Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a probability distribution assuming that only given pockets can be dealt
        /// and one pocket is already dealt.
        /// The distribution is bases on pockets count only.
        /// For example, for (AA, 72o) the distribution will be (6/18, 12/18).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pockets"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double[] GetProbabDistr(HePocketKind[] pockets, CardSet dealtPocket)
            int n = pockets.Count();

            double[] result       = new double[n];
            int      totalPockets = 0;

            for (int c = 0; c < pockets.Length; ++c)
                CardSet[] range = HePocket.KindToRange(pockets[c]);
                int       count = 0;
                foreach (CardSet cs in range)
                    if (!cs.IsIntersectingWith(dealtPocket))
                result[c]     = count;
                totalPockets += count;
            for (int c = 0; c < pockets.Length; ++c)
                result[c] /= totalPockets;
Пример #2
        public void Test_CreateCt()
            int oppCount = 2;
            var pockets  = PocketHelper.GetAllPockets();
            //var pockets = new HePocketKind[] { HePocketKind._AA, HePocketKind._76s, HePocketKind._72o };
            var pocketDist = PocketHelper.GetProbabDistr(pockets);

            double[,] ptPeMax = MultiplayerPocketProbability.ComputePreferenceMatrixPeMax(pockets);

            string     xmlAt = Props.Global.Expand("${bds.DataDir}ai.pkr.holdem.learn/nlpf-1.xml");
            ActionTree at    = XmlToActionTree.Convert(xmlAt);

            string[] actionLabels = CreateActionLabels(at, 0);
            Dictionary <string, int> actionLabelToId = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < actionLabels.Length; ++i)
                actionLabelToId.Add(actionLabels[i], i);

            double[]   oppDist = MultiplayerPocketProbability.Compute(oppCount, pocketDist, ptPeMax);
            ChanceTree ct      = PreflopStrategy.CreateCt(pockets, oppDist);

            //GameDefinition gd = XmlSerializerExt.Deserialize<GameDefinition>(Props.Global.Expand("${bds.DataDir}ai.pkr.metastrategy/${0}", "kuhn.gamedef.xml"));
            //at = CreateActionTreeByGameDef.Create(gd);
            //ct = CreateChanceTreeByGameDef.Create(gd);

            VisChanceTree.Show(ct, Path.Combine(_outDir, "ct.gv"));
            VisActionTree.Show(at, Path.Combine(_outDir, "at.gv"));

            StrategyTree[] st = SolveAndVerifyVerifySolution(at, ct, 0.001, false);

            double[,] fs = FlattenStrategy(st[0], 0, pockets.Length, actionLabelToId);

            Console.WriteLine("Result for opponent count: {0}", oppCount);
            Console.Write("{0,4}", oppCount);
            foreach (string al in actionLabels)
                Console.Write("{0,20}", al);
            int raiseCount = 0;

            for (int c = 0; c < pockets.Length; ++c)
                Console.Write("{0,4}", HePocket.KindToString(pockets[c]));
                for (int j = 0; j < actionLabels.Length; ++j)
                    Console.Write("{0,20}", Math.Round(fs[c, j] * 100, 0));
                if (fs[c, actionLabels.Length - 1] > 0.9)
                    raiseCount += HePocket.KindToRange(pockets[c]).Length;
            Console.WriteLine("Raise count: {0}", raiseCount);
Пример #3
 static HeRules()
     _cards = new string[HePocket.Count];
     for (int p = 0; p < HePocket.Count; ++p)
         _cards[p]      = HePocket.KindToString((HePocketKind)p);
         _cardCounts[p] = HePocket.KindToRange((HePocketKind)p).Length;
Пример #4
 private static void PrintPockets(PocketData[] pockets, bool printCenters)
     for (int i = 0; i < pockets.Length; ++i)
         Console.Write("{0,3} ", HePocket.KindToString((HePocketKind)i));
         pockets[i].Print(Console.Out, printCenters);
Пример #5
        public void Test_HandToToKind()
            DeckDescriptor deck = StdDeck.Descriptor;

