private HeuristicValue GetUnitPriority(UnitDesign unitDesign) { HeuristicValue heuristicValue = new HeuristicValue(0f); heuristicValue.Add(this.currentProductionPriority, "Current unit priority", new object[0]); HeuristicValue heuristicValue2 = new HeuristicValue(0f); int num = this.availableMilitaryBody.IndexOf(unitDesign.UnitBodyDefinition.Name); if (num >= 0) { float num2 = this.bodyCount[num] / this.overralUnitCount; float num3 = this.wantedBodyRatio[num]; if (num2 > num3) { heuristicValue2.Log("Too much of this body already", new object[0]); heuristicValue2.Add(num2, "Current ratio", new object[0]); heuristicValue2.Divide(num3, "Wanted ratio", new object[0]); heuristicValue2.Clamp(0f, 2f); heuristicValue2.Multiply(-1f, "invert", new object[0]); } else { heuristicValue2.Log("Not enough of this body for now.", new object[0]); heuristicValue2.Add(num3, "Wanted ratio", new object[0]); heuristicValue2.Divide(num2, "Current ratio", new object[0]); heuristicValue2.Clamp(0f, 2f); } } heuristicValue2.Multiply(0.05f, "constant", new object[0]); heuristicValue.Boost(heuristicValue2, "Body ratio boost", new object[0]); DepartmentOfTheInterior agency = this.AIEntity.Empire.GetAgency <DepartmentOfTheInterior>(); if (unitDesign.Name.ToString().Contains("Preacher") && this.VillageLayer.ConversionArmiesCount > 0 && (this.VictoryLayer == null || this.VictoryLayer.CurrentVictoryDesign != AILayer_Victory.VictoryDesign.Preacher)) { heuristicValue.Boost(-0.4f, "Bad Unit Malus", new object[0]); } else if (unitDesign.Name.ToString().Contains("EyelessOnesCaecator")) { heuristicValue.Boost(-0.3f, "Bad Unit Malus", new object[0]); } else if (unitDesign.Name.ToString().Contains("CeratanDrider")) { heuristicValue.Boost(-0.15f, "Bad Unit Malus", new object[0]); } if (unitDesign.Name.ToString().Contains("Mastermind") && agency.AssimilatedFactions.Count > 0) { foreach (Faction faction in agency.AssimilatedFactions) { if (faction.Name != "Ceratan" && faction.Name != "EyelessOnes") { heuristicValue.Boost(-0.2f, "Bad Unit Malus", new object[0]); break; } } } return(heuristicValue); }
private HeuristicValue GetTaskFitness(BaseNavyArmy navyGarrison) { HeuristicValue heuristicValue = new HeuristicValue(0f); base.Owner.GetAgency <DepartmentOfForeignAffairs>(); if (navyGarrison.Garrison.GUID == base.TargetGuid) { heuristicValue.Value = -1f; heuristicValue.Log("Cannot reinforce itself.", new object[0]); } else if (navyGarrison.Role == BaseNavyArmy.ArmyRole.Land || navyGarrison.Role == BaseNavyArmy.ArmyRole.Forteress || navyGarrison.Role == BaseNavyArmy.ArmyRole.Convoi) { heuristicValue.Value = -1f; heuristicValue.Log("Role is not valid for the task. Role={0}.", new object[] { navyGarrison.Role.ToString() }); } else if (navyGarrison.Garrison.StandardUnits.Count == 0) { heuristicValue.Value = -1f; heuristicValue.Log("Army is empty, cannot be used as reinforcement.", new object[0]); } else { heuristicValue.Add(this.NavyFortress.WantToKeepArmyFitness, "Fortress army need", new object[0]); if (navyGarrison.Role == BaseNavyArmy.ArmyRole.TaskForce) { heuristicValue.Boost(-0.1f, "constant avoid reinforce while task force.", new object[0]); float num = (float)navyGarrison.Garrison.CurrentUnitSlot; float operand = Math.Abs((float)this.ReinforcementSlots - num); HeuristicValue heuristicValue2 = new HeuristicValue(0f); heuristicValue2.Add(operand, "ABS(TaskSlotNeeded - armySize)", new object[0]); heuristicValue2.Divide(num, "Army size", new object[0]); heuristicValue.Subtract(heuristicValue2, "Size ratio", new object[0]); } if (heuristicValue.Value > 0f) { if (this.NavyFortress.ArmySize < BaseNavyArmy.ArmyState.Medium) { heuristicValue.Boost(0.2f, "(constant)Under medium", new object[0]); } else if (this.NavyFortress.ArmySize < BaseNavyArmy.ArmyState.High) { heuristicValue.Boost(0.1f, "(constant)Under high", new object[0]); } float numberOfTurnToReach = (float)this.worldPositionService.GetDistance(navyGarrison.Garrison.WorldPosition, this.NavyFortress.Garrison.WorldPosition) / navyGarrison.GetMaximumMovement(); heuristicValue.Multiply(base.ComputeDistanceFitness(numberOfTurnToReach, navyGarrison.Role), "Distance", new object[0]); } } return(heuristicValue); }
protected HeuristicValue ComputePowerFitness(float enemyPower, float myPower) { HeuristicValue heuristicValue = new HeuristicValue(0f); enemyPower += 1f; myPower += 1f; if (enemyPower > myPower) { float num = myPower / enemyPower; if (num < 0.8f) { heuristicValue.Value = -1f; heuristicValue.Log("Enemy really too strong. Ratio My/enemyPower = {0}", new object[] { num }); return(heuristicValue); } heuristicValue.Add(0.8f, "Max ratio as we are under the enemy power.", new object[0]); heuristicValue.Boost(-1f + num, "inverted negative ratio", new object[0]); } else { heuristicValue.Add(0.8f, "Max ratio as we are over the enemy power.", new object[0]); HeuristicValue heuristicValue2 = new HeuristicValue(0f); heuristicValue2.Add(enemyPower, "Enemy power", new object[0]); heuristicValue2.Divide(myPower, "My power", new object[0]); HeuristicValue heuristicValue3 = new HeuristicValue(0f); heuristicValue3.Add(1f, "constant", new object[0]); heuristicValue3.Subtract(heuristicValue2, "Enemy/my power ratio", new object[0]); heuristicValue3.Clamp(-1f, 1f); heuristicValue.Boost(heuristicValue3, "Boost based on power", new object[0]); } return(heuristicValue); }