protected override Task <List <Datum> > PollAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List <Datum> data = new List <Datum>(); NSError error; HKWheelchairUseObject wheelChair = HealthStore.GetWheelchairUse(out error); if (error == null) { if (wheelChair.WheelchairUse == HKWheelchairUse.NotSet) { data.Add(new WheelChairUseDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, WheelChairUse.NotSet)); } else if (wheelChair.WheelchairUse == HKWheelchairUse.No) { data.Add(new WheelChairUseDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, WheelChairUse.No)); } else if (wheelChair.WheelchairUse == HKWheelchairUse.Yes) { data.Add(new WheelChairUseDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, WheelChairUse.Yes)); } else { throw new Exception("User has not provided -- or has not allowed access to -- their wheel chair use status."); } } else { throw new Exception("Error reading wheel chair use status: " + error.Description); } return(Task.FromResult(data)); }
public void AddFoodItem(FoodItem item) { var quantityType = HKQuantityType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.DietaryEnergyConsumed); var quantity = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Joule, item.Joules); var now = NSDate.Now; var metadata = new NSDictionary(HKMetadataKey.FoodType, item.Name); var caloriesSample = HKQuantitySample.FromType(quantityType, quantity, now, now, metadata); HealthStore.SaveObject(caloriesSample, (success, error) => { if (success) { FoodItems.Insert(item, 0); var indexPathForInsertedFoodItem = NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(0, 0); InvokeOnMainThread(() => { TableView.InsertRows(new NSIndexPath[] { indexPathForInsertedFoodItem }, UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic); }); } else { Console.WriteLine("An error occured saving the food {0}. In your app, try to handle this gracefully. " + "The error was: {1}.", item.Name, error); } }); }
public void DidReceiveUserInfo(WCSession session, NSDictionary <NSString, NSObject> userInfo) { var writer = new BarcodeWriter <UIImage> { Format = BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, Options = new EncodingOptions { Height = 200, Width = 200, Margin = 0 }, Renderer = new BarcodeRenderer() }; var qrCodeUrl = new NSObject(); userInfo.TryGetValue(new NSString("qrCode"), out qrCodeUrl); var img = writer.Write(qrCodeUrl.ToString()); myImage.SetImage(img); myImage.SetRelativeWidth(0.98f, 0); myImage.SetRelativeHeight(0.98f, 0); var asdf = WKExtension.SharedExtension.Delegate as ExtensionDelegate; HealthStore.EndWorkoutSession(asdf.WorkoutSession); }
protected override IEnumerable <Datum> Poll(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List <Datum> data = new List <Datum>(); NSError error; HKBiologicalSexObject biologicalSex = HealthStore.GetBiologicalSex(out error); if (error == null) { if (biologicalSex.BiologicalSex == HKBiologicalSex.Female) { data.Add(new BiologicalSexDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BiologicalSex.Female)); } else if (biologicalSex.BiologicalSex == HKBiologicalSex.Male) { data.Add(new BiologicalSexDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BiologicalSex.Male)); } else if (biologicalSex.BiologicalSex == HKBiologicalSex.Other) { data.Add(new BiologicalSexDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BiologicalSex.Other)); } else { throw new Exception("User has not provided -- or has not allowed access to -- their biological sex."); } } else { throw new Exception("Error reading biological sex: " + error.Description); } return(data); }
void FetchMostRecentData(Action <double, NSError> completionHandler) { var calendar = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar; var startDate = DateTime.Now.Date; var endDate = startDate.AddDays(1); var sampleType = HKQuantityType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.DietaryEnergyConsumed); var predicate = HKQuery.GetPredicateForSamples((NSDate)startDate, (NSDate)endDate, HKQueryOptions.StrictStartDate); var query = new HKStatisticsQuery(sampleType, predicate, HKStatisticsOptions.CumulativeSum, (HKStatisticsQuery resultQuery, HKStatistics results, NSError error) => { if (error != null && completionHandler != null) { completionHandler(0.0f, error); } var totalCalories = results.SumQuantity(); if (totalCalories == null) { totalCalories = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Joule, 0.0); } if (completionHandler != null) { completionHandler(totalCalories.GetDoubleValue(HKUnit.Joule), error); } }); HealthStore.ExecuteQuery(query); }
