Пример #1
 public override void onSelected()
     foreach (GameObject hex in GameState.Instance.Board)
         HexScript script = hex.GetComponent <HexScript>();
         if (script._row < 2)
             script.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", GameState.Instance.getPlayer(true).getColor());
         else if (script._row > 5)
             script.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", GameState.Instance.AIPlayer.getColor());
     _gui.gameObject.GetComponent <TutorialSelection>().enabled = true;
     _gui.gameObject.GetComponent <TutorialSelection> ().initializePlayer1();
    public void DoTurn()

        if (hexPath == null || hexPath.Count == 0)
        //Grab the first hex in our queue
        HexScript newHex = hexPath.Dequeue();

        MovementRemaining -= newHex.movementCost;

        if (MovementRemaining < 0)
            //Move to the new Hex
            #region Debuging
            //HexScript oldHex = Hex;
            //newHex = oldHex.HexMap.GetHexAt(oldHex.C + 1, oldHex.R);

Пример #3
     * Returns the adjacent hex to the given hex, in the given map, at the given offset value.
     * The offset represents the distance, in a clockwise fashion around the given hex, from
     * the adjacent top hex.
     * So, passing 0 for offset will return the hex above the given hex; 1 will return the hex
     * to the top-right of the given hex, and so on.
    public HexScript adjacentHexTo(HexScript hex, int offset)
        try {
            int pos_x = (int)hex.position.x;
            int pos_y = (int)hex.position.y;

            switch(offset) {
                // top
                case 0: return map[pos_x][pos_y - 2];
                // top-right
                case 1: return (pos_y % 2 == 0) ? map[pos_x][pos_y - 1] : map[pos_x + 1][pos_y - 1];
                // bottom-right
                case 2: return (pos_y % 2 == 0) ? map[pos_x][pos_y + 1] : map[pos_x + 1][pos_y + 1];
                // bottom
                case 3: return map[pos_x][pos_y + 2];
                // bottom-left
                case 4: return (pos_y % 2 == 0) ? map[pos_x - 1][pos_y + 1] : map[pos_x][pos_y + 1];
                // top-left
                case 5: return (pos_y % 2 == 0) ? map[pos_x - 1][pos_y - 1] : map[pos_x][pos_y - 1];
                // invalid position
                default: return null;
        } catch(Exception Ex) {
            // Either the hex give is invalid (or null) or the hex is on the map's boundary
            if (Ex is NullReferenceException || Ex is IndexOutOfRangeException || Ex is ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
                return null;

Пример #4
 public void SetUpGame(int players)
     hexScript     = gameObject.AddComponent <HexScript>();
     grid          = hexScript.CreateGrid(gridDimension, size, hexMaterial);
     colors[0]     = hexMaterial.color;
     PlayersNumber = players;
Пример #5
    public void SelectHex(HexScript hex)
        if (SelectedHex != null)

        SelectedHex = hex;

        if (SelectedHex != null)
    private void DoEndTurn()
        if (hexes != null)
            foreach (HexScript hex in hexes)
                GameObject tempHexNeighbour_go = GameObject.Find("Hex_" + hex.C + "_" + hex.R);
                if (hex.movementCost == 1)
                    tempHexNeighbour_go.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material.color = selectedHexesOriginalColor;
        shortestSquareResult = 0;

        endTurnTrue  = false;
        endTurnDelay = 0;
        selectedHex  = null;

        rows    = new List <int>();
        columns = new List <int>();

        movementActivated = false;
        pathBegun         = true;
        aiTurn            = false;
        noCharacter       = false;


        currentState = States.WaitingForTurn;

        if (currentTurnState == TurnsState.EnemyTurn_1 && MapGeneratorScript.instance.aiUnits.Count > 1)
            currentTurnState = TurnsState.EnemyTurn_2;
            currentState     = States.Stalling;
            aiTurn           = true;
            endTurnTrue      = false;
        else if (currentTurnState == TurnsState.EnemyTurn_2 && MapGeneratorScript.instance.aiUnits.Count > 2)
            currentTurnState = TurnsState.EnemyTurn_3;
            currentState     = States.Stalling;
            aiTurn           = true;
            endTurnTrue      = false;
            currentTurnState = TurnsState.PlayerTurn;
Пример #7
    public void OnUnitMoved(HexScript oldHex, HexScript newHex)
        // This GameObject is supposed to be a child of the hex we are
        // standing in. This ensures that we are in the correct place
        // in the hierachy
        // Our correct position when we aren't moving, is to be at
        // 0,0 local position relative to our parent.

        // TODO: Get rid of VerticalOffset and instead use a raycast to determine correct height
        // on each frame.
        move        = true;
        oldPosition = oldHex.PositionFromCamera();
        newPosition = newHex.PositionFromCamera();
Пример #8
 public void Move()
     if (mode != Mode.Movement)
     if (selectedUnit != null && selectedHex != null)
         if (selectedHex.Distance(selectedUnit.hex) <= selectedUnit.mobility)
             selectedUnit = null;
             selectedHex = null;
             selectedHex = null;
    public void SetHex(HexScript newHex)
        HexScript oldHex = Hex;

        if (newHex != null)

