Пример #1
        public void TestGetAutoCloseIndex(string text, int startindex, int expectedreturn)
            int index = HtmlTableParser.GetAutoCloseIndex(text, startindex);

            if (index != expectedreturn)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The found index {0} is differente from the excepted one {1} for {2}", index, expectedreturn, text));
Пример #2
    public void HtmlTableParserTest()
        var a  = @"D:\_Test\sunamo\sunamo\Html\HtmlTableParserTests\a.html";
        var hd = HtmlAgilityHelper.CreateHtmlDocument();

        var             table = HtmlAgilityHelper.Node(hd.DocumentNode, true, "table");
        HtmlTableParser p     = new HtmlTableParser(table, false);
        var             v     = p.ColumnValues("1", false, false);
        int             i     = 0;
Пример #3
        public void TestGetColrCount()
            IHtmlTable ret = HtmlTableParser.Parse(@"<TABLE><TR><TH>H1</TH><TH>H2</TH></TR><TR><TD>C11</TD><TD>C12</TD></TR></TABLE>");

            Assert.IsNotNull(ret, "ret must be not null");

            Assert.AreEqual(ret.GetColCount(-1), 0, "Negative index for Row should return 0");
            Assert.AreEqual(ret.GetColCount(2), 0, "Too large index for Row should return 0");

            Assert.AreEqual(ret.GetColCount(0), 2, "Not the expected value for GetColCount");
            Assert.AreEqual(ret.GetColCount(1), 2, "Not the expected value for GetColCount");
Пример #4
        public DataTable OpenTable()
            var source = new DominoCleanupHtmlSource(HtmlSource);

            DataTable table;

            using (var reader = source.Open(_viewUrl))
                table = HtmlTableParser.Parse(reader)[0];

Пример #5
        public void TestGetPostClosingIndex(string text, int startindex, string wantedtag, int expectedreturn)
            int index = HtmlTableParser.GetPostClosingIndex(text, startindex, wantedtag);

            if (index != expectedreturn)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The found index {0} is differente from the excepted one {1} for {2}", index, expectedreturn, text));

            index = HtmlTableParser.GetPostClosingIndex(text.ToLower(), startindex, wantedtag.ToUpper());
            if (index != expectedreturn)
                throw new Exception("Case sensitivity problem, result must the same");
Пример #6
        public void TestRangeGet()
            IHtmlTable ret = HtmlTableParser.Parse(@"<TABLE><TR><TH>H1</TH><TH>H2</TH></TR><TR><TD>C11</TD><TD>C12</TD></TR></TABLE>");

            Assert.IsNotNull(ret, "ret must be not null");

            Assert.IsNull(ret[-1, 0], "Negative index for Row should return null");
            Assert.IsNull(ret[0, -1], "Negative index for Col should return null");
            Assert.IsNull(ret[2, 0], "Too large index for Row should return null");
            Assert.IsNull(ret[0, 2], "Too large index for Col should return null");

            Assert.IsNotNull(ret[0, 0], "In range index for Row and Col should not return null");
            Assert.IsNotNull(ret[1, 0], "In range index for Row and Col should not return null");
            Assert.IsNotNull(ret[0, 1], "In range index for Row and Col should not return null");
            Assert.IsNotNull(ret[1, 1], "In range index for Row and Col should not return null");
Пример #7
        public void TestExtractCell(string text, string expectedText, int expectedRowSpan, int expectedColSpan, bool expectedIsHeader)
            IHtmlCell cell = HtmlTableParser.ExtractCell(text);

            if (cell.InnerText != expectedText)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The found InnerText {0} is differente from the excepted one {1} for {2}", cell.InnerText, expectedText, text));

            if (cell.IsHeader != expectedIsHeader)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The found IsHeader {0} is differente from the excepted one {1} for {2}", cell.IsHeader, expectedIsHeader, text));

            if (cell.RowSpan != expectedRowSpan)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The found RowSpan {0} is differente from the excepted one {1} for {2}", cell.RowSpan, expectedRowSpan, text));