public override void WillActivate() { base.WillActivate(); ResetUI(); if (!HKHealthStore.IsHealthDataAvailable) { return; } // We need to be able to write workouts, so they display as a standalone workout in the Activity app on iPhone. // We also need to be able to write Active Energy Burned to write samples to HealthKit to later associating with our app. var typesToShare = new NSSet(HKQuantityType.Create(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.HeartRate), HKQuantityType.Create(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.ActiveEnergyBurned), HKObjectType.GetWorkoutType()); var typesToRead = new NSSet(HKQuantityType.Create(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.HeartRate), HKQuantityType.Create(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.ActiveEnergyBurned)); HealthStore.RequestAuthorizationToShare(typesToShare, typesToRead, (bool success, NSError error) => { if (error != null && !success) { Console.WriteLine("You didn't allow HealthKit to access these read/write data types. " + "In your app, try to handle this error gracefully when a user decides not to provide access. " + $"The error was: {error.LocalizedDescription}. If you're using a simulator, try it on a device."); } }); _dangerousHeartRate.Where(v => v > 30.0).Subscribe( v => SessionManager.SharedManager.UpdateApplicationContext( new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "HeartRate", v.ToString() } })); }
public void FetchSteps(Action <double> completionHandler) { var calendar = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar; var startDate = DateTime.Today; var endDate = DateTime.Now; var stepsQuantityType = HKQuantityType.Create(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.StepCount); var predicate = HKQuery.GetPredicateForSamples((NSDate)startDate, (NSDate)endDate, HKQueryOptions.StrictStartDate); var query = new HKStatisticsQuery(stepsQuantityType, predicate, HKStatisticsOptions.CumulativeSum, (HKStatisticsQuery resultQuery, HKStatistics results, NSError error) => { if (error != null && completionHandler != null) { completionHandler(0.0f); } var totalSteps = results.SumQuantity(); if (totalSteps == null) { totalSteps = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Count, 0.0); } completionHandler(totalSteps.GetDoubleValue(HKUnit.Count)); }); HealthStore.ExecuteQuery(query); }
partial void ToggleWorkout() { if (IsWorkoutRunning && CurrentWorkoutSession != null) { HealthStore.EndWorkoutSession(CurrentWorkoutSession); IsWorkoutRunning = false; } else { // Begin workout. IsWorkoutRunning = true; // Clear the local Active Energy Burned quantity when beginning a workout session. CurrentActiveEnergyQuantity = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Kilocalorie, 0.0); CurrentQuery = null; ActiveEnergySamples = new List <HKSample> (); // An indoor walk workout session. There are other activity and location types available to you. // Create a workout configuration var configuration = new HKWorkoutConfiguration { ActivityType = HKWorkoutActivityType.Walking, LocationType = HKWorkoutSessionLocationType.Indoor }; NSError error = null; CurrentWorkoutSession = new HKWorkoutSession(configuration, out error) { Delegate = this }; HealthStore.StartWorkoutSession(CurrentWorkoutSession); } }
public void FetchMetersWalked(Action <double> completionHandler) { var calendar = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar; var startDate = DateTime.Today; var endDate = DateTime.Now; var stepsQuantityType = HKQuantityType.Create(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.DistanceWalkingRunning); var predicate = HKQuery.GetPredicateForSamples((NSDate)startDate, (NSDate)endDate, HKQueryOptions.StrictStartDate); var query = new HKStatisticsQuery(stepsQuantityType, predicate, HKStatisticsOptions.CumulativeSum, (HKStatisticsQuery resultQuery, HKStatistics results, NSError error) => { if (error != null && completionHandler != null) { completionHandler(0); } var distance = results.SumQuantity(); if (distance == null) { distance = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Meter, 0); } completionHandler(distance.GetDoubleValue(HKUnit.Meter)); }); HealthStore.ExecuteQuery(query); }
