Пример #1
        public void SetIssuesWorks()
            var sut = new HosterRepository("foo", "foo", "http://clone", ScmType.Git);

            sut.SetIssues(true, "url");

            Assert.Equal("url", sut.IssueUrl);
Пример #2
        public void BackupBaseExecutesAllSubMethods()
            var repo = new HosterRepository("foo", "foo", "http://clone", ScmType.Git);

            repo.SetWiki(true, "http://wiki");
            repo.SetIssues(true, "http://issues");

            var sut = new FakeHosterBackup();

            sut.MakeBackup(new ConfigSource(), repo, @"c:\foo");

Пример #3
        public void MakeBackupCallsUnderlyingMethod()
            var hoster = new FakeHoster();

            var factory = new FakeHosterFactory(hoster);
            var repo    = new HosterRepository("foo", "foo", "http://clone", ScmType.Git);

            repo.SetWiki(true, "http://wiki");
            repo.SetIssues(true, "http://issues");

            var reader = new FakeConfigReader();

            var config = reader.ReadConfig();
            var source = config.Sources.First();

            var sut = new HosterBackupMaker(factory);

            sut.MakeBackup(source, repo, "foo");

Пример #4
        public List <HosterRepository> GetRepositoryList(ConfigSource source)
            var    list      = new List <HosterRepository>();
            string className = this.GetType().Name;

            var product = new ProductHeaderValue(this.context.UserAgent, this.context.VersionNumberString);
            var client  = new GitHubClient(product);

            if (source.IsAuthenticated)
                var basicAuth = new Credentials(source.AuthName, source.Password);
                client.Credentials = basicAuth;

            IReadOnlyList <Repository> repos = null;

                switch (source.Type.ToLower())
                case "user":

                    if (source.IsAuthenticated)
                        // If authenticated, lists ALL repos for the user, include private ones (https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-your-repositories)
                        repos = client.Repository.GetAllForCurrent().Result;
                        // GetAllForCurrent REQUIRES authentication, so we must use GetAllForUser when not authenticated to list public repos (https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-user-repositories)
                        repos = client.Repository.GetAllForUser(source.Name).Result;


                case "org":

                    repos = client.Repository.GetAllForOrg(source.Name).Result;
            catch (Exception e)
                string message = e.Message;

                if (e.InnerException is AuthorizationException)
                    message = string.Format(Resource.ApiAuthenticationFailed, source.AuthName);
                else if (e.InnerException is ForbiddenException)
                    message = Resource.ApiMissingPermissions;
                else if (e.InnerException is NotFoundException)
                    message = string.Format(Resource.ApiInvalidUsername, source.Name);

                throw new ApiException(message, e);

            // Check the right scope:
            // #29: when authenticated, the personal access token must at least have the "repo" scope, otherwise the API doesn't return private repos
            // There are no tests for this, because this would require everybody to create a second token with insufficient permissions in order to run the integration tests.
            // -> so we just throw an exception here, which means that most of the integration tests will fail
            if (source.IsAuthenticated)
                var info = client.GetLastApiInfo();
                if (!info.OauthScopes.Contains("repo"))
                    throw new SecurityException(string.Format(Resource.ApiGithubNotEnoughScope, source.Title));

            var scm = this.factory.Create(ScmType.Git);

            if (repos != null)
                // #29: GetAllForCurrent (see above) returns ALL repos the user has access to (for example, the repos of orgs where the user is a member).
                // We only want the repos under the user:
                var userRepos = repos.Where(r => r.Owner.Login == source.Name);

                foreach (var apiRepo in userRepos)
                    var repo = new HosterRepository(apiRepo.FullName, apiRepo.Name, apiRepo.CloneUrl, ScmType.Git);


                    if (apiRepo.HasWiki && apiRepo.CloneUrl.EndsWith(".git"))
                        // build wiki clone URL, because API doesn't return it
                        string wikiUrl = apiRepo.CloneUrl.Substring(0, apiRepo.CloneUrl.Length - ".git".Length) + ".wiki.git";

                        // issue #13: the GitHub API only returns whether it's *possible* to create a wiki, but not if the repo actually *has* a wiki.
                        // So we need to skip the wiki when the URL (which we just built manually) is not a valid repository.
                        if (scm.RemoteRepositoryExists(wikiUrl))
                            repo.SetWiki(true, wikiUrl);

                    if (apiRepo.HasIssues)
                        // The API has only a URL for one issue (with a placeholder at the end), but this URL isn't in Octokit.
                        // So we have to build it manually:
                        repo.SetIssues(true, apiRepo.Url + "/issues/");


Пример #5
        public List <HosterRepository> GetRepositoryList(ConfigSource source)
            var    list      = new List <HosterRepository>();
            string className = this.GetType().Name;

            var product = new ProductHeaderValue(this.context.UserAgent, this.context.VersionNumberString);
            var client  = new GitHubClient(product);

            if (source.IsAuthenticated)
                var basicAuth = new Credentials(source.AuthName, source.Password);
                client.Credentials = basicAuth;

            IReadOnlyList <Repository> repos = null;

                switch (source.Type.ToLower())
                case "user":

                    repos = client.Repository.GetAllForUser(source.Name).Result;

                case "org":

                    repos = client.Repository.GetAllForOrg(source.Name).Result;
            catch (Exception e)
                string message = e.Message;

                if (e.InnerException is AuthorizationException)
                    message = string.Format(Resource.ApiAuthenticationFailed, source.AuthName);
                else if (e.InnerException is ForbiddenException)
                    message = Resource.ApiMissingPermissions;
                else if (e.InnerException is NotFoundException)
                    message = string.Format(Resource.ApiInvalidUsername, source.Name);

                throw new ApiException(message, e);

            var scm = this.factory.Create(ScmType.Git);

            if (repos != null)
                foreach (var apiRepo in repos)
                    var repo = new HosterRepository(apiRepo.FullName, apiRepo.Name, apiRepo.CloneUrl, ScmType.Git);


                    if (apiRepo.HasWiki && apiRepo.CloneUrl.EndsWith(".git"))
                        // build wiki clone URL, because API doesn't return it
                        string wikiUrl = apiRepo.CloneUrl.Substring(0, apiRepo.CloneUrl.Length - ".git".Length) + ".wiki.git";

                        // issue #13: the GitHub API only returns whether it's *possible* to create a wiki, but not if the repo actually *has* a wiki.
                        // So we need to skip the wiki when the URL (which we just built manually) is not a valid repository.
                        if (scm.RemoteRepositoryExists(wikiUrl))
                            repo.SetWiki(true, wikiUrl);

                    if (apiRepo.HasIssues)
                        // The API has only a URL for one issue (with a placeholder at the end), but this URL isn't in Octokit.
                        // So we have to build it manually:
                        repo.SetIssues(true, apiRepo.Url + "/issues/");