            Assert.AreEqual(HePocketKind._AQo, HePocket.HandToKind(deck.GetIndexes("Ac Qd")));
            Assert.AreEqual(HePocketKind._AQo, HePocket.HandToKind(deck.GetIndexes("As Qc")));
            Assert.AreEqual(HePocketKind._22, HePocket.HandToKind(deck.GetIndexes("2s 2c")));
            Assert.AreEqual(HePocketKind._32s, HePocket.HandToKind(deck.GetIndexes("2s 3s")));
            Assert.AreEqual(HePocketKind._32s, HePocket.HandToKind(deck.GetIndexes("3c 2c")));
Пример #6
 public void Test_KindToString_StringToKind()
     for (int p = 0; p < (int)HePocketKind.__Count; ++p)
         HePocketKind kind       = (HePocketKind)p;
         string       kindString = HePocket.KindToString(kind);
         HePocketKind kind1      = HePocket.StringToKind(kindString);
         Assert.AreEqual(kind, kind1);
Пример #7
 public void Test_HsSd_Pockets()
     for (int p = 0; p < HePocket.Count; ++p)
         HePocketKind pk   = (HePocketKind)p;
         int[]        hand = HePocket.KindToHand(pk);
         float[]      hssd = HsSd.Calculate(hand, 1);
         Console.WriteLine("{0} {1:0.0000} {2:0.0000}", HePocket.KindToString(pk),
                           hssd[0], hssd[1]);
Пример #8
        public void Test_CardSetToKind()
            Assert.AreEqual(169, (int)HePocketKind.__Count);
            DeckDescriptor deck = StdDeck.Descriptor;

            Assert.AreEqual(HePocketKind._AQo, HePocket.CardSetToKind(deck.GetCardSet("Ac Qd")));
            Assert.AreEqual(HePocketKind._AQo, HePocket.CardSetToKind(deck.GetCardSet("As Qc")));
            Assert.AreEqual(HePocketKind._22, HePocket.CardSetToKind(deck.GetCardSet("2s 2c")));
            Assert.AreEqual(HePocketKind._32s, HePocket.CardSetToKind(deck.GetCardSet("2s 3s")));
            Assert.AreEqual(HePocketKind._32s, HePocket.CardSetToKind(deck.GetCardSet("3c 2c")));
Пример #9
        public void Test_KindToHand()
            DeckDescriptor deck = StdDeck.Descriptor;

            int[] hand = HePocket.KindToHand(HePocketKind._AA);
            Assert.AreEqual(deck.GetIndexes("Ac Ad").ToArray(), hand);
            hand = HePocket.KindToHand(HePocketKind._KQo);
            Assert.AreEqual(deck.GetIndexes("Kc Qd").ToArray(), hand);
            hand = HePocket.KindToHand(HePocketKind._54s);
            Assert.AreEqual(deck.GetIndexes("4c 5c").ToArray(), hand);
Пример #10
        private static unsafe double[][] SolveKMeans(PocketData[] pockets)

            Kml.Parameters kmParams = new Kml.Parameters();

            kmParams.dim       = _cmdLine.Dim;
            kmParams.term_st_a = _cmdLine.Stages;
            kmParams.term_st_b = kmParams.term_st_c = kmParams.term_st_d = 0;
            kmParams.seed      = 1;
            kmParams.k         = _cmdLine.K;
            kmParams.n         = _cmdLine.UsePocketCounts ? 1326: 169;

            Console.WriteLine("Data passed to kml:");
            int p = 0;

            for (int pocket = 0; pocket < pockets.Length; ++pocket)
                int count = _cmdLine.UsePocketCounts ? HePocket.KindToRange((HePocketKind)pocket).Length : 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    for (int d = 0; d < _cmdLine.Dim; ++d)
                        double value             = pockets[pocket].Value[d];
                        *kmParams.GetPoint(p, d) = value;
                        Console.Write(value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " ");
            Debug.Assert(!_cmdLine.UsePocketCounts || p == 1326);


            double[][] centers = new double[_cmdLine.K][].Fill(i => new double[_cmdLine.Dim]);

            for (int c = 0; c < kmParams.k; ++c)
                for (int d = 0; d < kmParams.dim; ++d)
                    centers[c][d] = *kmParams.GetCenter(c, d);