protected override IEnumerable <Datum> Poll(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List <Datum> data = new List <Datum>(); NSError error; NSDate dateOfBirth = HealthStore.GetDateOfBirth(out error); if (error == null) { if (dateOfBirth == null) { throw new Exception("User has not provided -- or has not allowed access to -- their date of birth."); } else { data.Add(new BirthdateDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, new DateTimeOffset(dateOfBirth.ToDateTime()))); } } else { throw new Exception("Error reading date of birth: " + error.Description); } return(data); }
void UpdateJournal(object sender, EventArgs args) { var calendar = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar; var startDate = DateTime.Now.Date; var endDate = startDate.AddDays(1); var sampleType = HKSampleType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.DietaryEnergyConsumed); var predicate = HKQuery.GetPredicateForSamples((NSDate)startDate, (NSDate)endDate, HKQueryOptions.None); var query = new HKSampleQuery(sampleType, predicate, 0, new NSSortDescriptor[0], (resultQuery, results, error) => { if (error != null) { Console.WriteLine("An error occured fetching the user's tracked food. " + "In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: {0}.", error.LocalizedDescription); return; } InvokeOnMainThread(() => { FoodItems.RemoveAllObjects(); foreach (HKQuantitySample sample in results) { var foodName = (NSString)sample.Metadata.Dictionary [HKMetadataKey.FoodType]; double joules = sample.Quantity.GetDoubleValue(HKUnit.Joule); var foodItem = FoodItem.Create(foodName, joules); FoodItems.Add(foodItem); } TableView.ReloadData(); }); }); HealthStore.ExecuteQuery(query); }
void FetchMostRecentData(HKQuantityType quantityType, Action <HKQuantity, NSError> completion) { var timeSortDescriptor = new NSSortDescriptor(HKSample.SortIdentifierEndDate, false); var query = new HKSampleQuery(quantityType, null, 1, new NSSortDescriptor[] { timeSortDescriptor }, (HKSampleQuery resultQuery, HKSample[] results, NSError error) => { if (completion != null && error != null) { completion(null, error); return; } HKQuantity quantity = null; if (results.Length != 0) { var quantitySample = (HKQuantitySample)results [results.Length - 1]; quantity = quantitySample.Quantity; } if (completion != null) { completion(quantity, error); } }); HealthStore.ExecuteQuery(query); }
void UpdateUsersAge() { NSError error; NSDate dateOfBirth = HealthStore.GetDateOfBirth(out error); if (error != null) { Console.WriteLine("An error occured fetching the user's age information. " + "In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: {0}", error); return; } if (dateOfBirth == null) { return; } var now = NSDate.Now; NSDateComponents ageComponents = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar.Components(NSCalendarUnit.Year, dateOfBirth, now, NSCalendarOptions.WrapCalendarComponents); nint usersAge = ageComponents.Year; ageHeightValueLabel.Text = string.Format("{0} years", usersAge); }
protected override Task <List <Datum> > PollAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List <Datum> data = new List <Datum>(); ManualResetEvent queryWait = new ManualResetEvent(false); Exception exception = null; HealthStore.ExecuteQuery(new HKAnchoredObjectQuery(ObjectType as HKSampleType, null, (nuint)_queryAnchor, nuint.MaxValue, new HKAnchoredObjectResultHandler2( (query, samples, newQueryAnchor, error) => { try { if (error == null) { foreach (HKSample sample in samples) { Datum datum = ConvertSampleToDatum(sample); if (datum != null) { data.Add(datum); } } _queryAnchor = (int)newQueryAnchor; } else { throw new Exception("Error while querying HealthKit for " + ObjectType + ": " + error.Description); } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = new Exception("Failed storing HealthKit samples: " + ex.Message); } finally { queryWait.Set(); } }))); queryWait.WaitOne(); if (exception != null) { throw exception; } // let the system know that we polled but didn't get any data if (data.Count == 0) { data.Add(null); } return(Task.FromResult(data)); }
protected override IEnumerable <Datum> Poll(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List <Datum> data = new List <Datum>(); ManualResetEvent queryWait = new ManualResetEvent(false); Exception exception = null; HealthStore.ExecuteQuery(new HKAnchoredObjectQuery(ObjectType as HKSampleType, null, (nuint)_queryAnchor, nuint.MaxValue, new HKAnchoredObjectResultHandler2( (query, samples, newQueryAnchor, error) => { try { if (error == null) { foreach (HKSample sample in samples) { Datum datum = ConvertSampleToDatum(sample); if (datum != null) { data.Add(datum); } } _queryAnchor = (int)newQueryAnchor; } else { throw new Exception("Error while querying HealthKit for " + ObjectType + ": " + error.Description); } } catch (Exception ex) { exception = new Exception("Failed storing HealthKit samples: " + ex.Message); } finally { queryWait.Set(); } }))); queryWait.WaitOne(); if (exception != null) { throw exception; } if (data.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("User has not provided -- or has not allowed access to -- any " + ObjectType + " information since last poll."); } return(data); }
