/// <summary>
        /// Authenticates the request by reading the FormsAuthentication cookie and setting the
        /// context and thread principle object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        static void AuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var app  = (HttpApplication)sender;
            var http = new HttpContextWrapper(app.Context);

            //we need to determine if the path being requested is an rebel path, if not don't do anything
            var settings            = RebelSettings.GetSettings();
            var backOfficeRoutePath = string.Concat(settings.RebelPaths.BackOfficePath, "/");
            var installerRoutePath  = string.Concat("Install", "/");

            //Retreive Route Url
            var routeUrl  = "";
            var routeData = RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(http);

            if (routeData != null)
                var route = routeData.Route as Route;
                if (route != null)
                    routeUrl = route.Url;

            if (routeUrl.StartsWith(installerRoutePath, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                routeUrl.StartsWith(backOfficeRoutePath, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                var ticket = http.GetRebelAuthTicket();
                if (ticket != null && !ticket.Expired && http.RenewRebelAuthTicket())
                    //create the Rebel user identity
                    var identity = new RebelBackOfficeIdentity(ticket);

                    //set the principal object
                    var principal = new GenericPrincipal(identity, identity.Roles);

                    app.Context.User        = principal;
                    Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the URL of the file in the upload field with the given property alias on the given TypedEntity at the specific size
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyAlias">The property alias.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The size (must be a prevalue on the upload property editor).</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetMediaUrl(this UrlHelper url, TypedEntity entity, string propertyAlias, int size)
            //TODO: There is a lot of duplication between this and the MediaProxyController (with slight differences). Need to find a way to reuse code.

            var appContext = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService <IRebelApplicationContext>();

            using (var securityUow = appContext.Hive.OpenReader <ISecurityStore>())
                // Check to see if anonymous view is allowed
                var anonymousViewAllowed = !appContext.Security.PublicAccess.IsProtected(entity.Id);

                // Get upload property
                var prop = propertyAlias.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()
                    ? entity.Attributes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.AttributeDefinition.AttributeType.RenderTypeProvider.InvariantEquals(CorePluginConstants.FileUploadPropertyEditorId))
                    : entity.Attributes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.AttributeDefinition.Alias == propertyAlias);

                if (prop == null || !prop.Values.ContainsKey("MediaId"))
                    return(null); // Couldn't find property so return null
                var mediaId = prop.Values["MediaId"].ToString();
                var fileId  = new HiveId(prop.Values["Value"].ToString());

                // Get the file
                using (var fileUow = appContext.Hive.OpenReader <IFileStore>(fileId.ToUri()))
                    var file = fileUow.Repositories.Get <File>(fileId);

                    if (file == null)
                        return(null); // Couldn't find file so return null
                    // Fetch the thumbnail
                    if (size > 0)
                        var relation = fileUow.Repositories.GetLazyChildRelations(fileId, FixedRelationTypes.ThumbnailRelationType)
                                       .SingleOrDefault(x => x.MetaData.Single(y => y.Key == "size").Value == size.ToString());

                        file = (relation != null && relation.Destination != null)
                            ? (File)relation.Destination
                            : null;

                    if (file == null)
                        return(null);                                                      // Couldn't find file so return null
                    if (anonymousViewAllowed && !file.PublicUrl.StartsWith("~/App_Data/")) // Don't proxy
                    else // Proxy
                        //if (anonymousViewAllowed)
                        //    // If they are anonymous, but media happens to be in app_data folder proxy
                        //    return url.Action("Proxy", "MediaProxy", new { area = "", propertyAlias = prop.AttributeDefinition.Alias, mediaId, size, fileName = file.Name });

                        //return null;

                        // Check permissions
                        //var authAttr = new RebelAuthorizeAttribute {AllowAnonymous = true, Permissions = new [] { FixedPermissionIds.View }};
                        //var authorized = authAttr.IsAuthorized(url.RequestContext.HttpContext, entity.Id);
                        //if (!authorized)
                        //    return null; // Not authorized so return null

                        var member = appContext.Security.Members.GetCurrent();
                        if (member == null || !appContext.Security.PublicAccess.GetPublicAccessStatus(member.Id, entity.Id).CanAccess)
                            // Member can't access,  but check to see if logged in identiy is a User, if so, just allow access
                            var wrapper = new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
                            var ticket  = wrapper.GetRebelAuthTicket();
                            if (ticket == null || ticket.Expired)

                        return(url.Action("Proxy", "MediaProxy", new { area = "", propertyAlias = prop.AttributeDefinition.Alias, mediaId, size, fileName = file.Name }));