Пример #1
        public static HousingWardInfo Read(byte[] message, UniversalisPluginControl plugin)
            var output = new HousingWardInfo();

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(message)) {
                using (var reader = new BinaryReader(stream)) {
                    output.LandId          = reader.ReadInt16();
                    output.WardNumber      = 1 + reader.ReadInt16();
                    output.TerritoryTypeId = reader.ReadInt16();
                    output.WorldId         = reader.ReadInt16();

                    output.HouseListings = new List <HouseInfoEntry>();

                    for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++)
                        var listingEntry = new HouseInfoEntry();

                        listingEntry.HousePrice      = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        listingEntry.fluff           = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        listingEntry.EstateOwnerName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(32)).TrimEnd(new[] { '\u0000' });

                        if (listingEntry.EstateOwnerName.Length == 0)
                            plugin.Log($"House found in ward {output.WardNumber.ToString()},  House {(i + 1).ToString()} Price {listingEntry.HousePrice.ToString()}");;

Пример #2
        private void OnHousingWardInfo(IntPtr dataPtr)
            HousingWardInfo wardInfo = HousingWardInfo.Read(dataPtr);

            PluginLog.LogDebug($"Got HousingWardInfo for ward: {wardInfo.LandIdent.WardNumber} territory: {wardInfo.LandIdent.TerritoryTypeId}");

            // if the current wardinfo is for a different district than the last swept one, print the header\
            // or if the last sweep was > 10m ago
            if (wardInfo.LandIdent.WorldId != lastSweptDistrictWorldId ||
                wardInfo.LandIdent.TerritoryTypeId != lastSweptDistrictTerritoryTypeId ||
                lastSweepTime < (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)))
                // reset last sweep info to the current sweep
                lastSweptDistrictWorldId         = wardInfo.LandIdent.WorldId;
                lastSweptDistrictTerritoryTypeId = wardInfo.LandIdent.TerritoryTypeId;
                lastSweepTime = DateTime.Now;

                var districtName = this.territories.GetRow((uint)wardInfo.LandIdent.TerritoryTypeId).PlaceName.Value.Name;
                var worldName    = this.worlds.GetRow((uint)wardInfo.LandIdent.WorldId).Name;
                this.pi.Framework.Gui.Chat.Print($"Began sweep for {districtName} ({worldName})");

            // if we've seen this ward already, ignore it
            if (lastSweptDistrictSeenWardNumbers.Contains(wardInfo.LandIdent.WardNumber))
                PluginLog.LogDebug($"Skipped processing HousingWardInfo for ward: {wardInfo.LandIdent.WardNumber} because we have seen it already");

            // add the ward number to this sweep's seen numbers
            // if that's all the wards, give the user a cookie
            if (lastSweptDistrictSeenWardNumbers.Count == numWardsPerDistrict)
                this.pi.Framework.Gui.Chat.Print($"Swept all {numWardsPerDistrict} wards. Thank you!");

            // iterate over houses to find open houses
            for (int i = 0; i < wardInfo.HouseInfoEntries.Length; i++)
                HouseInfoEntry houseInfoEntry = wardInfo.HouseInfoEntries[i];
                    $"Got {wardInfo.LandIdent.WardNumber + 1}-{i + 1}: owned by {houseInfoEntry.EstateOwnerName}, flags {houseInfoEntry.InfoFlags}, price {houseInfoEntry.HousePrice}");
                if ((houseInfoEntry.InfoFlags & HousingFlags.PlotOwned) == 0)
                    this.OnFoundOpenHouse(wardInfo, houseInfoEntry, i);
            PluginLog.LogDebug($"Done processing HousingWardInfo for ward: {wardInfo.LandIdent.WardNumber}");
Пример #3
        private void OnFoundOpenHouse(HousingWardInfo wardInfo, HouseInfoEntry houseInfoEntry, int plotNumber)
            var place        = this.territories.GetRow((uint)wardInfo.LandIdent.TerritoryTypeId).PlaceName.Value;
            var districtName = place.NameNoArticle.RawString.Length > 0 ? place.NameNoArticle : place.Name; // languages like German do not use NameNoArticle (#2)
            var worldName    = this.worlds.GetRow((uint)wardInfo.LandIdent.WorldId).Name;

            // gross way of getting the landset from the territorytype but the game does not send the correct landsetid
            uint landSetIndex = (uint)wardInfo.LandIdent.TerritoryTypeId - 339;

            landSetIndex = landSetIndex > 3 ? 3 : landSetIndex;
            var houseSize = this.housingLandSets.GetRow(landSetIndex).PlotSize[plotNumber];

            var    districtNameNoSpaces = districtName.ToString().Replace(" ", "");
            int    wardNum            = wardInfo.LandIdent.WardNumber + 1;
            int    plotNum            = plotNumber + 1;
            float  housePriceMillions = houseInfoEntry.HousePrice / 1000000f;
            string houseSizeName      = houseSize == 0 ? "Small" : houseSize == 1 ? "Medium" : "Large";

            pi.CommandManager.ProcessCommand("/hsplotnotify " + wardNum.ToString());

            string output;

            switch (configuration.OutputFormat)
            case OutputFormat.Pings:
                output = $"@{houseSizeName}{districtNameNoSpaces} {wardNum}-{plotNum} ({housePriceMillions:F3}m)";

            case OutputFormat.EnoBot:
                output = $"##forsale {districtNameNoSpaces} w{wardNum} p{plotNum}";

            case OutputFormat.Custom:
                output = FormatCustomOutputString(this.configuration.OutputFormatString, districtName.ToString(), districtNameNoSpaces, worldName, wardNum.ToString(),
                                                  plotNum.ToString(), houseInfoEntry.HousePrice.ToString(), housePriceMillions.ToString("F3"), houseSizeName);

                output = $"{districtName} {wardNum}-{plotNum} ({housePriceMillions:F3}m)";