Пример #11
        public static float[] CalculateFast(int[] hand, int handLength, SdKind sdKind)
            Debug.Assert(handLength >= 0 && handLength <= 7);
            if (handLength == 7)
                // SdKind.SdPlus1 will throw an exception, this is exactly what we want.
                return(Calculate(hand, handLength, sdKind == SdKind.SdPlus1 ? 4 : 3));

            if (_lut2 == null)

            float[] hssd = new float[2];

            int      round    = HeHelper.HandSizeToRound[handLength];
            CardSet  pocket   = StdDeck.Descriptor.GetCardSet(hand, 0, 2);
            CardSet  board    = StdDeck.Descriptor.GetCardSet(hand, 2, handLength - 2);
            NormSuit se       = new NormSuit();
            CardSet  sePocket = se.Convert(pocket);
            CardSet  seBoard  = se.Convert(board);

            if (round == 2)
                Entry2 keyEntry = new Entry2(HePocket.CardSetToKind(sePocket), seBoard);
                int    idx      = Array.BinarySearch(_lut2, keyEntry);
                if (idx < 0)
                    ThrowNoEntryException(sePocket, seBoard);
                hssd[0] = _lut2[idx].Hs;
                // For turn, there is no difference between SD kinds.
                hssd[1] = _lut2[idx].SdPlus1;
                Entry01 keyEntry = new Entry01(HePocket.CardSetToKind(sePocket), seBoard);
                int     idx      = Array.BinarySearch(_lut01[round], keyEntry);
                if (idx < 0)
                    ThrowNoEntryException(sePocket, seBoard);
                // For turn, there is no difference between SD kinds.
                hssd[0] = _lut01[round][idx].Hs;
                hssd[1] = sdKind == SdKind.SdPlus1 ? _lut01[round][idx].SdPlus1 : _lut01[round][idx].Sd3;
Пример #12
 private static void PrintBuckets(PocketData[] pockets)
     for (int b = _cmdLine.K - 1; b >= 0; --b)
         Console.Write("{0,3}: ", b);
         for (int i = 0; i < pockets.Length; ++i)
             if (pockets[i].Center == b)
                 Console.Write("{0} ", HePocket.KindToString((HePocketKind)i));
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Precalculate and store tables. If the output already exists, will not overwrite.
        /// <remarks>Long-running. </remarks>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="round">Round (0, 1 or 2).</param>
        public static void Precalculate(int round)
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            string lutPath = GetLutPath(round);

            if (File.Exists(lutPath))
                // Do not ovewriting an existing file to save time.
                Console.WriteLine("LUT file {0} already exist, exiting. Delete the file to recalculate.", lutPath);

            int POCKETS_COUNT = (int)HePocketKind.__Count;
            //POCKETS_COUNT = 1; // Test

            PrecalculationContext context = new PrecalculationContext {
                Round = round

            int[] listSize = new int[] { 169, 1361802, 15111642 };
            context.list = round < 2 ? (object)new List <Entry01>(listSize[round]) : (object)new List <Entry2>(listSize[round]);

            Console.WriteLine("Calculating for round {0}: ", round);

            int boardSize = HeHelper.RoundToHandSize[round] - 2;

            for (int p = 0; p < POCKETS_COUNT; ++p)
                context.pocketKind = (HePocketKind)p;
                context.pocket     = HePocket.KindToCardSet((HePocketKind)p);
                Console.Write("{0} ", HePocket.KindToString((HePocketKind)p));
                CardEnum.Combin(StdDeck.Descriptor, boardSize, CardSet.Empty, context.pocket, OnPrecalculateBoard, context);
            Debug.Assert(EnumAlgos.CountCombin(50, boardSize) * POCKETS_COUNT == context.count);
            if (round < 2)
                WriteTable((List <Entry01>)context.list, lutPath);
                WriteTable((List <Entry2>)context.list, lutPath);
            Console.WriteLine("LUT file {0} written, calculated in {1:0.0} s", lutPath, (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds);
Пример #14
        public void Test_KindToCardset()
            Assert.AreEqual(169, (int)HePocketKind.__Count);
            DeckDescriptor deck = StdDeck.Descriptor;

