public void CanSetAccessor()
            var mapdoc    = new HbmMapping();
            var component = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper    = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);

            Assert.That(component.access, Is.EqualTo("field.camelcase"));
        public void CanSetInsert()
            var mapdoc    = new HbmMapping();
            var component = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper    = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);

            Assert.That(component.insert, Is.False);
Пример #3
 private void BindComponentProperty(HbmDynamicComponent dynamicComponentMapping, Property property, Component model)
     property.IsUpdateable = dynamicComponentMapping.update;
     property.IsInsertable = dynamicComponentMapping.insert;
     if (dynamicComponentMapping.unique)
         model.Owner.Table.CreateUniqueKey(model.ColumnIterator.OfType <Column>().ToList());
Пример #4
        public void CanSetAccessor()
            var mapdoc    = new HbmMapping();
            var component = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper    = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);

Пример #5
        public void CanSetOptimisticLock()
            var mapdoc    = new HbmMapping();
            var component = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper    = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);

        public void Component(MemberInfo property, Action <IDynamicComponentMapper> mapping)
            var hbm = new HbmDynamicComponent {
                name = property.Name

            mapping(new DynamicComponentMapper(hbm, property, new NoMemberPropertyMapper(), MapDoc));
Пример #7
        public void CanSetUpdate()
            var mapdoc    = new HbmMapping();
            var component = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper    = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);

Пример #8
        public void WhenCustomizeAccessorThenIgnore()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info);           //just as another dyn-compo

            mapper.Component(propertyInfo, (IDynamicComponentMapper x) => x.Access(Accessor.Field));

            Assert.That(component.Properties.OfType <HbmDynamicComponent>().Single().Access, Is.Null.Or.Empty);
Пример #9
        public void WhenAddThenHasGeneric()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <PersonWithGenericInfo> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = For <PersonWithGenericInfo> .Property(p => p.Info);           //just as another dyn-compo

            mapper.Component(propertyInfo, (IDynamicComponentMapper x) => { });

            Assert.That(component.Properties.Select(x => x.Name), Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { "Info" }));
        public void WhenCustomizeAccessorThenIgnore()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (object)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            mapper.Any(propertyInfo, typeof(int), x => x.Access(Accessor.Field));

            Assert.That(component.Properties.OfType <HbmAny>().Single().Access, Is.Null.Or.Empty);
Пример #11
        public void WhenAddThenHas()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info);          //just as another dyn-compo

            mapper.Component(propertyInfo, (IDynamicComponentMapper x) => { });

            component.Properties.Select(x => x.Name).Should().Have.SameSequenceAs("Info");
        public void WhenCustomizeAccessorThenIgnore()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (IDictionary <int, int>)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            mapper.Map(propertyInfo, x => x.Access(Accessor.Field), km => { }, rel => { });

            component.Properties.OfType <HbmMap>().Single().Access.Should().Be.NullOrEmpty();
        public void CanAddSimpleProperty()
            var mapdoc    = new HbmMapping();
            var component = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper    = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var dynObject = new { Pizza = 5 };

            mapper.Property(dynObject.GetType().GetProperty("Pizza"), x => { });

            Assert.That(component.Properties.Single(), Is.TypeOf <HbmProperty>().And.Property("Name").EqualTo("Pizza"));
        public void WhenCustomizeAccessorThenIgnore()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (IEnumerable <int>)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            mapper.List(propertyInfo, x => x.Access(Accessor.Field), rel => { });

            Assert.That(component.Properties.OfType <HbmList>().Single().Access, Is.Null.Or.Empty);
Пример #15
        public void WhenCustomizeAccessorThenIgnoreGeneric()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <PersonWithGenericInfo> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (MyClass)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            mapper.Component(propertyInfo, (IComponentMapper x) => x.Access(Accessor.Field));

            Assert.That(component.Properties.OfType <HbmComponent>().Single().Access, Is.Null.Or.Empty);
        public void WhenAddThenHas()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (IEnumerable <int>)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            mapper.Set(propertyInfo, x => { }, rel => { });

            component.Properties.Select(x => x.Name).Should().Have.SameSequenceAs("A");
        public void WhenAddThenHas()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (IEnumerable <int>)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            mapper.List(propertyInfo, x => { }, rel => { });

            Assert.That(component.Properties.Select(x => x.Name), Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { "A" }));
Пример #18
        public void CanAddSimpleProperty()
            var mapdoc    = new HbmMapping();
            var component = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper    = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var dynObject = new { Pizza = 5 };

            mapper.Property(dynObject.GetType().GetProperty("Pizza"), x => { });

            component.Properties.Single().Should().Be.OfType <HbmProperty>().And.ValueOf.Name.Should().Be.EqualTo("Pizza");
        public void WhenCustomizeAccessorThenIgnore()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (MyClass)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            mapper.Component(propertyInfo, (IComponentMapper x) => x.Access(Accessor.Field));

            component.Properties.OfType <HbmComponent>().Single().Access.Should().Be.NullOrEmpty();
Пример #20
        public void WhenAddThenHasGeneric()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <PersonWithGenericInfo> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (MyClass)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            mapper.Component(propertyInfo, (IComponentMapper x) => { });