            if (cell.ColSpan != expectedColSpan)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The found ColSpan {0} is differente from the excepted one {1} for {2}", cell.ColSpan, expectedColSpan, text));
Пример #8
 public void TestInvalidCell()
     Assert.Throws <HtmlTableParserNoTagEndException>(() => HtmlTableParser.ExtractCell("<td"), "Should throw HtmlTableParserNoTagEndException");
Пример #9
 public void TestNoCloseCellTag()
     Assert.Throws <HtmlTableParserNoCellClosingTagException>(() => HtmlTableParser.Parse("<TABLE><TR><TD></TR></TABLE>"), "A HtmlTableParserNoCellClosingTagException should have be thrown");
Пример #10
 public void TestNoCloseTableTag()
     Assert.Throws <HtmlTableParserNoTableClosingTagException>(() => HtmlTableParser.Parse("<TABLE>skdsdkskdksd"), "A HtmlTableParserNoTableClosingTagException should have be thrown");
        public BrokerErrorCode GetEquitySpread(string stockCode, out EquitySymbolSpread[] info)
            BrokerErrorCode errorCode = BrokerErrorCode.Success;

            info = new EquitySymbolSpread[2];

            string quoteData  = null;
            int    retryCount = 0;

                quoteData = HttpHelper.GetWebPageResponse(
                    URL_ICICI_EQT_SPREAD + stockCode.ToUpper(),
            } while (quoteData == null && retryCount < 5);

            // web problems, slow connection, server down etc.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(quoteData) || quoteData.IndexOf("entered is not valid") > -1)

            ParsedTable table = (ParsedTable)HtmlTableParser.ParseHtmlIntoTables(quoteData, true);

            // NSE price info
            info[0]          = new EquitySymbolSpread();
            info[0].Symbol   = stockCode;
            info[0].Exchange = Exchange.NSE;
            string   tempStr       = ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 3, 0, 1 });
            DateTime lastTradeTime = DateTime.Parse(tempStr);

            tempStr           = ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 3, 1, 1 });
            lastTradeTime    += TimeSpan.Parse(tempStr);
            info[0].QuoteTime = lastTradeTime;

            info[0].TotalBidQty   = MarketUtils.GetVolume(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, 7, 1 }));
            info[0].TotalOfferQty = MarketUtils.GetVolume(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, 8, 1 }));

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                info[0].BestBidQty[i]   = MarketUtils.GetVolume(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, i + 2, 0 }));
                info[0].BestBidPrice[i] = MarketUtils.GetPrice(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, i + 2, 1 }));

                info[0].BestOfferQty[i]   = MarketUtils.GetVolume(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, i + 2, 2 }));
                info[0].BestOfferPrice[i] = MarketUtils.GetPrice(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, i + 2, 3 }));

            // BSE price info
            info[1]           = new EquitySymbolSpread();
            info[1].Symbol    = stockCode;
            info[1].Exchange  = Exchange.BSE;
            tempStr           = ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 3, 0, 3 });
            lastTradeTime     = DateTime.Parse(tempStr);
            tempStr           = ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 3, 1, 3 });
            lastTradeTime    += TimeSpan.Parse(tempStr);
            info[1].QuoteTime = lastTradeTime;

            info[1].TotalBidQty   = MarketUtils.GetVolume(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, 7, 3 }));
            info[1].TotalOfferQty = MarketUtils.GetVolume(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, 8, 3 }));

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                info[1].BestBidQty[i]   = MarketUtils.GetVolume(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, i + 2, 4 }));
                info[1].BestBidPrice[i] = MarketUtils.GetPrice(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, i + 2, 5 }));

                info[1].BestOfferQty[i]   = MarketUtils.GetVolume(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, i + 2, 6 }));
                info[1].BestOfferPrice[i] = MarketUtils.GetPrice(ParsedTable.GetValue(table, new int[] { 0, 5, i + 2, 7 }));
Пример #12
        public void TestCellsInfos()
            //Test when table is not the first caracters
            //Row 1 : test header
            //Row 2 : test cell
            //Row 3 : test colspan
            //Row 4-5: test rowspan and next row completion
            //Row 6-7: test rowspan and next row missing data
            //Row 8-9: test rowspan and colspan averlap
            //Row 10-13: test multi rowspan with overlap

            IHtmlTable ret = HtmlTableParser.Parse(@"azertyui 

<TR><TD colspan=2>C21</TD><TD>C23</TD></TR>

<TR><TD>C31</TD><TD rowspan=2>C32</TD></TR>

<TR><TD>C51</TD><TD rowspan=2>C52</TD></TR>

<TR><TD>C71</TD><TD rowspan=2>C72</TD></TR>
<TR><TD colspan=2>C81</TD><TD>C83</TD></TR>

<TR><TD rowspan=3 colspan=3>C91</TD></TR>
<TR><TD rowspan=3 colspan=3>CA4</TD></TR>

            Assert.IsNotNull(ret, "ret must be not null");

