protected override void Initialize() { // create all application services and add to main services container. _services = new ServiceContainer(); ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => _services); var vfsStorage = new VfsStorage(); var pathStorage = new FileSystemStorage("data"); var uiAssetsStorage = new ZipStorage(pathStorage, ""); vfsStorage.MountInfos.Add(new VfsMountInfo(uiAssetsStorage, null)); // Register the virtual file system as a service. _services.Register(typeof(IStorage), null, vfsStorage); // The GraphicsDeviceManager needs to be registered in the service container. // (This is required by the XNA content managers.) _services.Register(typeof(IGraphicsDeviceService), null, _graphicsDeviceManager); _services.Register(typeof(GraphicsDeviceManager), null, _graphicsDeviceManager); var uiContentManager = new StorageContentManager(_services, uiAssetsStorage); _services.Register(typeof(ContentManager), "UIContent", uiContentManager); // ----- Initialize Services // Register the game class. _services.Register(typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game), null, this); _services.Register(typeof(kbPCB), null, this); // Input _inputManager = new InputManager(false); _services.Register(typeof(IInputService), null, _inputManager); // Graphics _graphicsManager = new GraphicsManager(GraphicsDevice, Window, uiContentManager); _services.Register(typeof(IGraphicsService), null, _graphicsManager); // GUI _uiManager = new UIManager(this, _inputManager); _services.Register(typeof(IUIService), null, _uiManager); // Animation _animationManager = new AnimationManager(); _services.Register(typeof(IAnimationService), null, _animationManager); // Game logic _gameObjectManager = new GameObjectManager(); _services.Register(typeof(IGameObjectService), null, _gameObjectManager); // Profiler _profiler = new HierarchicalProfiler("Main"); _services.Register(typeof(HierarchicalProfiler), "Main", _profiler); // add more stuff here var editor2D = new Editor2D(this); Components.Add(editor2D); base.Initialize(); }
private void basicUsage(HierarchicalProfiler profiler) { profiler.StartFrame("root"); Thread.Sleep(10); profiler.Enter("depth1 1"); Thread.Sleep(10); profiler.Leave(); profiler.Enter("depth1 2"); Thread.Sleep(10); profiler.Enter("depth2 1"); Thread.Sleep(10); profiler.Leave(); Thread.Sleep(10); profiler.Leave(); Thread.Sleep(10); profiler.EndFrame(); var nodes = profiler.Nodes.ToList(); Assert.Equal(4, nodes.Count); Assert.Equal("root", nodes[0].Name); var startTime = nodes[0].StartTicks; var endTime = nodes[0].EndTicks; Assert.True(endTime > startTime); Assert.True(endTime - startTime > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(59).Ticks); Assert.Equal("depth1 1", nodes[1].Name); Assert.Equal("depth2 1", nodes[3].Name); Assert.True(nodes[3].EndTicks > nodes[2].StartTicks); Assert.True(nodes[3].StartTicks > nodes[2].StartTicks); Assert.True(nodes[2].EndTicks > nodes[3].EndTicks); }
public void BasicUsage() { var profiler = new HierarchicalProfiler(); basicUsage(profiler); basicUsage(profiler); }
// Initializes services and adds game components. protected override void Initialize() { #if WINDOWS || WINDOWS_UWP || XBOX if (GraphicsDevice.GraphicsProfile == GraphicsProfile.Reach) { throw new NotSupportedException( "The DigitalRune Samples and Content for Windows, Universal Windows Apps and Xbox 360 are " + "designed for the HiDef graphics profile. A graphics cards supporting DirectX 10.0 or better " + "is required."); } #endif // ----- Service Container // The DigitalRune ServiceContainer is an "inversion of control" container. // All game services (such as input, graphics, physics, etc.) are registered // in this container. Other game components can access these services via lookup // in the service container. // The DigitalRune ServiceContainer replaces the XNA GameServiceContainer (see // property Game.Services). // Note: The DigitalRune libraries do not require the use of the ServiceContainer // or any other IoC container. The ServiceContainer is only used in the sample // for convenience - but it is not mandatory. _services = new ServiceContainer(); // The service container is either passed directly to the game components // or accessed through the global variable ServiceLocator.Current. // The following call makes the service container publicly available in // ServiceLocator.Current. ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => _services); // ----- Storage // For XNA the assets are stored in the following folders: // // <gameLocation>/ // Content/ // DigitalRune/ // ... DigitalRune assets ... // ... other assets ... // // For MonoGame the assets (*.xnb files) are stored in ZIP packages. The // sample assets are stored in "Content/" and the DigitalRune // assets are stored in "Content/". // // <gameLocation>/ // Content/ // // // // DigitalRune introduces the concept of "storages". Storages can be used // to access files on disk or files stored in packages (e.g. ZIP archives). // These storages can be mapped into a "virtual file system", which makes // it easier to write portable code. (The game logic can read the files // from the virtual file system and does not need to know the specifics // about the platform.) // // The virtual files system should look like this: // // / <-- root of virtual file system // DigitalRune/ // ... DigitalRune assets ... // ... other assets ... // The VfsStorage creates a virtual file system. var vfsStorage = new VfsStorage(); // The TitleStorage reads files from the game's default storage location. // --> Create a TitleStorage that reads files from "<gameLocation>/Content". var titleStorage = new TitleStorage("Content"); #if MONOGAME // A ZipStorage can be used to access files inside a ZIP archive. // --> Mount the sample assets to the root of the virtual file system. var assetsStorage = new ZipStorage(titleStorage, ""); vfsStorage.MountInfos.Add(new VfsMountInfo(assetsStorage, null)); #if !ANDROID && !IOS && !LINUX && !MACOS // --> Mount the DigitalRune assets to the root of the virtual file system. var drStorage = new ZipStorage(titleStorage, ""); vfsStorage.MountInfos.Add(new VfsMountInfo(drStorage, null)); #endif #endif // Finally, map the TitleStorage to the root of the virtual file system. // (The TitleStorage is added as the last mount point. The ZIP archives // have priority.) vfsStorage.MountInfos.Add(new VfsMountInfo(titleStorage, null)); // Register the virtual file system as a service. _services.Register(typeof(IStorage), null, vfsStorage); // ----- Content Managers // The GraphicsDeviceManager needs to be registered in the service container. // (This is required by the XNA content managers.) _services.Register(typeof(IGraphicsDeviceService), null, _graphicsDeviceManager); _services.Register(typeof(GraphicsDeviceManager), null, _graphicsDeviceManager); // Register a default, shared content manager. // The new StorageContentManager can be used to read assets from the virtual // file system. (Replaces the content manager stored in Game.Content.) Content = new StorageContentManager(_services, vfsStorage); _services.Register(typeof(ContentManager), null, Content); // Create and register content manager that will be used to load the GUI. #if !MONOGAME var uiContentManager = new ContentManager(_services, "Content"); #else var uiContentManager = new StorageContentManager(_services, assetsStorage); #endif _services.Register(typeof(ContentManager), "UIContent", uiContentManager); // Create content manager that will be used exclusively by the graphics service // to load the pre-built effects and resources of DigitalRune.Graphics. (We // could use Game.Content, but it is recommended to separate the content. This // allows to unload the content of the samples without unloading the other // content.) var graphicsContentManager = new StorageContentManager(_services, vfsStorage); // ----- Initialize Services // Register the game class. _services.Register(typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game), null, this); _services.Register(typeof(SampleGame), null, this); #if XBOX // On Xbox, we use the XNA gamer services (e.g. for text input). Components.Add(new GamerServicesComponent(this)); #endif // Input #if XBOX const bool useGamerServices = true; #else const bool useGamerServices = false; #endif _inputManager = new InputManager(useGamerServices); _services.Register(typeof(IInputService), null, _inputManager); // Graphics _graphicsManager = new GraphicsManager(GraphicsDevice, Window, graphicsContentManager); _services.Register(typeof(IGraphicsService), null, _graphicsManager); // GUI _uiManager = new UIManager(this, _inputManager); _services.Register(typeof(IUIService), null, _uiManager); // Animation _animationManager = new AnimationManager(); _services.Register(typeof(IAnimationService), null, _animationManager); // Particle simulation _particleSystemManager = new ParticleSystemManager(); _services.Register(typeof(IParticleSystemService), null, _particleSystemManager); // Physics simulation ResetPhysicsSimulation(); // Game logic _gameObjectManager = new GameObjectManager(); _services.Register(typeof(IGameObjectService), null, _gameObjectManager); // Profiler _profiler = new HierarchicalProfiler("Main"); _services.Register(typeof(HierarchicalProfiler), "Main", _profiler); // Initialize delegates for running tasks in parallel. // (Creating delegates allocates memory, therefore we do this only once and // cache the delegates.) _updateAnimation = () => _animationManager.Update(_deltaTime); _updatePhysics = () => _simulation.Update(_deltaTime); _updateParticles = () => _particleSystemManager.Update(_deltaTime); // SampleFramework // The SampleFramework automatically discovers all samples using reflection, provides // controls for switching samples and starts the initial sample. #if KINECT var initialSample = typeof(Kinect.KinectSkeletonMappingSample); #elif WINDOWS || WINDOWS_UWP var initialSample = typeof(Graphics.DeferredLightingSample); #else var initialSample = typeof(Graphics.BasicEffectSample); #endif _sampleFramework = new SampleFramework(this, initialSample); _services.Register(typeof(SampleFramework), null, _sampleFramework); base.Initialize(); }