            Assert.AreEqual(deck.GetCardSet("Ac Ad"), HePocket.KindToCardSet(HePocketKind._AA));
            Assert.AreEqual(deck.GetCardSet("Ac Kd"), HePocket.KindToCardSet(HePocketKind._AKo));
            Assert.AreEqual(deck.GetCardSet("Ac Kc"), HePocket.KindToCardSet(HePocketKind._AKs));
            Assert.AreEqual(deck.GetCardSet("7c 2d"), HePocket.KindToCardSet(HePocketKind._72o));
            Assert.AreEqual(deck.GetCardSet("7c 5c"), HePocket.KindToCardSet(HePocketKind._75s));

            //for (int i = 0; i < 169; ++i)
            //    HePocketKind pk = (HePocketKind)i;
            //    Console.WriteLine("{0,-4}: {1}", pk, HePocket.KindToCardSet(pk));
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a probability distribution assuming that only given pockets can be dealt.
        /// The distribution is bases on pockets count only.
        /// For example, for (AA, 72o) the distribution will be (6/18, 12/18).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pockets"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double[] GetProbabDistr(HePocketKind[] pockets)
            int n = pockets.Count();

            double[] result       = new double[n];
            int      totalPockets = 0;

            for (int c = 0; c < pockets.Length; ++c)
                int count = HePocket.KindToRange(pockets[c]).Length;
                result[c]     = count;
                totalPockets += count;
            for (int c = 0; c < pockets.Length; ++c)
                result[c] /= totalPockets;
Пример #16
        public void Benchmark_CardSetToKind()
            CardSet[] pockets     = CardEnum.Combin(StdDeck.Descriptor, 2, CardSet.Empty, CardSet.Empty);
            int       repetitions = 100;
            DateTime  startTime   = DateTime.Now;

            int checksum = 0;

            for (int r = 0; r < repetitions; ++r)
                for (int p = 0; p < pockets.Length; ++p)
                    checksum += (int)HePocket.CardSetToKind(pockets[p]);

            double runTime = (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Cardset to kind: count: {0:#,#}, {1:#,#} r/s, checksum: {2}",
                              repetitions * pockets.Length, repetitions * pockets.Length / runTime, checksum);

            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            CardSet checksum1 = CardSet.Empty;

            NormSuit ns = new NormSuit();

            for (int r = 0; r < repetitions; ++r)
                for (int p = 0; p < pockets.Length; ++p)
                    checksum1 |= ns.Convert(pockets[p]);

            runTime = (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds;

            Console.WriteLine("To compare performance:");

            Console.WriteLine("Normalize suit : count: {0:#,#}, {1:#,#} r/s, checksum: {2}",
                              repetitions * pockets.Length, repetitions * pockets.Length / runTime, checksum1.bits);
Пример #17
        private ChanceTree CreateCt(HePocketKind[] sbCards, HePocketKind[] bbCards)
            int        nodeCount = 1 + sbCards.Length + sbCards.Length * bbCards.Length;
            ChanceTree ct        = new ChanceTree(nodeCount);

            ct.PlayersCount    = 2;
            ct.Nodes[0].Probab = 1;
            ct.SetDepth(0, 0);

            int totalCombSB = 0;

            foreach (HePocketKind p in sbCards)
                totalCombSB += HePocket.KindToRange(p).Length;

            for (int c0 = 0; c0 < sbCards.Length; ++c0)
                int          sbNode   = 1 + c0 * (bbCards.Length + 1);
                HePocketKind sbPocket = sbCards[c0];
                ct.SetDepth(sbNode, 1);
                ct.Nodes[sbNode].Position = 0;
                ct.Nodes[sbNode].Probab   = (double)HePocket.KindToRange(sbPocket).Length / totalCombSB;
                ct.Nodes[sbNode].Card     = c0;

                double[] oppDealProbabCond = PocketHelper.GetProbabDistr(bbCards, HePocket.KindToCardSet(sbPocket));

