Пример #1
        public override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
            _layer     = null;
            _instances = null;

Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a empty GraphDocument with no layers and a standard size of A4 landscape.
 /// </summary>
 public GraphDocument()
     RootLayer = new HostLayer()
         ParentObject = this
     RootLayer.Location = new ItemLocationDirect {
         SizeX = RADouble.NewAbs(DefaultRootLayerSizeX), SizeY = RADouble.NewAbs(DefaultRootLayerSizeY)
Пример #3
        public GraphDocumentPrintTask(HostLayer rootLayer, SingleGraphPrintOptions options)
            _layers       = rootLayer;
            _printOptions = options;

            _page = 0;

            if (null == _printOptions)
                _printOptions = new SingleGraphPrintOptions();
Пример #4
        public override bool InitializeDocument(params object[] args)
            if (args.Length < 2)
            if (!(args[1] is HostLayer))
            _layer = (HostLayer)args[1];

Пример #5
        public GraphDocument(GraphDocument from)
            using (var suppressToken = SuspendGetToken())
                _creationTime = _lastChangeTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                RootLayer     = new HostLayer(null, new ItemLocationDirect {
                    SizeX = RADouble.NewAbs(814), SizeY = RADouble.NewAbs(567)

                CopyFrom(from, GraphCopyOptions.All);

Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a empty GraphDocument with no layers and a standard size of A4 landscape.
 /// </summary>
 public GraphDocument()
     _camera   = new Camera.OrthographicCamera();
     _lighting = new LightSettings();
     RootLayer = new HostLayer()
         ParentObject = this
     RootLayer.Location = new ItemLocationDirect
         SizeX = RADouble.NewAbs(DefaultRootLayerSizeX),
         SizeY = RADouble.NewAbs(DefaultRootLayerSizeY),
         SizeZ = RADouble.NewAbs(DefaultRootLayerSizeZ)
Пример #7
        protected override IEnumerable <Main.DocumentNodeAndName> GetDocumentNodeChildrenWithName()
            if (null != _rootLayer)
                yield return(new Main.DocumentNodeAndName(_rootLayer, () => _rootLayer = null, "RootLayer"));

            if (null != _graphProperties)
                yield return(new Main.DocumentNodeAndName(_graphProperties, () => _graphProperties = null, "GraphProperties"));

            if (null != _notes)
                yield return(new Main.DocumentNodeAndName(_notes, () => _notes = null, "Notes"));
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EditGridMouseHandler"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view">The view.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">view</exception>
        public EditGridMouseHandler(GraphController view)
            if (null == view)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("view");

            _grac = view;


            _catchDistance_RLC = 2 / _grac.ZoomFactor;

            _layerToEdit = _grac.ActiveLayer;

            while (_layerToEdit != null && _layerToEdit.Layers.Count == 0)
                _layerToEdit = _layerToEdit.ParentLayer; // search for a parent layer which has childs
            if (_layerToEdit == null)
                _layerToEdit = _grac.Doc.RootLayer;

            if (_layerToEdit.Grid.XPartitioning.Count == 0 && _layerToEdit.Grid.YPartitioning.Count == 0)
                var result = Current.Gui.YesNoMessageBox(
                    string.Format("It seems that layer '{0}' does not define a grid yet.\r\n" +
                                  "Do you want to define a grid now based on the position of the existing child layer(s)?",
                                  Altaxo.Main.RelativeDocumentPath.GetRelativePathFromTo(_grac.Doc, _layerToEdit).ToString()),
                    "No grid defined!",

                if (result)

Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the layer arrangement dialog and then arranges the layers according to the user input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">Graph that contains the layers to arrange.</param>
        /// <param name="activeLayer">Layer that is currently active.</param>
        public static void ShowLayerArrangementDialog(this GraphDocument graph, HostLayer activeLayer)
            var    arrangement = new ArrangeLayersDocument();
            object doco        = arrangement;

            if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ref doco, "Arrange layers"))
                arrangement = (ArrangeLayersDocument)doco;
                    ArrangeLayers(activeLayer, arrangement);
                catch (Exception ex)
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the layer specified by index <paramref name="sourcePosition"/> to index <paramref name="destposition"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">Graph document.</param>
        /// <param name="parentLayer">The parent layer of the layer to move.</param>
        /// <param name="sourcePosition">Original index of the layer.</param>
        /// <param name="destposition">New index of the layer.</param>
        public static void MoveLayerToPosition(this GraphDocument doc, HostLayer parentLayer, int sourcePosition, int destposition)
            if (sourcePosition < 0 && sourcePosition >= parentLayer.Layers.Count)
                throw new ApplicationException("sourcePosition is < 0 or sourcePosition >= Layers.Count");
            if (destposition < 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("destPosition is < 0");

            var layer = parentLayer.Layers[sourcePosition];


            if (destposition > sourcePosition)
            parentLayer.Layers.Insert(destposition, layer);
Пример #11
		public XYZPlotLayer(HostLayer parentLayer)
			: this(parentLayer, GetChildLayerDefaultLocation(), new CS.G3DCartesicCoordinateSystem())
Пример #12
		public XYZPlotLayer(HostLayer parentLayer, G3DCoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
			: this(parentLayer, GetChildLayerDefaultLocation(), coordinateSystem)
Пример #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a layer at the designated <paramref name="location"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="parentLayer">The parent layer of the constructed layer.</param>
		/// <param name="location">The location of the constructed layer.</param>
		public XYZPlotLayer(HostLayer parentLayer, IItemLocation location)
			: this(parentLayer, location, new CS.G3DCartesicCoordinateSystem())
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Arranges the layers according to the provided options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="activeLayer">Layer, whose siblings are about to be arranged. (Exception: If the root layer is the active layer, then the childs of the root layer will be arranged.</param>
        /// <param name="arrangement">The layer arrangement options (contain the information how to arrange the layers).</param>
        public static void ArrangeLayers(this HostLayer activeLayer, ArrangeLayersDocument arrangement)
            var context     = activeLayer.GetPropertyContext();
            var parentLayer = activeLayer.ParentLayer ?? activeLayer;

            int numPresentLayers = parentLayer.Layers.Count;
            int numDestLayers    = arrangement.NumberOfColumns * arrangement.NumberOfRows;

            int additionalLayers = Math.Max(0, numDestLayers - numPresentLayers);

            if (null == parentLayer.Grid)

            ArrangeGrid(arrangement, parentLayer.Grid);

            int nLayer = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < arrangement.NumberOfRows; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < arrangement.NumberOfColumns; ++j)

                    if (nLayer >= numPresentLayers)
                        var graph = Altaxo.Graph.Gdi.GraphTemplates.TemplateWithXYPlotLayerWithG2DCartesicCoordinateSystem.CreateGraph(context, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "", false);

                        if (graph != null && graph.RootLayer.Layers.Count > 0)
                            var newLayer = (HostLayer)graph.RootLayer.Layers[0].Clone();
                            var newLayer = new XYPlotLayer(parentLayer);

                    var oldSize = parentLayer.Layers[nLayer].Size;
                    parentLayer.Layers[nLayer].Location = new ItemLocationByGrid {
                        GridColumn = 2 * j + 1, GridRow = 2 * i + 1, GridColumnSpan = 1, GridRowSpan = 1
                    var newSize = parentLayer.Layers[nLayer].Size;

            // act now on superfluous layers
            if (numPresentLayers > numDestLayers)
                switch (arrangement.SuperfluousLayersAction)
                case SuperfluousLayersAction.Remove:
                    for (int i = numPresentLayers - 1; i >= numDestLayers; i--)

                case SuperfluousLayersAction.OverlayFirstLayer:
                case SuperfluousLayersAction.OverlayLastLayer:

                    int template      = arrangement.SuperfluousLayersAction == SuperfluousLayersAction.OverlayFirstLayer ? 0 : numDestLayers - 1;
                    var templateLayer = parentLayer.Layers[template];

                    for (int i = numDestLayers; i < numPresentLayers; i++)
                        var oldSize = parentLayer.Layers[i].Size;
                        parentLayer.Layers[i].Location = (IItemLocation)templateLayer.Location.Clone();
                        var newSize = parentLayer.Layers[i].Size;