// Initializes services and adds game components. protected override void Initialize() { // ----- Service Container // The DigitalRune ServiceContainer is an "inversion of control" container. // All game services (such as input, graphics, physics, etc.) are registered // in this container. Other game components can access these services via lookup // in the service container. // The DigitalRune ServiceContainer replaces the XNA GameServiceContainer (see // property Game.Services). // Note: The DigitalRune libraries do not require the use of the ServiceContainer // or any other IoC container. The ServiceContainer is only used in the sample // for convenience - but it is not mandatory. _services = new ServiceContainer(); // The service container is either passed directly to the game components // or accessed through the global variable ServiceLocator.Current. // The following call makes the service container publicly available in // ServiceLocator.Current. ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => _services); // ----- Content Managers // The GraphicsDeviceManager needs to be registered in the service container. // (This is required by the XNA content managers.) _services.Register(typeof(IGraphicsDeviceService), null, _graphicsDeviceManager); _services.Register(typeof(GraphicsDeviceManager), null, _graphicsDeviceManager); // Register a default, shared content manager. (Replaces the content manager // stored in Game.Content.) Content = new ContentManager(_services, "Content"); _services.Register(typeof(ContentManager), null, Content); // Create and register content manager that will be used to load the GUI. var uiContentManager = new ContentManager(_services, "BlendBlueTheme"); _services.Register(typeof(ContentManager), "UIContent", uiContentManager); // Create content manager that will be used exclusively by the graphics service // to load the pre-built effects and resources of DigitalRune.Graphics. (We // could use Game.Content, but it is recommend to separate the content. This // allows to unload the content of the samples without unloading the other // content.) var graphicsContentManager = new ContentManager(_services, "Content"); // ----- Initialize Services // Register the game class. _services.Register(typeof(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game), null, this); _services.Register(typeof(SampleGame), null, this); #if XBOX // On Xbox, we use the XNA gamer services (e.g. for text input). Components.Add(new GamerServicesComponent(this)); #endif // Input #if XBOX const bool useGamerServices = true; #else const bool useGamerServices = false; #endif _inputManager = new InputManager(useGamerServices); _services.Register(typeof(IInputService), null, _inputManager); // Graphics _graphicsManager = new GraphicsManager(GraphicsDevice, Window, graphicsContentManager); _services.Register(typeof(IGraphicsService), null, _graphicsManager); // GUI _uiManager = new UIManager(this, _inputManager); _services.Register(typeof(IUIService), null, _uiManager); // Animation _animationManager = new AnimationManager(); _services.Register(typeof(IAnimationService), null, _animationManager); // Particle simulation _particleSystemManager = new ParticleSystemManager(); _services.Register(typeof(IParticleSystemService), null, _particleSystemManager); // Physics simulation ResetPhysicsSimulation(); // Game logic _gameObjectManager = new GameObjectManager(); _services.Register(typeof(IGameObjectService), null, _gameObjectManager); // Profiler _profiler = new HierarchicalProfiler("Main"); _services.Register(typeof(HierarchicalProfiler), "Main", _profiler); // Initialize delegates for running tasks in parallel. // (Creating delegates allocates memory, therefore we do this only once and // cache the delegates.) _updateAnimation = () => _animationManager.Update(_deltaTime); _updatePhysics = () => _simulation.Update(_deltaTime); _updateParticles = () => _particleSystemManager.Update(_deltaTime); // ----- Add GameComponents // The MenuComponent loads/switches samples. Components.Add(new MenuComponent(this)); // The MouseComponent handles mouse centering and the mouse cursor. Components.Add(new MouseComponent(this)); // The GamePadComponent detects and assigns logical players to game pads. Components.Add(new GamePadComponent(this)); // The HelpComponent shows help text. Components.Add(new HelpComponent(this)); // The ProfilerComponent dumps profiling data. Components.Add(new ProfilerComponent(this)); base.Initialize(); }