Пример #1
        // Refactoring on this method is done (logic-wise, could use some cleanup otherwise)
        private static void DeleteHEWU(ProcessUnitControl he, DrawingCanvas canvas)
            Workspace ws = canvas.GetWorkspace();

            // Heat exchangers with utilities must also delete the heat stream that's incoming
            // Normally the heat stream is at index 0 among the incoming streams, but it seems like
            // this does not always hold true when loading from files so it's just safer to search
            // for it
            HeatStream heatStream = null;

            foreach (AbstractStream incomingStream in he.ProcessUnit.IncomingStreams)
                if (incomingStream is HeatStream)
                    heatStream = incomingStream as HeatStream;
            PFD.Streams.StreamControl heatStreamControl =
                canvas.GetStreamControl(heatStream) as PFD.Streams.StreamControl;

            List <IUndoRedoAction> undos = new List <IUndoRedoAction>();

            undos.Add(new Logic.Undos.AddToWorkspace(heatStream));
            undos.Add(new Logic.Undos.AddToWorkspace(he.ProcessUnit));

            // We need to check if the attached stream has a source
            if (null != heatStream.Source)
                // Detach with undo
                undos.Add(new Logic.Undos.AttachOutgoingStream(heatStream.Source, heatStream));

            // Detach all outgoing streams and make undos
            foreach (AbstractStream s in he.ProcessUnit.OutgoingStreams)
                undos.Add(new Logic.Undos.SetStreamSource(s, he.ProcessUnit, null,
                s.Source = null;

            // Detach all incoming streams and make undos
            foreach (AbstractStream s in he.ProcessUnit.IncomingStreams)
                undos.Add(new Logic.Undos.SetStreamDestination(s, he.ProcessUnit, null,
                s.Destination = null;

            ws.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection(
                           "Undo deletion of heat exchanger with utility", undos.ToArray()));

            // Remove the stream and process unit from the workspace. Event handlers will update the UI.
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles mouse-left-button-down event for placing a heat exchanger with utility
        /// </summary>
        public void MLBD_HEWU(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // Start by getting the mouse position
            Point pos = e.GetPosition(m_canvas);

            // See if we have a DraggableStreamEndpoint where we clicked
            DraggableStreamEndpoint endpoint = m_canvas.GetChildAt(pos, m_placementIcon) as

            // Remove the placement icon and then set it to null to indicate state completion
            m_placementIcon = null;

            // If there's not an endpoint:
            // 1. Create and attach an incoming heat stream. Position the source endpoint just
            //    below the process unit
            // 2. Create an undo that will remove both
            // 3. Switch to the appropriate state for moving the source endpoint
            if (null == endpoint)
                // Create the actual process unit
                AbstractProcessUnit apu = (AbstractProcessUnit)Activator.CreateInstance(
                    m_type, AbstractProcessUnit.GetNextUID());
                apu.Location = new MathCore.Vector(pos.X, pos.Y);

                HeatStream s = new HeatStream();
                s.Destination     = apu;
                s.PropertiesTable = new StreamPropertiesTable(s);

                // Position the source of the heat stream. It's above the process unit by default, unless
                // that would make it go off the screen
                if (apu.Location.Y < 150.0)
                    s.SourceLocation = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X - 10.0, apu.Location.Y + 80.0);
                    s.PropertiesTable.Location = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X + 10.0, apu.Location.Y + 140.0);
                    s.SourceLocation = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X - 10.0, apu.Location.Y - 80.0);
                    s.PropertiesTable.Location = new MathCore.Vector(
                        apu.Location.X + 10.0, apu.Location.Y - 100.0);

                // Add the stream and the process unit to the workspace. Event handlers will update
                // the UI appropriately.

                m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection("Undo creation of heat exchanger with utility",
                                                           new Logic.Undos.DetachIncomingStream(apu, s),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.SetStreamDestination(s, null, apu, s.DestinationLocation),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.RemoveStream(s),
                                                           new Logic.Undos.RemoveProcessUnit(apu)));

                // Select nothing on the canvas
                m_canvas.SelectedElement = null;



            // Otherwise, if we HAVE clicked on an endpoint, just deny it by doing nothing