        Hex = newHex;


        if (OnUnitMoved != null)
            OnUnitMoved(oldHex, newHex);
Пример #10
      IN: an hex HexScript  || OUT: bool isNeighbor
      This function takes an hex as an argument.
      When you call this function you it will return
      a boolean that indicates if the hex in the argument
      is an immediate neighbor of the hex from which the
      function is called.
    public bool IsNeighbor(HexScript hex)
        bool isNeighbor = false;

           (hex.coordinates.x == coordinates.x + 1 && hex.coordinates.y == coordinates.y - 1 && hex.coordinates.z == coordinates.z) ||
           (hex.coordinates.x == coordinates.x - 1 && hex.coordinates.y == coordinates.y + 1 && hex.coordinates.z == coordinates.z) ||
           (hex.coordinates.x == coordinates.x && hex.coordinates.y == coordinates.y + 1 && hex.coordinates.z == coordinates.z - 1) ||
           (hex.coordinates.x == coordinates.x && hex.coordinates.y == coordinates.y - 1 && hex.coordinates.z == coordinates.z + 1) ||
           (hex.coordinates.x == coordinates.x + 1 && hex.coordinates.y == coordinates.y && hex.coordinates.z == coordinates.z - 1) ||
           (hex.coordinates.x == coordinates.x - 1 && hex.coordinates.y == coordinates.y && hex.coordinates.z == coordinates.z + 1)
            isNeighbor = true;

        return isNeighbor;
Пример #11
    public static float Distance(HexScript a, HexScript b)
        int dC = Mathf.Abs(a.C - b.C);

        if (dC > a.HexMap.numColumns / 2)
            dC = a.HexMap.numColumns - dC;

        int dR = Mathf.Abs(a.R - b.R);

        if (dR > a.HexMap.numRows / 2)
            dR = a.HexMap.numRows - dR;

        return(Mathf.Max(dC, dR, Mathf.Abs(a.S - b.S)
Пример #12
    /* Given a unit type and hex type, the cost of the given unit moving through the tile is returned. */
    public static int move_cost(UnitScript.Types u_type, HexScript.HexEnum h_type)
        if (u_type == Types.H_Infantry || u_type == Types.A_Infantry) {
            switch (h_type) {
                case HexScript.HexEnum.plains:		return 1;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.desert:		return 1;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.mountain:	return 3;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.water:		return 9999;
        } else if (u_type == Types.H_Exo || u_type == Types.A_Elite) {
            switch (h_type) {
                case HexScript.HexEnum.plains:		return 1;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.desert:		return 1;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.mountain:	return 1;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.water:		return 9999;
        } else if (u_type == Types.H_Tank || u_type == Types.A_Tank) {
            switch (h_type) {
                case HexScript.HexEnum.plains:		return 1;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.desert:		return 2;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.mountain:	return 9999;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.water:		return 9999;
        } else if (u_type == Types.H_Artillery || u_type == Types.A_Artillery) {
            switch (h_type) {
                case HexScript.HexEnum.plains:		return 1;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.desert:		return 3;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.mountain:	return 9999;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.water:		return 9999;
        } else if (u_type == Types.H_Base || u_type == Types.A_Base) {
            switch (h_type) {
                case HexScript.HexEnum.plains:		return 1;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.desert:		return 1;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.mountain:	return 1;
                case HexScript.HexEnum.water:		return 1;

        // not a valid unit type
        return 9999;
Пример #13
    //Player selects the hex where to move the unit.
    //Check if position is valid
    public HexScript PlanMovement(UnitScript unit)
        HexScript target  = new HexScript();
        int       newPosX = 0;
        int       newPosY = 0;

        //Here the apply the pos of the selected hex to the variables

        if ((newPosX - unit.posX) + (newPosY - unit.posY) < unit.movement)
            target.posX = newPosX;
            target.posY = newPosY;
            target = null;

Пример #14
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     //If left mouse click
     if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
         //gameStateScript.GetComponent<GameStateScript>().updateGameBoard(0, turn);
         //Get mouse point
         Vector2 pos = Input.mousePosition;
         //Cast Ray
         Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, 0.0f));
         RaycastHit hit;
         //Get hit point
         if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
             //change the color of the
             HexScript hex = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <HexScript>();
             //Pasing by reference as increment only if we change the color
             hex.rise(ref turn);
Пример #15
    public HexScript[] GetNeighbours(GameObject hex_go, int radius, int column, int row)
        List <HexScript> results = new List <HexScript>();
        HexScript        hex     = hex_go.GetComponent <HexComponentScript>().hex;

        hexes = /*MapGeneratorScript.instance.hexes*/ HexMap.hexes;

        for (int dx = -radius; dx < radius + 1; dx++)
            for (int dy = Mathf.Max(-radius, -dx - radius); dy < Mathf.Min(radius + 1, -dx + radius + 1); dy++)
                if (hex.R + dy >= 0 && hex.C + dx >= 0 && hex.R + dy <= /*MapGeneratorScript.instance.numRows*/
                    HexMap.numRows - 1 && hex.C + dx <= /*MapGeneratorScript.instance.numColumns*/ HexMap.numColumns - 1)
                    results.Add(hexes[hex.C + dx, hex.R + dy]);

    public void SelfSelectedDoTurn(HexScript[] selectedHexes)

        if (selfSelectedHexPath == null || selfSelectedHexPath.Count == 0)
        //Grab the first hex in our queue
        HexScript newHex = selfSelectedHexPath.Dequeue();

