Пример #1
        private void TestTile()
            Vector3     posA         = new Vector3(1, 1, 2);
            HeightLevel heightLevelA = new HeightLevel();
            Tile        a            = new Tile(posA, 0, 0, heightLevelA, 1);

            Vector3     posB         = new Vector3(1, 1, 2);
            HeightLevel heightLevelB = new HeightLevel();
            Tile        b            = new Tile(posB, 0, 0, heightLevelB, 1);

            Vector3     posC         = new Vector3(0, 1, 2);
            HeightLevel heightLevelC = new HeightLevel();
            Tile        c            = new Tile(posC, 0, 0, heightLevelC, 1);

            Vector3     posD         = new Vector3(2, 1, 2);
            HeightLevel heightLevelD = new HeightLevel();
            Tile        d            = new Tile(posD, 0, 0, heightLevelD, 1);

            Vector3     posE         = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            HeightLevel heightLevelE = new HeightLevel();
            Tile        e            = new Tile(posE, 0, 0, heightLevelE, 1);

            Vector3     posF         = new Vector3(1, 1, 3);
            HeightLevel heightLevelF = new HeightLevel();
            Tile        f            = new Tile(posF, 0, 0, heightLevelF, 1);

            Assert("a=" + a.WorldPos + " b=" + b.WorldPos + " a == b", a.CompareTo(b) == 0);
            Assert("a=" + a.WorldPos + " c=" + c.WorldPos + " a > c", a.CompareTo(c) == 1);
            Assert("a=" + a.WorldPos + " d=" + d.WorldPos + " a < d", a.CompareTo(d) == -1);
            Assert("a=" + a.WorldPos + " e=" + e.WorldPos + " a > e", a.CompareTo(e) == 1);
            Assert("a=" + a.WorldPos + " f=" + f.WorldPos + " a < f", a.CompareTo(d) == -1);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine terrain type given the map height, temperature and rain
        /// </summary>
        private TerrainType DetermineTerrain(HeightLevel height /*, MoistureLevel rain, TemperatureLevel temperature*/)
            switch (height)
            case HeightLevel.Sea:

            case HeightLevel.Land:

            case HeightLevel.LowMountain:

            case HeightLevel.MediumMountain:

            case HeightLevel.HighMountain:

            case HeightLevel.MountainPeak:

Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var bodyInfomationPublisher = new Publisher <BodyInformationDTO>();

            var BMICheckup         = new BMI();
            var freeMealCheckup    = new FreeMeal();
            var heightLevelCheckup = new HeightLevel();


            bodyInfomationPublisher.Notification(new BodyInformationDTO()
                Name = "Leo", Age = 24, Height = 170, Weight = 70, IsMale = true
            bodyInfomationPublisher.Notification(new BodyInformationDTO()
                Name = "Mendy", Age = 26, Height = 162, Weight = 50, IsMale = false
            bodyInfomationPublisher.Notification(new BodyInformationDTO()
                Name = "Lucy", Age = 20, Height = 152, Weight = 42, IsMale = false
            bodyInfomationPublisher.Notification(new BodyInformationDTO()
                Name = "Jack", Age = 25, Height = 165, Weight = 80, IsMale = true

     * Sets the position of the room for the specified height level and column on that height level.
     * Also modifies the HeightLevel list to create new height level and returns the start of the list
    private HeightLevel FixateRoomOnHeightLevel(Room room, HeightLevel heightLevel, int column, HeightLevel start)
        room.column = column;
        room.row    = heightLevel.rowHeight;

        HeightLevel movingBack = heightLevel;

        for (int shift = heightLevel.columnStart; shift >= column; shift--)
            if ((movingBack.previous != null) &&
                (shift < (movingBack.previous.columnStart + movingBack.previous.width)))
                movingBack = movingBack.previous;

        HeightLevel movingForward = heightLevel;

        for (int shift = heightLevel.columnStart + heightLevel.width; shift < (column + room.width); shift++)
            if ((movingForward.next != null) &&
                (shift > (movingForward.next.columnStart)))
                movingForward = movingForward.next;

