public static void Tab() { Prefab.MenuArea(new Rect(0, 0, 466, 436), "AIMBOT", () => { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(230)); Prefab.Toggle("Enabled", ref AimbotOptions.Enabled); if (!AimbotOptions.Enabled) { GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return; } Prefab.Toggle("Use Gun Distance", ref AimbotOptions.UseGunDistance); Prefab.Toggle("Smooth", ref AimbotOptions.Smooth); Prefab.Toggle($"Use Key ({HotkeyUtilities.GetHotkeyString("Aimbot", "_AimbotKey")})", ref AimbotOptions.OnKey); if (!AimbotOptions.OnKey) { Prefab.Toggle($"Use Release Key ({HotkeyUtilities.GetHotkeyString("Aimbot", "_AimbotReleaseKey")})", ref AimbotOptions.UseReleaseAimKey); } Prefab.Toggle("Aim Through Walls", ref AimbotOptions.AimThroughWalls); GUILayout.Space(3); if (AimbotOptions.Smooth) { GUILayout.Label("Aim Speed: " + AimbotOptions.AimSpeed, Prefab._TextStyle); AimbotOptions.AimSpeed = (int)Prefab.Slider(1, AimbotOptions.MaxSpeed, AimbotOptions.AimSpeed, 200); } if (AimbotOptions.TargetMode == Misc.Enums.TargetMode.FOV) { GUILayout.Label("FOV: " + AimbotOptions.FOV, Prefab._TextStyle); AimbotOptions.FOV = (int)Prefab.Slider(1, 180, AimbotOptions.FOV, 200); Prefab.Toggle("Target Closest in FOV", ref AimbotOptions.ClosestInFOV); } GUILayout.Label("Distance: " + AimbotOptions.Distance, Prefab._TextStyle); AimbotOptions.Distance = (int)Prefab.Slider(50, 1000, AimbotOptions.Distance, 200); GUIContent[] TargetMode = { new GUIContent("Distance"), new GUIContent("FOV") }; if (Prefab.List(200, "_TargetMode", new GUIContent("Target Mode: " + TargetMode[(int)AimbotOptions.TargetMode].text), TargetMode)) { AimbotOptions.TargetMode = (TargetMode)DropDown.Get("_TargetMode").ListIndex; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }); }
// Token: 0x060002CC RID: 716 RVA: 0x0001C8E0 File Offset: 0x0001AAE0 public static void PlayerFlight() { Player mainPlayer = OptimizationVariables.MainPlayer; bool flag = !MiscOptions.PlayerFlight; bool flag2 = flag; if (flag2) { ItemCloudAsset itemCloudAsset = as ItemCloudAsset; mainPlayer.movement.itemGravityMultiplier = ((itemCloudAsset != null) ? itemCloudAsset.gravity : 1f); } else { mainPlayer.movement.itemGravityMultiplier = 0f; float flightSpeedMultiplier = MiscOptions.FlightSpeedMultiplier; bool flag3 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_FlyUp"); bool flag4 = flag3; if (flag4) { mainPlayer.transform.position += mainPlayer.transform.up / 5f * flightSpeedMultiplier; } bool flag5 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_FlyDown"); bool flag6 = flag5; if (flag6) { mainPlayer.transform.position -= mainPlayer.transform.up / 5f * flightSpeedMultiplier; } bool flag7 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_FlyLeft"); bool flag8 = flag7; if (flag8) { mainPlayer.transform.position -= mainPlayer.transform.right / 5f * flightSpeedMultiplier; } bool flag9 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_FlyRight"); bool flag10 = flag9; if (flag10) { mainPlayer.transform.position += mainPlayer.transform.right / 5f * flightSpeedMultiplier; } bool flag11 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_FlyForward"); bool flag12 = flag11; if (flag12) { mainPlayer.transform.position += mainPlayer.transform.forward / 5f * flightSpeedMultiplier; } bool flag13 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_FlyBackward"); bool flag14 = flag13; if (flag14) { mainPlayer.transform.position -= mainPlayer.transform.forward / 5f * flightSpeedMultiplier; } } }
// Token: 0x06000170 RID: 368 RVA: 0x00002B12 File Offset: 0x00000D12 public static IEnumerator AimToObject() { for (;;) { bool flag = !DrawUtilities.ShouldRun() || !AimbotOptions.Enabled; bool flag4 = flag; if (flag4) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } else { bool flag2 = AimbotCoroutines.LockedObject != null && AimbotCoroutines.LockedObject.transform != null && ESPComponent.MainCamera != null; bool flag5 = flag2; if (flag5) { bool flag3 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_AimbotKey") || !AimbotOptions.OnKey; bool flag6 = flag3; if (flag6) { AimbotCoroutines.IsAiming = true; bool smooth = AimbotOptions.Smooth; bool flag7 = smooth; if (flag7) { AimbotCoroutines.SmoothAim(AimbotCoroutines.LockedObject); } else { AimbotCoroutines.Aim(AimbotCoroutines.LockedObject); } } else { AimbotCoroutines.IsAiming = false; } } else { AimbotCoroutines.IsAiming = false; } yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } } yield break; }
