Пример #1
    protected void btnHRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string imagefile = "notavailable.jpg";

        if (FileUpload3.HasFile) //checking whether the file upload has the file
            imagefile = FileUpload3.FileName;
            FileUpload3.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/images/" + imagefile));//store the file in the images folder
        Random rndRandom = new Random();
        int    newLicNo  = rndRandom.Next(1, 1000);
        Hotel  h         = new Hotel()
            OrgEmail     = tbxHEmail.Text,
            Name         = tbxHName.Text,
            RegID        = tbxHRegID.Text,
            Address      = tbxHAddress.Text,
            PostalCode   = tbxHPostalCode.Text,
            City         = tbxHCity.Text,
            Country      = tbxHCountry.Text,
            Password     = tbxHPassword.Text,
            ContactNo    = tbxHPhone.Text,
            Description  = "Not Applicable",
            License      = "SH" + newLicNo,
            StarRating   = Convert.ToInt32(5),
            Photo        = imagefile,
            Verification = false
        int id = HotelDB.insertHotel(h);

        lblOutput.Text = id + "Registered Successfully!";