotalSeconds) + 1); }
public void GenerateNonce_ValidNonce(HttpUtils sut) { var previous = string.Empty; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var current = sut.GenerateNonce(); current.Should().NotBe(previous); } }
public void GetParametersString_AnonymousDataWithDevimeter_CorrectString( string firstParameter, string secondParameter, HttpUtils sut) { var parameters = new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, string>("a", firstParameter), new KeyValuePair<string, string>("a", secondParameter), }; var expectedValue = $"{parameters[0].Key}={parameters[0].Value}&{parameters[1].Key}={parameters[1].Value}"; var result = sut.GetParametersString(parameters, "&"); result.Should().Be(expectedValue); }
public RediffImporter() { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); }
private IEnumerable <BasicKeyValuePair> GetCookiesToProxy(IEnumerable <BasicKeyValuePair> cookiesToProxy) { return(HttpUtils.ProxyRequiredCookies(RequiredCookies.Discovery, cookiesToProxy)); }
public OneSixthreeImporter() { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); }
public LinkedInImporter() { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); }
public PlaxoImporter() { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); }
public ServiceRegistry(Func <HttpClient> httpClientFactory = null, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = null, IConsulAclProvider aclProvider = null) { _logger = loggerFactory?.CreateLogger <ServiceRegistry>(); _client = httpClientFactory?.Invoke() ?? HttpUtils.CreateClient(aclProvider); }
public void ReciprocatePeerAdd(Peer otherPeer) { HttpUtils.DoApiPost <Peer, object>(otherPeer.Url, ADD_PEER_API_PATH, thisPeer); }
public LXWebSocket(LXUri baseUri, IEncryptorProvider encryptorProvider, IConnection connection, CancellationToken ct) : base(HttpUtils.MakeWebSocketUri(baseUri), ct) { this._encryptorProvider = encryptorProvider; this._connection = connection; this._httpClient = new LXHttpClient(HttpUtils.MakeHttpUri(baseUri), ct); }
/// <summary> /// <see cref="Sif.Framework.Service.Registration.IRegistrationService.Register(Sif.Framework.Model.Infrastructure.Environment)">Register</see> /// </summary> public void Register(ref Environment environment) { if (!Registered) { if (sessionService.HasSession(environment.ApplicationInfo.ApplicationKey, environment.SolutionId, environment.UserToken, environment.InstanceId)) { if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("Session token already exists for this object service (Consumer/Provider)."); } string storedSessionToken = sessionService.RetrieveSessionToken(environment.ApplicationInfo.ApplicationKey, environment.SolutionId, environment.UserToken, environment.InstanceId); AuthorisationToken = AuthenticationUtils.GenerateBasicAuthorisationToken(storedSessionToken, settings.SharedSecret); string storedEnvironmentUrl = sessionService.RetrieveEnvironmentUrl(environment.ApplicationInfo.ApplicationKey, environment.SolutionId, environment.UserToken, environment.InstanceId); string environmentXml = HttpUtils.GetRequest(storedEnvironmentUrl, AuthorisationToken); if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("Environment XML from GET request ..."); } if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug(environmentXml); } environmentType environmentTypeToDeserialise = SerialiserFactory.GetXmlSerialiser <environmentType>().Deserialise(environmentXml); Environment environmentResponse = MapperFactory.CreateInstance <environmentType, Environment>(environmentTypeToDeserialise); sessionToken = environmentResponse.SessionToken; environmentUrl = environmentResponse.InfrastructureServices[InfrastructureServiceNames.environment].Value; if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("Environment URL is " + environmentUrl + "."); } if (!storedSessionToken.Equals(sessionToken) || !storedEnvironmentUrl.Equals(environmentUrl)) { AuthorisationToken = AuthenticationUtils.GenerateBasicAuthorisationToken(sessionToken, settings.SharedSecret); sessionService.RemoveSession(storedSessionToken); sessionService.StoreSession(environmentResponse.ApplicationInfo.ApplicationKey, sessionToken, environmentUrl, environmentResponse.SolutionId, environmentResponse.UserToken, environmentResponse.InstanceId); } environment = environmentResponse; } else { if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("Session token does not exist for this object service (Consumer/Provider)."); } string initialToken = AuthenticationUtils.GenerateBasicAuthorisationToken(environment.ApplicationInfo.ApplicationKey, settings.SharedSecret); environmentType environmentTypeToSerialise = MapperFactory.CreateInstance <Environment, environmentType>(environment); string body = SerialiserFactory.GetXmlSerialiser <environmentType>().Serialise(environmentTypeToSerialise); string environmentXml = HttpUtils.PostRequest(settings.EnvironmentUrl, initialToken, body); if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("Environment XML from POST request ..."); } if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug(environmentXml); } try { environmentType environmentTypeToDeserialise = SerialiserFactory.GetXmlSerialiser <environmentType>().Deserialise(environmentXml); Environment environmentResponse = MapperFactory.CreateInstance <environmentType, Environment>(environmentTypeToDeserialise); sessionToken = environmentResponse.SessionToken; environmentUrl = environmentResponse.InfrastructureServices[InfrastructureServiceNames.environment].Value; if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { log.Debug("Environment URL is " + environmentUrl + "."); } AuthorisationToken = AuthenticationUtils.GenerateBasicAuthorisationToken(sessionToken, settings.SharedSecret); sessionService.StoreSession(environment.ApplicationInfo.ApplicationKey, sessionToken, environmentUrl, environmentResponse.SolutionId, environmentResponse.UserToken, environmentResponse.InstanceId); environment = environmentResponse; } catch (Exception) { if (environmentUrl != null) { HttpUtils.DeleteRequest(environmentUrl, AuthorisationToken); } else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TryParseEnvironmentUrl(environmentXml))) { HttpUtils.DeleteRequest(TryParseEnvironmentUrl(environmentXml), AuthorisationToken); } throw; } } Registered = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a context menu. /// </summary> /// <param name="parms"></param> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="webBrowser"></param> public void ShowContextMenu(PositionAndDocumentType parms, AppModel model, FrameworkElement webBrowser) { if (webBrowser == null) { return; } var ctm = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem mi; // Image Selected if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parms.Src)) { mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Copy Image to Clipboard" }; mi.Click += (o, args) => { string image = null; bool deleteFile = false; if (parms.Src.StartsWith("https://") || parms.Src.StartsWith("http://")) { image = HttpUtils.DownloadImageToFile(parms.Src); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(image)) { model.Window.ShowStatusError("Unable to copy image from URL to clipboard: " + parms.Src); return; } deleteFile = true; } else { try { image = new Uri(parms.Src).LocalPath; } catch { image = FileUtils.NormalizePath(parms.Src); } image = mmFileUtils.NormalizeFilenameWithBasePath(image, Path.GetDirectoryName(model.ActiveDocument.Filename)); } try { BitmapSource bmpSrc; using (var bmp = new Bitmap(image)) { bmpSrc = WindowUtilities.BitmapToBitmapSource(bmp); Clipboard.SetImage(bmpSrc); } model.Window.ShowStatusSuccess("Image copied to clipboard."); } catch (Exception ex) { model.Window.ShowStatusError("Couldn't copy image to clipboard: " + ex.Message); } finally { if (deleteFile && File.Exists(image)) { File.Delete(image); } } }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Edit Image in Image editor" }; mi.Click += (o, args) => { string image = null; if (parms.Src.StartsWith("https://") || parms.Src.StartsWith("http://")) { image = HttpUtils.DownloadImageToFile(parms.Src); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(image)) { model.Window.ShowStatusError("Unable to copy image from URL to clipboard: " + parms.Src); return; } } else { try { image = new Uri(parms.Src).LocalPath; } catch { image = FileUtils.NormalizePath(parms.Src); } image = mmFileUtils.NormalizeFilenameWithBasePath(image, Path.GetDirectoryName(model.ActiveDocument.Filename)); } mmFileUtils.OpenImageInImageEditor(image); }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); ctm.Items.Add(new Separator()); } // HREF link selected if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parms.Href)) { // Navigate relative hash links in the document if (parms.Href.StartsWith("#") && parms.Href.Length > 1) { var docModel = new DocumentOutlineModel(); int lineNo = docModel.FindHeaderHeadline(model.ActiveEditor?.GetMarkdown(), parms.Href?.Substring(1)); if (lineNo > -1) { mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Jump to: " + parms.Href, CommandParameter = parms.Href.Substring(1) }; mi.Click += (s, e) => { var mitem = s as MenuItem; var anchor = mitem.CommandParameter as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(anchor)) { return; } docModel = new DocumentOutlineModel(); lineNo = docModel.FindHeaderHeadline(model.ActiveEditor?.GetMarkdown(), anchor); if (lineNo != -1) { model.ActiveEditor.GotoLine(lineNo); } }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); ctm.Items.Add(new Separator()); } } } // ID to clipboard if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parms.Id)) { mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Copy Id to Clipboard: #" + parms.Id, }; mi.Click += (s, e) => { ClipboardHelper.SetText("#" + parms.Id); model.Window.ShowStatusSuccess("'#" + parms.Id + "' copied to the clipboard."); }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); ctm.Items.Add(new Separator()); } mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "View in Web _Browser", Command = model.Commands.ViewInExternalBrowserCommand, InputGestureText = model.Commands.ViewInExternalBrowserCommand.KeyboardShortcut }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Refresh _Browser", Command = model.Commands.RefreshPreviewCommand, InputGestureText = "F5" }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "View Html _Source", Command = model.Commands.ViewHtmlSourceCommand }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); ctm.Items.Add(new