            Assert.AreEqual(ret.RowCount, 13, "RowCount must be 13");

            string[,] expectedValue =
                { "H1",  "H2",  null,  null,  null,  null,  null },
                { "C11", "C12", null,  null,  null,  null,  null },
                { "C21", "C21", "C23", null,  null,  null,  null },
                { "C31", "C32", null,  null,  null,  null,  null },
                { "C41", "C32", "C43", null,  null,  null,  null },
                { "C51", "C52", null,  null,  null,  null,  null },
                { null,  "C52", null,  null,  null,  null,  null },
                { "C71", "C72", null,  null,  null,  null,  null },
                { "C81", "C81", "C83", null,  null,  null,  null },
                { "C91", "C91", "C91", null,  null,  null,  null },
                { "C91", "C91", "C91", "CA4", "CA4", "CA4", null },
                { "C91", "C91", "C91", "CA4", "CA4", "CA4", null },
                { null,  null,  null,  "CA4", "CA4", "CA4", null }

            for (int i = 0; i < expectedValue.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < expectedValue.GetLength(1); j++)
                    IHtmlCell cell  = ret[i, j];
                    string    value = cell?.InnerText;
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue[i, j], value, "Value different for ({0},{1}) : {2} vs {3}", i, j, value, expectedValue[i, j]);
                    Assert.AreEqual(cell?.ToString(), value);
Пример #13
        public void TestNotTableTag()
            IHtmlTable ret = HtmlTableParser.Parse("azertyuiop");

            Assert.IsNull(ret, "ret must be empty");
        // IBroker.GetEquityOrderBook
        public BrokerErrorCode GetEquityOrderBookToday(bool newOrdersOnly,
                                                       bool bOnlyOutstandingOrders,
                                                       string stockCode,
                                                       out Dictionary <string, EquityOrderBookRecord> orders)
            orders = new Dictionary <string, EquityOrderBookRecord>();
            // Login If needed
            BrokerErrorCode errorCode = CheckAndLogInIfNeeded(false);

            if (errorCode != BrokerErrorCode.Success)

            string postData = "pgname=eqOrdBook&ismethodcall=0&mthname=";

            string orderBookData = IciciGetWebPageResponse(URL_ICICI_EQT_ORDERBOOK,
                                                           out errorCode);

            if (errorCode.Equals(BrokerErrorCode.Success) && !orderBookData.Contains("No matching Record"))
                // Trim it
                orderBookData = orderBookData.Trim(' ', '\t', '\r', '\n');

                orderBookData = HtmlUtilities.EnsureHtmlParsable(orderBookData);

                string subOrderBookData = StringParser.GetStringBetween(orderBookData,
                                                                        new string[] { });

                ParsedTable table = (ParsedTable)HtmlTableParser.ParseHtmlIntoTables("<table>" + subOrderBookData + "</table>", true);

                //orders = new Dictionary<string, EquityOrderBookRecord>();
                for (int i = 1; i < table.RowCount; i++)
                    EquityOrderBookRecord info = new EquityOrderBookRecord();
                    info.StockCode = table[i, 3].ToString().Trim();
                    info.StockCode = StringParser.GetStringBetween(info.StockCode, 0, "GetQuote('", "'", null);
                    // If stockCode parameter is empty/null i.e. all stocks are intended
                    // and if stock specific orders are intended and current element's stockCode doesnt match then iterate to next element
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stockCode) && !info.StockCode.Equals(stockCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    var temp = StringParser.GetStringBetween(table[i, 0].ToString(), 0, "nowrap;\">", "<", null);
                    DateTime.TryParse(temp, out info.Date);

                    string orderRefString = table[i, 14].ToString();
                    orderRefString = StringParser.GetStringBetween(orderRefString, 0, "FML_ORD_ORDR_RFRNC=", "&", null);
                    // Trim it
                    orderRefString = orderRefString.Trim();//(' ', '\t', '\r', '\n');

                    info.OrderRefenceNumber = orderRefString;
                    string tempStr = table[i, 4].ToString().ToUpperInvariant();
                    info.Direction = (OrderDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(OrderDirection), tempStr);
                    info.Quantity  = int.Parse(table[i, 5].ToString());

                    string price = StringParser.GetStringBetween(table[i, 3].ToString(),
                                                                 new string[] { "onclick", "font" });

