public override HtmlTag Build(ElementRequest request) { HtmlTag root = new HtmlTag("a"); root.Attr("href", request.RawValue); root.Attr("target", "_blank"); root.Id(request.Accessor.FieldName); root.AddChildren(new HtmlTag("span")); return(root); }
private static HtmlTag MakeRadioButton(string display, object value, string name) { DivTag divTag = new DivTag(display); HtmlTag radioButton = new RadioButtonTag(false).Attr("value", value).Attr("name", name); HtmlTag label = new HtmlTag("label").Text(display); label.AddChildren(radioButton); divTag.AddChildren(label); return(divTag); }
private HtmlTag buildHtmlForTasks(IEnumerable <Task> tasks) { var rootTag = new DivTag("tasks"); var ul = new HtmlTag("ul"); tasks.OrderBy(x => x.ScheduledDate).Each(x => { var li = new HtmlTag("li"); var liDiv = new DivTag("liDiv"); var task = x.ScheduledDate.Value.ToLongDateString() + " " + x.ScheduledStartTime.Value.ToShortTimeString(); task += x.ScheduledEndTime.HasValue? " To " + x.ScheduledEndTime.Value.ToShortTimeString():""; task += ": " + x.TaskType.Name + " at " + x.Field.Name; liDiv.Text(task); li.AddChildren(liDiv); ul.AddChildren(li); }); rootTag.AddChildren(ul); return(rootTag); }
public static HtmlTag Nest(this HtmlTag tag, params HtmlTag[] children) { return(tag.AddChildren(children)); }
/// <summary> /// This function analyzes the Input-Html-Text and converts it to an analogous object structure. /// </summary> /// <param name="HtmlInput">The Html-String you want to analyze.</param> /// <returns></returns> public HtmlConstruct Analyze(string HtmlInput, HtmlTag parent) { List<HtmlElement> output = new List<HtmlElement>(); string TagName = ""; string TagAttributes = ""; int StartPosition = 0; int EndPosition = 0; while (FindFirstOpeningTag(HtmlInput, out TagName, out TagAttributes, out StartPosition, out EndPosition)) { string davor = HtmlInput.Substring(0, StartPosition); davor = RemoveAllHtmlTags(davor); if (davor != "") output.Add(new HtmlPlainText(parent, davor)); int StartClosing = 0; int EndClosing = 0; if (FindClosingTag(HtmlInput, TagName, EndPosition, out StartClosing, out EndClosing)) { HtmlTag t = new HtmlTag(parent, false, TagName, AnalyzeTagAttributes(TagAttributes)); HtmlConstruct c = Analyze(HtmlInput.Substring(EndPosition, StartClosing - EndPosition), t); t.AddChildren(c.elements); output.Add(t); HtmlInput = HtmlInput.Substring(EndClosing); } else { output.Add(new HtmlTag(parent, true, TagName, AnalyzeTagAttributes(TagAttributes))); HtmlInput = HtmlInput.Substring(EndPosition); } } if (HtmlInput != "") output.Add(new HtmlPlainText(parent, HtmlInput)); return new HtmlConstruct(output); }
/// <summary> /// This function replaces strings in the plain text parts of the html. So tag names will not be replaced, just the plain content of the tags. /// </summary> /// <param name="HtmlInput">The Html-String you want to replace strings in.</param> /// <param name="TextReplacementMap">Dictionary in which the strings and the replacements of them are defined. /// (Form: Key-OldString, Value-NewString) If you want to remove a string, just replace it with a clear string.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string ReplaceStringsFromPlainTextElements(string HtmlInput, Dictionary<string, string> TextReplacementMap) { HtmlTag root = new HtmlTag(null, false, "root"); HtmlConstruct children = Analyze(HtmlInput, root); root.AddChildren(children.elements); IHtmlTagIterator iterator = root.getIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { HtmlElement element =; if (element.GetType() == typeof(HtmlPlainText)) { HtmlPlainText PlainText = ((HtmlPlainText)element); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> MapItem in TextReplacementMap) { PlainText.content = PlainText.content.Replace(MapItem.Key, MapItem.Value); } } } return new HtmlConstruct(root.children).ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// This function replaces the Html-Tag-Names from the input, while it conserves the structure of the html and possible Html-Attributes. /// </summary> /// <param name="HtmlInput">The Html-String you want to replace tags in.</param> /// <param name="TagReplacementMap">Dictionary in which the replacement rules are defined. (Form: Key-OldTagName, Value-NewTagName)</param> /// <param name="ReplacementType">Whether or not unmatched Tags (and their content!) should remain in the string.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string ApplyTagReplacementMap(string HtmlInput, Dictionary<string, string> TagReplacementMap, TagReplacementTypes ReplacementType) { HtmlTag root = new HtmlTag(null, false, "root"); HtmlConstruct ObjectConstruct = Analyze(HtmlInput, root); root.AddChildren(ObjectConstruct.elements); IHtmlTagIterator i = ObjectConstruct.getIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { HtmlElement ele =; if (ele.GetType() == typeof(HtmlPlainText)) // Current element is Plain Text { // ((HtmlPlainText)ele) // ignore } else if (ele.GetType() == typeof(HtmlTag)) // Current element is tag { // ((HtmlTag)ele) if (TagReplacementMap.Keys.Contains(((HtmlTag)ele).tagName)) // tag found in ReplacementMap { // Replace HtmlTag replacement = new HtmlTag(((HtmlTag)ele).getParent(), ((HtmlTag)ele).isSingleTag, TagReplacementMap[((HtmlTag)ele).tagName], ((HtmlTag)ele).children, ((HtmlTag)ele).tagAttributes); int index = ((HtmlTag)ele).getParent().children.IndexOf(ele); ((HtmlTag)ele).getParent().children[index] = replacement; } else // tag not found in ReplacementMap { switch (ReplacementType) { case TagReplacementTypes.RemoveNotMatchedTags: ((HtmlTag)ele).getParent().children.Remove(ele); break; case TagReplacementTypes.IgnoreNotMatchedTags: // ignore break; case TagReplacementTypes.ConvertNotMatchedTagsToPlainText: string plaintext = ""; IHtmlTagIterator it = ((HtmlTag)ele).getIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { HtmlElement e =; if (e.GetType() == typeof(HtmlPlainText)) plaintext += ((HtmlPlainText)e).content; } HtmlPlainText replacement = new HtmlPlainText(((HtmlTag)ele).getParent(), plaintext); int index = ((HtmlTag)ele).getParent().children.IndexOf(ele); ((HtmlTag)ele).getParent().children[index] = replacement; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("TagReplacementType not implemented!"); //break; } } } else throw new NotImplementedException("HtmlElement Type not implemented!"); } return new HtmlConstruct(root.children).ToString(); }