Пример #1
        public virtual List <TEntity> MapData(IEnumerable <Row> rows, Row headerRow)
            //initialize list of container to add data
            var entities = new List <TEntity>();

            //loop on rows and skip first row that contain only column header
            for (int i = 1; i < rows.Count(); i++)
                // create new instance of T type
                TEntity entity = (TEntity)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TEntity));
                //get data row
                Row row = rows.ElementAt(i);
                //initialize list of container of setting reference properties
                List <string> settingReferenceProperties = new List <string>();
                //get row cells include empty values
                var rowCellValues = GetRowValues(row, headerRow.Elements <Cell>().Count());
                //loop on cells of row
                for (int y = 0; y < rowCellValues.Count(); y++)
                    //get reference of cell value
                    var cellValue = rowCellValues[y];
                    //to set the value to entity property
                    //first : check about HeaderEntityReferences if exist and header index is saved in HeaderEntityReferences
                    if (HeaderEntityReferences != null && HeaderEntityReferences.Any(h => h.Headers.Any(info => info.HeaderIndex == y)))
                        SetReferenceValue(ref entity, rowCellValues, y, settingReferenceProperties);
                        //get property name from columns header that will be set with value
                        string propertyName = (string)GetCellValue(headerRow.Elements <Cell>().ElementAt(y));
                        //set value to property of object
                        Repository <TEntity> .SetPropertyValue(ref entity, propertyName, cellValue);
                //insert object to list of container

Пример #2
        public virtual bool ValidateColumnsHeader(IEnumerable <Cell> cells)
                //get properties of entity
                var properties = typeof(TEntity).GetProperties();
                //loop through each cell in header row
                for (int i = 0; i < cells.Count(); i++)
                    //get cell reference
                    Cell cell = cells.ElementAt(i);
                    //get column header text
                    string header = (string)GetCellValue(cell);
                    //check if header name is consider a property in entity
                    if (!properties.Any(x => x.Name.Equals(header, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                        //check in reference entity properties
                        var dependences = EntityDependences.Where(x => x.Value.GetProperties().Any(y => y.Name.Equals(header, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
                        //if not exist then validation process is fail
                        if (!dependences.Any())
                            //header name is consider a property of child reference of the entity
                            //built HeaderEntityReferences object
                            if (HeaderEntityReferences == null)
                                HeaderEntityReferences = new List <HeaderEntityReference>();
                            //get dependence reference object that contain (Reference Type & Foreign Key Property name)
                            var dep = dependences.ElementAt(0);
                            //check if headerEntityReference which has same referece type is inserted before
                            var her = HeaderEntityReferences.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ReferenceType == dep.Value);

                            if (her == null)
                                //create list of headersInfo that hold information of header index and header name and corresponding property name in child reference entity
                                List <HeaderInfo> headersInfo = new List <HeaderInfo>();
                                headersInfo.Add(new HeaderInfo()
                                    HeaderIndex = i, HeaderName = header, EntityPropertyName = header
                                // create new HeaderEntityReferences
                                her = new HeaderEntityReference()
                                    Headers            = headersInfo,
                                    ReferenceType      = dep.Value,
                                    ForeignKeyProperty = dep.Key
                                //add only header infomartion
                                her.Headers.Add(new HeaderInfo()
                                    HeaderIndex = i, HeaderName = header, EntityPropertyName = header

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Пример #3
        public virtual void SetReferenceValue(ref TEntity entity, object[] rowCellValues, int headerIndex, List <string> settingReferenceProperties)
            // this cell is related to child reference entity
            var her = HeaderEntityReferences.SingleOrDefault(h => h.Headers.Any(info => info.HeaderIndex == headerIndex));

            //check if foreign key is set value before
            if (!settingReferenceProperties.Any(s => s.Equals(her.ForeignKeyProperty, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                // store the setting of foreign key to ignore duplication
                List <FilterItems> filters = new List <FilterItems>();
                //loop throught headers and its corresponding property name to built the filteration
                foreach (var column in her.Headers)
                    FilterItems filter = new FilterItems()
                        Property = column.EntityPropertyName, Operation = FilterOperations.Equal, Value = rowCellValues[column.HeaderIndex], LogicalOperation = LogicalOperations.And

                //create Repository of reference type
                var repositoryType = typeof(Repository <>).MakeGenericType(her.ReferenceType);
                //create instance of Repository of reference type
                dynamic rep = Activator.CreateInstance(repositoryType, Context);
                //invoke GetFilter method in Repository class with paramters to get the filteration expression
                var method = repositoryType.GetMethod("GetFilter", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public);
                //set the parameters of method
                object[] parameters = new object[] { filters };
                //invoke GetFilter method with parameters
                var filterExpr = method.Invoke(null, parameters);

                //invoke GetPKColumns method in Repository class with paramters to get primary columns name of linked entity
                method     = repositoryType.GetMethod("GetPKColumns", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public);
                parameters = new object[] { Context };
                IEnumerable <string> PkColumnsName = (IEnumerable <string>)method.Invoke(null, parameters);

                //call GetReferenceForImport method in Repository class to select Linked Entity using filteration to get pk value
                var referencesItems = rep.GetReferenceForImport(includeProperties: PkColumnsName, filter: filterExpr);
                //check referenceItems
                if (referencesItems == null || referencesItems.Count == 0)
                    //see this if you thorw exception or insert new item of type linked entity
                    throw new Exception("there are one or more record don't not have linked items which has reference information. please review your data");
                else if (referencesItems.Count > 1)
                    // throw exception that there are more than one references founded in db
                    throw new Exception("there are one or more record have more than one linked items which have same reference information. please review your data");
                    //get reference of linked item founded
                    var referenceItem = referencesItems[0];
                    //loop throught primary columns if contain more than one column to get value of pks
                    foreach (var column in PkColumnsName)
                        //get reference value of each primary column
                        var referenceValue = Utility.GetPropertyValue(referenceItem, column);
                        if (referenceValue != null)
                            //set foreign key of entity with pk of linked entity
                            Repository <TEntity> .SetPropertyValue(ref entity, her.ForeignKeyProperty, referenceValue);