                     * string price = StringParser.GetStringBetween(table[i, 3].ToString(),
                     *  0,
                     *  "<font color=\"blue\">",
                     *  "</font>",
                     *  new string[] { });
                     * if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(price))
                     * {
                     *  price = StringParser.GetStringBetween(table[i, 6].ToString(),
                     *  0,
                     *  "<font color=\"black\">",
                     *  "</font>",
                     *  new string[] { });
                     * }
                     * if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(price))
                     * {
                     *  price = StringParser.GetStringBetween(table[i, 6].ToString(),
                     *  0,
                     *  "\">",
                     *  "</a>",
                     *  new string[] { "onclick"});
                     * }

                    info.Price = double.Parse(price);

                    tempStr = table[i, 6].ToString().ToUpperInvariant();

                    // Executed orders have different string format, so ignore the clutter
                    if (tempStr.Contains("EXECUTED"))
                        tempStr = "EXECUTED";
                        tempStr = tempStr.Remove(tempStr.IndexOf("&"));

                    info.Status = (OrderStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(OrderStatus), tempStr);

                    info.OpenQty     = int.Parse(table[i, 8].ToString());
                    info.ExecutedQty = int.Parse(table[i, 9].ToString());

                    // Only add valid outstanding orders if bOnlyOutstandingOrders is true
                    // PARTEXEC is considered OUTSTANDING (i.e. not considered EXEC until fully executed)
                    if (!bOnlyOutstandingOrders ||
                        info.Status == OrderStatus.PARTEXEC ||
                        info.Status == OrderStatus.QUEUED ||
                        info.Status == OrderStatus.REQUESTED ||
                        info.Status == OrderStatus.ORDERED)
                        lock (lockObjectEquity)
                            if (mEquityOrderBook.ContainsKey(orderRefString))
                                if (newOrdersOnly)
                                    orders.Add(orderRefString, info);
                                // Update the order
                                mEquityOrderBook[orderRefString] = info;
                                mEquityOrderBook.Add(orderRefString, info);
                                orders.Add(orderRefString, info);
        // IBroker.GetEquityTradeBook

        // Get trade book for a date range and for specific stock if stockCode is valid
        // else gets complete trade book fro the date range
        public BrokerErrorCode GetEquityTradeBookToday(bool newTradesOnly,
                                                       string stockCode,
                                                       out Dictionary <string, EquityTradeBookRecord> trades)
            trades = new Dictionary <string, EquityTradeBookRecord>();
            // Login If needed
            BrokerErrorCode errorCode = CheckAndLogInIfNeeded(false);

            if (errorCode != BrokerErrorCode.Success)

            string postData = "pgname=eqTrdBook&ismethodcall=0&mthname=";

            string tradeBookData = IciciGetWebPageResponse(URL_ICICI_EQT_TRADEBOOK,
                                                           out errorCode);

            if (errorCode.Equals(BrokerErrorCode.Success) && !tradeBookData.Contains("No matching Trades"))
                // Trim it
                tradeBookData = tradeBookData.Trim(' ', '\t', '\r', '\n');

                tradeBookData = HtmlUtilities.EnsureHtmlParsable(tradeBookData);

                string subTradeBookData = StringParser.GetStringBetween(tradeBookData,
                                                                        new string[] { });

                ParsedTable table = (ParsedTable)HtmlTableParser.ParseHtmlIntoTables("<table>" + subTradeBookData + "</table>", true);

                //trades = new Dictionary<string, EquityTradeBookRecord>();

                for (int i = 1; i < table.RowCount - 1; i++)
                    EquityTradeBookRecord info = new EquityTradeBookRecord();
                    info.StockCode = table[i, 1].ToString().Trim();
                    // If stockCode parameter is not null i.e. all stocks are intended
                    // and if stock specific orders are intended and current element's stockCode doesnt match then iterate to next element
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stockCode) && !info.StockCode.Equals(stockCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    var temp = StringParser.GetStringBetween(table[i, 0].ToString(), 0, "nowrap;\">", "<", null);
                    DateTime.TryParse(temp, out info.Date);

