Пример #1
        // Registering at least one aggregation forces worker threads to copy/produce measurements after each iteration.
        // Registering many aggregations shouldn't impact test performance more compared to just a single aggregation.
        // While this test can achieve 1+million/sec speed (w/o debugger and release build):
        // current HistogramAggregator implementation won't be able to process this massive amount of incoming data in real time.
        // as result of it, data gets queued up in memory and this test will easily eat ~5+ GB's of ram in first test run,
        // so be sure that there is enough of RAM available before running this one.
        // This also shows how Run() won't exit past 13seconds. While test is no longer running, engine waits until all data gets processed.
        // This example runs test twice:
        //  * One with simple histogram setup
        //  * And other without histogram but receiving a direct stream of raw measurements and just counting them.
        //    - This one should be able to count results in the real time
        public static void Run()
            TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(13); // 2x tests

            HistogramAggregator aggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                             .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4)))
                                             .Add(new CountMetric())
                                             .Add(new TransactionsPerSecMetric())
                                             .Add(new GlobalTimerPeriodMetric());

            StrategyBuilder strategy = new StrategyBuilder()
                                       .SetScenario <BlankScenario>()
                                       .SetThreading(new FixedThreadCount(4))
                                       .SetLimit(new TimeLimit(duration))

            TimeSpan durationWithHistogram = MeassuredRun(strategy.Build());

            // Ease use of ram ASAP.
            GC.Collect(1, GCCollectionMode.Forced, true);

            int iterations = 0;

            strategy.SetAggregator(new StreamAggregator(result => iterations = iterations + 1));

            TimeSpan durationWithStream = MeassuredRun(strategy.Build());

            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregator.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
            Console.WriteLine($"Time took for [HistogramAggregator] to process whats left in the buffer: {durationWithHistogram - duration:g}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Time took for [StreamAggregator] to count whats left in the buffer: {durationWithStream - duration:g}");
        public static void Run()
            HistogramAggregator aggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                             .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
                                             .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("Working Threads", 0, (i, r) => Math.Max(r.CreatedThreads - r.IdleThreads, i)))
                                             .Add(new CountMetric(Checkpoint.NotMeassuredCheckpoints))
                                             .Add(new TransactionsPerSecMetric());

            KpiPrinterAggregator kpi = new KpiPrinterAggregator(
                new FuncMetric <string>("T+", "???", (s, result) => result.IterationFinished.ToString("g")),
                new FuncMetric <int>("Created Threads", 0, (i, r) => Math.Max(r.CreatedThreads, i)),
                new FuncMetric <int>("Working Threads", 0, (i, r) => Math.Max(r.CreatedThreads - r.IdleThreads, i)),
                new CountMetric(Checkpoint.NotMeassuredCheckpoints),
                new CountMetric(i => i / 2.0, Checkpoint.NotMeassuredCheckpoints)
                Prefix = "TPS "

            StrategyBuilder strategy = new StrategyBuilder()
                                       .SetScenario <LimitConcurrencyAndTpsDemo>()
                                       .AddSpeed(new LimitWorkingThreads(11))
                                       .AddSpeed(new IncrementalSpeed(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), 10))
                                       .SetThreading(new IncrementalThreadCount(250, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), -50))
                                       .SetLimit(new TimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(52)))
                                       .SetAggregator(aggregator, kpi);


