Пример #1
        static void Main()
            RemotingConfiguration.Configure("Client.exe.config", true /*ensureSecurity*/);

            HelloWorld proxy = new HelloWorld();

            Console.WriteLine("Echo response: {0}", proxy.Echo("Hello"));
Пример #2
    static void Main(string[] args)
        CConnectionContext cc = new CConnectionContext("localhost", 20901, "hwClientUserId", "password4hwClient");

        using (CSocketPool <HelloWorld> spHw = new CSocketPool <HelloWorld>(true)) //true -- automatic reconnecting
            bool       ok = spHw.StartSocketPool(cc, 1, 1);
            HelloWorld hw = spHw.Seek(); //or HelloWorld hw = spHw.Lock();

            //optionally start a persistent queue at client side to ensure auto failure recovery and once-only delivery
            ok = hw.AttachedClientSocket.ClientQueue.StartQueue("helloworld", 24 * 3600, false); //time-to-live 1 day and true for encryption

            //process requests one by one synchronously
            Console.WriteLine(hw.SayHello("Jone", "Dole"));
            CMyStruct msOriginal = CMyStruct.MakeOne();
            CMyStruct ms         = hw.Echo(msOriginal);

            //asynchronously process multiple requests with inline batching for best network efficiency
            ok = hw.SendRequest(hwConst.idSayHelloHelloWorld, "Jack", "Smith", (ar) =>
                string ret;
                ar.Load(out ret);
            CAsyncServiceHandler.DAsyncResultHandler arh = null;
            ok = hw.SendRequest(hwConst.idSleepHelloWorld, (int)5000, arh);
            ok = hw.SendRequest(hwConst.idEchoHelloWorld, msOriginal, (ar) =>
                ar.Load(out ms);
            ok = hw.WaitAll();
            Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER key to shutdown the demo application ......");