Separator()); mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Save As _Html", Command = model.Commands.SaveAsHtmlCommand, }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Save As _PDF", Command = model.Commands.GeneratePdfCommand, }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "P_rint...", Command = model.Commands.PrintPreviewCommand, }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); ctm.Items.Add(new Separator()); mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Edit Preview _Theme", Command = model.Commands.EditPreviewThemeCommand, }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Configure Preview Syncing", Command = model.Commands.PreviewSyncModeCommand, }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); ctm.Items.Add(new Separator()); mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Toggle Preview Window", Command = model.Commands.TogglePreviewBrowserCommand, CommandParameter = "Toggle", InputGestureText = model.Commands.TogglePreviewBrowserCommand.KeyboardShortcut, IsCheckable = true, IsChecked = model.IsPreviewBrowserVisible }; ctm.Items.Add(mi); if (model.Configuration.System.ShowPreviewDeveloperTools) { ctm.Items.Add(new Separator()); mi = new MenuItem() { Header = "Show Browser Developer Tools" }; mi.Click += (s, a) => model.Window.PreviewBrowser.ShowDeveloperTools(); ctm.Items.Add(mi); } webBrowser.ContextMenu = ctm; ContextMenuOpening?.Invoke(this, ctm); ctm.Placement = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.PlacementMode.MousePoint; ctm.PlacementTarget = webBrowser; ctm.IsOpen = true; }
public GroupsApi(HttpUtils http) : base(http, "/groups") { }
/// <summary> /// 重写获取用户信息方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="authToken"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override string doGetUserInfo(AuthToken authToken) { return(HttpUtils.RequestJsonGet(userInfoUrl(authToken))); }
public RamblerruImporter() { httpUtils=new HttpUtils(); }
protected override AuthUser getUserInfo(AuthToken authToken) { // 获取商户账号信息的API接口名称 String action = "eleme.user.getUser"; // 时间戳,单位秒。API服务端允许客户端请求最大时间误差为正负5分钟。 long timestamp = DateTime.Now.Ticks; // 公共参数 var metasHashMap = new Dictionary <string, object>(); metasHashMap.Add("app_key", config.clientId); metasHashMap.Add("timestamp", timestamp); string signature = this.generateElemeSignature(timestamp, action, authToken.accessToken); string requestId = this.getRequestId(); var paramsMap = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "nop", "1.0.0" }, { "id", requestId }, { "action", action }, { "token", authToken.accessToken }, { "metas", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metasHashMap) }, { "params", "{}" }, { "signature", signature } }; var reqHeaders = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8" }, { "Accept", "text/xml,text/javascript,text/html" }, { "Accept-Encoding", "gzip" }, { "User-Agent", "eleme-openapi-java-sdk" }, { "x-eleme-requestid", requestId }, { "Authorization", this.spliceBasicAuthStr() } }; var response = HttpUtils.RequestPost(source.userInfo(), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paramsMap), reqHeaders); var resObj = response.parseObject(); // 校验请求 if (resObj.ContainsKey("name")) { throw new Exception(resObj.getString("message")); } if (resObj.ContainsKey("error") && !resObj.getString("error").IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { throw new Exception(resObj.getJSONObject("error").getString("message")); } var userObj = resObj.getJSONObject("result"); var authUser = new AuthUser { uuid = userObj.getString("userId"), username = userObj.getString("userName"), nickname = userObj.getString("userName"), gender = AuthUserGender.UNKNOWN, token = authToken, source = source.getName(), originalUser = resObj, originalUserStr = response }; return(authUser); }
public MyspaceImporter() { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); }
public static Dictionary <string, object> ArraAwardsForYearQuarterStateTown(string year, string quarter, string state, string town) { town = town.ToLower(); state = state.ToUpper(); var url = new Uri(String.Format("{0}Q{1}/{2}_Y{3}Q{4}", year, quarter, state, year, quarter)); var rsp = HttpUtils.FetchUrl(url); var zs = new MemoryStream(rsp.bytes); var zip = ZipFile.Read(zs); var ms = new MemoryStream(); var entry = zip.Entries[0]; entry.Extract(ms); ms.Seek(0, 0); byte[] data = new byte[entry.UncompressedSize]; Utils.ReadWholeArray(ms, data); var doc = XmlUtils.XdocFromXmlBytes(data); var awards = from row in doc.Descendants("Table") where row.Element("pop_city") != null && row.Element("pop_city").Value.ToLower() == town orderby float.Parse(row.Element("local_amount").Value) descending select new ArraData( ArraValue(row.Element("award_description")), ArraValue(row.Element("local_amount")), ArraValue(row.Element("project_name")), ArraValue(row.Element("project_description")), ArraValue(row.Element("project_status")), ArraValue(row.Element("funding_agency_name")), ArraValue(row.Element("recipient_name")), ArraValue(row.Element("award_date")), ArraValue(row.Element("infrastructure_contact_nm")), ArraValue(row.Element("infrastructure_contact_email")), ArraValue(row.Element("award_number")) ); var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dict["awards"] = awards.ToList(); dict["award_count"] = awards.Count(); var awards_with_desc = from row in awards where (string)row.award_description != "-" select new { row }; dict["awards_with_desc"] = awards_with_desc.Count(); dict["awards_without_desc"] = (int)dict["award_count"] - (int)dict["awards_with_desc"]; var amounts = from row in awards select float.Parse(row.award_amount.ToString()); dict["awards_sum"] = amounts.Sum(); var amounts_with_desc = from row in awards_with_desc select float.Parse(row.row.award_amount.ToString()); dict["awards_with_desc_sum"] = amounts_with_desc.Sum(); dict["awards_without_desc_sum"] = (float)dict["awards_sum"] - (float)dict["awards_with_desc_sum"]; return(dict); }