                    //if (bSuccess)
                    //    info[0].UpdateTime = result;
                    string tempStr = table[i, 2].ToString().ToUpperInvariant().StartsWith("B") ? "BUY" : "SELL";
                    info.Direction  = (OrderDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(OrderDirection), tempStr);
                    info.Quantity   = int.Parse(table[i, 3].ToString());
                    info.Price      = double.Parse(table[i, 4].ToString());
                    info.TradeValue = double.Parse(table[i, 5].ToString());
                    //tempStr = StringParser.GetStringBetween(table[i, 6].ToString(), 0, "\">", "</a>", null);
                    info.Brokerage        = double.Parse(table[i, 6].ToString());
                    info.SettlementNumber = StringParser.GetStringBetween(table[i, 7].ToString(), 0, "setno=", "&", null);
                    string orderRefString = StringParser.GetStringBetween(table[i, 10].ToString(), 0, "FML_ORD_ORDR_RFRNC=", "&", null);
                    info.OrderRefenceNumber = orderRefString.Trim();
                    lock (lockObjectEquity)
                        if (mEquityTradeBook.ContainsKey(info.OrderRefenceNumber))
                            if (newTradesOnly)
                                trades.Add(info.OrderRefenceNumber, info);
                            // Update the trade
                            // update required because PartExec may have become full exec
                            mEquityTradeBook[info.OrderRefenceNumber] = info;
                            mEquityTradeBook.Add(info.OrderRefenceNumber, info);
                            trades.Add(info.OrderRefenceNumber, info);
Пример #16
 public void TestMultipleTableTag()
     Assert.Throws <HtmlTableParserMultiTableException>(() => HtmlTableParser.Parse("<TABLE><TABLE>"), "A HtmlTableParserMultiTableException should have be thrown");
        //////      GET EQUITY QUOTE       //////
        // NOTE: We dont want to use IciciGetWebPageResponse here since it updates the login refresh time
        // whereas getting equity quote doesnt actually refresh contact time with server
        // it doesnt even need us to be logged in
        public BrokerErrorCode GetEquityQuote(string stockCode, out EquitySymbolQuote[] info)
            BrokerErrorCode errorCode = BrokerErrorCode.Success;

            info = new EquitySymbolQuote[2];

            string quoteData  = null;
            int    retryCount = 0;

                quoteData = HttpHelper.GetWebPageResponse(
                    URL_ICICI_EQT_QUOTE + stockCode.ToUpper(),
            } while (quoteData == null && retryCount < 5);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(quoteData) || quoteData.IndexOf("entered is not valid") > -1)
                // web problems, slow connection, server down etc.

            quoteData = quoteData.Substring(quoteData.IndexOf("Best 5 Bids/Offers", 0));

            string subQuoteData = StringParser.GetStringBetween(quoteData,
                                                                "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" class=\"smallfont1\">",
                                                                new string[] { });

            ParsedTable table = (ParsedTable)HtmlTableParser.ParseHtmlIntoTables("<table>" + subQuoteData + "</table>", true);

            DateTime result   = DateTime.Now;
            bool     bSuccess = false;

            // NSE price info
            info[0] = new EquitySymbolQuote();

            info[0].StockCode = stockCode;
            info[0].Exchange  = Exchange.NSE;
            bSuccess          = DateTime.TryParse(table[1, 4] + " " + table[2, 4], out result);
            if (bSuccess)
                info[0].QuoteTime = result;

            info[0].LastTradePrice     = table[1, 1].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].OpenPrice          = table[3, 1].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].HighPrice          = table[4, 1].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].LowPrice           = table[5, 1].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].PreviousClosePrice = table[6, 1].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].PercentageChange   = table[8, 1].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].VolumeTraded       = table[11, 1].ToString().Trim();

            info[0].BestBidPrice   = table[3, 4].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].BestOfferPrice = table[4, 4].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].BestBidQty     = table[5, 4].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].BestOfferQty   = table[6, 4].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].Price52WkHigh  = table[7, 4].ToString().Trim();
            info[0].Price52WkLow   = table[8, 4].ToString().Trim();

            // BSE price info
            info[1] = new EquitySymbolQuote();

            info[1].StockCode = stockCode;
            info[1].Exchange  = Exchange.BSE;
            bSuccess          = DateTime.TryParse(table[1, 5] + " " + table[2, 5], out result);
            if (bSuccess)
                info[1].QuoteTime = result;

            info[1].LastTradePrice     = table[1, 2].ToString();
            info[1].OpenPrice          = table[3, 2].ToString();
            info[1].HighPrice          = table[4, 2].ToString();
            info[1].LowPrice           = table[5, 2].ToString();
            info[1].PreviousClosePrice = table[6, 2].ToString();
            info[1].PercentageChange   = table[8, 2].ToString();
            info[1].VolumeTraded       = table[11, 2].ToString();

            info[1].BestBidPrice   = table[3, 5].ToString();
            info[1].BestOfferPrice = table[4, 5].ToString();
            info[1].BestBidQty     = table[5, 5].ToString();
            info[1].BestOfferQty   = table[6, 5].ToString();
            info[1].Price52WkHigh  = table[7, 5].ToString();
            info[1].Price52WkLow   = table[8, 5].ToString();