        //Move to the new Hex
        #region Debuging
        //HexScript oldHex = Hex;
        //newHex = oldHex.HexMap.GetHexAt(oldHex.C + 1, oldHex.R);

    private void DoDecidingMostSuitableMovement()
        foreach (var unit in MapGeneratorScript.instance.units)
            selectedPlayerUnit = unit;

        GameObject tempHex_go = GameObject.Find("Hex_" + selectedPlayerUnit.Hex.C + "_" + selectedPlayerUnit.Hex.R);

        #region Attempt1_Of_AI_Movement
        //foreach (HexScript hex in hexes)
        //    if (!columns.Contains(hex.C))
        //    {
        //        columns.Add(hex.C);
        //    }

        //    if (!rows.Contains(hex.R))
        //    {
        //        rows.Add(hex.R);
        //    }

        //int closestRow = rows.OrderBy(item => Math.Abs(selectedPlayerUnit.Hex.R - item)).First();
        //int closestColumn = columns.OrderBy(item => Math.Abs(selectedPlayerUnit.Hex.C - item)).First();

        //selectedHexColumnPositioningDifference = closestColumn - selectedAIUnit.Hex.C;
        //selectedHexRowPositioningDifference = closestRow - selectedAIUnit.Hex.R;

        if (goodness > 35)
            foreach (HexScript hex in hexes)//Potential Selectable Hexes for the Current Enemy
                HexScript Found = null;
                foreach (var unit in MapGeneratorScript.instance.aiUnits) //Collection of enemy players
                    if (unit.Hex == hex && unit.Hex != selectedAIUnit.Hex)
                        Found = unit.Hex;
                        Debug.LogError("The Current: R=" + unit.Hex.R + " C=" + unit.Hex.C);

                if (Found == null)
                    #region Row And Column Short Distance Algorithm
                    coordinatesX1 = hex.C;
                    coordinatesX2 = selectedPlayerUnit.Hex.C;

                    coordinatesY1 = hex.R;
                    coordinatesY2 = selectedPlayerUnit.Hex.R;

                    xCoordinatesDifference  = (coordinatesX2 - coordinatesX1);
                    yCoordinatesDifference  = (coordinatesY2 - coordinatesY1);
                    xCoordinatesDifference *= xCoordinatesDifference;
                    yCoordinatesDifference *= yCoordinatesDifference;

                    totalResult = (xCoordinatesDifference + yCoordinatesDifference);

                    squaredResult = Mathf.Sqrt(totalResult);

                    if (shortestSquareResult == 0)
                        shortestSquareResult = squaredResult;
                        selectedHex          = hex;

                    if (shortestSquareResult > squaredResult)
                        shortestSquareResult = squaredResult;
                        selectedHex          = hex;

        selectedHexColumnPositioningDifference = selectedHex.C - selectedAIUnit.Hex.C;
        selectedHexRowPositioningDifference    = selectedHex.R - selectedAIUnit.Hex.R;


        movementActivated = true;
        pathBegun         = false;

        currentState = States.InitiatingPotentialMovement;

        if (goodness < 35)

            foreach (HexScript hex in hexes)
                coordinatesX1 = hex.C;
                coordinatesX2 = selectedPlayerUnit.Hex.C;

                coordinatesY1 = hex.R;
                coordinatesY2 = selectedPlayerUnit.Hex.R;

                xCoordinatesDifference  = (coordinatesX2 - coordinatesX1);
                yCoordinatesDifference  = (coordinatesY2 - coordinatesY1);
                xCoordinatesDifference *= xCoordinatesDifference;
                yCoordinatesDifference *= yCoordinatesDifference;

                totalResult = (xCoordinatesDifference + yCoordinatesDifference);

                squaredResult = Mathf.Sqrt(totalResult);

                if (shortestSquareResult == 0)
                    shortestSquareResult = squaredResult;
                    selectedHex          = hex;

                if (shortestSquareResult < squaredResult)
                    shortestSquareResult = squaredResult;
                    selectedHex          = hex;

            selectedHexColumnPositioningDifference = selectedHex.C - selectedAIUnit.Hex.C;
            selectedHexRowPositioningDifference    = selectedHex.R - selectedAIUnit.Hex.R;


            movementActivated = true;
            pathBegun         = false;

            currentState = States.InitiatingPotentialMovement;
Пример #18
    public Vector3 GetHexPosition(int c, int r)
        HexScript h = GetHexAt(c, r);

Пример #19
 public void DoGarrisonBattle(HexScript hex)
     List<EnemyScript> enemies = new List<EnemyScript>();
     foreach(EnemyScript enemy in rampagingEnemies){
         if (!enemy.isBattling) {
             photonView.RPC("EnemyIsBattling", PhotonTargets.All, enemy.gameObject.GetPhotonView().viewID, true);
Пример #20
    /* Determines the action to take if a hex is clicked. */
    public void hexClicked(HexScript hex)
        if (!paused) {

            if (focusedUnit != null) {

            // A space must be adjacent to the current Player's base and not a water tile
            } else if ( focusedCard != null && hex.getType() != HexScript.HexEnum.water &&
                        adjacent_to_base(hex) && placeUnitWithCard(focusedCard, (int)hex.position.x, (int)hex.position.y) ) {
                    // Attempt to place the unit of the focusedCard
                    focusedCard = null;

