/// <summary> /// Application entry point. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Command line arguments.</param> public static async Task Main(string[] args) { LogManager.Default.SetLogLevel(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOG_LEVEL")); log = LogManager.Default.GetLogger(typeof(Program)); // Create process terminator to handle termination signals. terminator = new ProcessTerminator(log); terminator.AddHandler( () => { // Cancel any operations in progress. terminator.CancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); }); // Read the environment variables. // $hack(jeff.lill: // // We're going to scan the Consul configuration key to determine whether this // instance is managing the public or private proxy (or bridges) so we'll // be completely compatible with existing deployments. // // In theory, we could have passed a new environment variable but that's not // worth the trouble. configKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CONFIG_KEY"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configKey)) { log.LogError("[CONFIG_KEY] environment variable is required."); Program.Exit(1, immediate: true); } isPublic = configKey.Contains("/public/"); var proxyName = isPublic ? "public" : "private"; serviceName = $"neon-proxy-{proxyName}:{GitVersion}"; log.LogInfo(() => $"Starting [{serviceName}]"); configHashKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CONFIG_HASH_KEY"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configHashKey)) { log.LogError("[CONFIG_HASH_KEY] environment variable is required."); Program.Exit(1, immediate: true); } vaultCredentialsName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VAULT_CREDENTIALS"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vaultCredentialsName)) { log.LogWarn("HTTPS routes are not supported because VAULT_CREDENTIALS is not specified or blank."); } var warnSeconds = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WARN_SECONDS"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(warnSeconds) || !double.TryParse(warnSeconds, out var warnSecondsValue)) { warnInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300); } else { warnInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(warnSecondsValue); } var startSeconds = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("START_SECONDS"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(startSeconds) || !double.TryParse(startSeconds, out var startSecondsValue)) { startDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); } else { startDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(startSecondsValue); } var maxHAProxyCountString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MAX_HAPROXY_COUNT"); if (!int.TryParse(maxHAProxyCountString, out maxHAProxyCount)) { maxHAProxyCount = 10; } if (maxHAProxyCount < 0) { maxHAProxyCount = 0; } debugMode = "true".Equals(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DEBUG"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); log.LogInfo(() => $"LOG_LEVEL={LogManager.Default.LogLevel.ToString().ToUpper()}"); log.LogInfo(() => $"CONFIG_KEY={configKey}"); log.LogInfo(() => $"CONFIG_HASH_KEY={configHashKey}"); log.LogInfo(() => $"VAULT_CREDENTIALS={vaultCredentialsName}"); log.LogInfo(() => $"WARN_SECONDS={warnInterval}"); log.LogInfo(() => $"START_SECONDS={startDelay}"); log.LogInfo(() => $"MAX_HAPROXY_COUNT={maxHAProxyCount}"); log.LogInfo(() => $"DEBUG={debugMode}"); // Ensure that the required directories exist. Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpfsFolder); Directory.CreateDirectory(configFolder); Directory.CreateDirectory(configUpdateFolder); // Establish the hive connections. if (NeonHelper.IsDevWorkstation) { throw new NotImplementedException("This service works only within a Linux container with HAProxy installed."); //var vaultCredentialsSecret = "neon-proxy-manager-credentials"; //Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("VAULT_CREDENTIALS", vaultCredentialsSecret); //hive = HiveHelper.OpenHiveRemote(new DebugSecrets().VaultAppRole(vaultCredentialsSecret, $"neon-proxy-{proxyName}")); } else { hive = HiveHelper.OpenHive(); } try { // Log into Vault using the Vault credentials persisted as a Docker // secret, if one was specified. We won't open Vault otherwise. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vaultCredentialsName)) { var vaultSecret = HiveHelper.GetSecret(vaultCredentialsName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vaultSecret)) { log.LogCritical($"Cannot read Docker secret [{vaultCredentialsName}]."); Program.Exit(1, immediate: true); } var vaultCredentials = HiveCredentials.ParseJson(vaultSecret); if (vaultCredentials == null) { log.LogCritical($"Cannot parse Docker secret [{vaultCredentialsName}]."); Program.Exit(1, immediate: true); } log.LogInfo(() => $"Connecting: Vault"); vault = HiveHelper.OpenVault(vaultCredentials); } else { vault = null; // $hack(jeff.lill): // // This is a bit of backwards compatible hack. Instances started without the // VAULT_CREDENTIALS environment variable are assumed to be proxy bridges. isBridge = true; } // Open Consul and then start the service tasks. log.LogInfo(() => $"Connecting: Consul"); using (consul = HiveHelper.OpenConsul()) { log.LogInfo(() => $"Connecting: {HiveMQChannels.ProxyNotify} channel"); // Verify that the required Consul keys exist or loop to wait until they // are created. This will allow the service wait for pending hive setup // operations to be completed. while (!await consul.KV.Exists(configKey)) { log.LogWarn(() => $"Waiting for [{configKey}] key to be present in Consul."); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } while (!await consul.KV.Exists(configHashKey)) { log.LogWarn(() => $"Waiting for [{configHashKey}] key to be present in Consul."); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } // Crank up the service tasks. await NeonHelper.WaitAllAsync( ErrorPollerAsync(), HAProxShim()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.LogCritical(e); Program.Exit(1); return; } finally { HiveHelper.CloseHive(); terminator.ReadyToExit(); } Program.Exit(0); return; }