                for (int c1 = 0; c1 < bbCards.Length; ++c1)
                    int bbNode = sbNode + 1 + c1;
                    ct.SetDepth(bbNode, 2);
                    ct.Nodes[bbNode].Position = 1;
                    ct.Nodes[bbNode].Probab   = ct.Nodes[sbNode].Probab * oppDealProbabCond[c1];
                    ct.Nodes[bbNode].Card     = c1;
                    PocketEquity.Result pe = PocketEquity.CalculateFast(sbPocket, bbCards[c1]);
                    var potShare           = new double[] { pe.Equity, 1 - pe.Equity };
                    ct.Nodes[bbNode].SetPotShare(3, potShare);
            VerifyChanceTree.VerifyS(ct, 1e-5);
Пример #18
        public void Test_Pockets_Overall()
            Console.WriteLine("Pocket hand strengths:");
            int [] indexes      = new int[2];
            double weighedSumHs = 0;
            int    sumCount     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)HePocketKind.__Count; ++i)
                HePocketKind pk    = (HePocketKind)i;
                int[]        hand  = HePocket.KindToHand(pk);
                double       s     = HandStrength.CalculateFast(hand);
                int          count = HePocket.KindToRange(pk).Length;
                Console.WriteLine("{0}  {1:0.0000} {2}", HePocket.KindToString(pk), s, count);
                weighedSumHs += s * count;
                sumCount     += count;
            Console.WriteLine("Weighed sum:  {0:0.0000} {1}", weighedSumHs, sumCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(1326, sumCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(1326 * 0, 5, weighedSumHs, "Overall result must be 0.5 (tie)");
Пример #19
        private Bucket[] CreatePreflopBuckets(int preflopBucketsCount)
            Bucket[] buckets = new Bucket[preflopBucketsCount].Fill(i => new Bucket());

            int totalHands = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < HePocket.Count; ++i)
                HePocketKind pk = (HePocketKind)i;
                // Use all possible pockets for each pocket kind. This ensures
                // that they occur with the natural frequency in a typical case where
                // a bucket contain pocket kinds with different numbers of pockets (e.g. AA - 6, AKs - 4, AKo - 12).
                CardSet [] range = HePocket.KindToRange(pk);
                foreach (CardSet pocketCs in range)
                    McHand  hand   = new McHand();
                    int[]   pocket = StdDeck.Descriptor.GetIndexesAscending(pocketCs).ToArray();
                    CardSet restCs = StdDeck.Descriptor.FullDeck;
                    int[] rest = StdDeck.Descriptor.GetIndexesAscending(restCs).ToArray();
                    Debug.Assert(pocket.Length + rest.Length == 52);

                    pocket.CopyTo(hand.Cards, 0);
                    rest.CopyTo(hand.Cards, 2);
                    hand.Length = 2;

                    int abstrCard = Clusterizer.GetAbstractCard(hand.Cards, hand.Length);
            Debug.Assert(totalHands == 1326);
            if (IsVerbose)
                Console.WriteLine("Preflop buckets created, buckets: {0}, hands: {1}", buckets.Length, totalHands);

Пример #20
        public void Test_KindToRange_CardSetToKind_KindToSuiteNormalizedCardSet()
            HashSet <CardSet> uniquePockets = new HashSet <CardSet>();

            for (int p = 0; p < (int)HePocketKind.__Count; ++p)
                HePocketKind kind   = (HePocketKind)p;
                CardSet[]    range  = HePocket.KindToRange(kind);
                CardSet      ncsExp = HePocket.KindToCardSet(kind);
                foreach (CardSet cs in range)
                    Assert.AreEqual(kind, HePocket.CardSetToKind(cs), "Each pocket from range must be of the expected kind.");
                    NormSuit ns  = new NormSuit();
                    CardSet  ncs = ns.Convert(cs);
                    Assert.AreEqual(ncsExp, ncs, "Card set from ranges must transform to same normalized card set");

                    // This will throw an exception if some pockets were duplicated.
            Assert.AreEqual(1326, uniquePockets.Count);
Пример #21
        static List <Entry> Precalculate(int boardSize)
            int POCKETS_COUNT = (int)HePocketKind.__Count;
            //POCKETS_COUNT = 1; // Test