Пример #21
    // Finds the adjacent hexes to a hex and adds them to an iterable Set
    // The returns that set
    HashSet<HexScript> findAdj(HexScript hex)
        if (!paused) {
            int x = (int)hex.getPosition ().x;
            int y = (int)hex.getPosition ().y;
            HashSet<HexScript> set = new HashSet<HexScript> ();
            // Note: The logic here is clunky and long, but it works and runs in O(1)! Hopefully
            //       it won't need any changes.
            if (y % 2 == 0) {
                if (y - 2 >= 0) {
                    set.Add (Map.map [x] [y - 2]);
                if (y - 1 >= 0) {
                    set.Add (Map.map [x] [y - 1]);
                if (y + 1 < Map.map [x].Count) {
                    set.Add (Map.map [x] [y + 1]);
                if (y + 2 < Map.map [x].Count) {
                    set.Add (Map.map [x] [y + 2]);
                if (x - 1 >= 0) {
                    if (y + 1 < Map.map [x].Count) {
                        set.Add (Map.map [x - 1] [y + 1]);
                    if (y - 1 >= 0) {
                        set.Add (Map.map [x - 1] [y - 1]);
            if (y % 2 == 1) {
                if (y - 2 >= 0) {
                    set.Add (Map.map [x] [y - 2]);
                if (y - 1 >= 0) {
                    set.Add (Map.map [x] [y - 1]);
                if (y + 1 < Map.map [x].Count) {
                    set.Add (Map.map [x] [y + 1]);
                if (y + 2 < Map.map [x].Count) {
                    set.Add (Map.map [x] [y + 2]);
                if (x + 1 < Map.map.Count) {
                    if (y + 1 < Map.map [x].Count) {
                        set.Add (Map.map [x + 1] [y + 1]);
                    if (y - 1 >= 0) {
                        set.Add (Map.map [x + 1] [y - 1]);

            // Remove any hexes that cannot be landed on (water/mountains)
            /*foreach (HexScript hexes in set) {
            return set;
        } else
            return null;
Пример #22
 // Adds a new hex to the path
 public void addHex(HexScript hex, int cost)
     path [path.Count] = hex;
     //		path.Add (hex, path.Count);
     distance += cost;
Пример #23
     * Returns all hexes that surround the given hex, in the map, at a given radius
     * Passing a non-positive value for the radius will simply yeild a singleton
     * containing the given hex.
    private List<HexScript> findArea(HexScript center, int radius, Probability variation)
        List<HexScript> to_fill = new List<HexScript>();

        // find remaining layers
        if (radius > 0) {
            List<HexScript> initial = new List<HexScript>();
            addNextLayer(initial, to_fill, radius, variation);

        return to_fill;
Пример #24
 // Moves the player to a hex, if the player has not moved or attacked yet.
 public void move(HexScript hex)
     if (state < 1) {
         state = 1;
Пример #25
 public List<HexScript> GetHexNeighbours(HexScript hex)
     return GetHexNeighbours(hex.x, hex.y, hex.z);
Пример #26
 public void SelectHex(HexScript hex)
     SelectHex(hex.x, hex.y, hex.z);
Пример #27
 public void SelectHexRange(HexScript hex, int r)
     for (int dx = -r; dx <= r; dx++)
         for(int dy = Mathf.Max(-r, -dx-r); dy <= Mathf.Min(r, -dx+r); dy++)
             int dz = -dx-dy;
             SelectHex(hex.x+dx, hex.y +dy, hex.z +dz);
Пример #28
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        menuAudio = GameObject.Find ("GUI Background").GetComponent<MenuAudio> ();
        scorekeeper = GameObject.Find ("Scorekeeper").GetComponent<Scorekeeper>();
        photonView.RPC("SetScore", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, PhotonNetwork.player.ID, 0);

        overlayCanvas = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Canvas>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Common Area Overlay");
        mainCanvas = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Canvas>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Main Canvas");
        handCanvas = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Canvas>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Hand Canvas");

        // disables our overlay for other people, so they do not see our score, move, and other values
            overlayCanvas.enabled = true;
            mainCanvas.enabled = true;
            photonView.RPC("DisableCanvas", PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered, overlayCanvas.gameObject.GetPhotonView().viewID);
            photonView.RPC("DisableCanvas", PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered, mainCanvas.gameObject.GetPhotonView().viewID);
            photonView.RPC("DisableCanvas", PhotonTargets.OthersBuffered, handCanvas.gameObject.GetPhotonView().viewID);