/// <summary> /// Application entry point. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Command line arguments.</param> public static async Task Main(string[] args) { LogManager.Default.SetLogLevel(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOG_LEVEL")); log = LogManager.Default.GetLogger(typeof(Program)); log.LogInfo(() => $"Starting [{serviceName}]"); log.LogInfo(() => $"LOG_LEVEL={LogManager.Default.LogLevel.ToString().ToUpper()}"); // Create process terminator to handle process termination signals. terminator = new ProcessTerminator(log); terminator.AddHandler( () => { // Cancel any operations in progress. exit = true; terminator.CancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); // This gracefully closes the [proxyNotifyChannel] so HiveMQ will // promptly remove the associated queue. if (proxyNotifyChannel != null) { proxyNotifyChannel.Dispose(); proxyNotifyChannel = null; } try { NeonHelper.WaitFor(() => !processingConfigs, terminator.Timeout); log.LogInfo(() => "Tasks stopped gracefully."); } catch (TimeoutException) { log.LogWarn(() => $"Tasks did not stop within [{terminator.Timeout}]."); } }); // Establish the hive connections. if (NeonHelper.IsDevWorkstation) { var vaultCredentialsSecret = "neon-proxy-manager-credentials"; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("VAULT_CREDENTIALS", vaultCredentialsSecret); hive = HiveHelper.OpenHiveRemote(new DebugSecrets().VaultAppRole(vaultCredentialsSecret, "neon-proxy-manager")); } else { hive = HiveHelper.OpenHive(); } // [neon-proxy-manager] requires access to the [IHostingManager] implementation for the // current environment, so we'll need to initialize the hosting loader. HostingLoader.Initialize(); try { // Log into Vault using a Docker secret. var vaultCredentialsSecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VAULT_CREDENTIALS"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vaultCredentialsSecret)) { log.LogCritical("[VAULT_CREDENTIALS] environment variable does not exist."); Program.Exit(1, immediate: true); } var vaultSecret = HiveHelper.GetSecret(vaultCredentialsSecret); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vaultSecret)) { log.LogCritical($"Cannot read Docker secret [{vaultCredentialsSecret}]."); Program.Exit(1, immediate: true); } var vaultCredentials = HiveCredentials.ParseJson(vaultSecret); if (vaultCredentials == null) { log.LogCritical($"Cannot parse Docker secret [{vaultCredentialsSecret}]."); Program.Exit(1, immediate: true); } // Open the hive data services and then start the main service task. log.LogInfo(() => $"Connecting: Vault"); using (vault = HiveHelper.OpenVault(vaultCredentials)) { log.LogInfo(() => $"Connecting: Consul"); using (consul = HiveHelper.OpenConsul()) { log.LogInfo(() => $"Connecting: Docker"); using (docker = HiveHelper.OpenDocker()) { log.LogInfo(() => $"Connecting: {HiveMQChannels.ProxyNotify} channel"); // NOTE: // // We're passing [useBootstrap=true] here so that the HiveMQ client will // connect directly to the HiveMQ cluster nodes as opposed to routing // traffic through the private traffic manager. This is necessary because // the load balancers rely on HiveMQ to broadcast update notifications. // // One consequence of this is that this service will need to be restarted // whenever HiveMQ instances are relocated to different hive hosts. // We're going to monitor for changes to the HiveMQ bootstrap settings // and gracefully terminate the process when this happens. We're then // depending on Docker to restart the process so we'll be able to pick // up the change. hive.HiveMQ.Internal.HiveMQBootstrapChanged += (s, a) => { log.LogInfo("HiveMQ bootstrap settings change detected. Terminating service with [exitcode=-1] expecting that Docker will restart it."); // Use ExitCode=-1 so that we'll restart even if the service/container // was not configured with [restart=always]. terminator.Exit(-1); }; using (proxyNotifyChannel = hive.HiveMQ.Internal.GetProxyNotifyChannel(useBootstrap: true).Open()) { // Read the service settings, initializing their default values // if they don't already exist. if (!await consul.KV.Exists(certWarnDaysKey)) { log.LogInfo($"Persisting setting [{certWarnDaysKey}=30.0]"); await consul.KV.PutDouble(certWarnDaysKey, 30.0); } if (!await consul.KV.Exists(cacheRemoveSecondsKey)) { log.LogInfo($"Persisting setting [{cacheRemoveSecondsKey}=300.0]"); await consul.KV.PutDouble(cacheRemoveSecondsKey, 300.0); } if (!await consul.KV.Exists(failsafeSecondsKey)) { log.LogInfo($"Persisting setting [{failsafeSecondsKey}=120.0]"); await consul.KV.PutDouble(failsafeSecondsKey, 120); } certWarnTime = TimeSpan.FromDays(await consul.KV.GetDouble(certWarnDaysKey)); cacheRemoveDelay = TimeSpan.FromDays(await consul.KV.GetDouble(cacheRemoveSecondsKey)); failsafeInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(await consul.KV.GetDouble(failsafeSecondsKey)); log.LogInfo(() => $"Using setting [{certWarnDaysKey}={certWarnTime.TotalSeconds}]"); log.LogInfo(() => $"Using setting [{cacheRemoveSecondsKey}={cacheRemoveDelay.TotalSeconds}]"); log.LogInfo(() => $"Using setting [{failsafeSecondsKey}={failsafeInterval.TotalSeconds}]"); // Run the service tasks. var tasks = new List <Task>(); tasks.Add(ConfigGeneratorAsync()); tasks.Add(FailsafeBroadcasterAsync()); await NeonHelper.WaitAllAsync(tasks); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.LogCritical(e); Program.Exit(1); return; } finally { HiveHelper.CloseHive(); terminator.ReadyToExit(); } Program.Exit(0); return; }