        // combine and divide moving backward and moving forward
        movingBack.DivideByIntroducingNewHeight(heightLevel.rowHeight + room.height, room.column, room.width, movingForward);
        return(start);          //start will almost never change because we modify the start not change it.
Пример #5
 public Tile(Vector3 worldPos, int gridPosX, int gridPosZ, HeightLevel height, float size)
     WorldPos    = worldPos;
     GridPosX    = gridPosX;
     GridPosZ    = gridPosZ;
     HeightLevel = height;
     Size        = size;
    private Room[][] FixPositionsForRoom(List <Room> roomList, int maxWidth)
        //for maxHeight just compute the summation of height of all rooms
        int maxHeight = 0;

        foreach (Room room in roomList)
            maxHeight += room.height;

        //max height is only the upper limit of the layout
        //occupancy holds the information about slots that are occupied
        Room[][] occupancy = new Room[maxHeight][];
        for (int i = 0; i < maxHeight; i++)
            occupancy[i] = new Room[maxWidth];
            for (int j = 0; j < maxWidth; j++)
                occupancy[i][j] = null;

        HeightLevel start          = new HeightLevel(0, 0, maxWidth);
        int         maxHeightLevel = 0;

        foreach (Room room in roomList)
            //try to fit this room in the lowest height level

            HeightLevel lowestFittingHeightLevel = FindHeightLevelForRoom(start, room);
            int         columnStart = FindColumnStartOnHeightLevel(room, lowestFittingHeightLevel, occupancy, maxWidth);
            start = FixateRoomOnHeightLevel(room, lowestFittingHeightLevel, columnStart, start);
            int heightReached = room.row + room.height;
            if (heightReached > maxHeightLevel)
                maxHeightLevel = heightReached;
            FillOccupancyWithRoom(occupancy, room);
            int doorsMade = room.FindAndMakeOpeningsWithAdjacentRooms(occupancy, maxHeight, maxWidth);
            if (doorsMade == 0)
                Debug.Log("No doors made");
     * Traverse the height list and find the appropriate height to fit this room,
     * Keep in mind that this might also turn the room
    private HeightLevel FindHeightLevelForRoom(HeightLevel start, Room room)
        HeightLevel t = start;
        int         smallestHeight       = 9999;
        HeightLevel fittingHeightLevel   = null;
        HeightLevel biggestHightLevel    = null;
        int         biggestHeight        = 0;
        bool        roomNeedsToTurnToFit = false;

        while (t != null)
            if (t.rowHeight < smallestHeight)
                if (t.width > room.width)
                    roomNeedsToTurnToFit = false;
                    smallestHeight       = t.rowHeight;
                    fittingHeightLevel   = t;
                else if (t.width > room.height)
                    roomNeedsToTurnToFit = true;
                    smallestHeight       = t.rowHeight;
                    fittingHeightLevel   = t;
            if (t.rowHeight >= biggestHeight)
                biggestHeight     = t.rowHeight;
                biggestHightLevel = t;
            t = t.next;

        if (fittingHeightLevel == null)
            Debug.Log("couldn't find smallest height for " + room.ToString());
            fittingHeightLevel = biggestHightLevel;

        if (roomNeedsToTurnToFit)
Пример #8
    internal static HeightLevel GetFrom(List <HeightLevel> heights, float y)
        HeightLevel height = new HeightLevel();

        foreach (HeightLevel current in heights)
            float upperBorder = current.upperBorder;
            float lowerBorder = current.lowerBorder;

            //lower border is inclusive, higher border is exclusive
            //heightLevel.Type is defined like [lowerBorder; upperBorder[
            if (y >= lowerBorder && y < upperBorder)
                height = current;
Пример #9
        public void Calculate()
            //calculate tile size in meters from resolution
            TileLengthX = Vector3.Distance(borders.bottomLeft, borders.bottomRight) / ResolutionX;
            TileLengthZ = Vector3.Distance(borders.bottomLeft, borders.topLeft) / ResolutionZ;

