Пример #1
        private async Task GeniusSearch(Song s, List <Song> geniusTemp)

            Log(Type.Info, "Starting geniusSearch");
            string results = await HttpRequests.GetRequest(GeniusSearchUrl + s.Artist + " - " + s.Title, GeniusAuthHeader);

            if (results == null)
                results = await HttpRequests.GetRequest(GeniusSearchUrl + s.Artist + " - " + s.Title, GeniusAuthHeader);
            JObject parsed = JObject.Parse(results);

            IList <JToken> parsedList = parsed["response"]["hits"].Children().ToList();

            foreach (JToken result in parsedList)
                string resultTitle  = (string)result["result"]["title"];
                string resultArtist = (string)result["result"]["primary_artist"]["name"];

                if ((Text.Distance(resultTitle, s.Title) <= maxDistance && Text.Distance(resultArtist, s.Artist) <= maxDistance) || resultTitle.Contains(s.Title) && resultArtist.Contains(s.Artist))
                    string path = Path.Combine(ApplicationPath, savedLyricsLocation, (string)result["result"]["primary_artist"]["name"] + savedSeparator + (string)result["result"]["title"] + ".txt");

                    if (!File.Exists(path))
                        Log(Type.Info, "Song found! Adding to geniusTemp");

                        Song song = new Song()
                            Title   = (string)result["result"]["title"],
                            Artist  = (string)result["result"]["primary_artist"]["name"],
                            Cover   = (string)result["result"]["song_art_image_thumbnail_url"],
                            Header  = (string)result["result"]["header_image_url"],
                            ApiPath = (string)result["result"]["api_path"],
                            Path    = (string)result["result"]["path"]


                        Log(Type.Info, "Song found but already downloaded");

            Log(Type.Event, "completedTasks = " + completedTasks);
Пример #2
        public static async Task <List <SongBundle> > GetSearchResults(string query)
            string results = await HttpRequests.GetRequest(GeniusSearchUrl + Uri.EscapeUriString(query), GeniusAuthHeader);

            JObject parsed = JObject.Parse(results);

            IList <JToken> parsedList = parsed["response"]?["hits"]?.Children().ToList();

            List <SongBundle> resultsList = new List <SongBundle>();

            if (parsedList != null && parsedList.Count != 0)
                foreach (JToken result in parsedList)
                    Song song = new Song
                        Id      = (int)result["result"]?["id"],
                        Title   = (string)result["result"]?["title"],
                        Artist  = (string)result["result"]?["primary_artist"]?["name"],
                        Cover   = (string)result["result"]?["song_art_image_thumbnail_url"],
                        Header  = (string)result["result"]?["header_image_url"],
                        ApiPath = (string)result["result"]?["api_path"],
                        Path    = (string)result["result"]?["path"]

                    RomanizedSong rSong = new RomanizedSong();
                    if (Prefs.GetBoolean("romanize_search", false))
                        rSong = await JapaneseTools.RomanizeSong(song, false);

                    resultsList.Add(new SongBundle(song, rSong));


            resultsList = new List <SongBundle>();
Пример #3
        private async Task GetDetails(string apiPath)

            Log(Type.Info, "Starting getDetails operation");
            string results = await HttpRequests.GetRequest(GeniusApiUrl + apiPath, GeniusAuthHeader);

            if (results == null)
                Log(Type.Processing, "Returned null, calling API again...");
                results = await HttpRequests.GetRequest(GeniusApiUrl + apiPath, GeniusAuthHeader);
            JObject parsed = JObject.Parse(results);

            Song song = new Song()
                Title   = (string)parsed["response"]["song"]["title"],
                Artist  = (string)parsed["response"]["song"]["primary_artist"]["name"],
                Album   = (string)parsed.SelectToken("response.song.album.name"),
                Header  = (string)parsed["response"]["song"]["header_image_url"],
                Cover   = (string)parsed["response"]["song"]["song_art_image_url"],
                ApiPath = (string)parsed["response"]["song"]["api_path"],
                Path    = (string)parsed["response"]["song"]["path"]

            Log(Type.Processing, "Created new Song variable");

            if (parsed["response"]["song"]["featured_artists"].HasValues)
                Log(Type.Info, "Track has featured artists");
                IList <JToken> parsedList = parsed["response"]["song"]["featured_artists"].Children().ToList();
                song.FeaturedArtist = "feat. ";
                foreach (JToken artist in parsedList)
                    if (song.FeaturedArtist == "feat. ")
                        song.FeaturedArtist += artist["name"].ToString();
                        song.FeaturedArtist += ", " + artist["name"];
                Log(Type.Info, "Track does not have featured artists");
                song.FeaturedArtist = "";

            string downloadedLyrics;

            HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb();

            Log(Type.Processing, "Trying to load page");
            HtmlDocument doc = await web.LoadFromWebAsync("https://genius.com" + song.Path);

            Log(Type.Info, "Loaded Genius page");
            HtmlNode lyricsBody = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='lyrics']");

            downloadedLyrics = Regex.Replace(lyricsBody.InnerText, @"^\s*", "");
            downloadedLyrics = Regex.Replace(downloadedLyrics, @"[\s]+$", "");
            song.Lyrics      = downloadedLyrics;

            await SaveSongLyrics(song);

            Log(Type.Info, "Finished saving!");

