Пример #1
		private static Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent GetDirectAgentForEmailAddress(string strEmailAddress) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			string domain=strEmailAddress.Substring(strEmailAddress.IndexOf("@")+1);//For example, if ToAddress is [email protected], then this will be opendental.com
			Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent directAgent=(Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent)HashDirectAgents[domain];
			if(directAgent==null) {
				try {
					directAgent=new Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent(domain);
				catch(Exception ex) {
					if(ex.Message.Contains("cannot find the file specified")) {//A typical exception when the 3 required certificate stores needed for Direct have not been created on one particular client machine.
						Health.Direct.Common.Certificates.SystemX509Store.OpenAnchorEdit().Dispose();//Create the NHINDAnchor certificate store if it does not already exist on the local machine.
						Health.Direct.Common.Certificates.SystemX509Store.OpenExternalEdit().Dispose();//Create the NHINDExternal certificate store if it does not already exist on the local machine.
						Health.Direct.Common.Certificates.SystemX509Store.OpenPrivateEdit().Dispose();//Create the NHINDPrivate certificate store if it does not already exist on the local machine.
						directAgent=new Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent(domain);//Try again.
					else {
						throw ex;
				//The Transport Testing Tool (TTT) complained when we sent a message that was not wrapped.
				//Specifically, the tool looks for the headers Orig-Date and Message-Id after the message is decrypted.
				//See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.1 and http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.4 for details about these two header fields.
			return directAgent;
Пример #2
		///<summary>Throws exceptions if there are permission issues.  Creates the 3 necessary certificate stores if they do not already exist.</summary>
		private static Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent GetDirectAgentForEmailAddress(string strEmailAddress) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			string domain=GetDomainForAddress(strEmailAddress);
			Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent directAgent=(Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent)HashDirectAgents[domain];
			if(directAgent==null) {
				try {
					directAgent=new Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent(domain);
				catch(Exception ex) {
					if(ex.Message.Contains("cannot find the file specified")) {//A typical exception when the 3 required certificate stores needed for Direct have not been created on one particular client machine.
						directAgent=new Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent(domain);//Try again.
					else {
						throw ex;
				//The Transport Testing Tool (TTT) complained when we sent a message that was not wrapped.
				//Specifically, the tool looks for the headers Orig-Date and Message-Id after the message is decrypted.
				//See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.1 and http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.4 for details about these two header fields.
			return directAgent;
Пример #3
		///<summary>outMsgDirect must be unencrypted, because this function will encrypt.  Encrypts the message, verifies trust, locates the public encryption key for the To address (if already stored locally), etc.
		///patNum can be zero.  emailSentOrReceived must be either SentDirect or a Direct Ack type such as AckDirectProcessed.
		///Returns an empty string upon success, or an error string if there were errors.  It is possible that the email was sent to some trusted recipients and not sent to untrusted recipients (in which case there would be errors but some recipients would receive successfully).</summary>
		private static string SendEmailDirect(Health.Direct.Agent.OutgoingMessage outMsgUnencrypted,EmailAddress emailAddressFrom) {
			//No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
			string strErrors="";
			string strSenderAddress=emailAddressFrom.EmailUsername.Trim();//Cannot be emailAddressFrom.SenderAddress, or else will not find the right encryption certificate.
			Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent directAgent=GetDirectAgentForEmailAddress(strSenderAddress);
			//Locate or discover public certificates for each receiver for encryption purposes.
			for(int i=0;i<outMsgUnencrypted.Recipients.Count;i++) {
				if(outMsgUnencrypted.Recipients[i].Certificates!=null) {
					continue;//The certificate(s) for this recipient were already located somehow. Skip.
				try {
					int certNewCount=FindPublicCertForAddress(outMsgUnencrypted.Recipients[i].Address.Trim());
					if(certNewCount!=0) {//If the certificate is already in the local public store or if one was discovered over the internet.
						string strSenderDomain=strSenderAddress.Substring(strSenderAddress.IndexOf("@")+1);//For example, if strSenderAddress is [email protected], then this will be opendental.com
						//Refresh the directAgent class using the updated list of public certs while leaving everything else alone. This must be done, or else the certificate will not be found when encrypting the outgoing email.
						directAgent=new Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent(strSenderDomain,directAgent.PrivateCertResolver,Health.Direct.Common.Certificates.SystemX509Store.OpenExternal().CreateResolver(),directAgent.TrustAnchors);
				catch(Exception ex) {
					if(strErrors!="") {
			Health.Direct.Agent.OutgoingMessage outMsgEncrypted=null;
			try {
				outMsgEncrypted=directAgent.ProcessOutgoing(outMsgUnencrypted);//This is where encryption and trust verification occurs.
			catch(Exception ex) {
				if(strErrors!="") {
				return strErrors;//Cannot recover from an encryption error.
			outMsgEncrypted.Message.SubjectValue="Encrypted Message";//Prevents a warning in the transport testing tool (TTT). http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.6.5
			EmailMessage emailMessageEncrypted=ConvertMessageToEmailMessage(outMsgEncrypted.Message,false);//No point in saving the encrypted attachment, because nobody can read it and it will bloat the OpenDentImages folder.
			NameValueCollection nameValueCollectionHeaders=new NameValueCollection();
			for(int i=0;i<outMsgEncrypted.Message.Headers.Count;i++) {
			byte[] arrayEncryptedBody=Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(outMsgEncrypted.Message.Body.Text);//The bytes of the encrypted and base 64 encoded body string.  No need to call Tidy() here because this body text will be in base64.
			MemoryStream ms=new MemoryStream(arrayEncryptedBody);
			//The memory stream for the alternate view must be mime (not an entire email), based on AlternateView use example http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.mail.mailmessage.alternateviews.aspx
			AlternateView alternateView=new AlternateView(ms,outMsgEncrypted.Message.ContentType);//Causes the receiver to recognize this email as an encrypted email.
			SendEmailUnsecure(emailMessageEncrypted,emailAddressFrom,nameValueCollectionHeaders,alternateView);//Not really unsecure in this spot, because the message is already encrypted.
			return strErrors;
Пример #4
		///<summary>Refreshes our cached copy of the public key certificate store and the anchor certificate store from the Windows certificate store.</summary>
		public static void RefreshCertStoreExternal(EmailAddress emailAddressLocal) {
			string strSenderAddress=emailAddressLocal.EmailUsername.Trim();//Cannot be emailAddressFrom.SenderAddress, or else will not find the right encryption certificate.
			Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent directAgent=GetDirectAgentForEmailAddress(strSenderAddress);
			string strSenderDomain=GetDomainForAddress(strSenderAddress);
			//Refresh the directAgent class using the updated list of public certs while leaving everything else alone. This must be done, or else the certificate will not be found when encrypting the outgoing email.
			directAgent=new Health.Direct.Agent.DirectAgent(strSenderDomain,directAgent.PrivateCertResolver,Health.Direct.Common.Certificates.SystemX509Store.OpenExternal().CreateResolver(),
				new Health.Direct.Common.Certificates.TrustAnchorResolver(Health.Direct.Common.Certificates.SystemX509Store.OpenAnchor()));