protected override IEnumerable <Datum> Poll(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List <Datum> data = new List <Datum>(); NSError error; HKBloodTypeObject bloodType = HealthStore.GetBloodType(out error); if (error == null) { if (bloodType.BloodType == HKBloodType.ABNegative) { data.Add(new BloodTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BloodType.ABNegative)); } else if (bloodType.BloodType == HKBloodType.ABPositive) { data.Add(new BloodTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BloodType.ABPositive)); } else if (bloodType.BloodType == HKBloodType.ANegative) { data.Add(new BloodTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BloodType.ANegative)); } else if (bloodType.BloodType == HKBloodType.APositive) { data.Add(new BloodTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BloodType.APositive)); } else if (bloodType.BloodType == HKBloodType.BNegative) { data.Add(new BloodTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BloodType.BNegative)); } else if (bloodType.BloodType == HKBloodType.BPositive) { data.Add(new BloodTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BloodType.BPositive)); } else if (bloodType.BloodType == HKBloodType.ONegative) { data.Add(new BloodTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BloodType.ONegative)); } else if (bloodType.BloodType == HKBloodType.OPositive) { data.Add(new BloodTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, BloodType.OPositive)); } else { throw new Exception("User has not provided -- or has not allowed access to -- their blood type."); } } else { throw new Exception("Error reading blood type: " + error.Description); } return(data); }
public void SaveWorkout() { // Obtain the `HKObjectType` for active energy burned. var activeEnergyType = HKQuantityType.Create(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.ActiveEnergyBurned); if (activeEnergyType == null) { return; } var beginDate = WorkoutBeginDate; var endDate = WorkoutEndDate; var timeDifference = endDate.Subtract(beginDate); double duration = timeDifference.TotalSeconds; NSDictionary metadata = null; var workout = HKWorkout.Create(HKWorkoutActivityType.Walking, (NSDate)beginDate, (NSDate)endDate, duration, CurrentActiveEnergyQuantity, HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Mile, 0.0), metadata); var finalActiveEnergySamples = ActiveEnergySamples; if (HealthStore.GetAuthorizationStatus(activeEnergyType) != HKAuthorizationStatus.SharingAuthorized || HealthStore.GetAuthorizationStatus(HKObjectType.GetWorkoutType()) != HKAuthorizationStatus.SharingAuthorized) { return; } HealthStore.SaveObject(workout, (success, error) => { if (!success) { Console.WriteLine($"An error occured saving the workout. In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: {error}."); return; } if (finalActiveEnergySamples.Count > 0) { HealthStore.AddSamples(finalActiveEnergySamples.ToArray(), workout, (addSuccess, addError) => { // Handle any errors if (addError != null) { Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred adding the samples. In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: {error.ToString()}."); } }); } }); }
public void EndWorkout(DateTime endDate) { WorkoutEndDate = endDate; workoutButton.SetTitle("Begin Workout"); activeEnergyBurnedLabel.SetText("0.0"); if (CurrentQuery != null) { var query = CurrentQuery; HealthStore.StopQuery(query); } SaveWorkout(); }
public void GetUserAuthorizationIfNeeded() { if (IsHealthDataAvailable) { HealthStore.RequestAuthorizationToShare(HealthTypesToWrite(), HealthTypesToRead(), (success, error) => { if (!success || error != null) { AlertManager.ShowError("Health Data", "Unable to access health data."); } }); } }