            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregator.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
Пример #3
        public static void Run()
            HistogramAggregator histogram = new HistogramAggregator()
                                            .Add(new FuncDimension("ThreadIterationId", r => r.ThreadIterationId.ToString()))
                                            .Add(new DistinctListMetric <IResult, string>("Sleeps", r => $"{r.ThreadId}:{((int) r.UserData)}"))
                                            .Add(new DistinctListMetric <IResult, string>("TStarts", r => $"{r.ThreadId}:{(int)r.IterationStarted.TotalMilliseconds}"))
                                            .Add(new DistinctListMetric <IResult, string>("TEnds", r => $"{r.ThreadId}:{(int)r.IterationFinished.TotalMilliseconds}"))
                                            .Add(new FilterMetric <IResult>(r => r.ThreadId == 0, new ValueMetric <IResult>("Tr#0", r => (int)r.IterationFinished.TotalMilliseconds)))
                                            .Add(new FilterMetric <IResult>(r => r.ThreadId == 1, new ValueMetric <IResult>("Tr#1", r => (int)r.IterationFinished.TotalMilliseconds)))
                                            .Add(new FilterMetric <IResult>(r => r.ThreadId == 2, new ValueMetric <IResult>("Tr#2", r => (int)r.IterationFinished.TotalMilliseconds)))
                                            .Add(new FilterMetric <IResult>(r => r.ThreadId == 3, new ValueMetric <IResult>("Tr#3", r => (int)r.IterationFinished.TotalMilliseconds)))
                                            .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("Min TStart", Int32.MaxValue, (i, r) => Math.Min((int)r.IterationStarted.TotalMilliseconds, i)))
                                            .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("Max Sleep", -1, (i, r) => Math.Max(((int)r.UserData), i)))
                                            .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("Max TEnd", Int32.MinValue, (i, r) => Math.Max((int)r.IterationFinished.TotalMilliseconds, i)));

            StrategyBuilder strategy = new StrategyBuilder()
                                       .SetScenario <BatchAndWaitDemo>()
                                       .AddSpeed(new BatchBySlowestSpeed(ThreadCount))
                                       .SetThreading(new FixedThreadCount(ThreadCount))
                                       .SetLimit(new TimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)))


            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(histogram.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
Пример #4
        public static void Run()
            // Initialize LoadRunnerEngine by providing:
            // * Type of class which implements ILoadTestScenario (e.g DemoTestScenario)
            // * LoadRunnerParameters
            // * As many aggregators as you like
            HistogramAggregator  histogramAggregator = AggregationSetup.Build();
            LoadRunnerParameters parameters          = ParametersSetup.Build();
            LoadRunnerEngine     loadRunner          = LoadRunnerEngine.Create <DemoTestScenario>(parameters, histogramAggregator);

            // Run test (blocking call)

            // Once finished, extract information from used aggregators, and do some exceling :)
            // BuildResultsObjects() will produce results in structure compatible with JSON -> CSV converters. (See ~20 lines below)
            IEnumerable <object> defaultResults = histogramAggregator.BuildResultsObjects();

            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultResults, Formatting.Indented));

            //Alternative export way is
            // HistogramResults results = histogramAggregator.BuildResults();
            // results will be presented in this structure:
            // * string[] ColumnNames;
            // * object[][] Values;
        // HDD/SSD intensive, beware
        public static void Run()
            HistogramAggregator aggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                             .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)))
                                             .Add(new CountMetric())
                                             .Add(new TransactionsPerSecMetric());

            HistogramAggregator aggregagorOriginal = new HistogramAggregator()
                                                     .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)))
                                                     .Add(new CountMetric())
                                                     .Add(new TransactionsPerSecMetric());

            StrategyBuilder strategy = new StrategyBuilder()
                                       .SetScenario <BlankScenario>()
                                       .SetThreading(new FixedThreadCount(3))
                                       .SetLimit(new TimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))
                                       .SetAggregator(new JsonStreamAggregator("Raw.json"), aggregagorOriginal);


            JsonStreamAggregator.Replay("Raw.json", aggregator);

            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregagorOriginal.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregator.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
Пример #6
        public static void Run()
            HistogramAggregator aggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                             .Add(new FuncDimension("Iteration", result => result.GlobalIterationId.ToString()))
                                             .Add(new FuncDimension("Time", result => result.IterationStarted.TotalSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)))
                                             .Add(new FuncDimension("Data", result => result.UserData?.ToString()))
                                             .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("CThreads", 0, (i, r) => r.CreatedThreads))
                                             .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("IThreads", 0, (i, r) => r.IdleThreads));

            ReplayStrategyBuilder <string> settings = new ReplayStrategyBuilder <string>()
                                                      .SetData(DataGenerator.Create(5, 1, 3, 3).ToArray())
                                                      .SetScenario <ReplayScenario>()

            // UI
            //LoadRunnerUi engineUi = settings.BuildUi(new DataItem(TimeSpan.Zero, "Validation demo"));

            // Non UI blocking
            LoadRunnerEngine engine = settings.Build();


            // Non UI Async

            object defaultResults = aggregator.BuildResultsObjects();

            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultResults, Formatting.Indented));