public void Update() { HotkeyUtilities.Initialize(); if (!HotkeyOptions.UnorganizedHotkeys.ContainsKey("_Menu")) { HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Прочее", "Активация меню", "_MenuComponent", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.F1 }); } if ((HotkeyOptions.UnorganizedHotkeys["_MenuComponent"].Keys.Length == 0 && Input.GetKeyDown(MenuComponent.MenuKey)) || HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyDown("_MenuComponent")) { MenuComponent.IsInMenu = !MenuComponent.IsInMenu; if (MenuComponent.IsInMenu) { SectionTab.CurrentSectionTab = null; } } }
// Token: 0x060002B2 RID: 690 RVA: 0x0001BAA0 File Offset: 0x00019CA0 public void Update() { bool needsKeys = HotkeyComponent.NeedsKeys; bool flag = needsKeys; if (flag) { List <KeyCode> currentKeys = HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys.ToList <KeyCode>(); HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys.Clear(); foreach (KeyCode keyCode in HotkeyComponent.Keys) { bool key = Input.GetKey(keyCode); bool flag2 = key; if (flag2) { HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys.Add(keyCode); } } bool flag3 = HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys.Count < HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeyCount && HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeyCount > 0; bool flag4 = flag3; if (flag4) { HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys = currentKeys; HotkeyComponent.StopKeys = true; } HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeyCount = HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys.Count; } bool isInMenu = MenuComponent.IsInMenu; bool flag5 = !isInMenu; if (flag5) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.Action> keyValuePair in HotkeyComponent.ActionDict) { bool flag6 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyDown(keyValuePair.Key); bool flag7 = flag6; if (flag7) { keyValuePair.Value(); } } } }
public static void Tab() { Prefab.MenuArea(new Rect(0, 0, 466, 436), "MORE MISC", () => { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(230)); GUILayout.Space(2); Prefab.Toggle("Auto Item Pickup", ref ItemOptions.AutoItemPickup); if (ItemOptions.AutoItemPickup) { GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.Label("Delay: " + ItemOptions.ItemPickupDelay + "ms", Prefab._TextStyle); GUILayout.Space(2); ItemOptions.ItemPickupDelay = (int)Prefab.Slider(0, 3000, ItemOptions.ItemPickupDelay, 175); } GUILayout.Space(5); Prefab.Toggle("Oof on Death", ref WeaponOptions.OofOnDeath); GUILayout.Space(5); ItemUtilities.DrawFilterTab(ItemOptions.ItemFilterOptions); GUILayout.Space(5); GUIContent[] SpyMethods = { new GUIContent("Remove All Visuals"), new GUIContent("Random Image in Folder"), new GUIContent("Send No Image"), new GUIContent("No Anti-Spy") }; GUILayout.Label("Anti-Spy Method:", Prefab._TextStyle); if (Prefab.List(200, "_SpyMethods", new GUIContent(SpyMethods[MiscOptions.AntiSpyMethod].text), SpyMethods)) { MiscOptions.AntiSpyMethod = DropDown.Get("_SpyMethods").ListIndex; } if (MiscOptions.AntiSpyMethod == 1) { GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label("Anti-Spy Image Folder:", Prefab._TextStyle); MiscOptions.AntiSpyPath = Prefab.TextField(MiscOptions.AntiSpyPath, "", 225); } GUILayout.Space(2); Prefab.Toggle("Alert on Spy", ref MiscOptions.AlertOnSpy); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label($"Min Time Between Spy: {Math.Round(MiscOptions.MinTimeBetweenSpy, 2)}s", Prefab._TextStyle); GUILayout.Space(2); MiscOptions.MinTimeBetweenSpy = Prefab.Slider(0, 10, MiscOptions.MinTimeBetweenSpy, 200); GUILayout.Space(4); Prefab.Toggle("Punch Killaura", ref MiscOptions.PunchAura); GUILayout.Space(5); Prefab.Toggle("Spinbot", ref