            Log(Type.Info, "Completed getDetails task for " + song.ApiPath);
Пример #4
        public static async Task <SongBundle> GetSongDetails(SongBundle song)
            Log(Logging.Type.Info, "Starting GetSongDetails operation");
            string results = await HttpRequests.GetRequest(GeniusApiUrl + song.Normal.ApiPath, GeniusAuthHeader);

            JObject parsed = JObject.Parse(results);

            parsed = (JObject)parsed["response"]?["song"]; //Change root to song

            Song fromJson = new Song
                Title   = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("title") ?? "",
                Artist  = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("primary_artist.name") ?? "",
                Album   = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("album.name") ?? "",
                Header  = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("header_image_url") ?? "",
                Cover   = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("song_art_image_url") ?? "",
                ApiPath = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("api_path") ?? "",
                Path    = (string)parsed?.SelectToken("path") ?? ""

            song.Normal = fromJson;

            if (parsed != null && parsed["featured_artists"].HasValues)
                IList <JToken> parsedList = parsed["featured_artists"].Children().ToList();

                song.Normal.FeaturedArtist = "feat. ";
                foreach (JToken artist in parsedList)
                    if (song.Normal.FeaturedArtist == "feat. ")
                        song.Normal.FeaturedArtist += artist["name"]?.ToString();
                        song.Normal.FeaturedArtist += ", " + artist["name"];

                Log(Logging.Type.Processing, "Added featured artists to song");
                song.Normal.FeaturedArtist = "";

            //Execute all Japanese transliteration tasks at once
            if (Prefs.GetBoolean("auto_romanize_details", true) && song.Normal.Title.ContainsJapanese() || song.Normal.Artist.ContainsJapanese() || song.Normal.Album.ContainsJapanese())
                Task <string> awaitTitle  = song.Normal.Title.StripJapanese();
                Task <string> awaitArtist = song.Normal.Artist.StripJapanese();
                Task <string> awaitAlbum  = song.Normal.Album.StripJapanese();

                await Task.WhenAll(awaitTitle, awaitArtist, awaitAlbum);

                RomanizedSong romanized = new RomanizedSong();
                // This snippet is the same in GetAndShowLyrics
                song.Romanized ??= romanized;

                romanized.Title  = await awaitTitle;
                romanized.Artist = await awaitArtist;
                romanized.Album  = await awaitAlbum;

                romanized.Id          = song.Normal.Id;
                song.Romanized        = romanized;
                song.Normal.Romanized = true;

                Log(Logging.Type.Event, "Romanized song info with ID " + song.Normal.Id);
                Analytics.TrackEvent("Romanized song info", new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "SongID", song.Normal.Id.ToString() }
                song.Romanized = null;

Пример #5
        private async Task GetAndCompareResults(Song ntfSong)
            //set previous song variable now so that it won't be called again in a short period of time
            previousSong = ntfSong;

            Log(Type.Info, "Starting async GetSearchResults operation");

            // strip song for things that interfere search. making a separate
            // Song object makes sure that one search is as broad as possible, so
            // a song with (Remix) on the title would still appear if we searched
            // without (Remix) tag
            Song   stripped = StripSongForSearch(ntfSong);
            string results  = await HttpRequests.GetRequest(GeniusSearchUrl + stripped.Artist + " - " + stripped.Title, GeniusAuthHeader); //search on genius

            JObject parsed = JObject.Parse(results);

            IList <JToken> parsedList = parsed["response"]?["hits"]?.Children().ToList();

            if (parsedList != null)
                Log(Type.Info, $"Parsed results into list with size {parsedList.Count}");

                List <Song> likenessRanking = new List <Song>();
                Song        mostLikely;

                //calculate likeness and add to list, which will be sorted by ascending likeness
                if (parsedList.Count == 0)
                    mostLikely = new Song();
                    Log(Type.Info, "No search results!");
                else if (parsedList.Count == 1)
                    Log(Type.Info, "Search returned 1 result");
                    mostLikely = new Song()
                        Id      = (int)parsedList[0]["result"]?["id"],
                        Title   = (string)parsedList[0]["result"]?["title"],
                        Artist  = (string)parsedList[0]["result"]?["primary_artist"]?["name"],
                        Cover   = (string)parsedList[0]["result"]?["song_art_image_thumbnail_url"],
                        Header  = (string)parsedList[0]["result"]?["header_image_url"],
                        ApiPath = (string)parsedList[0]["result"]?["api_path"],
                        Path    = (string)parsedList[0]["result"]?["path"]

                    mostLikely.Likeness =
                        await CalculateLikeness(mostLikely, ntfSong, 0); //index is 0 since this is the only result
                    foreach (JToken result in parsedList)
                        Song resultSong = new Song()
                            Id      = (int)result["result"]?["id"],
                            Title   = (string)result["result"]?["title"],
                            Artist  = (string)result["result"]?["primary_artist"]?["name"],
                            Cover   = (string)result["result"]?["song_art_image_thumbnail_url"],
                            Header  = (string)result["result"]?["header_image_url"],
                            ApiPath = (string)result["result"]?["api_path"],
                            Path    = (string)result["result"]?["path"]

                        Log(Type.Processing, $"Evaluating song {resultSong.Title} by {resultSong.Artist}");

                        int index = parsedList.IndexOf(result);
                        resultSong.Likeness = await CalculateLikeness(resultSong, ntfSong, index);


                    likenessRanking = likenessRanking.OrderBy(o => o.Likeness).ToList();
                    mostLikely      = likenessRanking.First();

                //separated this to keep this method shorter