Пример #15
		public GraphDocumentPrintTask(HostLayer rootLayer, SingleGraphPrintOptions options)
			_layers = rootLayer;
			_printOptions = options;

			_page = 0;

			if (null == _printOptions)
				_printOptions = new SingleGraphPrintOptions();
Пример #16
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the hit point on that plane of the active layer rectangle, that is facing the camera.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="doc">The graph document containing the active layer.</param>
		/// <param name="activeLayer">The active layer of the graph document.</param>
		/// <param name="hitposition">Hit point in relative screen coordinates. The z-component is the aspect ratio of the screen (y/x).</param>
		/// <param name="hitPointOnPlaneInActiveLayerCoordinates">Output: The hit point on the plane of the active layer that faces the camera. The hit point is returned in active layer coordinates.</param>
		/// <param name="rotationsRadian">The rotation angles that can be used e.g. to orient text so that the text is most readable from the current camera setting. Rotation angle around x is the x-component of the returned vector, and so on.</param>
		/// <exception cref="InvalidProgramException">There should always be a plane of a rectangle that can be hit!</exception>
		public static void GetHitPointOnActiveLayerPlaneFacingTheCamera(GraphDocument doc, HostLayer activeLayer, PointD3D hitposition, out PointD3D hitPointOnPlaneInActiveLayerCoordinates, out VectorD3D rotationsRadian)
			var activeLayerTransformation = activeLayer.TransformationFromRootToHere();
			var camera = doc.Camera;
			var hitData = new HitTestPointData(camera.GetHitRayMatrix(hitposition));
			hitData = hitData.NewFromAdditionalTransformation(activeLayerTransformation); // now hitdata are in layer cos

			var targetToEye = hitData.WorldTransformation.Transform(camera.TargetToEyeVectorNormalized); // targetToEye in layer coordinates
			var upEye = hitData.WorldTransformation.Transform(camera.UpVectorPerpendicularToEyeVectorNormalized); // camera up vector in layer coordinates

			// get the face which has the best dot product between the eye vector of the camera and the plane's normal
			var layerRect = new RectangleD3D(PointD3D.Empty, activeLayer.Size);
			double maxval = double.MinValue;
			PlaneD3D maxPlane = PlaneD3D.Empty;
			foreach (var plane in layerRect.Planes)
				double val = VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, targetToEye);
				if (val > maxval)
					maxval = val;
					maxPlane = plane;

			bool isHit = hitData.IsPlaneHitByRay(maxPlane, out hitPointOnPlaneInActiveLayerCoordinates); // hitPointOnPlane is in layer coordinates too

			if (!isHit)
				throw new InvalidProgramException("There should always be a plane of a rectangle that can be hit!");

			VectorD3D zaxis = maxPlane.Normal;
			VectorD3D yaxis = upEye;

			// Find y axis perpendicular to zaxis
			maxval = double.MinValue;
			foreach (var plane in layerRect.Planes)
				double val = VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, upEye);
				if (val > maxval && 0 == VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, zaxis))
					maxval = val;
					yaxis = plane.Normal;
			var xaxis = VectorD3D.CrossProduct(yaxis, zaxis);