Пример #7
        public static void Run()
            // Initialize aggregator
            string[] ignoredCheckpoints =

            HistogramAggregator histogramAggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                                      .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
                                                      .Add(new FuncMetric <TimeSpan>("TMin", TimeSpan.MaxValue,
                                                                                     (span, result) => span > result.IterationStarted ? result.IterationStarted : span))
                                                      .Add(new FuncMetric <TimeSpan>("TMax", TimeSpan.MinValue,
                                                                                     (span, result) => span < result.IterationFinished ? result.IterationFinished : span))
                                                      .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("Working Threads", 0,
                                                                                (i, result) => result.CreatedThreads - result.IdleThreads))
                                                      //.Add(new MinDurationMetric(ignoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new AvgDurationMetric(ignoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new MaxDurationMetric(ignoredCheckpoints))
                                                      //.Add(new PercentileMetric(new[] {0.99999}, ignoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new CountMetric(ignoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new TransactionsPerSecMetric())
                                                      .Add(new ErrorCountMetric())
                                                      .Alias($"Min: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Min (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Avg: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Avg (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Max: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Max (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"50%: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "50% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"80%: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "80% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"90%: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "90% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"95%: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "95% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"99.99%: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "99.99% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Count: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Success: Count");

            StrategyBuilder strategy = new StrategyBuilder()
                                       .SetScenario <TestScenario>()
                                       .SetLimit(new TimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
                                       .SetThreading(new FixedThreadCount(40))
                                       .SetSpeed(new FixedSpeed(2000)) // Tps is lower in results due to failed iterations not being counted

            IStrategyExecutor engine = strategy.Build();


            object defaultResults = histogramAggregator.BuildResultsObjects();

            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultResults, Formatting.Indented));
Пример #8
        public static HistogramAggregator BuildHistogram()
            // This demo shows this new HistogramAggregator which isn't currently documented anywhere else. (TODO)
            // This preset shown below more or less should work for most of the test cases, except for TimeDimension,
            // which you might want to adjust for bigger chunks or remove it to get totals [no dimensions == no grouping by].
            // HistogramAggregator is a modular Dimension/Metric style aggregator tool, which can be expanded by implementing IMetric or IDimension
            //  * Metrics are aggregation functions like COUNT, SUM, etc..
            // Dimensions are like row keys (Adding multiple dimensions would multiply result row count)
            // * In SQL it would be like GROUP BY function
            // Available IDimension's:
            //   TimeDimension(TimeSpan interval, string dimensionName = "Time (s)")
            //   FuncDimension(string dimensionName, Func<IResult,string> dimensionValueSelector)
            // Metrics are like values, which will be meassured in test execution
            // In SQL it would be like aggregation function, like SUM, COUNT, etc.
            // Available IMetric's:
            //   AvgDurationMetric(params string[] ignoredCheckpoints)
            //   BreakByMetric(IDimension subDimension, params IMetric[] actualMetrics)
            //   CountMetric(params string[] ignoredCheckpoints)
            //   ErrorCountMetric(bool includeTotals = true)
            //   ErrorRatioMetric(params string[] ignoredCheckpoints)
            //   FuncMetric(string keyName, TValue initialValue, Func<TValue, IResult, TValue> metricFunc)
            //   FuncMultiMetric(Action<FlexiRow<string,TValue>, IResult> metricProcedure, Func<TValue> cellBuilderFunc)
            //   MaxDurationMetric(params string[] ignoredCheckpoints)
            //   MinDurationMetric(params string[] ignoredCheckpoints)
            //   PercentileMetric(double[] percentiles, string[] ignoredCheckpoints)
            //   TransactionsPerSecMetric()
            HistogramAggregator histogramAggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                                      .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
                                                      .Add(new MinDurationMetric())
                                                      .Add(new AvgDurationMetric())
                                                      .Add(new MaxDurationMetric())
                                                      .Add(new PercentileMetric(new[] { 0.95, 0.99 }))
                                                      .Add(new CountMetric(Checkpoint.NotMeassuredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new ErrorCountMetric())
                                                      .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("Created Threads", 0, (i, result) => result.CreatedThreads))
                                                      .Alias($"Min: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Min (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Avg: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Avg (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Max: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Max (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"95%: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "95% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"99%: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "99% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Count: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Success: Count")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.Names.Setup}", "Errors: Setup")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Errors: Iteration")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.Names.TearDown}", "Errors: Teardown");