public void ParseParameterString_ValidUrlParameterString_CorrectResult(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> parameters, HttpUtils sut) { var parameterString = "?" + sut.GetParametersString(parameters, "&"); var result = sut.ParseParameterString(parameterString); result.ShouldAllBeEquivalentTo(parameters); }
/// <summary> /// 内部方法:构造URL /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private string generateURL(string bucketName, string remotePath, string prefix) { string url = cosApiUrl + this.appId + "/" + bucketName + HttpUtils.EncodeRemotePath(remotePath) + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(prefix); return(url); }
public override IHttpActionResult Post( Subscription obj, [MatrixParameter] string[] zoneId = null, [MatrixParameter] string[] contextId = null) { if (!AuthenticationService.VerifyAuthenticationHeader(Request.Headers, out string _)) { return(Unauthorized()); } if ((zoneId != null && zoneId.Length != 1) || (contextId != null && contextId.Length != 1)) { return(BadRequest($"Request failed for object {TypeName} as Zone and/or Context are invalid.")); } IHttpActionResult result; try { bool hasAdvisoryId = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(obj.RefId); bool?mustUseAdvisory = HttpUtils.GetMustUseAdvisory(Request.Headers); if (mustUseAdvisory.HasValue) { if (mustUseAdvisory.Value && !hasAdvisoryId) { result = BadRequest( $"Request failed for object {TypeName} as object ID is not provided, but mustUseAdvisory is true."); } else { Subscription createdObject = Service.Create(obj, mustUseAdvisory, zoneId?[0], contextId?[0]); string uri = Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { controller = TypeName, id = createdObject.RefId }); result = Created(uri, createdObject); } } else { Subscription createdObject = Service.Create(obj, null, zoneId?[0], contextId?[0]); string uri = Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { controller = TypeName, id = createdObject.RefId }); result = Created(uri, createdObject); } } catch (AlreadyExistsException) { result = Conflict(); } catch (ArgumentException e) { result = BadRequest($"Object to create of type {TypeName} is invalid.\n{e.Message}"); } catch (CreateException e) { result = BadRequest($"Request failed for object {TypeName}.\n{e.Message}"); } catch (RejectedException) { result = NotFound(); } catch (QueryException e) { result = BadRequest($"Request failed for object {TypeName}.\n{e.Message}"); } catch (Exception e) { result = InternalServerError(e); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 发送Json /// </summary> public void SendJons(string strJson) { HttpUtils.Post("http://localhost:52918/Web/TestJson.aspx", strJson, ""); Response.Redirect("TestJson.aspx"); }
public IndiaTimesImporter() { httpUtils=new HttpUtils(); }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) { // for dynamic views derived from the static file // which is the base object for this id, e.g.: // // cache the base object if uncached var base_key = Utils.MakeBaseZonelessUrl(; if ([base_key] == null) { var bytes = HttpUtils.FetchUrl(new Uri(base_key)).bytes; //InsertIntoCache(bytes, ElmcityUtils.Configurator.cache_sliding_expiration, dependency: null, key: base_key); var cache = new AspNetCache(this.controller.HttpContext.Cache); this.controller.InsertIntoCache(cache, bytes, dependency: null, key: base_key); } // uri for static content, e.g.: // // // these generated files could be served using their blob urls, but // here are repackaged into the /services namespace, e.g.: // // var blob_uri = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri(, + "." + this.type, false); // cache static content var blob_key = blob_uri.ToString(); if (cacheable_types.Exists(t => t == this.type) &&[blob_key] == null) { var bytes = HttpUtils.FetchUrl(blob_uri).bytes; var dependency = new ElmcityCacheDependency(base_key); var cache = new AspNetCache(this.controller.HttpContext.Cache); this.controller.InsertIntoCache(cache, bytes, dependency, base_key); } var fmt = "{0:yyyyMMddTHHmm}"; var from_str = string.Format(fmt, this.from); var to_str = string.Format(fmt,; var render_args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); var view_key = Utils.MakeViewKey(, this.type, this.view, this.count.ToString(), from_str, to_str, eventsonly: this.eventsonly, mobile:, test: this.test, raw: this.raw, style:, theme: this.theme, taglist: this.taglist, tags: this.tags, template: this.template, jsurl: this.jsurl, days: this.days, bare_events: this.bare_events, hub: this.hub, source: this.source, first: this.first.ToString()); switch (this.type) { case "html": render_args["view"] = this.view; render_args["test"] = this.test; // obsolete? render_args["style"] =; render_args["theme"] = this.theme; render_args["mobile_detected"] = false; // unused for now render_args["ua"] = ""; render_args["css"] =; // need to extract and pass along the default theme name render_args["taglist"] = this.taglist; render_args["template"] = this.template; render_args["jsurl"] = this.jsurl; render_args["bare_events"] = this.bare_events; render_args["hub"] = this.hub; render_args["first"] = this.first; render_args["eventsonly"] = this.eventsonly; if (settings["use_mobile_detection"] == "yes") // detect or use declaration { this.mobile_detected = TryDetectSmartPhone(render_args); render_args["mobile_detected"] = this.mobile_detected; = this.mobile_detected || this.mobile_declared; } else { = this.mobile_declared; // use declaration only } if (this.mobile_refused) // maybe override with refusal { = false; } if ( { //this.count = Convert.ToInt32(settings["mobile_event_count"]); // no, let the renderer reduce the list render_args["mobile_event_count"] = Convert.ToInt32(settings["mobile_event_count"]); this.renderer = new CalendarRenderer.ViewRenderer(cr.RenderHtmlForMobile); } else if (this.eventsonly) { this.renderer = new CalendarRenderer.ViewRenderer(cr.RenderHtmlEventsOnly); } else { this.renderer = new CalendarRenderer.ViewRenderer(cr.RenderHtml); } // update for mobile detection view_key = Utils.MakeViewKey(, this.type, this.view, this.count.ToString(), from_str, to_str, eventsonly: this.eventsonly, mobile:, test: this.test, raw: this.raw, style:, theme: this.theme, taglist: this.taglist, tags: this.tags, template: this.template, jsurl: this.jsurl, days: this.days, bare_events: this.bare_events, hub: this.hub, source: this.source, first: this.first.ToString()); MaybeCacheView(view_key, this.renderer, new ElmcityCacheDependency(base_key), render_args); this.response_body = cr.RenderDynamicViewWithCaching(context, view_key, this.renderer, this.view, this.count, this.from,, this.source, render_args); // let ajax pull events into pages directly this.controller.HttpContext.Response.Headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"; new ContentResult { ContentType = "text/html", Content = this.response_body, ContentEncoding = UTF8 }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "xml": this.renderer = new CalendarRenderer.ViewRenderer(cr.RenderXml); MaybeCacheView(view_key, this.renderer, new ElmcityCacheDependency(base_key), null); this.response_body = cr.RenderDynamicViewWithCaching(context, view_key, this.renderer, this.view, this.count, this.from,, this.source, null); new ContentResult { ContentType = "text/xml", Content = this.response_body, ContentEncoding = UTF8 }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "rss": if (count == 0) { count = CalendarAggregator.Configurator.rss_default_items; } this.renderer = new CalendarRenderer.ViewRenderer(cr.RenderRss); MaybeCacheView(view_key, this.renderer, new ElmcityCacheDependency(base_key), null); this.response_body = cr.RenderDynamicViewWithCaching(context, view_key, this.renderer, this.view, this.count, this.from,, this.source, null); new ContentResult { ContentType = "text/xml", Content = response_body, ContentEncoding = UTF8 }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "json": this.renderer = new CalendarRenderer.ViewRenderer(cr.RenderJson); MaybeCacheView(view_key, this.renderer, new ElmcityCacheDependency(base_key), null); string jcontent = cr.RenderDynamicViewWithCaching(context, view_key, this.renderer, this.view, this.count, this.from,, this.source, null); if (this.jsonp != null) { jcontent = this.jsonp + "(" + jcontent + ")"; } new ContentResult { ContentEncoding = UTF8, ContentType = "application/json", Content = jcontent }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "text": this.renderer = new CalendarRenderer.ViewRenderer(cr.RenderText); MaybeCacheView(view_key, this.renderer, new ElmcityCacheDependency(base_key), null); string tcontent = cr.RenderDynamicViewWithCaching(context, view_key, this.renderer, this.view, this.count, this.from,, this.source, null); new ContentResult { ContentEncoding = UTF8, ContentType = "text/plain", Content = tcontent }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "csv": this.renderer = new CalendarRenderer.ViewRenderer(cr.RenderCsv); MaybeCacheView(view_key, this.renderer, new ElmcityCacheDependency(base_key), null); string csv = cr.RenderDynamicViewWithCaching(context, view_key, this.renderer, this.view, this.count, this.from,, this.source, null); new ContentResult { ContentEncoding = UTF8, ContentType = "text/plain", Content = csv }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "tags_json": string tjcontent = cr.RenderTagCloudAsJson(); if (this.jsonp != null) { tjcontent = this.jsonp + "(" + tjcontent + ")"; } new ContentResult { ContentEncoding = UTF8, ContentType = "application/json", Content = tjcontent, }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "tags_html": string thcontent = cr.RenderTagCloudAsHtml(); new ContentResult { ContentEncoding = UTF8, ContentType = "text/html", Content = thcontent, }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "stats": blob_uri = BlobStorage.MakeAzureBlobUri(, + ".stats.html", false); //this.response_bytes = (byte[])CacheUtils.RetrieveBlobAndEtagFromServerCacheOrUri(, blob_uri)["response_body"]; this.response_bytes = HttpUtils.FetchUrl(blob_uri).bytes; new ContentResult { ContentEncoding = UTF8, ContentType = "text/html", Content = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(this.response_bytes), }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "ics": this.renderer = new CalendarRenderer.ViewRenderer(cr.RenderIcs); MaybeCacheView(view_key, this.renderer, new ElmcityCacheDependency(base_key), null); string ics_text = cr.RenderDynamicViewWithCaching(context, view_key, this.renderer, this.view, this.count, this.from,, this.source, null); new ContentResult { ContentType = "text/calendar", Content = ics_text, ContentEncoding = UTF8 }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "jswidget": new ContentResult { ContentType = "text/html", Content = cr.RenderJsWidget(), ContentEncoding = UTF8 }.ExecuteResult(context); break; case "today_as_html": new ContentResult { ContentType = "text/html", Content = cr.RenderTodayAsHtml(), ContentEncoding = UTF8 }.ExecuteResult(context); break; } }
public BolUolImporter() { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); }
private IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > GetHeaders(string headers) { return(HttpUtils.GetHeaders(headers.Trim('[', ']'))); }
public liberoitImporter() { httpUtils=new HttpUtils(); }
/// <summary> /// 群组管理:加群 拉人 踢群 退群 /// </summary> /// <param name="req"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static object GroupMgr(GroupMgrReq req) { return(HttpUtils.Post <object>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=GroupMgr", req)); }
public WpImporter() { httpUtils=new HttpUtils(); }
/// <summary> /// 添加好友 /// </summary> /// <param name="req"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static object AddQQUser(AddQQReq req) { return(HttpUtils.Post <object>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=AddQQUser", req)); }
public GmailImporter() { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); }
/// <summary> /// 撤回消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="req"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static object RevokeMsg(RevokeMsgReq req) { return(HttpUtils.Post <object>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=PbMessageSvc.PbMsgWithDraw", req)); }
public RamblerruImporter(String userid,String password) { httpUtils=new HttpUtils(); this.userId=userid; this.password=password; }
/// <summary> /// 搜索群组 /// </summary> /// <param name="req"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <GroupSearchItemResp> SearchGroup(GroupSearchReq req) { return(HttpUtils.Post <List <GroupSearchItemResp> >(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=OidbSvc.0x8ba_31", req)); }
public MyspaceImporter(String user,String pass) { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); this.userId = userId; this.password = password; }
/// <summary> /// 获取QQ相关ck /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static QQCkResp GetQQCk() { return(HttpUtils.Get <QQCkResp>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=GetUserCook")); }
public PlaxoImporter(String userId,String password) { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); this.userId = userId; this.password = password; }
public void CreateSignatureBaseString_InvalidHttpMethod_ArgumentOutOfRangeException(HttpUtils sut, string method, string url, string parametersString) { sut.Invoking(a => a.CreateSignatureBaseString(method, url, parametersString)) .ShouldThrow<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(); }
public void UnescapeUnicode_EscapedData_Unescaped(string data, string result, HttpUtils sut) { sut.UnescapeUnicode(data).Should().Be(result); }
public void CreateSigningKey_AnonymousData_CorrectString(string consumerSecret, string accessTokenSecret, HttpUtils sut) { var result = sut.CreateSigningKey(consumerSecret, accessTokenSecret); result.Should().Be(sut.Encode(consumerSecret) + "&" + sut.Encode(accessTokenSecret)); }
/// <summary> /// 处理好友请求 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static object DealFriend(FriendAddReqArgs arg) { return(HttpUtils.Post <object>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=DealFriend", arg)); }
public override async Task <object> AuthenticateAsync(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, Authenticate request, CancellationToken token = default) { var tokens = Init(authService, ref session, request); var ctx = CreateAuthContext(authService, session, tokens); //Transferring AccessToken/Secret from Mobile/Desktop App to Server if (request?.AccessToken != null && VerifyAccessTokenAsync != null) { if (!await VerifyAccessTokenAsync(request.AccessToken, ctx).ConfigAwait()) { return(HttpError.Unauthorized(ErrorMessages.InvalidAccessToken.Localize(authService.Request))); } var isHtml = authService.Request.IsHtml(); var failedResult = await AuthenticateWithAccessTokenAsync(authService, session, tokens, request.AccessToken, ctx.AuthInfo, token : token).ConfigAwait(); if (failedResult != null) { return(ConvertToClientError(failedResult, isHtml)); } return(isHtml ? await authService.Redirect(SuccessRedirectUrlFilter(ctx, session.ReferrerUrl.SetParam("s", "1"))).SuccessAuthResultAsync(authService, session).ConfigAwait() : null); //return default AuthenticateResponse } var httpRequest = authService.Request; var error = httpRequest.GetQueryStringOrForm("error_reason") ?? httpRequest.GetQueryStringOrForm("error") ?? httpRequest.GetQueryStringOrForm("error_code") ?? httpRequest.GetQueryStringOrForm("error_description"); var hasError = !error.IsNullOrEmpty(); if (hasError) { var httpParams = HttpUtils.HasRequestBody(httpRequest.Verb) ? httpRequest.QueryString : httpRequest.FormData; Log.Error($"OAuth2 Error callback. {httpParams}"); return(authService.Redirect(FailedRedirectUrlFilter(ctx, session.ReferrerUrl.SetParam("f", error)))); } var code = httpRequest.GetQueryStringOrForm(Keywords.Code); var isPreAuthCallback = !code.IsNullOrEmpty(); if (!isPreAuthCallback) { var oauthstate = session.Id; var preAuthUrl = AuthorizeUrl .AddQueryParam("response_type", "code") .AddQueryParam("client_id", ConsumerKey) .AddQueryParam("redirect_uri", this.CallbackUrl) .AddQueryParam("scope", string.Join(" ", Scopes)) .AddQueryParam(Keywords.State, oauthstate); if (ResponseMode != null) { preAuthUrl = preAuthUrl.AddQueryParam("response_mode", ResponseMode); } if (session is AuthUserSession authSession) { (authSession.Meta ?? (authSession.Meta = new Dictionary <string, string>()))["oauthstate"] = oauthstate; } await this.SaveSessionAsync(authService, session, SessionExpiry, token).ConfigAwait(); return(authService.Redirect(PreAuthUrlFilter(ctx, preAuthUrl))); } try { var state = httpRequest.GetQueryStringOrForm(Keywords.State); if (state != null && session is AuthUserSession authSession) { if (authSession.Meta == null) { authSession.Meta = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } if (authSession.Meta.TryGetValue("oauthstate", out var oauthState) && state != oauthState) { return(authService.Redirect(FailedRedirectUrlFilter(ctx, session.ReferrerUrl.SetParam("f", "InvalidState")))); } authSession.Meta.Remove("oauthstate"); } var contents = await GetAccessTokenJsonAsync(code, ctx, token).ConfigAwait(); var authInfo = (Dictionary <string, object>)JSON.parse(contents); ctx.AuthInfo = authInfo.ToStringDictionary(); var accessToken = (string)authInfo["access_token"]; var redirectUrl = SuccessRedirectUrlFilter(ctx, session.ReferrerUrl.SetParam("s", "1")); var errorResult = await AuthenticateWithAccessTokenAsync(authService, session, tokens, accessToken, ctx.AuthInfo, token).ConfigAwait(); if (errorResult != null) { return(errorResult); } //Haz Access! if (HostContext.Config?.UseSameSiteCookies == true) { // Workaround Set-Cookie HTTP Header not being honoured in 302 Redirects var redirectHtml = HtmlTemplates.GetHtmlRedirectTemplate(redirectUrl); return(await new HttpResult(redirectHtml, MimeTypes.Html).SuccessAuthResultAsync(authService, session).ConfigAwait()); } return(await authService.Redirect(redirectUrl).SuccessAuthResultAsync(authService, session).ConfigAwait()); } catch (WebException we) { var errorBody = await we.GetResponseBodyAsync(token).ConfigAwait(); Log.Error($"Failed to get Access Token for '{Provider}': {errorBody}"); var statusCode = ((HttpWebResponse)we.Response).StatusCode; if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { return(authService.Redirect(FailedRedirectUrlFilter(ctx, session.ReferrerUrl.SetParam("f", "AccessTokenFailed")))); } } //Shouldn't get here return(authService.Redirect(FailedRedirectUrlFilter(ctx, session.ReferrerUrl.SetParam("f", "Unknown")))); }
public void CreateSignatureBaseString_AnonymousData_CorrectString(string method, string url, string parametersString, HttpUtils sut) { var result = sut.CreateSignatureBaseString(method, url, parametersString); result.Should().Be(method + "&" + sut.Encode(url) + "&" + sut.Encode(parametersString)); }
/// <summary> /// 处理群邀请 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static object AnswerInviteGroup(GroupInviteArgs arg) { return(HttpUtils.Post <object>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=AnswerInviteGroup", arg)); }
/// <summary> /// 修改群名片 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static object ModifyGroupCard(SetGroupCardReq req) { return(HttpUtils.Post <object>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=friendlist.ModifyGroupCardReq", req)); }
/// <summary> /// 设置头衔 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static object SetUniqueTitle(SetGroupTitleReq req) { return(HttpUtils.Post <object>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=OidbSvc.0x8fc_2", req)); }
public void ParseParameterString_InvalidParameterString_EmptyCollection(string parameterString, HttpUtils sut) { var result = sut.ParseParameterString(parameterString); result.Should().BeEmpty(); }
/// <summary> /// 发送公告 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static object Announce(SendGNoticeReq req) { return(HttpUtils.Post <object>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=Announce", req)); }
public IndiaTimesImporter(String userid,String password) { httpUtils=new HttpUtils(); this.userId=userId; this.password=password; }