			// now we have all information about the spatial position and orientation of the text:
			// hitPointOnPlane is the position of the text
			// maxPlane.Normal is the face orientation of the text
			// maxUpVector is the up orientation of the text

			double cx, sx, cy, sy, cz, sz;

			sy = xaxis.Z;
			if (1 != Math.Abs(sy))
				cy = Math.Sqrt(1 - sy * sy);
				cz = xaxis.X / cy;
				sz = xaxis.Y / cy;
				sx = yaxis.Z / cy;
				cx = zaxis.Z / cy;
			else // sy is +1, thus cy is zero
				// we set x-rotation to zero, i.e. cx==1 and sx==0
				cy = 0;
				cx = 1;
				sx = 0;
				cz = yaxis.Y;
				sz = -yaxis.X;

			rotationsRadian = new VectorD3D(Math.Atan2(sx, cx), Math.Atan2(sy, cy), Math.Atan2(sz, cz));
Пример #17
		protected override void InternalCopyGraphItems(HostLayer from, Gdi.GraphCopyOptions options)
			bool bGraphItems = options.HasFlag(Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerGraphItems);
			bool bChildLayers = options.HasFlag(Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyChildLayers);
			bool bLegends = options.HasFlag(Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerLegends);

			var criterium = new Func<IGraphicBase, bool>(x =>
				if (x is Gdi.HostLayer)
					return bChildLayers;

				if (x is LegendText)
					return bLegends;

				return bGraphItems;

			InternalCopyGraphItems(from, options, criterium);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the hit point on that plane of the active layer rectangle, that is facing the camera.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The graph document containing the active layer.</param>
        /// <param name="activeLayer">The active layer of the graph document.</param>
        /// <param name="hitposition">Hit point in relative screen coordinates. The z-component is the aspect ratio of the screen (y/x).</param>
        /// <param name="hitPointOnPlaneInActiveLayerCoordinates">Output: The hit point on the plane of the active layer that faces the camera. The hit point is returned in active layer coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="rotationsRadian">The rotation angles that can be used e.g. to orient text so that the text is most readable from the current camera setting. Rotation angle around x is the x-component of the returned vector, and so on.</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidProgramException">There should always be a plane of a rectangle that can be hit!</exception>
        public static void GetHitPointOnActiveLayerPlaneFacingTheCamera(GraphDocument doc, HostLayer activeLayer, PointD3D hitposition, out PointD3D hitPointOnPlaneInActiveLayerCoordinates, out VectorD3D rotationsRadian)
            var activeLayerTransformation = activeLayer.TransformationFromRootToHere();
            var camera  = doc.Camera;
            var hitData = new HitTestPointData(camera.GetHitRayMatrix(hitposition));

            hitData = hitData.NewFromAdditionalTransformation(activeLayerTransformation);                               // now hitdata are in layer cos

            var targetToEye = hitData.WorldTransformation.Transform(camera.TargetToEyeVectorNormalized);                // targetToEye in layer coordinates
            var upEye       = hitData.WorldTransformation.Transform(camera.UpVectorPerpendicularToEyeVectorNormalized); // camera up vector in layer coordinates

            // get the face which has the best dot product between the eye vector of the camera and the plane's normal
            var      layerRect = new RectangleD3D(PointD3D.Empty, activeLayer.Size);
            double   maxval    = double.MinValue;
            PlaneD3D maxPlane  = PlaneD3D.Empty;

            foreach (var plane in layerRect.Planes)
                double val = VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, targetToEye);
                if (val > maxval)
                    maxval   = val;
                    maxPlane = plane;

            bool isHit = hitData.IsPlaneHitByRay(maxPlane, out hitPointOnPlaneInActiveLayerCoordinates); // hitPointOnPlane is in layer coordinates too

            if (!isHit)
                throw new InvalidProgramException("There should always be a plane of a rectangle that can be hit!");

            VectorD3D zaxis = maxPlane.Normal;
            VectorD3D yaxis = upEye;

            // Find y axis perpendicular to zaxis
            maxval = double.MinValue;
            foreach (var plane in layerRect.Planes)
                double val = VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, upEye);
                if (val > maxval && 0 == VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, zaxis))
                    maxval = val;
                    yaxis  = plane.Normal;
            var xaxis = VectorD3D.CrossProduct(yaxis, zaxis);