MiscOptions.Spinbot); if (MiscOptions.Spinbot) { GUILayout.Space(2); Prefab.Toggle("Static Pitch", ref MiscOptions.StaticSpinbotPitch); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label($"Spinbot Pitch {(!MiscOptions.StaticSpinbotPitch ? "Incr." : "")}: " + MiscOptions.SpinbotPitch, Prefab._TextStyle); GUILayout.Space(2); MiscOptions.SpinbotPitch = Prefab.Slider(0, 180, MiscOptions.SpinbotPitch, 200); GUILayout.Space(2); Prefab.Toggle("Static Yaw", ref MiscOptions.StaticSpinbotYaw); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label($"Spinbot Yaw {(!MiscOptions.StaticSpinbotYaw ? "Incr." : "")}: " + MiscOptions.SpinbotYaw, Prefab._TextStyle); GUILayout.Space(2); MiscOptions.SpinbotYaw = Prefab.Slider(0, 360, MiscOptions.SpinbotYaw, 200); } /*GUILayout.Space(3); * Prefab.Toggle("Spam Join Server", ref MiscOptions.AutoJoin); * GUILayout.Space(5); * MiscOptions.AutoJoinIP = Prefab.TextField(MiscOptions.AutoJoinIP, "IP:Port", 200);*/ GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("Time Acceleration: " + MiscOptions.TimeAcceleration + "x", Prefab._TextStyle); GUILayout.Space(2); MiscOptions.TimeAcceleration = (int)Prefab.Slider(1, 4, MiscOptions.TimeAcceleration, 200); int n = MiscOptions.TimeAcceleration; int v = n; v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; // next power of 2 int x = v >> 1; // previous power of 2 MiscOptions.TimeAcceleration = (v - n) > (n - x) ? x : v; GUILayout.Space(5); Prefab.Toggle("Extended Pickup Range", ref MiscOptions.IncreaseNearbyItemDistance); if (MiscOptions.IncreaseNearbyItemDistance) { GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label("Range: " + MiscOptions.NearbyItemDistance, Prefab._TextStyle); GUILayout.Space(2); MiscOptions.NearbyItemDistance = (float)Math.Round(Prefab.Slider(0, 20, MiscOptions.NearbyItemDistance, 200), 2); } GUILayout.Space(5); Prefab.Toggle("Voicechat Key Pressed", ref MiscOptions.PerpetualVoiceChat); GUILayout.Space(5); Prefab.Toggle($"Zoom on Hotkey ({HotkeyUtilities.GetHotkeyString("Misc", "_Zoom")})", ref MiscOptions.ZoomOnHotkey); if (MiscOptions.ZoomOnHotkey) { GUILayout.Space(2); Prefab.Toggle("Zoom Instantly", ref MiscOptions.InstantZoom); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label("Zoom FOV: " + MiscOptions.ZoomFOV, Prefab._TextStyle); GUILayout.Space(2); MiscOptions.ZoomFOV = (int)Prefab.Slider(0, 32, MiscOptions.ZoomFOV, 200); } GUILayout.Space(5); Prefab.Toggle("Message on Kill", ref MiscOptions.MessageOnKill); if (MiscOptions.MessageOnKill) { GUILayout.Space(2); MiscOptions.KillMessage = Prefab.TextField(MiscOptions.KillMessage, "Message: ", 175); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }); }
public void Update() { if (HotkeyComponent.NeedsKeys) { List <KeyCode> currentKeys = HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys.ToList <KeyCode>(); HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys.Clear(); foreach (KeyCode keyCode in HotkeyComponent.Keys) { if (Input.GetKey(keyCode)) { HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys.Add(keyCode); } } if (HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys.Count < HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeyCount && HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeyCount > 0) { HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys = currentKeys; HotkeyComponent.StopKeys = true; } HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeyCount = HotkeyComponent.CurrentKeys.Count; } if (!MenuComponent.IsInMenu) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.Action> keyValuePair in HotkeyComponent.ActionDict) { if ((!MiscOptions.PanicMode || keyValuePair.Key == "_PanicButton") && HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyDown(keyValuePair.Key)) { keyValuePair.Value.Invoke(); } } return; } }