/// <summary> /// 全员禁言 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static object BanAllGroup(BanAllReq req) { return(HttpUtils.Post <object>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=OidbSvc.0x89a_0", req)); }
public LinkedInImporter(String user,String pass) { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); this.userId = userId; this.password = password; }
/// <summary> /// 禁言某人 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static object Ban(BanReq req) { return(HttpUtils.Post <object>(_ApiAddress + "&funcname=OidbSvc.0x570_8", req)); }
public BolUolImporter(String userId,String password) { this.userId=userId; this.password=password; httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); }
internal static AtomLinkMetadata MergeLinkMetadata(AtomLinkMetadata metadata, string relation, Uri href, string title, string mediaType) { AtomLinkMetadata metadata2 = new AtomLinkMetadata(metadata); string strB = metadata2.Relation; if (strB != null) { if (string.CompareOrdinal(relation, strB) != 0) { throw new ODataException(Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkRelationsMustMatch(relation, strB)); } } else { metadata2.Relation = relation; } if (href != null) { Uri uri = metadata2.Href; if (uri != null) { if (!href.Equals(uri)) { throw new ODataException(Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkHrefsMustMatch(href, uri)); } } else { metadata2.Href = href; } } if (title != null) { string str2 = metadata2.Title; if (str2 != null) { if (string.CompareOrdinal(title, str2) != 0) { throw new ODataException(Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkTitlesMustMatch(title, str2)); } } else { metadata2.Title = title; } } if (mediaType != null) { string str3 = metadata2.MediaType; if (str3 == null) { metadata2.MediaType = mediaType; return(metadata2); } if (!HttpUtils.CompareMediaTypeNames(mediaType, str3)) { throw new ODataException(Strings.ODataAtomWriterMetadataUtils_LinkMediaTypesMustMatch(mediaType, str3)); } } return(metadata2); }
public OneSixthreeImporter(String user,String pass) { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); this.userId = userId; this.password = password; }
public SinaImporter() { httpUtils = new HttpUtils(); }
public liberoitImporter(String userid,String password) { httpUtils=new HttpUtils(); this.userId=userid; this.password=password; }
/// <summary> Converts SDK request object into HttpRequestMessage.</summary> /// <param name="uri">The uri of this http request.</param> /// <param name="method">The method of this http request.</param> /// <param name="request">The SDK object for this request.</param> /// <returns>An HttpRequestMessage that can be sent by HttpClient.</returns> public static HttpRequestMessage ToHttpRequestMessage <T>(Uri uri, HttpMethod method, T request) where T : IOciRequest { // Update properties of requests if needed var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(); requestMessage.Method = method; var updatedUri = uri.AbsoluteUri; // Build queries string. var queries = new Dictionary <string, string>(); PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(T).GetProperties(); foreach (var prop in props) { if (prop.GetValue(request) == null) { continue; } object[] attrs = prop.GetCustomAttributes(false); foreach (var attr in attrs) { HttpConverterAttribute httpRequestAttr = attr as HttpConverterAttribute; if (httpRequestAttr != null) { if (httpRequestAttr.Target == TargetEnum.Query) { logger.Debug($"Adding query {httpRequestAttr.Name}: {HttpUtils.EncodeQueryParam(prop.GetValue(request))}"); queries.Add(httpRequestAttr.Name, HttpUtils.EncodeQueryParam(prop.GetValue(request))); } else if (httpRequestAttr.Target == TargetEnum.Header) { var propertyType = prop.PropertyType; // Special handling of Dictionary type in header since the Dictionary contents are returned as individual header entries. if (propertyType.IsGenericType && propertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Dictionary <,>)) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in prop.GetValue(request) as IDictionary <string, string> ) { requestMessage.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(pair.Key, pair.Value); } } else { logger.Debug($"Adding header {httpRequestAttr.Name}: {prop.GetValue(request)}"); // To avoid validating header name formatting (.Net HttpClient has some strict validation rules and not all OCI service headers satisfy them.), // call TryAddWithoutValidation instead of Add. requestMessage.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(httpRequestAttr.Name, HeaderUtils.FromValue(prop.GetValue(request))); } } else if (httpRequestAttr.Target == TargetEnum.Body) { logger.Debug($"Adding content from property {prop.Name}"); requestMessage.Content = ContentHelper.CreateHttpContent(prop.GetValue(request)); } else if (httpRequestAttr.Target == TargetEnum.Path) { logger.Debug($"Adding path parameter {httpRequestAttr.Name}: {prop.GetValue(request)}"); updatedUri = updatedUri.Replace(Uri.EscapeUriString($"{{{httpRequestAttr.Name}}}"), HeaderUtils.FromValue(prop.GetValue(request))); } } } } var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(updatedUri); uriBuilder.Query = HttpUtils.BuildQueryString(queries); requestMessage.RequestUri = uriBuilder.Uri; return(requestMessage); }