protected override Task <List <Datum> > PollAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List <Datum> data = new List <Datum>(); NSError error; HKFitzpatrickSkinTypeObject skinType = HealthStore.GetFitzpatrickSkinType(out error); if (error == null) { if (skinType.SkinType == HKFitzpatrickSkinType.I) { data.Add(new FitzpatrickSkinTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, FitzpatrickSkinType.TypeI)); } else if (skinType.SkinType == HKFitzpatrickSkinType.II) { data.Add(new FitzpatrickSkinTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, FitzpatrickSkinType.TypeII)); } else if (skinType.SkinType == HKFitzpatrickSkinType.III) { data.Add(new FitzpatrickSkinTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, FitzpatrickSkinType.TypeIII)); } else if (skinType.SkinType == HKFitzpatrickSkinType.IV) { data.Add(new FitzpatrickSkinTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, FitzpatrickSkinType.TypeIV)); } else if (skinType.SkinType == HKFitzpatrickSkinType.V) { data.Add(new FitzpatrickSkinTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, FitzpatrickSkinType.TypeV)); } else if (skinType.SkinType == HKFitzpatrickSkinType.VI) { data.Add(new FitzpatrickSkinTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, FitzpatrickSkinType.TypeVI)); } else if (skinType.SkinType == HKFitzpatrickSkinType.NotSet) { data.Add(new FitzpatrickSkinTypeDatum(DateTimeOffset.Now, FitzpatrickSkinType.NotSet)); } else { throw new Exception("User has not provided -- or has not allowed access to -- their fitzpatrick skin type."); } } else { throw new Exception("Error reading Fitzpatrick skin type: " + error.Description); } return(Task.FromResult(data)); }
public void EndWorkout(DateTime endDate) { WorkoutEndDate = endDate; ResetUI(); if (CurrentQuery != null) { var query = CurrentQuery; HealthStore.StopQuery(query); } if (HeartRateQuery != null) { HealthStore.StopQuery(HeartRateQuery); } SaveWorkout(); }
void SaveWeightIntoHealthStore(double value) { var weightQuantity = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Pound, value); var weightType = HKQuantityType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.BodyMass); var weightSample = HKQuantitySample.FromType(weightType, weightQuantity, NSDate.Now, NSDate.Now, new NSDictionary()); HealthStore.SaveObject(weightSample, (success, error) => { if (!success) { Console.WriteLine("An error occured saving the weight sample {0}. " + "In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: {1}.", weightSample, error.LocalizedDescription); return; } UpdateUsersWeight(); }); }
void SaveHeightIntoHealthStore(double value) { var heightQuantity = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Inch, value); var heightType = HKQuantityType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.Height); var heightSample = HKQuantitySample.FromType(heightType, heightQuantity, NSDate.Now, NSDate.Now, new NSDictionary()); HealthStore.SaveObject(heightSample, (success, error) => { if (!success) { Console.WriteLine("An error occured saving the height sample {0}. " + "In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: {1}.", heightSample, error); return; } UpdateUsersHeight(); }); }
public void RemoveStepCountEntry(StepCountEntry entry) { //Cast the entry as a HealthKitBloodGlucoseEntry... HealthKitStepCountEntry hkStepCountEntry = entry as HealthKitStepCountEntry; HealthStore.DeleteObject(hkStepCountEntry.StepCountSample, new Action <bool, NSError> ((success, error) => { if (!success || error != null) { //NOTE: If this app didn't put the entry into the blood glucose list, then there will be an error on delete. AlertManager.ShowError("Health Kit", "Unable to delete step count sample: " + error); } else { //Woo! We properly removed the last entry, make sure that any listeners to the glucose states are properly updated. RefreshQuantityValue(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.StepCount, HKObjectType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.StepCount)); } })); }
private void RefreshCharacteristicValue(NSString characteristicTypeKey, HKCharacteristicType characteristicType) { if (characteristicTypeKey == HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierKey.BiologicalSex) { NSError error = null; var biologicalSex = HealthStore.GetBiologicalSex(out error); if (error == null) { DispatchQueue.MainQueue.DispatchAsync(() => { var dataStore = StateDispatcher <HealthState> .State; HealthStateMutator.MutateBiologicalSex( dataStore, () => GetDisplayableBiologicalSex(biologicalSex.BiologicalSex)); StateDispatcher <HealthState> .Refresh(); }); } } }