public static void VehicleFlight() { InteractableVehicle vehicle = OptimizationVariables.MainPlayer.movement.getVehicle(); bool flag = vehicle == null; if (!flag) { Rigidbody component = vehicle.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); bool flag2 = component == null; if (!flag2) { bool vehicleFly = MiscOptions.VehicleFly; if (vehicleFly) { float num = MiscOptions.VehicleUseMaxSpeed ? (vehicle.asset.speedMax * Time.fixedDeltaTime) : (MiscOptions.SpeedMultiplier / 3f); component.useGravity = false; component.isKinematic = true; Transform transform = vehicle.transform; bool flag3 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFStrafeUp"); if (flag3) { transform.position += new Vector3(0f, num * 0.65f, 0f); } bool flag4 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFStrafeDown"); if (flag4) { transform.position -= new Vector3(0f, num * 0.65f, 0f); } bool flag5 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFStrafeLeft"); if (flag5) { component.MovePosition(transform.position - transform.right * num); } bool flag6 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFStrafeRight"); if (flag6) { component.MovePosition(transform.position + transform.right * num); } bool flag7 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFMoveForward"); if (flag7) { component.MovePosition(transform.position + transform.forward * num); } bool flag8 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFMoveBackward"); if (flag8) { component.MovePosition(transform.position - transform.forward * num); } bool flag9 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFRotateRight"); if (flag9) { transform.Rotate(0f, 1f, 0f); } bool flag10 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFRotateLeft"); if (flag10) { transform.Rotate(0f, -1f, 0f); } bool flag11 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFRollLeft"); if (flag11) { transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, 2f); } bool flag12 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFRollRight"); if (flag12) { transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, -2f); } bool flag13 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFRotateUp"); if (flag13) { vehicle.transform.Rotate(-2f, 0f, 0f); } bool flag14 = HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_VFRotateDown"); if (flag14) { vehicle.transform.Rotate(2f, 0f, 0f); } } else { component.useGravity = true; component.isKinematic = false; } } } }
public static void Tab() { Prefab.MenuArea(new Rect(0, 0, 466, 436), "SILENT AIM", () => { GUILayout.Space(2); Prefab.Toggle("Enabled", ref RaycastOptions.Enabled); if (!RaycastOptions.Enabled) { return; } GUILayout.Space(5); Prefab.Toggle($"Hold Key ({HotkeyUtilities.GetHotkeyString("SilentAim", "_SilentAimKey")})", ref RaycastOptions.HoldKey); GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.Space(10); Prefab.Toggle("Sphere position prediction", ref SphereOptions.SpherePrediction); GUILayout.Space(5); if (!SphereOptions.SpherePrediction) { GUILayout.Label("Sphere Radius: " + Math.Round(SphereOptions.SphereRadius, 2) + "m", Prefab._TextStyle); Prefab.Slider(0, 16, ref SphereOptions.SphereRadius, 200); } GUILayout.Label("Recursion Level: " + SphereOptions.RecursionLevel, Prefab._TextStyle); SphereOptions.RecursionLevel = (int)Prefab.Slider(0, 4, SphereOptions.RecursionLevel, 200); GUILayout.Space(10); string[] TargetPriorities = { "Players", "Zombies", "Sentries", "Beds", "Claim Flags", "Storage", "Vehicles" }; for (int i = 0; i < TargetPriorities.Length; i++) { TargetPriority target = (TargetPriority)i; bool enabled = RaycastOptions.Targets.Contains(target); bool wasEnabled = enabled; Prefab.Toggle("Include " + TargetPriorities[i], ref enabled); if (enabled && !wasEnabled) { RaycastOptions.Targets.Add(target); } else if (!enabled && wasEnabled) { RaycastOptions.Targets.Remove(target); } } GUILayout.Space(15); Prefab.Toggle("Select Player", ref RaycastOptions.EnablePlayerSelection); if (RaycastOptions.EnablePlayerSelection) { GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label("Selection FOV: " + RaycastOptions.SelectedFOV, Prefab._TextStyle); RaycastOptions.SelectedFOV = Prefab.Slider(1, 180, RaycastOptions.SelectedFOV, 200); Prefab.Toggle("Only Shoot Selected", ref RaycastOptions.OnlyShootAtSelectedPlayer); } GUILayout.Space(2); Prefab.Toggle("Use FOV", ref RaycastOptions.SilentAimUseFOV); if (RaycastOptions.SilentAimUseFOV) { GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label("Aim FOV: " + RaycastOptions.SilentAimFOV, Prefab._TextStyle); RaycastOptions.SilentAimFOV = Prefab.Slider(1, 180, RaycastOptions.SilentAimFOV, 200); } }); }