Пример #9
        // All IAggregator implementations receive un-aggregated raw measurements (later raw-data) from workers.
        //  - (TODO: More info in IAggregator customization, But IAggregator ir pretty self explanatory anyway :))
        // Main idea behind Raw-Data is that one gets un-aggregated measurements in IResult form
        // and one can do anything with it, preferably post-load-test.
        // Having this unlocks few advantages:
        // * Save this raw-data somewhere(file on disk, array in memory) and do any aggregations after the test.
        //   - I personally persist raw-data from all of the tests I do,
        //     because one will never know what aggregation might be needed until one runs the test and sees initial results.
        //   - There is a RnD JsonStreamAggregator which saves to JSON array file. Though it can take up some space on disk as JSON has lots of overhead.
        // * Or one can write own custom specialized aggregation ignoring provided HistogramAggregator totally.
        // This demo contains:
        // * Load-test with one aggregation:
        //    - [Tools nuget: JsonStreamAggregator] Write data to raw.json file for later aggregation
        // * Replay of raw measurements after the test and do some more aggregating post-load-test.
        //    - Two histogram aggregators: Timeline and KPI.
        //    - One StreamAggregator instance which gives IEnumerable of IResult's for custom inline aggregation.

        public static void Run()
            // JsonStreamAggregator dumps everything it receives to file.
            JsonStreamAggregator jsonAggregator = new JsonStreamAggregator("raw.json");

            StrategyBuilder builder = new StrategyBuilder()
                                      .AddLimit(new TimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4)))
                                      .SetThreading(new FixedThreadCount(4))
                                      .SetScenario(new SleepingScenarioFactory(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100))) // Use scenario from common which sleeps every iteration
                                      .SetAggregator(jsonAggregator);                                           // Register JsonAggregator to be only one to receive results

            // A quick run

            // Now lets do actual aggregation post testing.
            // First - just configure HistogramAggregator or any other aggregator in same way one would do for the live test.

            HistogramAggregator histogramTimeline = new HistogramAggregator()
                                                    .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)))
                                                    .Add(new CountMetric())
                                                    .Add(new GlobalTimerMinValueMetric())
                                                    .Add(new GlobalTimerMaxValueMetric())
                                                    .Add(new GlobalTimerPeriodMetric());

            HistogramAggregator histogramKpi = new HistogramAggregator()
                                               .Add(new CountMetric())
                                               .Add(new GlobalTimerMinValueMetric())
                                               .Add(new GlobalTimerMaxValueMetric())
                                               .Add(new GlobalTimerPeriodMetric());

            // Lets define another more specialized aggregation just for lols.
            TimeSpan         lastIterationEnded = TimeSpan.Zero;
            StreamAggregator streamAggregator   = new StreamAggregator(
                results =>
                lastIterationEnded = results.Max(r => r.IterationFinished);

            // now just replay saved raw-data stream to those later-defined aggregations.
            JsonStreamAggregator.Replay("raw.json", histogramTimeline, histogramKpi, streamAggregator);

            Console.WriteLine($"StreamAggregator, last iteration  finished: {lastIterationEnded:g}");
            Console.WriteLine("---------------- Histogram KPI -----------");
            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(histogramKpi.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
            Console.WriteLine("---------------- Histogram timeline -----------");
            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(histogramTimeline.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
Пример #10
        // ***
        private static void AggregateFromMultipleSources()
            IEnumerable <ReplayResult <object> > pc1    = JsonStreamAggregator.Load <object>("masterdata.json");
            IEnumerable <ReplayResult <object> > pc2    = JsonStreamAggregator.Load <object>("masterdata.json");
            IEnumerable <ReplayResult <object> > merged = pc1.Concat(pc2);

            HistogramAggregator aggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                             .Add(new CountMetric())
                                             .Add(new TransactionsPerSecMetric());


            Console.WriteLine("## Merged demo ##");
            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregator.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
Пример #11
        static void Main()


            HistogramAggregator histo = new HistogramAggregator();

            .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)))
            .Add(new CountMetric())
            .Add(new AvgDurationMetric())
            .Add(new PercentileMetric(0.95));

