Пример #1
        public static int Establish(ref byte[] EncryptionKeyServer, ref byte[] Salt, HenkTcpClient Client, string Password, string UserName, RSAKey RSAKey)
                EncryptionKeyServer = Encryption.RSA.Decrypt(Client.WriteAndGetReply(CombineBytes(new byte[] { 42, 1 }, RSAKey.PublicKey), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMESPAN)).Data, RSAKey.PrivateKey);
                Client.SetEncryption(Aes.Create(), EncryptionKeyServer);
                Salt = Client.WriteAndGetReply(new byte[] { 42, 2 }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).DecryptedData;

                Rfc2898DeriveBytes HashedPassword = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Password, Salt, 250000);
                byte ValidPassword = Client.WriteAndGetReply(CombineBytes(new byte[] { 42, 3 }, HenkTcp.Encryption.Encrypt(Aes.Create(), HashedPassword.GetBytes(20), EncryptionKeyServer)), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMESPAN)).Data[0];

                if (ValidPassword.Equals(1))
                    byte ValidUserName = Client.WriteAndGetReply(CombineBytes(new byte[] { 42, 4 }, AES256.encrypt(UserName, Password, Salt)), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMESPAN)).Data[0];
                    if (ValidUserName.Equals(1))
                        return(3);                        //evrything ok
                        Client.Disconnect(); return(2);
                    }                                      //UserName already taken
                    Client.Disconnect(); return(1);
                }                                      //Wrong password
            catch { return(0); }//server did not reply on a message
Пример #2
        public static string SendCommand(string Text, HenkTcpClient Client, byte[] EncryptionKeyServer, string Password, byte[] Salt)
            if (Text.Equals("!users"))
                int Online = BitConverter.ToInt32(Client.WriteAndGetReply(new byte[] { 42, 6, 1 }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).DecryptedData, 0);

                string Users = string.Empty;
                for (int x = 0; x < Online; x++)
                    Users += ", " + AES256.decrypt(Client.WriteAndGetReply(CombineBytes(new byte[] { 42, 6, 1 }, BitConverter.GetBytes(x)), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).Data, Password, Salt);
                return($"({Online}) {Users.Remove(0, 2)}");
            if (Text.StartsWith("!admin "))
                Rfc2898DeriveBytes HashedAdminPassword = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Text.Remove(0, 7), Salt, 500000);
                return(_SendCommand(CombineBytes(new byte[] { 42, 6 }, HenkTcp.Encryption.Encrypt(Aes.Create(), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("!admin " + Convert.ToBase64String(HashedAdminPassword.GetBytes(20))), EncryptionKeyServer)), Client));
            else if (Text.StartsWith("!kick "))
                return(_SendCommand(CombineBytes(new byte[] { 42, 6, 2 }, AES256.encrypt(Text.Remove(0, 6), Password, Salt)), Client));
            else if (Text.StartsWith("!ban "))
                return(_SendCommand(CombineBytes(new byte[] { 42, 6, 3 }, AES256.encrypt(Text.Remove(0, 5), Password, Salt)), Client));
                return(_SendCommand(CombineBytes(new byte[] { 42, 6 }, HenkTcp.Encryption.Encrypt(Aes.Create(), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Text), EncryptionKeyServer)), Client));
Пример #3
        private async void _OnDisconnect(object sender, HenkTcpClient e)
            await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                Chat_GRD.Visibility    = Visibility.Collapsed;
                Connect_GRD.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                Message_TB.Text = string.Empty;

                _Client.DataReceived -= _DataReceived;
                _Client.OnDisconnect -= _OnDisconnect;
Пример #4
        private void _Connect(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (Popup_GRD.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)
                Popup_Text.Text = "You are trying to quick"; return;


            _Client = new HenkTcpClient();
            int x = Connection.Connect(ServerName_TB.Text, _Client);

            if (x.Equals(0))
                _ShowPopup("Could not connect to NameServer"); return;
            else if (x.Equals(1))
                _ShowPopup("Server does not exists"); return;
            else if (x.Equals(2))
                _ShowPopup("Could not connect to server"); return;

            x = Connection.Establish(ref EncryptionKeyServer, ref Salt, _Client, Password_PWB.Password, UserName_TB.Text, _RSAKey);
            if (x.Equals(0))
                _ShowPopup("Server timed out");
            else if (x.Equals(1))
                _ShowPopup("Wrong password");
            else if (x.Equals(2))
                _ShowPopup("UserName is already taken");
            else if (x.Equals(3))
Пример #5
 private static string _SendCommand(byte[] Data, HenkTcpClient Client) => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Client.WriteAndGetReply(Data, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).DecryptedData);
Пример #6
 public static int Connect(string ServerName, HenkTcpClient Client)
     if (ServerName.StartsWith("!"))
         string[] Credentials = ServerName.Split('/');
         if (Credentials.Length.Equals(2))
             int Port;
             if (!int.TryParse(Credentials[1], out Port))
             return(Client.Connect(Credentials[0].Remove(0, 1), Port, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMESPAN)) ? 3 : 2);//2 = could not connect to server,3= ok
         else if (Credentials.Length.Equals(3))
             int Port;
             if (!int.TryParse(Credentials[1], out Port))
             if (!Client.Connect(Credentials[0].Remove(0, 1), Port, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMESPAN)))
                 return(0);                                                                                   //could not connect to name server
             var Reply = Client.WriteAndGetReply(new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Credentials[2].ToLower(), new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 }, 10000).GetBytes(20), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMESPAN));
             if (Reply == null)
             else if (Reply.Data[0].Equals(0))
             int ServerPort = BitConverter.ToInt32(Reply.Data, 0);
             return(Client.Connect(Credentials[0].Remove(0, 1), ServerPort, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMESPAN)) ? 3 : 2);//2 = could not connect to server,3= ok
             return(2);//could not connect to server, invalid credentials
         if (!Client.Connect(IP, NAME_SERVER_PORT, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMESPAN)))
             return(0);                                                                      //could not connect to name server
         var Reply = Client.WriteAndGetReply(new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(ServerName.ToLower(), new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 }, 10000).GetBytes(20), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMESPAN));
         if (Reply == null)
         else if (Reply.Data[0].Equals(0))
         int ServerPort = BitConverter.ToInt32(Reply.Data, 0);
         return(Client.Connect(IP, ServerPort, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TIMESPAN)) ? 3 : 2);//2 = could not connect to server,3= ok