        handSizeIncreaseLevels = new int[3]{10, 25, 50};
        turnPhase = Toolbox.TurnPhase.Move;
        handCamera = GameObject.Find ("Hand Camera").GetComponent<Camera>();
        mainCamera = GameObject.Find ("Main Camera").GetComponent<Camera>();
        handCanvas.worldCamera = handCamera;
        mainCanvas.worldCamera = mainCamera;
        mainCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "View Hand Button").onClick.AddListener(() => { ArrangeHand(0); });
        mainCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "View Hand Button").onClick.AddListener(() => { Manager.ChangeCameras("Hand"); });
        handCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Return To Game Button").onClick.AddListener(() => { Manager.ChangeCameras("Main"); });
        handCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "View Next").onClick.AddListener(() => { ArrangeHand(1); });
        handCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "View Prev").onClick.AddListener(() => { ArrangeHand(-1); });
        player = transform.GetChild (0);
        //portal hex is the seventh child of green tile zero.
        portalHex = GameObject.Find("Green Tile 0").transform.GetChild(6).gameObject;
        destroyedCards = GameObject.Find ("Destroyed Cards");
        onHex = portalHex.GetComponent<HexScript>();
        player.position = portalHex.transform.position;
        attackLabel = GetComponentInChildren<Canvas>().transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Attack Label").gameObject;
        blockLabel = GetComponentInChildren<Canvas>().transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Block Label").gameObject;
        timerLabel = GetComponentInChildren<Canvas>().transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Timer").gameObject;
        retreatLabel = GetComponentInChildren<Canvas>().transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Retreat Label").gameObject;
        usesLabel = GetComponentInChildren<Canvas>().transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Uses Remaining").gameObject;
        turnPhaseLabel = mainCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Phase Label").gameObject;
        deckSizeLabel = GetComponentInChildren<Canvas>().transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Deck Size Label").gameObject;
        hand = handCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Hand").gameObject;
        deck = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().First (x => x.gameObject.name == "Deed Deck").gameObject;
        energyLabel = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().First (x => x.gameObject.name == "Energy Label").gameObject;
        handSizeLabel = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().First (x => x.gameObject.name == "Hand Size Label").gameObject;
        armorLabel = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().First (x => x.gameObject.name == "Armor Label").gameObject;
        fameLabel = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().First (x => x.gameObject.name == "Fame Track").gameObject;
        discardPile = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().First (x => x.gameObject.name == "Discard Pile").gameObject;
        endMovesButton = mainCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "End Move Button");
        endMovesButton.onClick.AddListener(() => Manager.SwitchToTurnPhase(Toolbox.TurnPhase.Action));
        endActionButton = mainCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "End Action Button");
        endActionButton.onClick.AddListener(() => Manager.SwitchToTurnPhase(Toolbox.TurnPhase.End));
        interactButton = mainCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Interaction Button");
        interactButton.onClick.AddListener(() => PrepInteractionMenu());
        restButton = mainCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Rest Button");
        restButton.onClick.AddListener(() => DoRest());
        provokeButton = mainCanvas.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>().First(x => x.gameObject.name == "Provoke Button");
        provokeButton.onClick.AddListener(() => ProvokeRampagers());
Пример #29
 public void MoveToHex(HexScript hex)
     List<HexScript> oldAdjacentRampagers = GetAdjacentRampagers();
     player.position = hex.transform.position;
     onHex = hex;
     List<HexScript> newAdjacentRampagers = GetAdjacentRampagers();
     if(oldAdjacentRampagers.Count > 0 && newAdjacentRampagers.Count > 0){
         foreach (HexScript rampager in oldAdjacentRampagers.Intersect(newAdjacentRampagers)){
             if (rampager.enemiesOnHex.Count > 0){
                 if (!rampager.enemiesOnHex.ElementAt(0).isBattling) {
         if (hex.hexType == Toolbox.HexType.Garrison){
             //do garrison battle
         } else {
             if (rampagingEnemies.Count > 0){
                 foreach(EnemyScript enemy in rampagingEnemies){
                     photonView.RPC("EnemyIsBattling", PhotonTargets.All, enemy.gameObject.GetPhotonView().viewID, true);
     } else {
         isRetreating = false;
Пример #30
 public int Distance(HexScript hex)
     return (Mathf.Abs(hex.x - x) + Mathf.Abs(hex.y - y) + Mathf.Abs(hex.z - z)) / 2;
Пример #31
 public void ApplyMovement(UnitScript unit, HexScript hex)
Пример #32
 // Moves the player to a hex, if the player has not moved yet.
 public void move(HexScript hex)
     if (!hasMoved) {
         position = hex.getPosition ();
         transform.position = new Vector3 (
             hex.transform.position.z - 10f);
         hasMoved = true;
Пример #33
    /* Finds a hex at a given offset from a point relative to the given hex in the map.
     * If opp_x is set to true, then the point's x position will be equal to the complement
     * of the given hex's x position relative to the map's width bounds: likewise for opp_y,
     * the point's y position, and the map's height bounds.
     * If the given hex is null, then null is returned. */
    public HexScript hex_at_offset_from(HexScript hex, bool opp_x, bool opp_y, int offset)
        if (hex == null) { return null; }

        var pos_x = (int)hex.position.x;
        var pos_y = (int)hex.position.y;
        // flip x position
        if (opp_x) {
            pos_x = width - pos_x - 1;
        // flip y position
        if (opp_y) {
            pos_y = height - pos_y - 1;

        List<HexScript> area = findArea(map[pos_x][pos_y], offset, null);
        // Find a random hex at a radius of the given offset away from the given hex
        int hex_idx = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, area.Count - 1);

        return area[hex_idx];
Пример #34
 // Sets the position of the unit to a hex.
 // NOTE: This works much better than the other set position method,
 // and should be used whenever possible.
 public void setPosition(HexScript hex)
     position = hex.getPosition ();
     transform.position = new Vector3 (
Пример #35
    // Set's a unit to be the current unit in focus
    public void selectFocus(UnitScript unit)
        if (!paused) {

            focusedUnit = unit;