            //initialize grid
            Tiles = new Tile[ResolutionX, ResolutionZ];

            //offset to get the middle of a tile
            Vector3 offset = new Vector3(TileLengthX / 2, 0, TileLengthZ / 2);

            //begin bottom left of viewport
            Vector3 iterator = borders.bottomLeft - offset;

            //iterate over rows and within rows iterate over collumns
            for (int z = 0; z < ResolutionZ; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < ResolutionX; x++)
                    //get projection-point of current grid-tile
                    // Does the ray intersect any objects excluding the player layer
                    if (Physics.Raycast(iterator, -Vector3.up, out RaycastHit hit))
                        Vector3     pos         = hit.point;
                        HeightLevel heightLevel = HeightLevel.GetFrom(heightLevels, pos.y);
                        float       size        = Mathf.Max(TileLengthX, TileLengthZ);
                        Tile        tile        = new Tile(pos, x, z, heightLevel, size);
                        //tile.neighbours = CalculateNeighbours(tile, grid);
                        Tiles[x, z] = tile;
                        //null if the ray did not intersect with anything (point lies beyond game world)
                        Tiles[x, z] = null;
                    //create tile by position data (Vector3) and store it in 2D array
                    iterator.x -= TileLengthX;
                iterator.x  = borders.bottomLeft.x - offset.x;
                iterator.z -= TileLengthZ;
            //if (debugMode) DebugGrid();
     * Finds the start column based on the height level and keeping in mind to allow maximum adjacency to
     * other rooms
    private int FindColumnStartOnHeightLevel(Room room, HeightLevel heightLevel, Room[][] grid, int maxWidth)
        int columnStart = heightLevel.columnStart;

        while (columnStart + room.width + 1 < maxWidth && grid [heightLevel.rowHeight] [columnStart + room.width + 1] == null)

        //if it didn't touch an adjacent room,
        if (columnStart - 1 < 0 || grid[heightLevel.rowHeight][columnStart - 1] == null)
            //go in the other direction
            columnStart = heightLevel.columnStart;

            while (columnStart - 1 >= 0 && grid[heightLevel.rowHeight][columnStart - 1] == null)
Пример #11
        private void TestArea()
            //create empty area
            Area area = new Area();

            Assert("create empty area", area != null);

            int   notFoundCount = 0;
            bool  foundAllTiles = true;
            int   bounds        = 4;
            float max           = 128;
            float min           = -max;

            for (int i = 0; i < bounds; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < bounds; j++)
                    Tile tile     = null;
                    bool contains = true;
                    while (contains)
                        float       x           = Random.Range(min, max);
                        float       y           = Random.Range(min, max);
                        float       z           = Random.Range(min, max);
                        Vector3     pos         = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                        HeightLevel heightLevel = new HeightLevel();
                        tile     = new Tile(pos, 0, 0, heightLevel, 1);
                        contains = area.Contains(tile);
                        if (contains)
                    if (!area.Contains(tile))
                        foundAllTiles = false;
            int count = area.GetTiles().Count;

            Assert("Added " + bounds * bounds + " tiles to area. Count=" + count, count == (bounds * bounds));
            Assert("Searching for tiles. Number of Tiles not found=" + notFoundCount, foundAllTiles);

            area   = new Area();
            bounds = 2;
            float tileSize = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < bounds; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < bounds; j++)
                    Tile tile = null;
                    //bool contains = true;
                    //while (contains)
                    float       x           = Random.Range(min, max);
                    float       y           = Random.Range(min, max);
                    float       z           = Random.Range(min, max);
                    Vector3     pos         = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                    HeightLevel heightLevel = new HeightLevel();
                    tile = new Tile(pos, 0, 0, heightLevel, tileSize);
                    //    contains = area.Contains(tile);
                    //    if (contains)
                    //        Debug.LogWarning("collision");
            float areaSize = area.GetTiles().Count *tileSize;

