public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> CreateNewAsync(Stream responseStream, HttpMethod requestMethod)
            // The normal procedure for parsing an HTTP message is to read the
            // start - line into a structure, read each header field into a hash table
            // by field name until the empty line, and then use the parsed data to
            // determine if a message body is expected.If a message body has been
            // indicated, then it is read as a stream until an amount of octets
            // equal to the message body length is read or the connection is closed.

            // All HTTP/ 1.1 messages consist of a start - line followed by a sequence
            // of octets in a format similar to the Internet Message Format
            // [RFC5322]: zero or more header fields(collectively referred to as
            // the "headers" or the "header section"), an empty line indicating the
            // end of the header section, and an optional message body.
            // HTTP - message = start - line
            //					* (header - field CRLF )
            //					CRLF
            //					[message - body]

            string startLine = await HttpMessageHelper.ReadStartLineAsync(responseStream).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var statusLine = StatusLine.Parse(startLine);
            var response   = new HttpResponseMessage(statusLine.StatusCode);

            string headers = await HttpMessageHelper.ReadHeadersAsync(responseStream).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var headerSection = await HeaderSection.CreateNewAsync(headers);

            var headerStruct = headerSection.ToHttpResponseHeaders();

            HttpMessageHelper.AssertValidHeaders(headerStruct.ResponseHeaders, headerStruct.ContentHeaders);
            byte[] contentBytes = await HttpMessageHelper.GetContentBytesAsync(responseStream, headerStruct, requestMethod, statusLine).ConfigureAwait(false);

            contentBytes     = HttpMessageHelper.HandleGzipCompression(headerStruct.ContentHeaders, contentBytes);
            response.Content = contentBytes is null ? null : new ByteArrayContent(contentBytes);

            HttpMessageHelper.CopyHeaders(headerStruct.ResponseHeaders, response.Headers);
            if (response.Content != null)
                HttpMessageHelper.CopyHeaders(headerStruct.ContentHeaders, response.Content.Headers);
        private static async Task <byte[]> GetDecodedChunkedContentBytesAsync(Stream stream, HttpRequestContentHeaders requestHeaders, HttpResponseContentHeaders responseHeaders, CancellationToken ctsToken = default)
            if (responseHeaders is null)
                if (requestHeaders is null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Response and request headers cannot be both null.");
                if (requestHeaders != null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Either response or request headers has to be null.");

            // 4.1.3.Decoding Chunked
            // A process for decoding the chunked transfer coding can be represented
            // in pseudo - code as:
            // length := 0
            // read chunk - size, chunk - ext(if any), and CRLF
            // while (chunk - size > 0)
            // {
            //   read chunk-data and CRLF
            //   append chunk-data to decoded-body
            //   length:= length + chunk - size
            //   read chunk-size, chunk - ext(if any), and CRLF
            // }
            // read trailer field
            // while (trailer field is not empty) {
            //   if (trailer field is allowed to be sent in a trailer) {
            //      append trailer field to existing header fields
            //   }
            //   read trailer-field
            // }
            // Content - Length := length
            // Remove "chunked" from Transfer-Encoding
            // Remove Trailer from existing header fields
            long length         = 0;
            var  firstChunkLine = await ReadCRLFLineAsync(stream, Encoding.ASCII, ctsToken : ctsToken);

            ParseFistChunkLine(firstChunkLine, out long chunkSize, out _);
            // We will not do anything with the chunk extensions, because:
            // A recipient MUST ignore unrecognized chunk extensions.

            var decodedBody = new List <byte>();

            // The chunked transfer coding is complete
            // when a chunk with a chunk-size of zero is received, possibly followed
            // by a trailer, and finally terminated by an empty line.
            while (chunkSize > 0)
                var chunkData = await ReadBytesTillLengthAsync(stream, chunkSize, ctsToken);

                string crlfLine = await ReadCRLFLineAsync(stream, Encoding.ASCII, ctsToken);

                if (crlfLine.Length != 0)
                    throw new FormatException("Chunk does not end with CRLF.");


                length += chunkSize;

                firstChunkLine = await ReadCRLFLineAsync(stream, Encoding.ASCII, ctsToken : ctsToken);

                ParseFistChunkLine(firstChunkLine, out long cs, out _);
                chunkSize = cs;

            // A trailer allows the sender to include additional fields at the end
            // of a chunked message in order to supply metadata that might be
            // dynamically generated while the message body is sent
            string trailerHeaders = await ReadHeadersAsync(stream, ctsToken);

            var trailerHeaderSection = await HeaderSection.CreateNewAsync(trailerHeaders);

            if (responseHeaders != null)
                var trailerHeaderStruct = trailerHeaderSection.ToHttpResponseHeaders();
                AssertValidHeaders(trailerHeaderStruct.ResponseHeaders, trailerHeaderStruct.ContentHeaders);
                // When a chunked message containing a non-empty trailer is received,
                // the recipient MAY process the fields(aside from those forbidden
                // above) as if they were appended to the message's header section.
                CopyHeaders(trailerHeaderStruct.ResponseHeaders, responseHeaders.ResponseHeaders);

                responseHeaders.ContentHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Length", length.ToString());
            if (requestHeaders != null)
                var trailerHeaderStruct = trailerHeaderSection.ToHttpRequestHeaders();
                AssertValidHeaders(trailerHeaderStruct.RequestHeaders, trailerHeaderStruct.ContentHeaders);
                // When a chunked message containing a non-empty trailer is received,
                // the recipient MAY process the fields(aside from those forbidden
                // above) as if they were appended to the message's header section.
                CopyHeaders(trailerHeaderStruct.RequestHeaders, requestHeaders.RequestHeaders);

                requestHeaders.ContentHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Length", length.ToString());