            // now we have all information about the spatial position and orientation of the text:
            // hitPointOnPlane is the position of the text
            // maxPlane.Normal is the face orientation of the text
            // maxUpVector is the up orientation of the text

            double cx, sx, cy, sy, cz, sz;

            sy = xaxis.Z;
            if (1 != Math.Abs(sy))
                cy = Math.Sqrt(1 - sy * sy);
                cz = xaxis.X / cy;
                sz = xaxis.Y / cy;
                sx = yaxis.Z / cy;
                cx = zaxis.Z / cy;
            else // sy is +1, thus cy is zero
                // we set x-rotation to zero, i.e. cx==1 and sx==0
                cy = 0;
                cx = 1;
                sx = 0;
                cz = yaxis.Y;
                sz = -yaxis.X;

            rotationsRadian = new VectorD3D(Math.Atan2(sx, cx), Math.Atan2(sy, cy), Math.Atan2(sz, cz));
Пример #19
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a layer at the provided <paramref name="location"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="parentLayer">The parent layer of the newly created layer.</param>
		/// <param name="location">The position of the layer on the printable area in points (1/72 inch).</param>
		/// <param name="coordinateSystem">The coordinate system to use for the layer.</param>
		public XYZPlotLayer(HostLayer parentLayer, IItemLocation location, G3DCoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
			: base(parentLayer, location)
			this.CoordinateSystem = coordinateSystem;
			this.AxisStyles = new AxisStyleCollection();
			this.Scales = new ScaleCollection(3);
			this.GridPlanes = new GridPlaneCollection();
			this.GridPlanes.Add(new GridPlane(CSPlaneID.Front));
			this.PlotItems = new PlotItemCollection(this);
Пример #20
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the principal coordinate system that results of the camera facing a layer. The plane of the layer that best faced the camera is used for the calculations.
		/// The normal of that layer is returned as z-axis, the vector that best matches the up-vector of the camera is becoming the y-axis,
		/// and the x-axis results from the z-axis and the y-axis.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="camera">The camera.</param>
		/// <param name="activeLayer">The active layer of the graph document.</param>
		/// <param name="transformation">Matrix that contains the principal axes as described above. The axes coordinates are in the coordinates of the layer provided in the argument <paramref name="activeLayer"/>.</param>
		/// <exception cref="InvalidProgramException">There should always be a plane of a rectangle that can be hit!</exception>
		public static void GetCoordinateSystemBasedOnLayerPlaneFacingTheCamera(CameraBase camera, HostLayer activeLayer, out Matrix3x3 transformation)
			PointD3D hitposition = new PointD3D(0.5, 0.5, 1); // this hit position is arbitrary, every other position should work similarly

			var activeLayerTransformation = activeLayer.TransformationFromRootToHere();

			var hitData = new HitTestPointData(camera.GetHitRayMatrix(hitposition));

			hitData = hitData.NewFromAdditionalTransformation(activeLayerTransformation); // now hitdata are in layer cos

			var targetToEye = hitData.WorldTransformation.Transform(camera.TargetToEyeVectorNormalized); // targetToEye in layer coordinates
			var upEye = hitData.WorldTransformation.Transform(camera.UpVectorPerpendicularToEyeVectorNormalized); // camera up vector in layer coordinates

			// get the face which has the best dot product between the eye vector of the camera and the plane's normal
			var layerRect = new RectangleD3D(PointD3D.Empty, activeLayer.Size);
			double maxval = double.MinValue;
			PlaneD3D maxPlane = PlaneD3D.Empty;
			foreach (var plane in layerRect.Planes)
				double val = VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, targetToEye);
				if (val > maxval)
					maxval = val;
					maxPlane = plane;

			//	bool isHit = hitData.IsPlaneHitByRay(maxPlane, out hitPointOnPlaneInActiveLayerCoordinates); // hitPointOnPlane is in layer coordinates too

			//	if (!isHit)
			//	throw new InvalidProgramException("There should always be a plane of a rectangle that can be hit!");