            JsonStreamAggregator.Replay("d:\\test.stream.json", histo);
Пример #12
        public static void Run()
            // [2] Results aggregation (Or raw measurement collection, see RawDataMeasurementsDemo.cs)
            // Define how data gets aggregated.
            // Dimensions are like GROUP BY keys in SQL
            // Metrics are aggregation functions like COUNT, SUM, etc..
            // Extensive HistogramAggregator demo now WiP
            HistogramAggregator aggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                             .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))
                                             .Add(new CountMetric())
                                             .Add(new ErrorCountMetric())
                                             .Add(new TransactionsPerSecMetric())
                                             .Add(new PercentileMetric(0.95, 0.99));

            // Secondary aggregation just to monitor key metrics.
            KpiPrinterAggregator kpiPrinter = new KpiPrinterAggregator(
                new CountMetric(Checkpoint.NotMeassuredCheckpoints),
                new ErrorCountMetric(false),
                new TransactionsPerSecMetric()

            // [3] Execution settings
            // Using StrategyBuilder put defined aggregation, scenario, and execution settings into one object
            StrategyBuilder strategy = new StrategyBuilder()
                                       .SetAggregator(aggregator, kpiPrinter)             // Optional
                                       .SetScenario <BlankScenario>()                     // Required
                                       .SetLimit(new TimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20))) // Optional, but if not provided, execution will never stop - unless running test with RunAsync() and stopping later with CancelAsync(true)
                                       .SetSpeed(new FixedSpeed(100000))                  // Optional (Skip for maximum throughput)
                                       .SetThreading(new FixedThreadCount(4));            // Required

            // [4] Execution
            // All that's left is Build(), run and wait for completion and print out measured results.
            LoadRunnerEngine engine = strategy.Build();


            IEnumerable <object> result = aggregator.BuildResultsObjects();

            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));
Пример #13
        public static void Run()
            HistogramAggregator aggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                             .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))
                                             .Add(new CountMetric())
                                             .Add(new GlobalTimerPeriodMetric())
                                             .Add(new TransactionsPerSecMetric());

            StrategyBuilder strategy = new StrategyBuilder()
                                       .SetScenario <BatchStrategyDemo>()
                                       .AddSpeed(new BatchByTimeIntervalSpeed(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), 10))
                                       .SetThreading(new FixedThreadCount(15))
                                       .SetLimit(new TimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)))


            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregator.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
Пример #14
        public static void Aggregate()
            // Feature disabled?
            if (!File.Exists("masterdata.json"))

            // Any random aggregator
            HistogramAggregator aggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                             .Add(new FuncDimension("Created Threads", i => i.CreatedThreads.ToString()))
                                             .Add(new CountMetric());

            // [TUserData] - Type of UserData object in your tests (If not using it, leave object)
            // Correct type is required to prevent deserialization problems.
            JsonStreamAggregator.Replay <object>("masterdata.json", aggregator);

            Console.WriteLine("## JsonStreamAggregator demo ##");
            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregator.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
Пример #15
        public static void Run()
            HistogramAggregator aggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                             .Add(new CountMetric())
                                             .Add(new FuncMetric <TimeSpan>("max", TimeSpan.Zero, (s, result) => s < result.IterationStarted ? result.IterationStarted : s));

            AssertIterationIdsAggregator idsValidator = new AssertIterationIdsAggregator();

            int streamCount = 0;
            StreamAggregator streamAggregator = new StreamAggregator(results => streamCount = results.Count());

            CountingScenarioFactory factory = new CountingScenarioFactory();

            StrategyBuilder strategy = new StrategyBuilder()
                                       .SetThreading(new FixedThreadCount(16))
                                       .SetLimit(new TimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(12)))
                                       .SetAggregator(aggregator, idsValidator, streamAggregator);

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregator.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
            int      expected      = factory.GetSum();
            int      actual        = (int)aggregator.BuildResults().Data[0][1];
            TimeSpan lastIteration = (TimeSpan)aggregator.BuildResults().Data[0][3];