            if (unit != null && unit.getState() < 1) {
                List<HexScript> mapRow = Map.map [(int)unit.getPosition ().x];
                HexScript curHex = mapRow [(int)unit.getPosition ().y];
                // Reinitialize the hexSet to an empty set
                hexSet = new HashSet<HexScript>();
                // Populate the hexSet with moveable hexes
                hexSet = Map.unit_move_range(focusedUnit, true);
                //findMovement (focusedUnit.getMovement (), (Map.map [(int)focusedUnit.getPosition ().x]) [(int)focusedUnit.getPosition ().y], false);
                // For each moveable hex, indicate that it is moveable
                /*foreach (HexScript moveable in hexSet) {
                    moveable.setFocus (true);
                focusedHex = curHex;
Пример #36
    /* Determines if the given hex is adjacent to current's player's base */
    private bool adjacent_to_base(HexScript hex)
        if (!paused) {
            HexScript baseHex = Map.map[ (int)((getTurn() == 1) ? p1Base : p2Base).getPosition().x ][ (int)((getTurn() == 1) ? p1Base : p2Base).getPosition().y];
            // Determine if the hex is adjacent to the base
            for (int adj = 0; adj < 6; ++adj) {
                HexScript adjHex = Map.adjacentHexTo(baseHex, adj);
                // adjHex is the desired hex
                if (hex != null && MapManager.same_position(adjHex, hex)) { return true; }

        return false;
Пример #37
    /* Moves the current focused unit to the given hex, if possible. */
    public void moveCurrentUnit(HexScript hex)
        if (!paused) {
            // Makes sure there is currently a focused unit
            if (focusedUnit != null) {
                // If the hex is in the set of moveable hexes, move to it
                if (hexSet.Contains (hex)) {
                    // cover original vision in fog
                    HexScript prev_hex = Map.map [(int)focusedUnit.getPosition().x] [(int)focusedUnit.getPosition().y];
                    //Map.update_fog_cover(prev_hex, focusedUnit.getMovement(), true);

                    // reveal new vision area
                    if (Map.FOG_OF_WAR) { Map.update_field_of_view(focusedUnit, false); }

                focusedUnit = null;
Пример #38
 public void Deselect()
     selectedUnit = null;
     selectedHex = null;
Пример #39
    public void CreateHexBoard(int radius)
        if (radius <= 0)

        int prevRadius = 0;         //hexBoard == null _WHEN_ prevRadius <= 0

        if (tileBoard != null)
            prevRadius = (tileBoard.GetLength(0) - 1) / 2 + 1;

        if (radius < prevRadius)
            for (int i = 0; i < prevRadius; i++)
                Hex nextHex = AxialHex.GetDirection(4) * i;
                for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        if (i >= radius)
                            if (debugMode)
                                Debug.Log(nextHex.ToArrayPos(prevRadius).x + "," + nextHex.ToArrayPos(prevRadius).y + " is destroyed");
                            Destroy(tileBoard[nextHex.ToArrayPos(prevRadius).y, nextHex.ToArrayPos(prevRadius).x].gameObject);

                            nextHex = nextHex.GetNeighbour(dir);

        HexScript[,] newHexBoard = new HexScript[(radius - 1) * 2 + 1, (radius - 1) * 2 + 1];

        //Center piece
        if (0 < prevRadius)
            newHexBoard[0, 0] = (HexScript)tileBoard[0, 0];
            if (debugMode)
                Debug.Log("hexBoard[0,0] can be taken from old array[0,0]");
            newHexBoard[0, 0] = Instantiate(tilePrefab[(int)tileType]).GetComponent <HexScript>();
            newHexBoard[0, 0].transform.parent = hexBoardParent;
            if (debugMode)
                Debug.Log("hexBoard[0,0] is instantiated");

        //Set Scale
        newHexBoard[0, 0].transform.localScale = Vector3.one * tileSize;
        newHexBoard[0, 0].position             = new Hex(0, 0);

        newHexBoard[0, 0].isChecked    = false;
        newHexBoard[0, 0].isObstacle   = false;
        newHexBoard[0, 0].movementCost = Mathf.Infinity;
        newHexBoard[0, 0].parentTile   = null;
        newHexBoard[0, 0].state        = TileState.Empty;

        //Ring search
        for (int i = 1; i < radius; i++)
            Hex nextHex = AxialHex.GetDirection(4) * i;
            for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++)
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    Hex arrayPos    = nextHex.ToArrayPos(radius);
                    Hex oldArrayPos = nextHex.ToArrayPos(prevRadius);

                    if (i < prevRadius)
                        newHexBoard[arrayPos.y, arrayPos.x] = (HexScript)tileBoard[oldArrayPos.y, oldArrayPos.x];
                        if (debugMode)
                            Debug.Log("hexBoard[" + arrayPos.y + "," + arrayPos.x + "] can be taken from old array[" + oldArrayPos.y + "," + oldArrayPos.x + "]");
                        newHexBoard[arrayPos.y, arrayPos.x] = Instantiate(tilePrefab[(int)tileType]).GetComponent <HexScript>();
                        newHexBoard[arrayPos.y, arrayPos.x].transform.parent = hexBoardParent;
                        //newHexBoard[nextHex.ToArrayPos(radius).y, nextHex.ToArrayPos(radius).x].position = new AxialHex(nextHex.y, nextHex.x);
                        if (debugMode)
                            Debug.Log("hexBoard[" + arrayPos.y + "," + arrayPos.x + "] is instantiated");

