Пример #1
        public IActionResult OnGet()
            var initResult = Init();

            if (initResult != null)


            if (ErpEntity == null)

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ReturnUrl))
                ReturnUrl = $"/sdk/objects/entity/r/{ParentRecordId}/rl/fields/c/select";

            HeaderToolbar.AddRange(AdminPageUtils.GetEntityAdminSubNav(ErpEntity, "fields"));

            ErpRequestContext.PageContext = PageContext;

Пример #2
        public void PageInit()

            #region << Init Page >>
            var pageServ = new PageService();
            ErpPage = pageServ.GetPage(RecordId ?? Guid.Empty);
            if (ErpPage != null)
                Weight            = ErpPage.Weight;
                Label             = ErpPage.Label;
                LabelTranslations = ErpPage.LabelTranslations;
                Name        = ErpPage.Name;
                IconClass   = ErpPage.IconClass;
                System      = ErpPage.System;
                Type        = ErpPage.Type;
                AppId       = ErpPage.AppId;
                EntityId    = ErpPage.EntityId;
                AreaId      = ErpPage.AreaId;
                NodeId      = ErpPage.NodeId;
                IsRazorBody = ErpPage.IsRazorBody;
                Body        = ErpPage.Body;
                Layout      = ErpPage.Layout;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ReturnUrl))
                ReturnUrl = "/sdk/objects/page/l/list";

            #region << Init App >>
            var appServ = new AppService();
            var app     = appServ.GetApplication(ErpPage.AppId ?? Guid.Empty);
            if (app != null)
                if (app.Access != null && app.Access.Count > 0)
                    Access = app.Access.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList();

            #region << Init User Role Options >>
            var roles = new SecurityManager().GetAllRoles().OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
            foreach (var role in roles)
                RoleOptions.Add(new SelectOption()
                    Value = role.Id.ToString(),
                    Label = role.Name

            HeaderToolbar.AddRange(AdminPageUtils.GetPageAdminSubNav(ErpPage, "details"));

            PagePublicUrl = PageUtils.CalculatePageUrl(ErpPage.Id);
Пример #3
        public IActionResult OnPost()
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new Exception("Antiforgery check failed.");

            var initResult = Init();

            if (initResult != null)


            if (ErpEntity == null)

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ReturnUrl))
                ReturnUrl = $"/sdk/objects/entity/r/{RecordId}/rl/fields/c/select";

            //empty html input is not posted, so we init it with string.empty
            if (DefaultValue == null)
                DefaultValue = string.Empty;

            var entMan = new EntityManager();

                var newFieldId = Guid.NewGuid();
                if (Id != null)
                    newFieldId = Id.Value;

                var        response = new FieldResponse();
                InputField input    = null;
                switch (Type)
                case FieldType.AutoNumberField:
                    decimal defaultDecimal = 1;
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(DefaultValue, out decimal result))
                        defaultDecimal = result;

                    input = new InputAutoNumberField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultDecimal,
                        StartingNumber  = StartingNumber,
                        DisplayFormat   = DisplayFormat,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity

                case FieldType.CheckboxField:
                    bool?defaultValue = null;
                    if (Boolean.TryParse(DefaultValue, out bool result))
                        defaultValue = result;
                    input = new InputCheckboxField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity

                case FieldType.CurrencyField:
                    decimal?defaultDecimal = null;
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(DefaultValue, out decimal result))
                        defaultDecimal = result;
                    input = new InputCurrencyField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultDecimal,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MinValue        = MinValue,
                        MaxValue        = MaxValue,
                        Currency        = Helpers.GetCurrencyType(CurrencyCode)

                case FieldType.DateField:
                    DateTime?defaultValue = null;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(DefaultValue, out DateTime result))
                        defaultValue = result;
                    input = new InputDateField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        Format          = Format,
                        UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue

                case FieldType.DateTimeField:
                    DateTime?defaultValue = null;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(DefaultValue, out DateTime result))
                        defaultValue = result;
                    input = new InputDateTimeField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        Format          = Format,
                        UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue = UseCurrentTimeAsDefaultValue

                case FieldType.EmailField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputEmailField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength

                case FieldType.FileField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputFileField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity

                case FieldType.HtmlField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputHtmlField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity

                case FieldType.ImageField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputImageField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity

                case FieldType.MultiLineTextField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputMultiLineTextField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength

                case FieldType.GeographyField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;
                    GeographyFieldFormat format = (GeographyFieldFormat)int.Parse(GeographyFormat);
                    input = new InputGeographyField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength,
                        SRID            = SRID,
                        Format          = format

                case FieldType.MultiSelectField:
                    var selectOptions      = (SelectOptions ?? string.Empty).Split(Environment.NewLine);
                    var defaultOptions     = (DefaultValue ?? string.Empty).Split(Environment.NewLine);
                    var multiSelectOptions = new List <SelectOption>();
                    var defaultValues      = new List <string>();

                    foreach (var option in selectOptions)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option))
                            var optionArray = option.Split(',');
                            var key         = "";
                            var value       = "";
                            var iconClass   = "";
                            var color       = "";
                            if (optionArray.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[0]))
                                key = optionArray[0].Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
                            if (optionArray.Length > 1 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[1]))
                                value = optionArray[1].Trim();
                            else if (optionArray.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[0]))
                                value = key;
                            if (optionArray.Length > 2 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[2]))
                                iconClass = optionArray[2].Trim();
                            if (optionArray.Length > 3 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[3]))
                                color = optionArray[3].Trim();
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                                multiSelectOptions.Add(new SelectOption()
                                        Value     = key,
                                        Label     = value,
                                        IconClass = iconClass,
                                        Color     = color