            Console.WriteLine($@"TPS {expected / lastIteration.TotalSeconds:N}");
            Console.WriteLine($@"Last iteration ended at: {lastIteration:g}");
            Console.WriteLine($@"Aggregator catchup took: {(sw.Elapsed-lastIteration):g}");
            Console.WriteLine($@"{expected}/{actual} & {streamCount} ? {expected==actual} && {expected==streamCount}");
Пример #16
        public static HistogramAggregator Build()
            // This demo shows this new HistogramAggregator which isn't currently documented anywhere else. (TODO)
            // Though there are older ones "Legacy" which are somewhat documented
            // https://github.com/Vycka/LoadRunner/wiki/IResultsAggregator but avoid using them until HistogramAggregator is not enough (e.g. if wanting to make Exceptions dump)

            // This preset shown below more or less should work for most of the test cases, except for TimeDimension,
            // which you might want to adjust for bigger chunks or remove it to get totals [no dimensions == no grouping by].
            // HistogramAggregator is a modular Dimension/Metric style aggregator tool, which can be expanded by implementing IMetric or IDimension
            // Dimensions are like row keys (Adding multiple dimensions would multiply result row count)
            // * Currently only TimeDimension and FuncDimension is available
            // Metrics are like values, which will be meassured in test execution
            // * Most usable metrics are all defined below
            HistogramAggregator histogramAggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                                      .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
                                                      .Add(new MinDurationMetric(IgnoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new AvgDurationMetric(IgnoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new MaxDurationMetric(IgnoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new PercentileMetric(new[] { 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99 }, IgnoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new CountMetric(IgnoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new ErrorCountMetric())
                                                      .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("Created Threads", 0, (i, result) => result.CreatedThreads))
                                                      .Alias($"Min: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "Min (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Avg: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "Avg (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Max: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "Max (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"50%: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "50% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"80%: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "80% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"90%: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "90% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"95%: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "95% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"99%: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "99% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Count: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "Success: Count")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.IterationSetupCheckpointName}", "Errors: Setup")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.IterationStartCheckpointName}", "Errors: Iteration")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.IterationTearDownCheckpointName}", "Errors: Teardown");

Пример #17
        public static void Run()
            // Proper demo is being written ATM.
            // So for time being below a common preset is provided.

            // HistogramAggregator is a modular Dimension/Metric style aggregator tool,
            // which can be expanded by implementing own custom IMetric or IDimension.
            // Dimensions are like row keys (Adding multiple dimensions would also multiply result row count)
            // * In SQL it would be like GROUP BY function, or GroupBy in Linq
            // * Dimensions are optional, which would result data aggregated into single KPI row.
            // Metrics are aggregation functions which will aggregate data for each slice presented by Dimensions
            // * In SQL it would be aggregation functions like COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE, etc..

            // In this preset data is grouped by 10 second periods.
            // One can change period below, or totally remove TimeDimension to get KPI result.
            HistogramAggregator histogramAggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                                      .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
                                                      .Add(new MinDurationMetric())
                                                      .Add(new AvgDurationMetric())
                                                      .Add(new MaxDurationMetric())
                                                      .Add(new PercentileMetric(new[] { 0.95, 0.99 }))
                                                      .Add(new CountMetric(Checkpoint.NotMeassuredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new TransactionsPerSecMetric())
                                                      .Add(new ErrorCountMetric())
                                                      .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("Created Threads", 0, (i, result) => result.CreatedThreads))
                                                      .Alias($"Min: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Min (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Avg: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Avg (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Max: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Max (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"95%: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "95% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"99%: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "99% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Count: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Success: Count")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.Names.Setup}", "Errors: Setup")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.Names.Iteration}", "Errors: Iteration")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.Names.TearDown}", "Errors: Teardown");
Пример #18
        public static void Run()
            HistogramAggregator aggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                             .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4)))
                                             .Add(new CountMetric())
                                             .Add(new TransactionsPerSecMetric());

            //var kpiAggregator = new KpiPrinterAggregator(
            //    TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
            //    new MaxDurationMetric(),
            //    new CountMetric(Checkpoint.NotMeassuredCheckpoints),
            //    new TransactionsPerSecMetric());

            StrategyBuilder strategy = new StrategyBuilder()
                                       .SetScenario(new CountingScenarioFactory())
                                       .SetThreading(new FixedThreadCount(4))
                                       .SetLimit(new TimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(13)))


            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregator.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
        public static void Run()
            IEnumerable <IResult> rawResults       = null;
            StreamAggregator      streamAggregator = new StreamAggregator(results => rawResults = results);

