Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// HMRCs the vat upload.
        /// </summary>
        private void HmrcVatUpload()
            Post["UploadHmrcPdf", "api/v1/marketplace/hmrc/upload/vat/{customerId}", runAsync : true] = async(o, ct) => {
                string customerId = o.customerId;

                FilesUploadModel model;
                try {
                    model       = this.Bind <FilesUploadModel>();
                    model.Files = this.Request.Files;
                } catch (ModelBindingException ex) {
                    Log.Warn("binding error on hmrc registration request: " + customerId, ex);
                    return(CreateErrorResponse(b => b

                InfoAccumulator info = Validate(model, PdfValidator);
                if (info.HasErrors)
                    return(CreateErrorResponse(b => b

                Dictionary <string, Task <string> > fileToTask = this.Request.Files.ToDictionary(f => f.Name, ProcessFile);

                try {
                    var paths = await Task.WhenAll(fileToTask.Values);

                    var command = new HmrcProcessUploadedFilesCommand {
                        CustomerId = model.CustomerId,
                        Files      = paths
                    var cts      = new CancellationTokenSource(Config.SendReceiveTaskTimeoutMilis);
                    var response = await ProcessUploadedFilesSendReceive.SendAsync(Config.ServiceAddress, command, cts);

                    if (response.HasErrors)
                        return(CreateErrorResponse(b => b
                } catch (AggregateException ex) {
                    var failedFileNames = fileToTask
                                          .Where(p => p.Value.Exception != null)
                                          .Select(f => f.Key);
                    return(CreateErrorResponse(b => b
                                               .WithErrorMessages(failedFileNames), HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));

                return(CreateOkResponse(b => b.WithCustomerId(customerId)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the specified command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private InfoAccumulator Validate(HmrcProcessUploadedFilesCommand command)
            InfoAccumulator info = new InfoAccumulator();

            if (CollectionUtils.IsEmpty(command.Files))
                info.AddError("no files to parse");

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the specified command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">The command.</param>
        public void Handle(HmrcProcessUploadedFilesCommand command)
            InfoAccumulator info = Validate(command);

            if (info.HasErrors)
                SendReply(info, command);

            var vatReturns = ParseVatReturns(command.Files, info);

            if (info.HasErrors)
                SendReply(info, command);

            int      customerId = int.Parse(EncryptionUtils.SafeDecrypt(command.CustomerId));
            Customer customer   = CustomerQueries.GetCustomerById(customerId);

            info = MarketPlaceQueries.ValidateCustomerMarketPlace(HmrcInternalId, customer.Name);
            if (info.HasErrors)
                SendReply(info, command);

            AccountModel hmrcAccountModel = new AccountModel {
            };                                                   //TODO check it out what to put here

            byte[] securityData = SerializationUtils.SerializeToBinaryXml(hmrcAccountModel);
            securityData = EncryptionUtils.Encrypt(securityData);

            int marketplaceId = (int)MarketPlaceQueries.CreateNewMarketPlace(customerId, customer.Name, securityData, HmrcInternalId);

            if (marketplaceId < 1)
                string msg = string.Format("could not create marketplace for customer {0}", command.CustomerId); //writes encrypted customer id
                throw new Exception(msg);

            var updateHistory = new CustomerMarketPlaceUpdateHistory()
                CustomerMarketPlaceId = marketplaceId,
                UpdatingStart         = DateTime.UtcNow

            int marketPlaceHistoryId = (int)MarketPlaceQueries.UpsertMarketPlaceUpdatingHistory(updateHistory);

            if (marketPlaceHistoryId < 1)
                string message = string.Format("could not upsert marketplace history for customer: {0}", command.CustomerId);
                throw new Exception(message);

            bool res = HmrcQueries.SaveVatReturns(vatReturns, null, marketplaceId, marketPlaceHistoryId);

            if (!res)
                throw new Exception("could not save vat returns");

            updateHistory = new CustomerMarketPlaceUpdateHistory()
                CustomerMarketPlaceId = marketplaceId,
                UpdatingEnd           = DateTime.UtcNow

            marketPlaceHistoryId = (int)MarketPlaceQueries.UpsertMarketPlaceUpdatingHistory(updateHistory);
            if (marketPlaceHistoryId < 1)
                throw new Exception("could not save marketplace history");

            SendReply(info, command);