public void OV_ballistics() { Useable PlayerUse =; if (Provider.isServer) { OverrideUtilities.CallOriginal(PlayerUse); return; } if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - PlayerLifeUI.hitmarkers[0].lastHit > PlayerUI.HIT_TIME) { PlayerLifeUI.hitmarkers[0].hitBuildImage.isVisible = false; PlayerLifeUI.hitmarkers[0].hitCriticalImage.isVisible = false; PlayerLifeUI.hitmarkers[0].hitEntitiyImage.isVisible = false; } ItemGunAsset PAsset = (ItemGunAsset); PlayerLook Look = OptimizationVariables.MainPlayer.look; if (PAsset.projectile != null) return; List<BulletInfo> Bullets = (List<BulletInfo>)BulletsField.GetValue(PlayerUse); if (Bullets.Count == 0) return; RaycastInfo ri = null; if (RaycastOptions.Enabled && (!RaycastOptions.HoldKey || HotkeyUtilities.IsHotkeyHeld("_SilentAimKey"))) RaycastUtilities.GenerateRaycast(out ri); if (Provider.modeConfigData.Gameplay.Ballistics) { if (ri == null) { if (WeaponOptions.NoDrop && ri == null) { for (int i = 0; i < Bullets.Count; i++) { BulletInfo bulletInfo = Bullets[i]; Ray ray = new Ray(bulletInfo.pos, bulletInfo.dir); RaycastInfo rayInfo = DamageTool.raycast(ray, PAsset.ballisticTravel, RayMasks.DAMAGE_CLIENT); if (IsRaycastInvalid(rayInfo)) bulletInfo.pos += bulletInfo.dir * PAsset.ballisticTravel; else { EPlayerHit playerHit = CalcHitMarker(PAsset, ref rayInfo); PlayerUI.hitmark(0,, false, playerHit); OptimizationVariables.MainPlayer.input.sendRaycast(rayInfo); bulletInfo.steps = 254; } } for (int i = Bullets.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BulletInfo bulletInfo = Bullets[i]; bulletInfo.steps += 1; if (bulletInfo.steps >= PAsset.ballisticSteps) Bullets.RemoveAt(i); } return; } if (ri == null) { OverrideUtilities.CallOriginal(PlayerUse); return; } } for (int i = 0; i < Bullets.Count; i++) { BulletInfo bulletInfo = Bullets[i]; double distance = VectorUtilities.GetDistance(OptimizationVariables.MainPlayer.transform.position, ri.point); if (bulletInfo.steps * PAsset.ballisticTravel < distance) continue; EPlayerHit eplayerhit = CalcHitMarker(PAsset, ref ri); PlayerUI.hitmark(0,, false, eplayerhit); OptimizationVariables.MainPlayer.input.sendRaycast(ri); bulletInfo.steps = 254; } for (int k = Bullets.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--) { BulletInfo bulletInfo = Bullets[k]; bulletInfo.steps += 1; if (bulletInfo.steps >= PAsset.ballisticSteps) Bullets.RemoveAt(k); } } else { if (ri != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Bullets.Count; i++) { EPlayerHit eplayerhit = CalcHitMarker(PAsset, ref ri); PlayerUI.hitmark(0,, false, eplayerhit); OptimizationVariables.MainPlayer.input.sendRaycast(ri); } Bullets.Clear(); } else OverrideUtilities.CallOriginal(PlayerUse); } }
public static void Initialize() { HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("АИМБОТ", "Аимбот On/Off", "_ToggleAimbot", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Keypad3 }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("АИМБОТ", "Аимбот по кнопке On/Off", "_AimbotOnKey", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Keypad4 }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("АИМБОТ", "Кнопка Аимбота", "_AimbotKey", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.F }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("ОРУЖИЕ", "Триггербот On/Off", "_ToggleTriggerbot", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Keypad5 }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("ОРУЖИЕ", "Без отдачи On/Off", "_ToggleNoRecoil", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Keypad6 }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("ОРУЖИЕ", "Без разброса On/Off", "_ToggleNoSpread", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Keypad7 }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("ОРУЖИЕ", "Без увода