            HistogramAggregator aggregator = CreateAggregator();

            HistogramAggregator aggregagorOriginal = CreateAggregator();

            StrategyBuilder strategy = new StrategyBuilder()
                                       .SetScenario <BlankScenario>()
                                       .SetThreading(new FixedThreadCount(3))
                                       .SetLimit(new TimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))
                                       .SetAggregator(streamAggregator, aggregagorOriginal);


            StreamAggregator.Replay(rawResults, aggregator);

            Console.WriteLine(@"-------- FROM LIVE AGGREGATION --------");
            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregagorOriginal.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
            Console.WriteLine(@"-------- FROM STREAM --------");
            Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aggregator.BuildResultsObjects(), Formatting.Indented));
Пример #20
        public static void Run()
            // LoadRunnerParameters initializes defaults shown below
            LoadRunnerParameters loadRunnerParameters = new LoadRunnerParameters
                Limits = new ExecutionLimits
                    // Maximum LoadTest duration threshold, after which test is stopped
                    MaxDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),

                    // Maximum executed iterations count threshold, after which test is stopped
                    MaxIterationsCount = Int32.MaxValue,

                    // Once LoadTest execution finishes because of [maxDuration] or [maxIterationsCount] limit
                    // coordinating thread will wait [FinishTimeout] amount of time before
                    // terminating them with Thread.Abort()
                    // Aborted threads won't get the chance to call IterationTearDown() or ScenarioTearDown()
                    // neither it will broadcast TestContextResultReceived() to aggregators with the state as it is after abort.
                    FinishTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)

                // [ISpeedStrategy] defines maximum allowed load by dampening executed Iterations per second count
                // * Other existing version of [ISpeedStrategy]
                //    - IncremantalSpeed(initialRequestsPerSec: 1.0, increasePeriod: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), increaseStep: 3.0)
                SpeedStrategy = new FixedSpeed(maxIterationsPerSec: Double.MaxValue),

                //[IThreadingStrategy] defines allowed worker thread count
                // * SemiAutoThreading initializes [minThreadCount] at begining
                // It will be increased if not enough threads are available to reach [ISpeedStrategy] limits
                ThreadingStrategy = new IncrementalThreadCount(15, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), 15)

            // Initialize aggregator
            string[] ignoredCheckpoints =

            HistogramAggregator histogramAggregator = new HistogramAggregator()
                                                      .Add(new TimeDimension(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
                                                      .Add(new MinDurationMetric(ignoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new AvgDurationMetric(ignoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new MaxDurationMetric(ignoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new PercentileMetric(new[] { 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99 }, ignoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new CountMetric(ignoredCheckpoints))
                                                      .Add(new ErrorCountMetric())
                                                      .Add(new FuncMetric <int>("Created Threads", 0, (i, result) => result.CreatedThreads))
                                                      .Alias($"Min: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "Min (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Avg: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "Avg (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Max: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "Max (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"50%: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "50% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"80%: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "80% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"90%: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "90% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"95%: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "95% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"99%: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "99% (ms)")
                                                      .Alias($"Count: {Checkpoint.IterationEndCheckpointName}", "Success: Count")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.IterationSetupCheckpointName}", "Errors: Setup")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.IterationStartCheckpointName}", "Errors: Iteration")
                                                      .Alias($"Errors: {Checkpoint.IterationTearDownCheckpointName}", "Errors: Teardown");

            JsonStreamAggregator _jsonStreamAggregator = new JsonStreamAggregator(() => DateTime.Now.ToString("HH_mm_ss__ffff") + ".json");

            //TotalsResultsAggregator resultsAggregator = new TotalsResultsAggregator();

            // Initializing LoadTest Client
            //LoadRunnerEngine loadRunner = LoadRunnerEngine.Create<TestScenario>(loadRunnerParameters, histogramAggregator, _jsonStreamAggregator);

            LoadRunnerUi loadRunnerUi = LoadRunnerUi.Create <TestScenario>(loadRunnerParameters, histogramAggregator, _jsonStreamAggregator);

            // Run test (blocking call)

            //Console.WriteLine("Async started");

            //object defaultResults = histogramAggregator.BuildResultsObjects();
            //Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(defaultResults, Formatting.Indented));