                    //Set Scale
                    newHexBoard[arrayPos.y, arrayPos.x].transform.localScale = Vector3.one * tileSize;
                    newHexBoard[arrayPos.y, arrayPos.x].position             = new Hex(nextHex.x, nextHex.y);

                    newHexBoard[arrayPos.y, arrayPos.x].isChecked    = false;
                    newHexBoard[arrayPos.y, arrayPos.x].isObstacle   = false;
                    newHexBoard[arrayPos.y, arrayPos.x].movementCost = Mathf.Infinity;
                    newHexBoard[arrayPos.y, arrayPos.x].parentTile   = null;
                    newHexBoard[arrayPos.y, arrayPos.x].state        = TileState.Empty;

                    nextHex = nextHex.GetNeighbour(dir);

        //Save new board
        tileBoard = newHexBoard;
Пример #40
 public void SelectHex(HexScript hex)
     selectedHex = hex;
     // maybe draw pretty path to this tile?
Пример #41
 /* Finds all hexes within the given radius, centered at the center hex. */
 public List<HexScript> findArea(HexScript center, int radius)
     return findArea(center, radius, null);
Пример #42
 IN: HexScript || OUT: int distance
 this function will return the number
 of hex between the hex in the argument
 and the hex from which the function is called.
 The number is an integer.
 public int hexDistance(HexScript hex)
     return (int)((Mathf.Abs(coordinates.x - hex.coordinates.x) + Mathf.Abs(coordinates.y - hex.coordinates.y) + Mathf.Abs(coordinates.z - hex.coordinates.z))/2);
 public int MovementCostToEnterHex(HexScript hex)
     //TODO: Override base movement cost based on our movement plus tile type
Пример #44
 public virtual void initialSetup(HexScript hexInfo)
     _teamcolor = GameState.Instance.CurrentPlayer.getColor();
     _homeHex   = hexInfo.gameObject;
    public float AggregateTurnsToEnterHex(HexScript hex, float turnsToDate)
            // The issue at hand is that if you are trying to enter a tile
            // with a movement cost greater than your current remaining movement
            // points, this will either result in a cheaper-than expected
            // turn cost (Civ5) or a more-expensive-than expected turn cost (Civ6)

            if (Movement > 0)
                float baseTurnsToEnterHex = MovementCostToEnterHex(hex) / Movement; // Example: Entering a forest is "1" turn

                if (baseTurnsToEnterHex < 0)
                    // Impassible terrain
                    Debug.Log("Impassible terrain at:" + hex.ToString());

                if (baseTurnsToEnterHex > 1)
                    // Even if something costs 3 to enter and we have a max move of 2,
                    // you can always enter it using a full turn of movement.

                float turnsRemaining = MovementRemaining / Movement;        // Example, if we are at 1/2 move, then we have .5 turns left

                float turnsToDateWhole    = Mathf.Floor(turnsToDate);       // Example: 4.33 becomes 4
                float turnsToDateFraction = turnsToDate - turnsToDateWhole; // Example: 4.33 becomes 0.33

                if ((turnsToDateFraction > 0 && turnsToDateFraction < 0.01f) || turnsToDateFraction > 0.99f)
                    Debug.LogError("Looks like we've got floating-point drift: " + turnsToDate);

                    if (turnsToDateFraction < 0.01f)
                        turnsToDateFraction = 0;

                    if (turnsToDateFraction > 0.99f)
                        turnsToDateWhole   += 1;
                        turnsToDateFraction = 0;

                float turnsUsedAfterThismove = turnsToDateFraction + baseTurnsToEnterHex; // Example 0.33 + 1

                if (turnsUsedAfterThismove > 1)
                    // We have hit the situation where we don't actually have enough movement to complete this move.
                    // What do we do?

                    if (MOVEMENT_RULES_LIKE_CIV6)
                        // We aren't ALLOWED to enter the tile this move. That means, we have to...

                        if (turnsToDateFraction == 0)
                            // We have full movement, but this isn't enough to enter the tile
                            // EXAMPLE: We have a max move of 2 but the tile costs 3 to enter.
                            // We are good to go.
                            // We are NOT on a fresh turn -- therefore we need to
                            // sit idle for the remainder of this turn.
                            turnsToDateWhole   += 1;
                            turnsToDateFraction = 0;

                        // So now we know for a fact that we are starting the move into difficult terrain
                        // on a fresh turn.
                        turnsUsedAfterThismove = baseTurnsToEnterHex;
                        // Civ5-style movement state that we can always enter a tile, even if we don't
                        // have enough movement left.
                        turnsUsedAfterThismove = 1;

                // turnsUsedAfterThismove is now some value from 0..1. (this includes
                // the factional part of moves from previous turns).