On/Off", "_ToggleNoSway", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Keypad8 }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Полёт машины On/Off", "_VFToggle", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Slash }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Вверх", "_VFStrafeUp", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.RightControl }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Вниз", "_VFStrafeDown", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.LeftControl }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Влево", "_VFStrafeLeft", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.LeftBracket }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Вправо", "_VFStrafeRight", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.RightBracket }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Движение вперёд", "_VFMoveForward", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.W }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Движение назад", "_VFMoveBackward", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.S }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Поворот налево", "_VFRotateLeft", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.A }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Поворот направо", "_VFRotateRight", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.D }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Поворот вверх", "_VFRotateUp", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Space }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Поворот вниз", "_VFRotateDown", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.LeftShift }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Вращаться влево", "_VFRollLeft", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Q }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт Машины", "Вращаться вправо", "_VFRollRight", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.E }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт игрока", "Вверх", "_FlyUp", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Space }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт игрока", "Вниз", "_FlyDown", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.LeftControl }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт игрока", "Влево", "_FlyLeft", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.A }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт игрока", "Вправо", "_FlyRight", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.D }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт игрока", "Движение вперёд", "_FlyForward", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.W }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Полёт игрока", "Движение назад", "_FlyBackward", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.S }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Прочее", "Паник-кей", "_PanicButton", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Keypad0 }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Прочее", "Свободная камера On/Off", "_ToggleFreecam", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Keypad2 }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Прочее", "Выбор игрока", "_SelectPlayer", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.LeftAlt }); HotkeyUtilities.AddHotkey("Прочее", "Мгновенное отключение", "_InstantDisconnect", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.F5 }); AddHotkey("Прочее", "Авто подбор вещей", "_AutoPickUp", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.Mouse2 }); AddHotkey("Прочее", "Команда 1", "_Com1", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.F8 }); AddHotkey("Прочее", "Команда 2", "_Com2", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.F9 }); AddHotkey("Прочее", "Команда 3", "_Com3", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.F10 }); AddHotkey("Прочее", "Команда 4", "_Com4", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.F11 }); AddHotkey("Прочее", "Команда 5", "_Com5", new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.F12 }); }