            PrecalculationContext context = new PrecalculationContext();

            int[] listSize = new int[] { 169, -1, -1, 1361802, 15111642 };
            context.list = new List <Entry>(listSize[boardSize]);

            for (int p = 0; p < POCKETS_COUNT; ++p)
                context.pocketKind = (HePocketKind)p;
                context.pocket     = HePocket.KindToCardSet((HePocketKind)p);
                Console.WriteLine("Calculating for board size {0}, pocket {1}", boardSize, context.pocket);
                CardEnum.Combin(StdDeck.Descriptor, boardSize, CardSet.Empty, context.pocket, OnPrecalculateBoard, context);

            Debug.Assert(EnumAlgos.CountCombin(50, boardSize) * POCKETS_COUNT == context.count);
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// A heuristic to correct opponent probabilies based on the card dealt to the hero.
        /// </summary>
        private static double[] CorrectOpponentProbab(HePocketKind[] pockets, int heroCard, double[] dealProbab, double[] oppCardProbab)
            int n = pockets.Length;

            // Calculate card distribution for opponents with condition that the hero received heroCard.
            double[] oppDealProbabCond = PocketHelper.GetProbabDistr(pockets, HePocket.KindToCardSet(pockets[heroCard]));
            // Calculate a corrected probability of opponent cards.
            double[] corrOppProbab = new double[n];
            double   sum           = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                double condCoeff = oppDealProbabCond[i] / dealProbab[i];
                corrOppProbab[i] = oppCardProbab[i] * condCoeff;
                sum += corrOppProbab[i];
            // Normalize the probability of opponent cards.
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                corrOppProbab[i] /= sum;
Пример #23
        private static float CalculateFast(CardSet pocket, CardSet board, int handLength)
            if (_luts[1] == null)

            int round = HeHelper.HandSizeToRound[handLength];

            Entry[] lookup = _luts[round];

            NormSuit se       = new NormSuit();
            CardSet  sePocket = se.Convert(pocket);
            CardSet  seBoard  = se.Convert(board);
            Entry    keyEntry = new Entry(HePocket.CardSetToKind(sePocket), seBoard);
            int      idx      = Array.BinarySearch <Entry>(lookup, keyEntry);

            if (idx < 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("No entry in lookup table for pocket {{{0}}} board {{{1}}}",
                                                             sePocket, seBoard));
Пример #24
 public void Test_HePockets()
     double[] cardProbabs = new double[169];
     for (int i = 0; i < 169; ++i)
         cardProbabs[i] = HePocket.KindToRange((HePocketKind)i).Length / 1326.0;
     double[,] ptEq  = MultiplayerPocketProbability.ComputePreferenceMatrixPe(PocketHelper.GetAllPockets());
     double[,] ptMax = MultiplayerPocketProbability.ComputePreferenceMatrixPeMax(PocketHelper.GetAllPockets());
     double[][] resEq  = new double[10][];
     double[][] resMax = new double[10][];
     for (int pc = 1; pc < 10; ++pc)
         resEq[pc] = MultiplayerPocketProbability.Compute(pc, cardProbabs, ptEq);
         VerifyResult(169, resEq[pc]);
         resMax[pc] = MultiplayerPocketProbability.Compute(pc, cardProbabs, ptMax);
         VerifyResult(169, resMax[pc]);
     Console.Write("{0,3} ", "Poc");
     for (int pc = 1; pc < 10; ++pc)
         Console.Write("{0,6} {1,6} ", pc.ToString() + " eq", pc.ToString() + " max");
     for (int i = 0; i < 169; ++i)
         HePocketKind p = (HePocketKind)i;
         Console.Write("{0,3} ", HePocket.KindToString(p));
         for (int pc = 1; pc < 10; ++pc)
             Console.Write("{0,6:0.00} {1,6:0.00} ", resEq[pc][i] * 100, resMax[pc][i] * 100);
Пример #25
        protected int GetPreflopAbstrCard(int[] hand)
            HePocketKind pk = HePocket.HandToKind(hand);