                // Do we return the number of turns THIS move is going to take?
                // I say no, this an an "aggregate" function, so return the total
                // turn cost of turnsToDate + turns for this move.

                return(turnsToDateWhole + turnsUsedAfterThismove);
Пример #46
    public void GenerateMap()
        string holderName = "Generator Map";

        if (transform.Find(holderName))

        Transform mapHolder = new GameObject(holderName).transform;

        mapHolder.parent = transform;

        //tileRotations = Random.Range(-90, 90);

        hexes = new HexScript[numColumns, numRows];
        hexToGameObjectMap = new Dictionary <HexScript, GameObject>();

        for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; column++)
            for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                HexScript h = new HexScript(this, column, row);
                hexes[column, row] = h;

                h.movementCost = 1;

                GameObject hex_go = Instantiate(hexPrefab, h.Position(), Quaternion.identity, this.transform);

                if (h == GetHexAt(3, 4) || h == GetHexAt(4, 3) || h == GetHexAt(5, 2) || h == GetHexAt(15, 16) || h == GetHexAt(14, 17) || h == GetHexAt(13, 18) || h == GetHexAt(12, 19))
                    h.movementCost = -99;
                    hex_go.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.black;
                if (h == GetHexAt(9, 10))
                    h.movementCost = 2;
                    hex_go.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.black;
                if (h == GetHexAt(6, 9) || h == GetHexAt(7, 9) || h == GetHexAt(8, 9) || h == GetHexAt(9, 9) || h == GetHexAt(10, 9))
                    h.movementCost = 3;
                    hex_go.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.black;
                else if (h == GetHexAt(2, 5))
                    h.movementCost = 10;
                    hex_go.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.green;

                hexToGameObjectMap.Add(h, hex_go);

                hex_go.GetComponent <HexComponentScript>().hex = new HexScript(this, column, row);
                hex_go.GetComponent <HexComponentScript>().map = this;

                //hex_go.GetComponentInChildren<TextMesh>().text = string.Format("{0},{1}\n\t{2}", column, row, h.movementCost);

                hex_go.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * (1 - outlinePercent);

                //Rotation of the tiles around the Y axis of their creation
                var rotationVector = hex_go.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                rotationVector.y = tileRotation;
                hex_go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotationVector);

                //Gives the game object a suitable name for debugging
                hex_go.name = "Hex_" + column + "_" + row;

                //Used to create a cleaner hierachy, thus parenting this hex.

                hex_go.isStatic = true;
                #region My Attempt
                //float xPos = column * xOffset;

                ////Are we on a odd row
                //if (row % 2 == 1)
                //    xPos += xOffset / 2f;

                //Vector3 tileposition = new Vector3(xPos, 0, row * zOffest);
                //GameObject hex_go = (GameObject)Instantiate(hexPrefab, tileposition, Quaternion.identity);

                //hex_go.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * (1 - outlinePercent);

                ////Rotation of the tiles around the Y axis of their creation
                //var rotationVector = hex_go.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                //rotationVector.y = tileRotation;
                //hex_go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotationVector);

                ////Gives the game object a suitable name for debugging
                //hex_go.name = "Hex_" + column + "_" + row;

                ////Give the Hex awareness of it's place in the array
                //hex_go.GetComponent<HexScript>().x = column;
                //hex_go.GetComponent<HexScript>().y = row;
                //hex_go.GetComponent<HexScript>().tilesWidthMax = width;
                //hex_go.GetComponent<HexScript>().tilesHeightMax = height;

                ////Used to create a cleaner hierachy, thus parenting this hex.

                //hex_go.isStatic = true;

        GameObject mapGenerator        = GameObject.Find(holderName);
        var        pivotRotationVector = mapGenerator.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
        pivotRotationVector.y = pivotRotation;
        mapGenerator.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(pivotRotationVector);
Пример #47
 // Recursively finds the hexes that a unit can move to given
 // a starting hex and a movement distance
 // TODO: Account for terrain
 // DONE: Account for Zone of Control
 // TODO: Write an implementation of the A* algorithm to find the best path
 void findMovement(int movement, HexScript location, bool moved)
     if (!paused) {
         bool stopped = false;
         bool adjToEnemy = false;
         HashSet<HexScript> adjSet = findAdj (location);
         hexSet.Add (location);
         if (movement == 0) {
         } else {
             foreach (HexScript adjHex in adjSet) {
                 foreach (UnitScript enemy in units) {
                     if (enemy.getPlayer () != turn) {
                         if (moved && enemy.getPosition () == adjHex.getPosition ()) {
                             stopped = true;
                         if (!moved && enemy.getPosition () == adjHex.getPosition ()) {
                             adjToEnemy = true;
             if (adjToEnemy) {
                 foreach (HexScript adjHex in adjSet) {
                     bool adj = false;
                     foreach (UnitScript enemy in units) {
                         if (enemy.getPlayer () != turn) {
                             if ((enemy.getPosition () == adjHex.getPosition ())) {
                                 adj = true;
                     if (!adj) {
                         int cost = UnitScript.move_cost(focusedUnit.unitType(), adjHex.getType());
                         //focusedUnit.terrainMap.TryGetValue (adjHex.getType (), out cost);
                         if (movement - cost >= 0) {
                             findMovement (movement - cost, adjHex, true);
             } else if (!stopped) {
                 foreach (HexScript adjHex in adjSet) {
                     int cost = UnitScript.move_cost(focusedUnit.unitType(), adjHex.getType());
                     //focusedUnit.terrainMap.TryGetValue (adjHex.getType (), out cost);
                     if (movement - cost >= 0) {
                         findMovement (movement - cost, adjHex, true);
Пример #48
 public Vector3 GetHexPosition(HexScript Hex)
     return(Hex.PositionFromCamera(Camera.main.transform.position, numRows, numColumns));
Пример #49
 /* Verifies that the two hexes are at the same position in the map */
 public static bool same_position(HexScript h1, HexScript h2)
     return h1 != null && h2 != null && (h1.position.x == h2.position.x) && (h1.position.y == h2.position.y);