            Assert.That(component.Properties.Select(x => x.Name), Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { "A" }));
Пример #21
        public void WhenCustomizeThenCallCustomizer()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = 5 }).GetType().GetProperty("A");
            var called       = false;

            mapper.Property(propertyInfo, x => called = true);

            Assert.That(called, Is.True);
        private DynamicComponentMapper(HbmDynamicComponent component, MemberInfo declaringTypeMember, IAccessorPropertyMapper accessorMapper, HbmMapping mapDoc)
            if (mapDoc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("mapDoc");
            Container = declaringTypeMember.DeclaringType;
            MapDoc    = mapDoc;

            this.component         = component;
            accessorPropertyMapper = accessorMapper;
        public void WhenCustomizeThenCallCustomizer()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (IEnumerable <int>)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            var called = false;

            mapper.Set(propertyInfo, x => called = true, rel => { });

Пример #24
        public void WhenCustomizeThenCallCustomizerGeneric()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <PersonWithGenericInfo> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (MyClass)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            var called = false;

            mapper.Component(propertyInfo, (IComponentMapper x) => called = true);

            Assert.That(called, Is.True);
        public void WhenCustomizeThenCallCustomizer()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = (new { A = (MyClass)null }).GetType().GetProperty("A");

            var called = false;

            mapper.Component(propertyInfo, (IComponentMapper x) => called = true);

Пример #26
        public void WhenCustomizeThenCallCustomizer()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = For <Person> .Property(p => p.Info);          //just as another dyn-compo

            var called = false;

            mapper.Component(propertyInfo, (IDynamicComponentMapper x) => called = true);

Пример #27
        public void WhenCustomizeThenCallCustomizerGeneric()
            var mapdoc       = new HbmMapping();
            var component    = new HbmDynamicComponent();
            var mapper       = new DynamicComponentMapper(component, For <PersonWithGenericInfo> .Property(p => p.Info), mapdoc);
            var propertyInfo = For <PersonWithGenericInfo> .Property(p => p.Info);           //just as another dyn-compo

            var called = false;

            mapper.Component(propertyInfo, (IDynamicComponentMapper x) => called = true);

            Assert.That(called, Is.True);
        public virtual void Component(MemberInfo property, Action <IDynamicComponentMapper> mapping)
            if (!IsMemberSupportedByMappedContainer(property))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("property", "Can't add a property of another graph");
            var hbm = new HbmDynamicComponent {
                name = property.Name

            mapping(new DynamicComponentMapper(hbm, property, MapDoc));
        private void MapExtensionsToCoreEntity(Dictionary <string, HbmClass> classMappingByEntityName,
                                               Dictionary <string, HbmJoinedSubclass> joinedSubclassMappingByEntityName,
                                               Dictionary <string, HbmJoin> subclassJoinMappingByEntityName)
            // foreach entity name, look in core mapping file (e.mapping) for core entity mapping and if found
            // concat new extension HbmDynamicComponent to current set of items.
            foreach (string entityName in _entityExtensionHbmBagsByEntityName.Keys)
                HbmClass          classMapping;
                HbmJoinedSubclass joinedSubclassMapping = null;
                HbmJoin           subclassJoinMapping   = null;

                if (!classMappingByEntityName.TryGetValue(entityName, out classMapping) &&
                    !joinedSubclassMappingByEntityName.TryGetValue(entityName, out joinedSubclassMapping) &&
                    !subclassJoinMappingByEntityName.TryGetValue(entityName, out subclassJoinMapping))
                    throw new MappingException(
                              $"The entity extension to entity '{entityName}' could not be applied because the class mapping could not be found.");

                var extensionComponent = new HbmDynamicComponent
                    name  = EntityExtensionMemberName,
                    Items = _entityExtensionHbmBagsByEntityName[entityName]
                            .Select(x => (object)x)

                if (classMapping != null)
                    classMapping.Items = classMapping.Items.Concat(extensionComponent)
                else if (joinedSubclassMapping != null)
                    joinedSubclassMapping.Items = joinedSubclassMapping.Items.Concat(extensionComponent)
                    subclassJoinMapping.Items = subclassJoinMapping.Items.Concat(extensionComponent)
 public DynamicComponentMapper(HbmDynamicComponent component, MemberInfo declaringTypeMember, HbmMapping mapDoc)
     : this(component, declaringTypeMember, new AccessorPropertyMapper(declaringTypeMember.DeclaringType, declaringTypeMember.Name, x => component.access = x), mapDoc)