public void populateMenus() { HotelMenu clsHotelMenu = new HotelMenu(); try { } finally { clsHotelMenu = null; } }
public void populateMenus(string sMenuType) { HotelMenu clsHotelMenu = new HotelMenu(); try { dlMenuItems.DataSource = clsHotelMenu.getMenuItemsByType(sMenuType); dlMenuItems.DataBind(); } finally { clsHotelMenu = null; } }
protected void populateRecipe() { HotelMenu clsHotelMenu = new HotelMenu(); try { grdMenus.DataSource = null; grdMenus.DataSource = clsHotelMenu.getMenuForMgmt(); grdMenus.DataBind(); } finally { clsHotelMenu = null; } }
public void populateMenus() { HotelMenu clsHotelMenu = new HotelMenu(); try { dlMenuItems.Items.Clear(); dlMenuItems.DataSource = clsHotelMenu.getMenuItemsForRecipe(); dlMenuItems.DataBind(); } finally { clsHotelMenu = null; } }
protected void populateRecipe() { HotelMenu clsHotelMenu = new HotelMenu(); try { grdRecipe.DataSource = null; grdRecipe.DataSource = clsHotelMenu.getRecipeForMenu(Convert.ToInt16(dlMenuItems.SelectedValue.ToString())); grdRecipe.DataBind(); } finally { clsHotelMenu = null; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { HotelMenu objHotelMenu = new HotelMenu(); try { //validate if (txtMenuName.Text != "" && txtCost.Text !="") { objHotelMenu.insertNewMenuItem( Convert.ToInt16(dlMenuType.SelectedValue), txtMenuName.Text.Trim(), Convert.ToDecimal(txtCost.Text), Convert.ToInt16(Session[Constants.SVAR_USER_ID]), int.Parse(Session[Constants.SVAR_HOTEL_ID].ToString()), selectedIndexesOfCheckBoxList(chkTaxMaster)) ; txtCost.Text = ""; chkTaxMaster.ClearSelection(); //show success lblValidation.Text = "Save Success"; lblValidation.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; lblValidation.Font.Bold = true; } else { lblValidation.Text = "You must provide menu name, cost and tax code associated with it."; lblValidation.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; lblValidation.Font.Bold = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("~/Web/error.aspx?msg=" + Server.UrlEncode(ex.Message.ToString()).ToString(), false); } finally { } } }