private void StartOutdoorRun() { // Create a workout configuration var configuration = new HKWorkoutConfiguration() { ActivityType = HKWorkoutActivityType.Running, LocationType = HKWorkoutSessionLocationType.Outdoor }; // Create workout session // Start workout session NSError error = null; var workoutSession = new HKWorkoutSession(configuration, out error); // Successful? if (error != null) { // Report error to user and return return; } // Create workout session delegate and wire-up events RunDelegate = new WorkoutDelegate(HealthStore, workoutSession); RunDelegate.Failed += () => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Failed"); }; RunDelegate.Paused += () => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Paused"); }; RunDelegate.Running += () => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Running"); }; RunDelegate.Ended += () => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Ended"); }; // Start session HealthStore.StartWorkoutSession(workoutSession); }
partial void OnToggleWorkout() { if (!IsWorkoutRunning && CurrentWorkoutSession == null) { // Begin workoutt IsWorkoutRunning = true; ToggleWorkoutButton.SetTitle("Rest little Baby");; // Clear the local Active Energy Burned quantity when beginning a workout session CurrentActiveEnergyQuantity = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.Kilocalorie, 0.0); CurrentHeartRate = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(HKUnit.FromString("count/min"), 0.0); CurrentQuery = null; HeartRateQuery = null; ActiveEnergySamples = new List <HKSample>(); HeartRateSamples = new List <HKSample>(); // An indoor walk workout session. There are other activity and location types available to you. // Create a workout configuratio var configuration = new HKWorkoutConfiguration { ActivityType = HKWorkoutActivityType.Walking, // Why not crawling? : LocationType = HKWorkoutSessionLocationType.Indoor }; NSError error = null; CurrentWorkoutSession = new HKWorkoutSession(configuration, out error) { Delegate = this }; HealthStore.StartWorkoutSession(CurrentWorkoutSession); } else { HealthStore.EndWorkoutSession(CurrentWorkoutSession); IsWorkoutRunning = false; ResetUI(); } }
void Start() { Debug.Log("---------- START ----------"); this.healthStore = this.GetComponent <HealthStore>(); if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) { // this.instructionLabel.fontSize = 20; // this.instructionLabel.color =; // this.instructionLabel.text = "To use this plugin, you MUST run on an iOS device or in the iOS Simulator. \nIt WILL NOT WORK in the editor."; // // string error = "HealthKit only works on iOS devices! It will not work in the Unity Editor."; // this.errorLabel.text = error; // Debug.LogError(error); } else { this.healthStore.Authorize(this.types); this.ReadData(); } }
public void AddStepCountEntry(StepCountEntry entry) { var date = new NSDate(); var quantityType = HKObjectType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.StepCount); var countUnit = HKUnit.Count; var quantity = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(countUnit, entry.Count); var sample = HKQuantitySample.FromType(quantityType, quantity, date, date); HealthStore.SaveObject(sample, new Action <bool, NSError>((success, error) => { if (!success || error != null) { //There may have been an add error for some reason. AlertManager.ShowError("Health Kit", "Unable to add step count sample: " + error); } else { //Refresh all app wide blood glucose UI fields. RefreshQuantityValue(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.StepCount, quantityType); } })); }
/// <summary> /// This method handles all the HealthKit gymnastics to add a blood glucose entry to the HealthKit data. /// </summary> /// <param name="entry">Entry.</param> public void AddBloodGlucoseEntry(BloodGlucoseEntry entry) { var date = new NSDate(); var quantityType = HKObjectType.GetQuantityType(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.BloodGlucose); var mgPerDL = HKUnit.FromString("mg/dL"); var quantity = HKQuantity.FromQuantity(mgPerDL, entry.BloodGlucoseValue); var sample = HKQuantitySample.FromType(quantityType, quantity, date, date); HealthStore.SaveObject(sample, new Action <bool, NSError>((success, error) => { if (!success || error != null) { //There may have been an add error for some reason. AlertManager.ShowError("Health Kit", "Unable to add glucose sample: " + error); } else { //Refresh all app wide blood glucose UI fields. RefreshQuantityValue(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.BloodGlucose, quantityType); } })); }