                    foreach (var option in defaultOptions)
                        var fixedOption = option.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option) && multiSelectOptions.Any(x => x.Value == fixedOption))
                        else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option) && !multiSelectOptions.Any(x => x.Value == fixedOption))
                            Validation.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("DefaultValue", "one or more of the default values are not found as select options"));
                            throw Validation;

                    input = new InputMultiSelectField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        Options         = multiSelectOptions,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValues

                case FieldType.NumberField:
                    decimal?defaultDecimal = null;
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(DefaultValue, out decimal result))
                        defaultDecimal = result;
                    input = new InputNumberField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultDecimal,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MinValue        = MinValue,
                        MaxValue        = MaxValue,
                        DecimalPlaces   = DecimalPlaces

                case FieldType.PasswordField:
                    input = new InputPasswordField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        MinLength       = MinLength,
                        Encrypted       = Encrypted,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength

                case FieldType.PercentField:
                    decimal?defaultDecimal = null;
                    if (Decimal.TryParse(DefaultValue, out decimal result))
                        defaultDecimal = result;
                    input = new InputNumberField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultDecimal,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MinValue        = MinValue,
                        MaxValue        = MaxValue,
                        DecimalPlaces   = DecimalPlaces

                case FieldType.PhoneField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputPhoneField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength

                case FieldType.GuidField:
                    Guid?defaultGuid = null;
                    if (Guid.TryParse(DefaultValue, out Guid result))
                        defaultGuid = result;
                    input = new InputGuidField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultGuid,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        GenerateNewId   = GenerateNewId

                case FieldType.SelectField:
                    var selectOptions      = SelectOptions.Split(Environment.NewLine);
                    var modelSelectOptions = new List <SelectOption>();

                    foreach (var option in selectOptions)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option))
                            var optionArray = option.Split(',');
                            var key         = "";
                            var value       = "";
                            var iconClass   = "";
                            var color       = "";
                            if (optionArray.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[0]))
                                key = optionArray[0].Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
                            if (optionArray.Length > 1 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[1]))
                                value = optionArray[1].Trim();
                            else if (optionArray.Length > 0 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[0]))
                                value = key;
                            if (optionArray.Length > 2 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[2]))
                                iconClass = optionArray[2].Trim();
                            if (optionArray.Length > 3 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(optionArray[3]))
                                color = optionArray[3].Trim();
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                                modelSelectOptions.Add(new SelectOption()
                                        Value     = key,
                                        Label     = value,
                                        IconClass = iconClass,
                                        Color     = color

                    DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DefaultValue) && !modelSelectOptions.Any(x => x.Value == DefaultValue))
                        Validation.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("DefaultValue", "one or more of the default values are not found as select options"));
                        throw Validation;

                    input = new InputSelectField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = DefaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        Options         = modelSelectOptions

                case FieldType.UrlField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputUrlField()
                        Id                    = newFieldId,
                        Name                  = Name,
                        Label                 = Label,
                        Required              = Required,
                        Description           = Description,
                        Unique                = Unique,
                        HelpText              = HelpText,
                        System                = System,
                        PlaceholderText       = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable            = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue          = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity        = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength             = MaxLength,
                        OpenTargetInNewWindow = OpenTargetInNewWindow

                case FieldType.TextField:
                    string defaultValue = null;
                    if (DefaultValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "null")
                        defaultValue = DefaultValue;

                    input = new InputTextField()
                        Id              = newFieldId,
                        Name            = Name,
                        Label           = Label,
                        Required        = Required,
                        Description     = Description,
                        Unique          = Unique,
                        HelpText        = HelpText,
                        System          = System,
                        PlaceholderText = PlaceholderText,
                        Searchable      = Searchable,
                        DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                        EnableSecurity  = EnableSecurity,
                        MaxLength       = MaxLength

                    throw new Exception("Field Type not recognized");

                var recordPermissionsKeyValues = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <KeyStringList> >(FieldPermissions);
                input.Permissions           = new FieldPermissions();
                input.Permissions.CanRead   = new List <Guid>();
                input.Permissions.CanUpdate = new List <Guid>();

                foreach (var role in recordPermissionsKeyValues)
                    var roleId = Guid.Empty;
                    if (Guid.TryParse(role.Key, out Guid result))
                        roleId = result;
                    if (roleId != Guid.Empty)
                        if (role.Values.Contains("read"))
                        if (role.Values.Contains("update"))

                response = entMan.CreateField(ErpEntity.Id, input);
                if (!response.Success)
                    var exception = new ValidationException(response.Message);
                    exception.Errors = response.Errors.MapTo <ValidationError>();
                    throw exception;

                // because of https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/issues/6711, i added TempDataExtensions int
                // WebVella.Erp.Web.Utils and using Put and Get<> instead of
                // TempData["ScreenMessage"] = new ScreenMessage() { Message = "Field created successfully" };
                TempData.Put("ScreenMessage", new ScreenMessage()
                    Message = "Field created successfully"
            catch (ValidationException ex)
                Validation.Message = ex.Message;
                Validation.Errors  = ex.Errors;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Validation.Message = ex.Message;
                Validation.Errors.Add(new ValidationError("", ex.Message, isSystem: true));

            HeaderToolbar.AddRange(AdminPageUtils.GetEntityAdminSubNav(ErpEntity, "fields"));

            ErpRequestContext.PageContext = PageContext;