			VectorD3D zaxis = maxPlane.Normal;
			VectorD3D yaxis = upEye;

			// Find y axis perpendicular to zaxis
			maxval = double.MinValue;
			foreach (var plane in layerRect.Planes)
				double val = VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, upEye);
				if (val > maxval && 0 == VectorD3D.DotProduct(plane.Normal, zaxis))
					maxval = val;
					yaxis = plane.Normal;
			var xaxis = VectorD3D.CrossProduct(yaxis, zaxis);

			// now we have all information about the spatial position and orientation of the text:
			// hitPointOnPlane is the position of the text
			// maxPlane.Normal is the face orientation of the text
			// maxUpVector is the up orientation of the text

			xaxis = xaxis.Normalized;
			yaxis = yaxis.Normalized;
			zaxis = zaxis.Normalized;

			transformation = new Matrix3x3(
				xaxis.X, yaxis.X, zaxis.X,
				xaxis.Y, yaxis.Y, zaxis.Y,
				xaxis.Z, yaxis.Z, zaxis.Z
Пример #21
		/// <summary>
		/// Shows the layer arrangement dialog and then arranges the layers according to the user input.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="graph">Graph that contains the layers to arrange.</param>
		/// <param name="activeLayer">Layer that is currently active.</param>
		public static void ShowLayerArrangementDialog(this GraphDocument graph, HostLayer activeLayer)
			ArrangeLayersDocument arrangement = new ArrangeLayersDocument();
			object doco = arrangement;

			if (Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ref doco, "Arrange layers"))
				arrangement = (ArrangeLayersDocument)doco;
					ArrangeLayers(activeLayer, arrangement);
				catch (Exception ex)
Пример #22
		/// <summary>
		/// Moves the layer specified by index <paramref name="sourcePosition"/> to index <paramref name="destposition"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="doc">Graph document.</param>
		/// <param name="parentLayer">The parent layer of the layer to move.</param>
		/// <param name="sourcePosition">Original index of the layer.</param>
		/// <param name="destposition">New index of the layer.</param>
		public static void MoveLayerToPosition(this GraphDocument doc, HostLayer parentLayer, int sourcePosition, int destposition)
			if (sourcePosition < 0 && sourcePosition >= parentLayer.Layers.Count)
				throw new ApplicationException("sourcePosition is < 0 or sourcePosition >= Layers.Count");
			if (destposition < 0)
				throw new ApplicationException("destPosition is < 0");

			var layer = parentLayer.Layers[sourcePosition];


			if (destposition > sourcePosition)
			parentLayer.Layers.Insert(destposition, layer);
Пример #23
		/// <summary>
		/// Internal copy from operation. It is presumed, that the events are already suspended. Additionally,
		/// it is not neccessary to call the OnChanged event, since this is called in the calling routine.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">The object (layer) from which to copy.</param>
		/// <param name="options">Copy options.</param>
		protected override void InternalCopyFrom(HostLayer obj, Gdi.GraphCopyOptions options)
			base.InternalCopyFrom(obj, options); // base copy, but keep in mind that InternalCopyGraphItems is overridden in this class

			var from = obj as XYZPlotLayer;
			if (null == from)

			if (0 != (options & Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerScales))
				this.CoordinateSystem = from.CoordinateSystem; // immutable

				this.Scales = (ScaleCollection)from._scales.Clone();
				this._dataClipping = from._dataClipping;

			if (0 != (options & Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerGrid))
				this.GridPlanes = from._gridPlanes.Clone();

			// Styles

			if (0 != (options & Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerAxes))
				this.AxisStyles = (AxisStyleCollection)from._axisStyles.Clone();

			// Plot items
			if (0 != (options & Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerPlotItems))
				this.PlotItems = null == from._plotItems ? null : new PlotItemCollection(this, from._plotItems, true);
			else if (0 != (options & Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerPlotStyles))
				// TODO apply the styles from from._plotItems to the PlotItems here
				this.PlotItems.CopyFrom(from._plotItems, options);