            Assert("Get size of area", area.SizeInSquareMeters() == areaSize);
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the char value of a Heightlevel.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level">The heightlevel to get the char value of</param>
 /// <returns>A string containing the char value of the item.</returns>
 public static string GetCharValue(HeightLevel level)
     return(string.Empty + (int)level);
    public void DivideByIntroducingNewHeight(int newHeight, int newHeightColumn, int newHeightWidth, HeightLevel overlappingEnd)
        //retain the old height and width before overwriting
        int oldHeight = rowHeight;
        int oldWidth  = this.width;

        // if new height belongs to this height level
        if (newHeightColumn == this.columnStart)
            //retain this object and increase its height
            this.rowHeight = newHeight;
            this.width     = newHeightWidth;
            if (newHeightWidth < oldWidth)
                if (overlappingEnd == this)              //this will always be true in such a case
                //create a new height level and insert it in the next
                    HeightLevel remainingWidthLevel = new HeightLevel(oldHeight, newHeightColumn + newHeightWidth, oldWidth - newHeightWidth);
                    remainingWidthLevel.previous = this;
                    remainingWidthLevel.next     = this.next;
                    this.next = remainingWidthLevel;
                    if (remainingWidthLevel.next != null)
                        remainingWidthLevel.next.previous = remainingWidthLevel;
            else if (newHeightWidth > oldWidth)
                if (overlappingEnd != this)              //this assertion will always be true
                //make the overlapping end the next to this
                    int amountOverlapped = (newHeightColumn + newHeightWidth) - overlappingEnd.columnStart;
                    overlappingEnd.columnStart = newHeightColumn + newHeightWidth;
                    overlappingEnd.width       = overlappingEnd.width - amountOverlapped;
                    overlappingEnd.previous    = this;
                    this.next = overlappingEnd;
        else if (newHeightColumn < this.columnStart)
            int oldColumnStart = this.columnStart;
            this.columnStart = newHeightColumn;
            this.width       = newHeightWidth;
            HeightLevel elevatedLevel = new HeightLevel(newHeight, newHeightColumn, newHeightWidth);
            elevatedLevel.previous = this;

            if (overlappingEnd == this)
                int         amountOverlapped    = (newHeightColumn + newHeightWidth) - oldColumnStart;
                HeightLevel remainingWidthLevel = new HeightLevel(oldHeight, newHeightColumn + newHeightWidth, oldWidth - amountOverlapped);
                elevatedLevel.next           = remainingWidthLevel;
                remainingWidthLevel.previous = elevatedLevel;
                remainingWidthLevel.next     = this.next;
                if (this.next != null)
                    this.next.previous = remainingWidthLevel;
                this.next = elevatedLevel;
                int amountOverlapped = (newHeightColumn + newHeightWidth) - overlappingEnd.columnStart;
                overlappingEnd.columnStart = newHeightColumn + newHeightWidth;
                overlappingEnd.width       = overlappingEnd.width - amountOverlapped;
                this.next = overlappingEnd;
                overlappingEnd.previous = this;
            this.width = newHeightColumn - this.columnStart;
            HeightLevel elevatedLevel = new HeightLevel(newHeight, newHeightColumn, newHeightWidth);
            elevatedLevel.previous = this;

            if (overlappingEnd == this)
                elevatedLevel.next = this.next;
                if (this.next != null)
                    this.next.previous = elevatedLevel;
                int amountOverlapped = (newHeightColumn + newHeightWidth) - overlappingEnd.columnStart;
                overlappingEnd.columnStart = newHeightColumn + newHeightWidth;
                overlappingEnd.width       = overlappingEnd.width - amountOverlapped;

                elevatedLevel.next = overlappingEnd;
                if (overlappingEnd.next != null)
                    overlappingEnd.next.previous = elevatedLevel;
            this.next = elevatedLevel;